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Started MDMA 170mg daily for Anxiety / Chronic Pain


Dec 11, 2014
I started using MDMA last week for the first time regularly. Had it only twice in the past at parties but it's the first time I went and bought some. 1g was finished in a week taking two small bombs daily for 6 days. It works out to about 170mg per day. Love the effects, it really boosts my mood and helps me function a little more normally - or at least helps me sort of look past or more easily ignore the constant feelings of anxiety/depression which I think spring from the chronic pain I've had in my spine for 20 years. It also seems to reduce the pain too. Doctor said in 2008 after an MRI scan that I'd need to be on meds my whole life, no surgery would fix it. Took the prescribed gabapentin for a while but it didn't have any long term effect, it seemed to help for a few days but then the effects wore off.

So now I started about 170mg MDMA daily - I've heard people advise others not to take bombs of 500mg weekly so I'm wondering if a smaller daily dose would potentially be just as (if not more) harmful? Bought my second gram two days ago and I'm really starting to feel dependent on the stuff already - it just puts me in a much better mind-frame, i don't feel so paranoid, reserved and isolated at work. I know most of my colleagues think I'm a bit of a weirdo but I somehow manage to still get by and remain employed. Don't know how really! :\
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hahaha! This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard, seriously man I would stop doing this now. MDMA is not a drug to be using daily not even weekly or monthly. People around this sight have major issues from using this drug once a week over 6 months to a year and I know from experience it is not a drug to use once a week. Keep doing this and you are setting your self up for disaster. For starters 170mg of pure mdma is not a low dose. I can promise you if you keep this up within 3 months your anxiety and depression will be 20x worse than it ever was and you will not only have back pain but chronic anxiety pains that I deal with on a regular basis because of my abuse. I have used this drug every weekend for nearly two years it is a very powerful drug that should be respected
I really do hope that your joking with your post - taking MDMA daily (at that dose) will (not might) have a detrimental effect on your health. Your anxiety and depression will increase (as will your paranoia and your feeling of isolation) and your overall mood will have a negative effect on the way you cope with pain.

Your not going to be physically dependent on MDMA after two weeks of daily use, just stop taking it and once you get over the come down get yourself on pain management.

Don't turn to street drugs or self medicating simply because one course of treatment from your doctor didn't work.
For some reason I'm also thinking troll, but there's always the chance he's not. I won't type out an essay on the tens of reasons why this is a terrible idea, all of ED will do that for me. But stop this now. For one, your gonna deal with some serious, possibly permanent depression, anxiety, and panic attacks if you keep this up. Frequent use of MDMA is fucking terrible for your mental health. If that's not enough MDMA is also a 5-ht2b agonist and daily use of these leads to permanent proliferation of heart valves as well as a small chance of developing pulmonary hypertension.

Pulmonary hypertension is a disease that essentially causes you to struggle to breathe until you die, which is typically 3-5 years after diagnosis. There is no cure for pulmonary hypertension, you can look up aninorex and fenfluramine trainwrecks to help you steer clear of this reckless behavior and save yourself from having to get your chest cut open and valves replaced. There are so many other drugs that are better suited as antidepressants. Ketamine, kratom, or even low dose MXE are better options. The latter is still a work in progress, but safety is looking promising.


Edit: Have you tried amphetamine? I'd be surprised if you get relief from MDMA but not therapeutic doses of amphetamine
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get your mind right fool. taking daily doses of mdma will give you the scariest mental issues that you would never imagine. unless this is a joke, you better do some research and realize the stupidity of this daily dose idea. daily dosing for just a week will have you mentally FUBAR.
Not only will this lead to serious mental problems (which will be worse for the OP as they already suffer from anxiety, paranoia etc) but - MDMA can 'mask' pain, you could be sitting or standing or lying in a position that is damaging your back more and making the physical symptoms worse.
Wow just wow, as someone said you just never know. Makes unbelievable reading either way!
I really hope this thread is a joke. You couldn't pick much worse substances to self-medicate with than MDMA. It will catch up to you in a big way. MDMA when used wisely is relatively harmless but when it's abused, certainly to such an extent as you're doing, the repercussions in the long run are very serious. Do some research into how MDMA works, you'll soon come to the conclusion you're setting yourself up for a fall (here, here, here and here are some good places to start). Please reconsider your current course, it's a recipe for disaster. If you think you need help with mental issues, seek more help from a mental healthcare professional, do not self-medicate, you'll regret it. Are you testing your drugs with a testkit by the way?
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Damn, every day huh? How do you sleep or eat, and how would you feel the effects if you don't even take a break for at least one day? You shouldn't take it for at least a month or so between uses. That alone should tell you how bad everyday use is considered to be.

From looking into your post, by day 3 you'd have to increase the dose dramatically, but you still won't come close to feeling most of the positive effects. I've had mdma work pretty well 2 days in row, but definitely not 3. There's a sharp decline after that point.

Mdma is not for pain management, or any sort of physical ailment. That's pretty ridiculous and you are probably aware of it. You kind of seem like an old guy so you should have enough wisdom to know that.

As much as I doubt just how bad mdma-induced depression can be, it is by no means a safe drug to abuse. I'm pretty sturdy myself but I still got messed up from it too. That's because this shit is some powerful stuff.

If you really have used it consistently for six days straight, I'm assuming you must not be feeling all that bad from it. Despite that, for sure it will catch up to you if you keep it up. I'm not even sure one can deduce that anyway because you are still very inexperienced with it.

Just remember that too much of anything is bad. And be careful with mdma and prescription pills. Quit mdma now and go to the doctor and ask for a different pain medication if the current one you have isn't working for you. Good luck and stay safe.
I started using MDMA last week for the first time regularly. Had it only twice in the past at parties but it's the first time I went and bought some. 1g was finished in a week taking two small bombs daily for 6 days. It works out to about 170mg per day. Love the effects, it really boosts my mood and helps me function a little more normally - or at least helps me sort of look past or more easily ignore the constant feelings of anxiety/depression which I think spring from the chronic pain I've had in my spine for 20 years. It also seems to reduce the pain too. Doctor said in 2008 after an MRI scan that I'd need to be on meds my whole life, no surgery would fix it. Took the prescribed gabapentin for a while but it didn't have any long term effect, it seemed to help for a few days but then the effects wore off.

So now I started about 170mg MDMA daily - I've heard people advise others not to take bombs of 500mg weekly so I'm wondering if a smaller daily dose would potentially be just as (if not more) harmful? Bought my second gram two days ago and I'm really starting to feel dependent on the stuff already - it just puts me in a much better mind-frame, i don't feel so paranoid, reserved and isolated at work. I know most of my colleagues think I'm a bit of a weirdo but I somehow manage to still get by and remain employed. Don't know how really! :\

Using MDMA weekly ruined my life. I experienced constant psychosis, panic attacks, depression, mood swings, brain zaps, migraines, and thoughts of suicide. I dropped out of all personal relationships and work and spent 4 months in bed.

Here's an idea: Stop being a fucking idiot and get on an anti-depressant.
Nobody has even mentioned tolerance..
I can only assume this is a troll because you'd be feeling fuck all MDMA effects at the same dose before u were even a week in.
Furthermore, if you're on MDMA at work everyone knows that your pupil shouldn't be hiding your iris.
You should try straight amphetamine, instead.
Maybe the OP should read this.....

The strange case of the man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years

Doctors from London University have revealed details of what they believe is the largest amount of ecstasy ever consumed by a single person. Consultants from the addiction centre at St George's Medical School, London, have published a case report of a British man estimated to have taken around 40,000 pills of MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, over nine years. The heaviest previous lifetime intake on record is 2,000 pills.

Though the man, who is now 37, stopped taking the drug seven years ago, he still suffers from severe physical and mental health side-effects, including extreme memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations and depression. He also suffers from painful muscle rigidity around his neck and jaw which often prevents him from opening his mouth. The doctors believe many of these symptoms may be permanent.

Damn, that works out to about twelve pills a day, everyday, for NINE years straight.

That's insane.

I wonder what the reason (or purpose) was for that.
I don't think it is a troll, for the first couple of weeks it might seem to help, but...

One of the worst drugs to take daily. You'll lose most of the good effects & just be left with something similar to a speed addiction, but maybe more harmful.

You could speak to your doctor about trying stimulants for pain, if you're lucky he might prescribe some. Cannabis can work wonders too.
Thanks for all the advice, links and information guys, apologies for not posting back sooner, I've just been thinking about what you're all saying. I didn't do much research at all - I suppose it's because I first tried MDMA at party and that was before I knew anything about it at all. Just knew that it seemed to have beneficial and favourable effects - it made me feel much closer to how my normal self should be instead of this shadow of my former self that I am at this moment in time.

Before I bought it myself a few weeks ago I watched a few videos. Suppose I was looking for affirmation from other people and perhaps avoiding negative info. Saw a video on Youtube about how it was used in marriage counselling as a trial and how couples would open up to each other and start communicating - it had a tremendously positive effect in that therapy. At least that's what I remember from the video, and my memory is impaired quite badly because of the pain too. After seeing that video I decided I needed to try it again and use it in a sort of clinical way. The first 10 days or so were definitely an improvement, I was talking more in the office instead of sitting silently doing my work while being over anxious all the time - there were moments when I could step outside of that anxiety, relax a bit and talk more. But around day 11, 12, 13 I started feeling irritable and not so good - I think that was actually the day after my original post.

And I'm not a troll by the way, everything I wrote was true. I was initially a little shocked at being called a troll for the post but I guess it's because you all have much more knowledge about the drug than I do so when I said I was taking it daily you instantly assumed "troll". Thinking about it that's a good thing from my side because it does drive home the point even harder that it's a bad idea if you know what I mean, you thought it was such a dangerous and ridiculous thing to do that I must have been a troll to suggest it. Thanks again.

What about cocaine for pain relief because my weed dealer also sells that although I never bought it yet. I've only tried it a few times in the past from other people and it had literally no impact on me but that might be because I didn't have enough for my condition - if I had my own supply I could take a much larger, and potentially more effective, dose? I've been smoking cannabis every night for about 15 years for the pain with very few breaks away from it in all that time - it doesn't really take away the pain but it just sort of keeps me monged out and distracted enough to not focus on the pain constantly. Unfortunately I can't use it publicly because it gives me extreme paranoia and I become over-aware of the pain too - if I smoke skunk in public.