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Does anyone know this pill ?

I'd be willing to bet that has legit MDMA in it

pretty much all of the pills in that photo have been available via technologically related means so that is what im basing it off of
That's pretty much what I was going off of. I figured it would test positive for MDMA. Never hurts to test though.
I was hoping to post the pictures directly but apparently theyre links -.-'
Purple/black is fine, it's MDMA. You just don't want to be detected other colours in there.
It's in a really good collection which leads me to believe it's a high quality press. I'd love to see some more of these pressed. My sister LOVES turtles. It would be cool to show her one of these.

awwwww no Music? That shit was the BEST. empty stomach, 12 hour roll str8 up. My dumbass friends went out to eat first and didn't roll as hard. The turtle is really cool though. I wouldn't even pop it id just show it off....
(then after like a half a day id pop it.... or like an hour.... )
We tried filming it, but it turns out we suck at filming things :p

So here are some pictures !






My friend says he can only see black, tho i would swear i detect some purple in there.

Tell me what u guys think.
Purple is fine. The colour for MDMA is purple going into black. Your results are perfect if you didn't notice any other colours than those two
In that case were taking them on thursday. All I need to do now is pray i wont get an anxiety attack lol

Thx for the info guys
We did them yesterday instead of last week. This is it:

21.00 T= 0 - We took half
21.30 T= 30 - Nothing special
21.50 T= 50 - My friend starts feeling something
22.00 T= 60 - My friend is rolling, I feel nothing
22.10 T= 70 - We took the second half
23.00 T= 120 - Im finally starting to feel something
23.40 T= 160 - Im finally rolling
02.00 T= 300 - We're coming down already

The conclusion I can draw is that it was a good pill, but simply not enough milligrams of MDMA for a long roll. We should have had 2 pills each.

I was also very glad I didnt get an anxiety attack during the come up (I have mild agoraphobia w panic attacks).

Also Im still very confused why it took me nearly 3 hours (!) to feel it kick in. Does anyone know more about this ? Im on dextroamphetamines (prescribed) weekly 15 mg's but I dont know if that affects anything.

this morning I woke up feeling really nauseous :\ I nearly puked. I also had this thing where i started sweating pretty badly for about 30 seconds ? Maybe I should have gone easier on the beer :p. Im feeling pretty ok now. Gonna take some 5-htp later today.

I thank you all, for sharing your info so far!
If it takes longer to come up than the roll lasted = not MDMA.

Explain your high - Empathy, eye wiggles, jaw tension, sweating, heart rate, body temperature (we're you feeling hot).
We tested it positive for MDMA. My friend rolled after an hour. So I am pretty sure it was MDMA. But I cant be completely 100% sure offcourse.

My high had empathy (I hugged my friend lol), eyes where feeling weirdish, music was better, we walked alot too. It was not like my first time euphoria-wise tho. I also didnt notice the cold outside. It's hard too explain but everything had a sort of "glow" over it ? The jaw clenching was there, but not alot.

I remember when it finally kicked in, I was just like "holy shiiiiitttttt" xD
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Three hours huh? How close to the drop was your last meal? I also see something about beer which in my experience can really kill a roll. Just a possibility.
I'm not really 100% but there might be a slight cross tolerance between your meds and the MD maybe something to check as well.
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I ate a small pizza 2,5 hours before taking the first half. My friend btw only weighs 50 kilos, while I weigh 75. So that may explain why he rolled earlier at least a little bit.
I seem to remember reading that you should avoid eating a meal with a lot of Carbs before a roll & eat a meal with more Proteins.
I thought eating a little was fine ? Maybe I just have a slow metabolism ? :p My dexies kicked in quite late yesterday too ...
Eating before a roll can definitely be a good thing. It helps nourish your body & gives you something to run off of. You'd just want to give your food some time to digest before taking your pill. And like you said, some people can have fast metabolisms or slow ones.
I havent worked out in over 2 weeks due to medical problems, so maybe thats the cause of my slow metabolism. I guess ill see what happens next week with my dexies after a week of sports.
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I got my hands on some Gold Bars (the ones like in the picture posted earlier).

On the back of the pill it reads 199,9 mg in very small letters. Im assuming this is the weight of the entire pill and not the amount of MDMA in it.

I wont be using these anytime soon, but if anyone is interested in the test results of these I can post it. I have several of those EZ tests left anyway.
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