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The EADD I'm Fucked MEGATHREAD - Slurp, Nom, Slurp, - stand up - aw shit- I'm Fucked

FG how'd you get nicked at home? noise? Although your second incident sounds almost funny.

ScotchMist- Yeah in theory 1mg etiz = 10mg diaz but we all know (barring the NHS stuff) it's pretty random what you get in a tab, be it etiz or street diaz. That's what makes it so fucking hard to maintain the level that's right for you without a script.

What I really want is an NHS Lorazepam script. Favourite benzo, more euphoric for me than diaz but super-functional. Reckon that would sort me right out. But what GP is going to give me one of those?? I wouldn't even abuse it in the least, I got a short prescription for emergency psychosis a few months back and after the initial shit was over I still had some left, and it was the tits. Super-functional, felt great about everything, really on top of shit. But like I say what GP is gonna prescribe a 21-year-old Lortabs? Meh, life.
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Yeah I should try taking none for a few days to see if they're shite. Trouble is I tend to resort to booze which creates greater problems.

Good. (Apart from the increasing booze usage.) I'd urge you to also use the search function here or go over to www.drugsforum.co.uk and educate yourself further on this stuff. :)
FG how'd you get nicked at home? noise? Although your second incident sounds almost funny.

ScotchMist- Yeah in theory 1mg etiz = 10mg diaz but we all know (barring the NHS stuff) it's pretty random what you get in a tab, be it etiz or street diaz. That's what makes it so fucking hard to maintain the level that's right for you without a script.

What I really want is an NHS Lorazepam script. Favourite benzo, more euphoric for me than diaz but super-functional. Reckon that would sort me right out. But what GP is going to give me one of those?? I wouldn't even abuse it in the least, I got a short prescription for emergency psychosis a few months back and after the initial shit was over I still had some left, and it was the tits. Super-functional, felt great about everything, really on top of shit. But like I say what GP is gonna prescribe a 21-year-old Lortabs? Meh, life.

collapsed and shit i don't really know
Haha (no offence if you're involved with the community there) but I'm familiar with DF and I find them to be a bunch of sanctimonious (though well-meaning) arseholes (ooh, don't do this, it's extremely dangerous and you will almost certainly die of respiratory depression). BL I find is much more down-to-earth and I can actually relate to people here. I guess what I'm saying is DF reflects a very idealised, proscriptive, almost "nerdy" view of drug culture whereas BL actually reflects life.
Haha (no offence if you're involved with the community there) but I'm familiar with DF and I find them to be a bunch of sanctimonious (though well-meaning) arseholes (ooh, don't do this, it's extremely dangerous and you will almost certainly die of respiratory depression). BL I find is much more down-to-earth and I can actually relate to people here. I guess what I'm saying is DF reflects a very idealised, proscriptive, almost "nerdy" view of drug culture whereas BL actually reflects life.

Indeed. :D

But their drug wikis etc. are vastly superior to anything you'll find on here.

Go there for that, and remain here for the fucking human aspect of drugtaking. That's all.
I'm very thankful that I have NHS lorazepam, even if it's only 1mgs, and even if the pharmacies sometimes give me some iffy generics. Be careful with all that etiz, Waterfall.
This post is about Etizolam, but also a few other things. It may hurt some heads :sus:

OK. This information isn't appropriate here, but I have a feeling it should be pulled together better elsewhere? 8(

Between making soup and doing the downward dog :D I had a bit of a data mine through BL for etizolam. From what I can see we don't have much in definite about it. Since its' cheap as chips and available online "legally" as far as I now in the Uk / EU? / Us? I can imagine folks are popping them like sweeties to feel "nice". The one's I procure are also so blue they dye your tongue badly. They have potential to cause harm used inappropriately as we tend to do 8) self medication and all that jazz..

I've pulled up these threads.

So. We need the academic / research heads to come to the table here and have a chat about how we present information about etizolam (and other drugs...) because at the moment the way we find info / data to give to a user to reduce harm is pretty poor. Poor processes and practises. Sebastian Ghost / Ebola come on <3 . wish I could cc this over to the Nang Forum (ex mod / crew place). I may just copy/paste it.


I have apples to carve and hair to curate for an art project now so I better toddle off and stop being annoying. Pull your trousers up BL! :p Big research PD badges and a research system like this :X come on!
Well im back. And still slightly buzzing and thats not a good sign for being up amd ready for intellectual shit in the morning which is about mmm 5 hours away...
booze and 4fa.

Shouldve gone for coke.

Speaking of which, where is summer?
Chained to Dan's radiator. Subjecting herself to unspeakable things, willingly or unwiilingly. Hopefully we'll get an update in a couple of days. :D
With pics no doubt.
already trolling home made porn sites. For her protection of course. Wouldnt want to fan the flames of that porn ban...
If benzos count, then I'm fucked on fubro, which has become my new favourite after xanax. It's just so lovely <3 plus it tends to stop me craving other more destructive drugs :p
Nothing to worry about Pagey, im feeling quite the opposite now :).... i thought i was in gibberings to :)

You ok? :)
Haha fair enough! I'm glad you're feeling better anyway :)

Yeah not bad thanks, fiancé's coming down today and it's my bday sunday so that should be fun :)
*sounds of red card slithering through the letterbox and a postie running away*