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The Big & Dandy 4-HO-MET Thread - Part 2

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I say give the acetoxy a try. I've enjoyed the acetoxy ester more than the Hydroxy with every tryptamine with which i've had the pleasure of trying both. 4 aco mipt was phenomenal, I wish it was still around. And I love 4 aco DMT.
I've not had the chance to try 4 aco met yet, nor have I tried 4 ho met but it's in my stash box and I'll get around to it one of these days.
All the positive reports of 4 ho met make me think that 4 aco met will be a gem as well.
I say give the acetoxy a try. I've enjoyed the acetoxy ester more than the Hydroxy with every tryptamine with which i've had the pleasure of trying both. 4 aco mipt was phenomenal, I wish it was still around. And I love 4 aco DMT.
I've not had the chance to try 4 aco met yet, nor have I tried 4 ho met but it's in my stash box and I'll get around to it one of these days.
All the positive reports of 4 ho met make me think that 4 aco met will be a gem as well.

From what I've read about 4-AcO-MET is that its more like LSD than mushrooms... neon visuals and all. 4-HO-MET is the most visual of any of the 4-subs for me by FAR and its also the most potent (just 9mg knocked me on my ass hard the other night, first trip in years) and apparently the acetate ester is just as potent which is odd because usually I find they drop in potency.

I miss 4-AcO-MiPT too. But remember why it went away? It was highly hygroscopic... I remember trying to scale that stuff and it would gain milligrams on the scale. Thank god the dose was higher than this one.

It sounds to me like 4-AcO-MET is the tryptamine answer to LSD from what I've read like here:


The description of sedation appeals to me as I find 4-HO-MiPT to be too stimulating at times and it makes me miss the dreaminess of mushrooms. 4-HO-MET is neutral, maybe a bit on the sedative side but not what I would call sedating if you get my drift.

Drifting (Melting, Flowing, Breathing and morphing) - In comparison to other psychedelics, this effect can be described as highly detailed, cartooon-like in style, slow and smooth in motion and static in appearance.

That is what makes me really interested. You know I'm all about the visuals... but this sounds more like a phenethylamine or LSD than a tryptamine other than 5-MeO-AMT.

Here's another quote

4-AcO-MET induced a trip which was distinctively different from that of other more commonly used research chemicals that I have tried. The colourful, digital and synthetic geometry was in sharp contrast to that of 4-AcO-DMT, psilocybin and ayahuasca. This combined with its shorter duration and equally insightful headspace made for a therapeutic and recreational experience somewhat halfway between that of mushrooms and LSD.

It sounds like 4-AcO-MET has everything that 4-HO-MET lacks? I read the 4-AcO-MET thread and the consensus was about the same.
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Do most 4 sub tryptamines smells like this I can't remember if 4 ho mipt had the fish food smell ��. I would love to know

Hmm, miprocin doesn't really smell like anything. It's reminiscent of...hmm...laundry detergent? A soapy, dirt smell? Ahh, I'm not good with conveying that particular sense. But for the record, neither 4 ho mipt or 5 mapb have a stench, where if you open the bag there's no aroma around.

The metocin just smells like...idk, I wouldn't say fish food, but it smells a bit...maybe sour, I suppose.

But one thing all 3 have in common; they have a foul taste. But I've never taken a substance that wasn't foul tasting. I use to chew mdma pills without water, and at first it made me want to puke.
My metocin smells like concentrated bad breath. From what I've read, this is caused by the indole moiety, also responsible for the bad smells in breath and feces. Don't know why miprocin doesn't smell like that as well...

However I never noticed a fish smell.
I just smelled mine... and its super super super mild fish... but that could be result of putting a chemical that may or may not be caustic in a plastic bag.
So I just took 4mg as registered by my scale... with 80mg of MXE... but I'm thinking another 6mg is needed... so I'm gonna do that now.
Whoops... 13mg... after last week's no MXE 9mg... wow this should be something...

Colors are about to get a lot more interesting with open eyes and when the TV starts melting from the Simpsons, I am going to put on some conducive music, shut my door, block it, and hope roommate leaves me alone.
Yea this new white batch has a super faint smell to it probably got it from the same lady LOL. But its beautiful shit there is nothing wrong with the batch I had a old batch I think it was tan when I got it but after having to conceal it in some odd spots on my body to get this into a club for example... It got slightly moist along with my 3 meo PCP thick it's clumped up to hell. Anyway after having residual moisture contamination it turned dark brown and really had a smell of pet fish food. I was thinking the indoles had a part in this smell too. The dark stuff almost seems more potent than before but that is probably just me.
Well... that was weird... I crashed into a blackout for the last 2 hours and some minutes and awoke into a stupid strong +++

All I remember was putting on Sasha and Digweed and lying down... now I just woke up and put a new album and I'm tripping BALLS. You know you are tripping when you move the mouse cursor and can see it leave trails for about 5 seconds lol.

Feels heavy... but that's the alcohol wearing off... One of these days I really do need to stop drinking... and stop making excuses and stupid limits that I stick to and then fuck up and say "oops, oh well, next time" for real. I have a drinking problem. I'd rather have a tripping problem.

Woke up nauseous as hell... given how much my room is moving... not unexpected... plus the alcohol last night...

I did do a "safety" check... and my pulse is probably around 100, more like 90... I just can't focus on one thing for too long and quite frankly don't want to know because when its over 100 I always freak even though the doctor said its fine until over 200... -_-
So I just took 4mg as registered by my scale... with 80mg of MXE... but I'm thinking another 6mg is needed... so I'm gonna do that now.

Lol; I took 7 mg a few hours ago.

Looking at myself morphing in a mirror in a small and dark bathroom was a very interesting experience. By some optical illusion (probably the lines on the walls) I kept feeling I was wearing glasses even tho I was not. Enhanced visual perceptions, euphoria, feelings of well-being were present. Tried to work, without success.
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Yeah I'm at 13mg with 80mg of MXE. Basically blacked out for the time that the mxe alcohol and met were together but now I'm up in this stupid strong +++ trying to hide it from my roommate... Yet laughing hysterically at 9AM is so not me. I think he won't care as long as I'm not yelling at him or being drunk and stupid but I'm still going to hide in my room today til this goes away haha

I find everything to be amusing. Much more so than usual. Like times ten. And there is definitely an auditory component to this drug too... All my senses are enhanced for sure.

I've learned my lesson from past trips so I don't look in the mirror anymore. Omg. I can imagine it tho....... Wow
I find everything to be amusing. Much more so than usual. Like times ten. And there is definitely an auditory component to this drug too... All my senses are enhanced for sure.

I've learned my lesson from past trips so I don't look in the mirror anymore. Omg. I can imagine it tho....... Wow

Everything seems amusing for sure! I've been laughing alone at times.

Now most effects have faded but when I look long enough in the mirror, darkness starts creeping and covering everything in a centripetal manner, until I see nothing but a small detail, like one of my eyes. If I look away it disappears then starts again. I get that also when I'm sober sometimes, less pronounced (HPPD?).

A few hours earlier, I was amazed at how easily visuals can be produced just by looking at the mirror in the dark and having your eye adjust to different luminosities, different focus, slight movements of the body. The eye can be used as a precise tool, a manual trip-toy.

On the come-up I was sitting, face down, eyes closed, when I noticed my eyes going up, like a reflex. I opened my eyes to see if it also happened that way, and I was not sure of the result. Pretty wtf-esque. Then i forgot about it. Lol.

Looking past the visuals, I did scrutinize myself and it was really enjoyable. I've asked myself, is this narcissism? Or seeing myself from an unusual and objective point of vue? Wait, is this last thought narcissistic? Lol. What's sure is that on this chem I feel kind of god-like. Like my personal bias is suppressed and I see myself as the healthy and powerful living being I've always been, without realizing.
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I don't really think it's HPPD... I think it's residual tripping and expecting to have it happen combining together...

I can't say that this Chem makes me feel God like... Probably would if I didn't have alcohol and mxe going into it.... It definitely likes to point out when I've made poor decisions......

I almost feel like I've offended the metocin gods by going into it the way I did. I dunno.
It is residual tripping right now, but I sometimes have this even weeks after last comsuption. I like to observe it sometimes when lying in bed.

Have fun, btw!
6 beers plus 80mg of MXE plus 13mg of 4-HO-MET resulted in me blacking out the first three hours of the experience in my bed and waking up into a strong +++ with a lot of bodyload that MET doesn't usually have. It's obvious this was a bad combo for me. I don't black out even from going nuts with benzos so something really went wrong for the three hours of time that I lost. Thank God I woke up in my bed and didn't so anything stupid.
It is residual tripping right now, but I sometimes have this even weeks after last comsuption. I like to observe it sometimes when lying in bed.

Have fun, btw!

Hmm... I mean I wonder how much HPPD is really expectation. I mean if I stare at a wall long enough I can start a trip going but I think it's my memory of what the wall is capable of doing rather than some sort of damage.
Hmm... I mean I wonder how much HPPD is really expectation. I mean if I stare at a wall long enough I can start a trip going but I think it's my memory of what the wall is capable of doing rather than some sort of damage.

I see what you mean. As an example, if I look long enough at a dark object, it'll start having a white halo around it. I have an hypothesis for this: my eyes do constant micro-movements to repositionate somewhere on the object. As a result, the borders of the object are constantly and slightly shifted around and appear white because of vision persistence. This could be persistant enhanced perceptions following the use of such visual-creating psychedelics. Or it could be expectation, or a mix of both. It could have been present all this time and I noticed it only now. I can't really tell.

MagickalKat777 said:
I almost feel like I've offended the metocin gods by going into it the way I did. I dunno.

What about the mexxy gods? ^^ I blacked out once on a high dose of MXE.
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I think it was most likely the MXE gods I pissed off. I've heard of people knocking themselves out with K like they were on an operating table. I guess I just did that with MXE. I'm just glad that nothing bad happened. So many things that could have gone wrong didn't and so I'm fine and its a lesson learned.

I think when it comes to HPPD, it is just the memory that the psychedelic left behind that says "hey my wall can do that" or "this poster can do that" or the tiles in the floor, whatever the case may be. Once the brain knows that the potential for that visual exists it is possible to bring it up any time with some work or just out of sheer boredom.

Now I will say that 2C-I was definitely HPPD. And it was bad. I'm glad that shit stopped. I'd be seeing shit in the road in the middle of the night. Not good.
Yeah so that is a combo I won't ever do again.

Not just because of the blackout.

I took that shit at 5AM and its 3:30PM and I was at a STRONG +++ until I decided to abort it with shots now I'm at a ++.5 ... but MET never lasts this long and the bodyload was also very uncharacteristic of MET...

I think MXE is about to get shelved. I have no idea what happened. I did check and it was more than 6 beers. It was 6 beers and 4 shots of vodka. Sounds like a lot... my tolerance... not so much... And either way, who ever heard of blacking out for 3 hours and waking up tripping? It can absolutely be argued that its my own damn fault for mixing alcohol with MXE but I've been doing that with it... since back when I got one of the first batches in 2011... and I've never blacked out.

The MET is still very much morphing my room around.

My best guess is that MXE and MET have a serotonergic interaction but it caused a chem that would normally be over in 4-6 hours to last 10 hours so far and while I dulled it down with the alcohol, its showing no signs of letting up.

EDIT: Alcohol killed it. Double vision but that's about it. And some sort of weird twisted afterglow.

Funny that I took 8mg of flubromazepam earlier plus I took my regular 10mg dose of diazepam and its the alcohol that killed it. Go figure.
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