Kratom Withdrawal

Also with opiates I found it harder to quit each time, every time I detoxed and then started again I went right back to where I started and the withdrawals would last longer and be more intense. The first time I quit was easy. The second time was harder. By the time 10 years had gone by I no longer believed it was possible to do. Though I did do it, pretty recently. With help from ibogaine.

And for science here:

I believe this has a lot to do with weakened adrenals. Withdrawal is VERY taxing on the body, it may not kill you, but best believe that pain is real and will affect the body. If you research adrenal fatigue and what will cause it, the life of a junkie or simply someone who has gone through opiate detox is a prime candidate for this sort of thing.

I got into some choice TCM and the begining and end of my first successful kick, which took over a month and spanned the country. It was sort of like a visions quest or walk of manhood, in hindsight...

but anyway, during this I met a wandering herbalist. A nomad, who would sell his formulas to big companies and then just wander the earth until he needed more money. He taught me chinese herbs and JING. Told me i had to get my jing back up (I was in the initial stages of cold turkey suboxen withdrawal, had some issues with getting a script filled, i.e. death)

several rabbit holes and warp tubes later I get to researching the stuff.

I start taking all kinds of herbs to rebuild my jing(jing is kidney energy, adrenal glands)...reishi mushroom, he shou wu - these where the best. I slowly felt rebuilt.

It's a lot to go into here, but if you're inclined to do something more...take your medicinal herbs, post kick. Maybe change the diet around, take in less stims, less cigarettes...

Yeah me to. I am just about into the post-acute phase and it's the RLS that keeps me up at night, have been taking loperamide only for sleep. I can make it through the day on vitamin C and black seed alright, but I can't sleep without the lope. Been jumping down more each night, as too much of that I think can really prolong the kick.

Yeah loperamide will definitely prolong the kick as it can produce some kind of withdrawal on its own. It's good for short-term, as-needed, but making a daily thing of it will make it take longer. Still better than not being able to sleep the whole time though. That was always the worst part of withdrawal for me.

Agreed, hot baths or showers are standards for me when it gets really bad. I think the hot water helps your tense body let go.

Been alternating between DXM, loperamid, high dose vitamin C and black is like...about a week to ten days in to this kick...i realized at the one year mark that , holy crap, I've been taking kratom liberally for a year now...20-30+ grams a day, I'd basically dose every 2 of my waking hours...Have a history with heroin and other opiates, was clean for over a year when I got into was legal, it seemed lighter, didn't feel like a relapse...until the kick...fuck the kick/love the kick.

Hot showers are the only way I could ever feel normal for a brief time during opiate withdrawal. The tense, restless energy would subside I would just sit in there soaking up the heat, afraid to get out because when I did, it would return. But a short break is pretty crucial sometimes. I always thought an invention you could sleep in that would house your body (minus your head) and constantly shower warm water all over your body would be so ideal for withdrawal, for sleep especially. When withdrawing, I would take 3-4 showers a day, including one really hot one right before bed, which would help me relax and possibly allow me to sleep a little bit.
Hot showers and baths really do help to relax the body. Believe it or not cold ones work really well too, but for a different purpose. Even when I'm not withdrawing, I will do this thing where I take my hot shower, wash myself, but then after I'm done, instead of just turning off the water and getting out, I will gradually lower the temperature of the water more and more over the course of a few minutes until it's cold. Like cold to the point where it would be the same as if I had no access to hot water. And then when it's as cold as I feel I can realistically take (pretty damn cold), I'll stay in there for another minute or 2 or until my body adjusts to it, to the point where I could stay under comfortably for even longer. My breathing will deepen and pick up at that point too. Between the body chemically adapting to the extreme temp, the deep breathing, the mental accomplishment, and the coldness in general, I literally laugh my way out of the shower most days doing that, and I feel pretty sharp for a good portion of the morning through lunch too, almost like I took a nootropic. My mood is brighter, my energy levels are higher, my mental clarity and cognition are better... it's great. Granted I actually never tried this in the early-early stages of withdrawals, maybe the first few days of withdrawal it may not be such a great idea lol... or maybe it would?! No harm in trying. But after the first days of withdrawal, DEFINITELY.

By the way, I relapsed again. Woohoo lol. Nothing serious though. Just one or two low doses of Kratom each day, but still at this point only for less than a week! I have a wedding on Friday and then soon after that I should run out again (I didn't get much) and then I'll stay clean again. I really need to try that Iboga trip. I really can't do it here though. Maybe I really should come down to NC lol. I'm still so scared to do it though. It's just that the mental fog and irritability and lessened sense of pleasure in general are/were taking sooo long to go away. It's so annoying. It was getting there though. It shouldn't be long after I stop again to go back to where I was though so I'm not too worried. Next week might suck a little again but I'll handle it it shouldn't be too too bad.
Yeah loperamide will definitely prolong the kick as it can produce some kind of withdrawal on its own. It's good for short-term, as-needed, but making a daily thing of it will make it take longer.

How long do you think it would take to get a physical dependence to Loperamide? In the past, I've used it at 20mg for 4-5 days with no problems. This time I started out higher but took my last dose today of 14mg and am going into my 4th day without Kratom (a week if you don't count a slip with a bag of extract 4 days ago).
4-5 days is okay, I wouldn't go more than that to be safe. I had some dependence to it but it's hard to say when because I didn't realize it could cause it and I was yo-yoing with opiates for quite a while and taking lots of loperamide to try to stay off at the same time, all intertwined.
Hello everyone! I hope someone will be able to read this and assist me. I seem to have a unique case.

I tried Kratom for the first time the other day, and I only took a gram (.5 Bali and .5 Ma Daeng) I did the toss and wash method and had also smoked some pot and about 6 hours after had a crown and coke. I am now on day 4 and I still have an anxious feeling/nervousness, no appetite (all 4 days) waking up nauseous and vomiting every morning and feeling clammy/sweaty. I have been drinking water and forcing myself to eat chicken broth and chicken noodle soup. I guess im just worried and wondered if anyone had any advice or experienced the same symptoms? Any help appreciated, thank you.
P.S This was my first experience with any type of opiate-like substance.

That is highly unusual. I'm sure it will pass soon though. Also that's a SUPER low dose.
Hello, an update, Day6 and the nausea/vomiting is gone but still have minor anxiety/nervousness. I have found drinking Chamomile tea and taking Ashwagandha root extract helps immensely.
So strange that you would experience this, especially from a one-time use one 1 single gram of kratom leaf (with no prior opiate experience). Well, just stick it out, you're almost there, and in the future I highly recommend never trying kratom or any other opiate again. It may be that your body has some weird response to opiates. Or maybe it's just kratom, but it's always best not to mess with opiates anyway.
I know I never plan on taking Kratom again (I regret taking it in the first place, as I was skeptical but my cousin talked me into it) The worst part is the anxiety/nervousness, it comes in waves. But it has been manageable with the Ashwagandha. I just wish it would go away already lol. Thank you for your help and support Xorkoth.
^Yeah that's an extremely unusual response, especially given your background with opiates (or lack thereof) and the ultra low dose involved. It seems you're getting better though so just stick it out and avoid it in the future. You'll be better off anyway :)
Thank you stanmarsh. I resonate with this. I am new to kratom and this is my story exactly. Thanks for your compassion.
Hi so I also get serious stomach pain and nausea quiet often when coming down of kratom and I am a daily user of about 8 months maybe more. I also find that I get pretty severe restlessness and sweating when I don't take it just for one day... and even the 2 mg klonopin or ativan or whatever benzo doesn't really help the withdrawal because my tolerance is so high that 8 mg of a benzo like ativan has me totally consious and 4 mg of xanax also has me totally consious and only "fucked up" for 4 hours. I also find that sometimes kratom doesn't even do anything for me except relax the withdrawal and then two days later it will get my pretty fucking high... sometimes the tiniest break makes a really big difference and also switching strains. So that's really weird and I saw that some other people were experiencing this. Wanting to start my own thread because I need support! But I really can't go a day without kratom unless I wake up at like 5 and had hardly slept. Its generally not a problem until its late and I realize and I'm over heating so fucking bad and excerise or whatever to take my mind off of it doesn't help. Thanks everyone.
Ha know what I love aboot KittyCatastrophy is her name :D

She so exemplifies everything thats wrong in my life 8(
Hello everybody! New to all of this and glad I found this. I read a lot of the posts and just want to thank you all... I'm on day 4 of quiting kratom cold turkey. Day 2 was tough man! I never gone through these type of withdrawals before. I got so used to hangovers and the hundreds of times I quit drinking it just was my normal life. Had a terrible drinking problem for most of my life and quit that 5 years ago. I always take great care of myself with diet and exercise and just worked everything in with my excessive drinking in the past. Today and the past few years I can even have a few beers or wine but don't even really enjoy it anymore and prefer my sober life. Now comes my short run with the green monster kratom. It's been only like 4 months and it's really sneaky and over took me by surprise. My friend turned me on to it and only wished he warned me. All my research just brought to me all the good sites and vendors who put such a positive spin on it to sell product. Went through a tough break up and got so obsessive with this chick I needed xanax to chill. Only got 10 day scripts and was hard to get. Found kratom and was so happy. It worked better! Started small buying the capsules from my local head shop. My friend told me just to break up 10 of them and drink it. That went on daily for about 3 weeks until I finally went online and saw how I can buy bulk of great organic pure quality. So I bought a combo of different strains 20 ounces. Wow so convenient and never ending supply but costing me $160 a month. So clueless about the addiction. I ran out one time and had to wait a few days for shipment. I really thought I came down with a nasty flu. I barely made it home from work and was happy my shipment finally came in. I thought it would help with this nasty flu I got. So I chug down my kratom cocktail from my shaker bottle and went back to bed thinking I was down for the count like the early night before. No I was wrong 20 minutes later I was feeling good and ready to go to the gym! That was when I finally put the two together and I was an addict. That and the horrible constipation I was getting. I never had a problem and started buying laxatives. I never had to buy laxatives. I have not heard any of you talk about this horrible side effect with the constipation. It's awful and you know something is wrong. Sorry to carry on. Midway through I thought it was my answer and really would jump around in a kratom buzz saying I LOVE YOU KRATOM... I LOVE YOU! Until I had to set my alarm an hour early so I can dose, go back to bed and then start the day a half hour later. And then dose again in the afternoon and then again in the evening. Then I did my research on how to quit and tried the tapper program a few times. Did not work for me with my horrible will power and a bag of kratom. Now it feels like I'm back to square one and feel even shittier than before my kratom run. Thanks again... reading your posts is helping me get through this. Kratom is for real and these withdrawals are a bitch!
Hello everybody! New to all of this and glad I found this. I read a lot of the posts and just want to thank you all... I'm on day 4 of quiting kratom cold turkey. Day 2 was tough man! I never gone through these type of withdrawals before. I got so used to hangovers and the hundreds of times I quit drinking it just was my normal life. Had a terrible drinking problem for most of my life and quit that 5 years ago. I always take great care of myself with diet and exercise and just worked everything in with my excessive drinking in the past. Today and the past few years I can even have a few beers or wine but don't even really enjoy it anymore and prefer my sober life. Now comes my short run with the green monster kratom. It's been only like 4 months and it's really sneaky and over took me by surprise. My friend turned me on to it and only wished he warned me. All my research just brought to me all the good sites and vendors who put such a positive spin on it to sell product. Went through a tough break up and got so obsessive with this chick I needed xanax to chill. Only got 10 day scripts and was hard to get. Found kratom and was so happy. It worked better! Started small buying the capsules from my local head shop. My friend told me just to break up 10 of them and drink it. That went on daily for about 3 weeks until I finally went online and saw how I can buy bulk of great organic pure quality. So I bought a combo of different strains 20 ounces. Wow so convenient and never ending supply but costing me $160 a month. So clueless about the addiction. I ran out one time and had to wait a few days for shipment. I really thought I came down with a nasty flu. I barely made it home from work and was happy my shipment finally came in. I thought it would help with this nasty flu I got. So I chug down my kratom cocktail from my shaker bottle and went back to bed thinking I was down for the count like the early night before. No I was wrong 20 minutes later I was feeling good and ready to go to the gym! That was when I finally put the two together and I was an addict. That and the horrible constipation I was getting. I never had a problem and started buying laxatives. I never had to buy laxatives. I have not heard any of you talk about this horrible side effect with the constipation. It's awful and you know something is wrong. Sorry to carry on. Midway through I thought it was my answer and really would jump around in a kratom buzz saying I LOVE YOU KRATOM... I LOVE YOU! Until I had to set my alarm an hour early so I can dose, go back to bed and then start the day a half hour later. And then dose again in the afternoon and then again in the evening. Then I did my research on how to quit and tried the tapper program a few times. Did not work for me with my horrible will power and a bag of kratom. Now it feels like I'm back to square one and feel even shittier than before my kratom run. Thanks again... reading your posts is helping me get through this. Kratom is for real and these withdrawals are a bitch!

That's hard to read without paragraphs, but then I know it's hard to write in paragraphs during a WD.

I've done withdrawal from morphine, Oxy, Kratom and Codeine at various times. For me the worst symptom is the restlessness and restless legs, which I actually get worse with kratom than anything else...

You'll get through this, hang in there!
Thanks! Hedonistica

I want to get through this. Day 5 and still no motivation to do anything!

It's like I'm worried I did permanent damage to my brain or something. I'm lucky I have the day off but could start back at work tomorrow. Had a week break from work and planned my detox on this break.

What a crappy break from work. Just laid around feeling noxious, body aches, zero energy like I'm wearing 100 lb body armour, hard to eat anything or even drink fluids. I does feel like a terrible flu along with the mental shit of depression, panic, and anxiety.

My sleep last night was the same. Not much! Maybe 5 hours.. waking up every hour checking the time and then trying again to sleep. At least last night I didn't have to change my clothes from soaked in sweat two times like the previous nights!

Beating myself up... should have done more research on kratom about the addiction and withdrawal part. I felt the great benefits and should have used it responsibly. Buying it in the bulk bags and just scooping in spoonfuls for my k cocktails and protein smoothies carelessly was not smart!

If it wasn't for the bad side effects of over doing the past weeks before quitting. The constipation, bad night sweats and sleepless nights I would be still rolling it.

Thanks for hearing me out! Need to drag myself out of bed and at least clean my place, go for a walk.

I need to get my ass back in gear. Get back to work and make money.

I was so productive with my business, friends, family, getting over my busted heart and finally going back out on a few dates and happy using kratom.

I'm such a novice and never been on opiate type drugs. I was a pro with alcohol and gave that up. And never experinced anything like this.

I do have a new found empathy for people becoming addicted and getting off. I can really relate how I know it's so easy to be the throws of withdrawals and with a couple of heaping teaspoons all this melts away...
^^^^ were you doing leaf powder or kratom extracts??

And how much were you doing daily??