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What Was Your Morning Fix? v. Vicodin & Eggs

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I think like a half a mg of Bupe(maybe a little more) and some weed...but I ended up taking some oxy a few hours later, really wished I would have just skipped the Bupe all together! Knew I was getting it, still felt it, but still...
A few hits off my n,n-DMT pipe, wasn't enough to trip but it gave me a very pleasant body high =D
Bong rip with kief. My sleep has been so fucked this last week. Oh wells, better than being on kratom all the time. Now for another attempt at slumber. Peacee.
Still itching and feeling my receptors being maintained 3 days after taking that 80mg methadone! Can still feel it, just that its not euphoric and a lil nod inducing if I zone out. I've never taken it with no tolerance.

Had 300mg dxm last night I slept through most of, significant afterglow there.

No more tobacco. Have a natural smoking cessation blend, organic. Working quite well, as one of the herbs does contain some nicotine. It's mainly happiness tree flower, kanna, ashwagandha 'tops', mucuna puriens bean *smokers cut*, and sassafrass. I know kanna/ash/mucuna are very good on their own and mixed into other blends. Kanna is a bit of a seretonergic, can be used as a snuff. Mucuna is dopaminergic. The strongest concentration of natural dopamine precursours are in it. Add EGCG ala green tea + other stim herbs... whew! :D

Going out back with this blend, a bong, my special chair, and 4 pints of american piss water, I mean, American adjunct lager, to start the day.
Oh, I have had my meth way before breakfast.. so I enjoyed a really good coffee in a large recipient..Not mug..so it does not cool off my coffee...
200 mgs eph

50 mgs 4 aco dmt
20mgs dalt
10 mgs etizolam

like my list of breakfast looks should add real food%)

smoked over a oz this weekend lol.. letting my tolerance go down before i cheech

Miam miam miam, care to share ;) ? Not to worry i'm sorted at the moment!!! various benzos, EPH and MXE;) (got other stuff too, but will take some of the other various things later tonight) :D and got plenty more psych (tryps and phens) dissos, stims, empathogens, entactogens, downers and what not on the way for 'tis the season to be jolly psychadlicly psyched and more. =D

Would happily take 50mg 4-ACO-DMT atm for sheeeeeez, but hey ho, will have to wait a little for that, won't be long %)

Also first x-mas season, opiate free since 2+ months, in the last past 6+ years :D
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Woke up at 2:30pm to cold beer, resin, and a $100 check from the gramps :D
A milk coffee with some red vein kratom, probably around 5g. Now I remember that taste and texture :p
just took my 50mg Ritalin ER, had a bite to eat, might have a coffee...
edit + morning fix of hip-hop....
15 oxy
Winter carnival coffee w eggnog & grand marnier
Only dose for today.
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