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The Big & Dandy Methoxphenidine / MXP / 2-MeO-Diphenidine Thread

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have there been any reported deaths with this stuff yet ?

Yeah, there was one misery, where someone in took a seemingly very high dose and accidentally murdered a family member. And there also were reports about concerning blood pressure issues on high doses (and I think also deaths, but I don*t remember, whether it was dosed in combination or solo). It seems to be less physically forgiving than other dissos.

In my recent encounter I had quite a emotionally purging experience and a nice afterglow. I think if you stay under a certain plateau dosage wise, you won't get the desired effects and also the afterglow will be diminished. Last time I insufflated ~90mg (10 days after last experience). I like this ROA because it can very easily be titrated. You should always weigh out a maximum amount (let*s say 70mg) and divide it into accordingly. Everything more than 100mg will get your nose clogged up anyway.
Yeah as mentioned above, a guy did a bunch and went outside in the yard, and when his mom came out he stabbed her in the chest and killed her (I think I'm remembering this right). I believe he didn't realize it, he probably thought something else entirely was happening. Very tragic and disturbing.

Of course that's not death from an OD, or for the person who took it at all, but still closely related.
meph n ketamine very popular in my circle it reffered to as kik-kat. using much more volume of meph than k mix.
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Do you mean MXP (methoxphenidine) or 4-MMC/mephedrone (usually what people refer to as "meph")?
4-MMC/mephedrone. sorry to go off-topic but ppl were talking about it. it's pretty nice combo ime as long not too much k you only need a little. every1 calls it kik-kat

not sure if i;ll be doing MXP again. and i've only done it once.
Yeah, there was one misery, where someone in took a seemingly very high dose and accidentally murdered a family member. And there also were reports about concerning blood pressure issues on high doses (and I think also deaths, but I don*t remember, whether it was dosed in combination or solo). It seems to be less physically forgiving than other dissos.
The death was due to a massive (!) overdose, estimated to be closer to 10g than a recreational dose. It might have just accumulated for days though due to a long half life or the person had a metabolic abnormality that would inhibit metabolization and excretion.

For single use however, that being the only death is a testament of a presumably high therapeutic index which means relative safety. It seems a lot safer than MXE in that respect. As always with dissociatives that are more stimulating than sedating (basically all the common ones except ketamine) I would be much more worried about psychotic episodes than about an overdose! Many people have killed themselves, loved ones or other people on DXM and PCP.

That is why inexperienced or not a trip sitter is advised. Since none of the experienced users are gonna follow this advice, I at least urge inexperienced users to do so!
Everything more than 100mg will get your nose clogged up anyway.

I always find it amusing when people just pluck numbers out of thin air

99mg is fine but anything over that, watch out peeps
I think it would be very helpful if a mod could give start the thread with a rough estimates of 'common' or 'tried' dosages (for oral and probably nasal as well since it is mentioned enough) and a total effects length profile from single dosage.

I also think it is very important to state how hard this stuff is to keep in when plugged, may as well be tabasco (with less burn) comes out just as fast. I would suggest those who plug do a small amount of 10-30 mg in 5-10 mL of water to get the site primed before plugging the actual dose.

You can learn the hard way b$ut unless you have a sphincter with a noose grip you will lose the first plugged dose. (60mg out the ass... meh... read below and you will hear why I say 'meh)

Based on the info and user accounts of this terribly named substance that I read about on multiple threads, I incorrectly made an assumtion that tthis thing would be peaking at 5-6 hours orally and would be more or less baseline by 8-9 hours. This is not the case and I would say it is fairly safe to say that intoxication and diminished thought processes continue for 12 hours or more.

100 mg oral didn't even start kicking in until 6 hours later and this was on an empty stomach. After the 4 hour mark where a rise was expected, one did not appear and 60 mg was plugged to hopefully get a bit out of this thing....
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To continue, the initial dosing at 5 AM and going to sleep and dreaming until the come-up was (as I was really planning to have happen) going to wake me up pretty close to the fun zone. Now I woke up in the wonky zone and it was like methoxetamine only without much zoning and more difficulty looking around and moving around but surprisingly it wasn't as enthralling (at that point) and didn't pack much of a euphoric quality or a mystic quality. I just felt like the so called wonkiness everyone talks of on MXE, sometimes you get it other times MXE is just magic, the MXP however was just more of the stumble shuffle type movement with terrible vision and a fairly clear headspace.

Now I took it at 5 am beccause that is 10 hours before I go to work... well I made it through the day but as stated up a bit more, NOBODY FUCKING MENTIONS THAT THIS THING TAKES ALL FUCKING DAY TO GO AWAY! Being familiar with different mindsets and being able to play off a medium grade to medium-high level dissociative high as sleep deprivation and lingering diphenhydramine probably saved my night at work and perhaps job standing. The reason I am sharing this is because this shit doesn't fucking go away very quickly and although some of you do the mega doses and mention this nobody establishes a clear time frame.

Well my scenario turned into a slow build into a 'holy fuck what can I pull out of my ass to pass off as a reason why my performance fucking blows tonight'....

This shit should be done on a day with nothing else planned and should be dosed either once in a big enough dose to get to hole stage or in smaller doses that leave function with a resemblance to normal interaction intact. I was able to pull off the 'resembling normal' behavior to others but that is only because I played the 'tylenol PM makes me so stupid when I take it' card.

To continue, the initial dosing at 5 AM and going to sleep and dreaming until the come-up was (as I was really planning to have happen) going to wake me up pretty close to the fun zone. Now I woke up in the wonky zone and it was like methoxetamine only without much zoning and more difficulty looking around and moving around but surprisingly it wasn't as enthralling (at that point) and didn't pack much of a euphoric quality or a mystic quality. I just felt like the so called wonkiness everyone talks of on MXE, sometimes you get it other times MXE is just magic, the MXP however was just more of the stumble shuffle type movement with terrible vision and a fairly clear headspace.

Now I took it at 5 am beccause that is 10 hours before I go to work... well I made it through the day but as stated up a bit more, NOBODY FUCKING MENTIONS THAT THIS THING TAKES ALL FUCKING DAY TO GO AWAY! Being familiar with different mindsets and being able to play off a medium grade to medium-high level dissociative high as sleep deprivation and lingering diphenhydramine probably saved my night at work and perhaps job standing. The reason I am sharing this is because this shit doesn't fucking go away very quickly and although some of you do the mega doses and mention this nobody establishes a clear time frame.

Well my scenario turned into a slow build into a 'holy fuck what can I pull out of my ass to pass off as a reason why my performance fucking blows tonight'....

This shit should be done on a day with nothing else planned and should be dosed either once in a big enough dose to get to hole stage or in smaller doses that leave function with a resemblance to normal interaction intact. I was able to pull off the 'resembling normal' behavior to others but that is only because I played the 'tylenol PM makes me so stupid when I take it' card.

The body high is great and I am sure I was close to hole/dreamhole territory but I want mods to clarify that this is a different beast more closely related to PCP or DXM than MXE but it shares most of its 'feelings' with MXE.

The PCP/DXM comparisons are only brought in to extrapolate on length of the trip and the slow and wierd build. MXE has a nice little ride to it. The other two I mentioned don't always get seen in this light.

To sum up the experience, the 100 oral plus 60 plugged 5 hours later reminded me of the nice MXE 'comedown' where you are just coming out of the hole and are tingly and you are a bit numb. The body high is great but their isn't too much euphoria that I got which isn't all that bad really as it was pretty interesting, until it outran my scheduled time for it...

To sum up my view of it for those interested it was like coming out of a methoxetamine hole with out an excess amount of dopamine jumping around and somewhere halfway between said M-hole and a opiate nod-dreamlike state. This one definitely tickles a few receptors the right way but it just does it in a way in which the time frame would be much more enjoyed if the feelings were released quicker and stronger.

I haven't holed on it yet but I found it just a bit easy to be more sedated than MXE but I have had MXE that is more uppity and some that is more sedative. MXP seems to just go for a weird mostly ketamine-like body high mixed with the MXE coming out of the M-hole feeling but it also completely disrupts normal vision due to lag and makes reading very difficult.

I am going to have to experiment more to get a better grasp but I think it has been discussed rather recklessly by many on here and I would suggest this thread be revised to parallel profiles similar to ketamine as it acts very much like a duller version of ketamine that is dragged out at low doses but shares similarities with 3-MeO-PCP and methoxetamine as well.

I would say start with 35mg on a day with cleaning or some other arbitrary thing to do and see how you enjoy it, It is close to Ketamine, Methoxetamine, and 3-MeO-PCP in effects but I can't say that it is a replacement for any of them, it really is a beast of its own.

Will hopefully update once I have holed, just gotta find a free fucking day ha.

Start low, oral and plugging work great and low dose oral is probably fantastic. You can feel soo much of the opiate and amphetaminish related feelings in this that it makes a very interesting thing, I just wish I had a clearer headspace but maybe a lower dose will do that way. Higher dose would likely be deeper and hole.
So this substance pissed me off enough to write a review. It took a lot to get it to me, and I blew a few hundred just playing whack a mole on customs. Before we get into things I would like to let everyone know I'm well versed in mind altering substances, and have made it through most situations still pretty pleased with the outcome. This wasn't one of them.

The mail finally gets to me and I take 10mgs to make sure I'm not allergic. Wait 30 minutes and decide its okay to dive in. Not being a stranger to substances, I decide to go for a decent amount. 100mgs on top of the 10 and I feel like that should suffice. Semi worried after reading reviews that there might be a cross tolerance between dissos. Read somewhere that I should be feeling something after 30 minutes and 30 minutes have gone by. I do another 40 just to make sure it hits. Been waiting 4 weeks through customs and by this point I'm a bit impatient.

Another 30 minutes go by... hardly anything. On the phone with a relative explaining what I'm feeling. Hardly anything to write home about. I do another 40 and start preparing other capsules for later ventures. Wait another 45 minutes. By this point I'm starting to get pissed off. Hardly feeling anything and I have ingested about 180-190mgs of the substance and I can't believe I'm not feeling much.

I eat one last final bomb of 100mg and say fuck it. It wasn't soon after that point that the rest of it hit me. Would really like anyone doing this substance to realize IT TAKES ABOUT 2 HOURS TOTAL FOR THE FIRST LOAD TO HIT YOU I laid in bed and wondered if I had done a bad thing. Got on skype with a friend and was narrating my experience. For a brief while (AND I MEAN BRIEF) if felt just like K. I exclaim to my friend that it feels like K and next to instantly hole.

Now, I'm no stranger to holes; Fourth plateau, massive k holes, I love holing. The problem with this stuff is.. you move while you're holed. You move a lot. You act out what you're doing in your hole.

My hole was a strange one. I went from being infinite to very tiny. I went from hanging out in a room with the guy from that show hercules (the one where he teamed up with xena) and I thought I died and had to say a special pass phrase to trick death into letting me stay in limbo, which was of course repeating a word backwards, which was good because all I could do was speak in reverse at the time.

At one point I thought my vision went upside down and my head had been put on backwards. So here I am trying to rip my neck off more or less. (Not realizing it until I had come to)

No clue how many hours had passed, but I eventually wake up, take a shower, call in sick for the next day of work, and sit in my bed looking at everything like it wasn't actually the stuff that should have been in my room.

Now the aftermath:

I had a bit lip.
My entire body was in pain. I'm not sure why. I'm uncertain if it was because I was thrashing around, if I had laid on it weird (when I thought my head was on backwards I definitely remember crawling around like that one bitch from the grudge)
Had a bloody nose.
Had strange ear pressure.
Could still feel the effects of the drug through most of my body, more specifically my lips and tongue.

One week later:
Have to go into the ER. Turns out that shit had lowered my immune system so much that I ended up getting a gnarly ear infection, and I still have it currently and I'm hating life. (its been 1 week and 3 days since I have done it)

In retrospect this drug isn't worth it. It feels too weak in low doses, and is too unforgiving in high doses. It felt like K for about 2 seconds, but mostly feels completely different. I can only describe the feeling as feeling "carbonated". You feel fizzy / bubbly and its a constant movement feeling that you get over your body. For the most part its uncomfortable.

Whereas with drugs like K, you being outside of your body and away from existence is a good thing, I wouldn't say its as fun or rewarding when you do it on mxp. For as much money as I have had to spend on the hospital visit, the shipping, and the drugs themselves I feel like I should have been pretty ballin'. Unfortunately the experience was way below expectations, and the only thing I can say I gained from it was the loss of ego, and the feeling of putting my life back together after coming to from a large hole. Other than that, the body high is next to worthless, the lowered immune system sucks ass, and the headspace it puts you in is way uncomfortable. I would say I experienced no euphoria at all.
Would really like anyone doing this substance to realize IT TAKES ABOUT 2 HOURS TOTAL FOR THE FIRST LOAD TO HIT YOU I laid in bed and wondered if I had done a bad thing. Got on skype with a friend and was narrating my experience. For a brief while (AND I MEAN BRIEF) if felt just like K. I exclaim to my friend that it feels like K and next to instantly hole.

Now, I'm no stranger to holes; Fourth plateau, massive k holes, I love holing. The problem with this stuff is.. you move while you're holed. You move a lot. You act out what you're doing in your hole.

My hole was a strange one. I went from being infinite to very tiny. I went from hanging out in a room with the guy from that show hercules (the one where he teamed up with xena) and I thought I died and had to say a special pass phrase to trick death into letting me stay in limbo, which was of course repeating a word backwards, which was good because all I could do was speak in reverse at the time.

At one point I thought my vision went upside down and my head had been put on backwards. So here I am trying to rip my neck off more or less. (Not realizing it until I had come to)

No clue how many hours had passed, but I eventually wake up, take a shower, call in sick for the next day of work, and sit in my bed looking at everything like it wasn't actually the stuff that should have been in my room.

Now the aftermath:

One week later:
Have to go into the ER. Turns out that shit had lowered my immune system so much that I ended up getting a gnarly ear infection, and I still have it currently and I'm hating life. (its been 1 week and 3 days since I have done it)

In retrospect this drug isn't worth it. It feels too weak in low doses, and is too unforgiving in high doses. It felt like K for about 2 seconds, but mostly feels completely different. I can only describe the feeling as feeling "carbonated". You feel fizzy / bubbly and its a constant movement feeling that you get over your body. For the most part its uncomfortable.

Whereas with drugs like K, you being outside of your body and away from existence is a good thing, I wouldn't say its as fun or rewarding when you do it on mxp. For as much money as I have had to spend on the hospital visit, the shipping, and the drugs themselves I feel like I should have been pretty ballin'. Unfortunately the experience was way below expectations, and the only thing I can say I gained from it was the loss of ego, and the feeling of putting my life back together after coming to from a large hole. Other than that, the body high is next to worthless, the lowered immune system sucks ass, and the headspace it puts you in is way uncomfortable. I would say I experienced no euphoria at all.

I won't say I entirely agree with you on the post but hell I will say that 60-70% of what you say I agree with. This shit takes waaaay too long to kick in and I have taken DOI and bromo-dragonfly before and this fucker sure as hell takes the cake on the slow ass come-up. There are pretty much no alerts until about 3 hours in and then it is so subtle that you want to redose because you think 'oh, this must be about it, maybe more will help'... DON'T FUCKING REDOSE BECAUSE YOU DON'T FEEL SOMETHING UNTIL AT LEAST 3 HOURS IN IF NOT SOMETHING IN THE REALM OF 4-6 TO BE SAFE

I can't stress enough how this stuff just does not come on quick enough. I feel like this has to be quoted and put in the first post, this could cause a lot of issues with people who think they didn't take enough and end up dosing a very large amount when the first dose doesn't even hit them. I sympathize with those who had this catch them off-guard like the two of us have.

I would like to clarify that I do not think this should be treated light-heartedly in the manner of those who are familar with methoxetamine or ketamine. I would treat it a fucking commitment and stress PATIENCE with dosing this. Hell I waited 6 hours before a redose and that sent me into much more than I wanted and it could have turned out much worse had I not dosed in the manner I did and let myself sleep for 2-3 hours after first dose.

I am going to conduct lower level experiments to work out more of a timeframe. If this thing was shorter many would enjoy the body high very much. The head high is a different thing, its not too bad but causes an incredible amount of dizziness and throws balance off very much.


I recommend those who are not versed to tread lightly and would also like those familiar with this stuff to give their own accounts such as time and experiences.
I won't say I entirely agree with you on the post but hell I will say that 60-70% of what you say I agree with. This shit takes waaaay too long to kick in and I have taken DOI and bromo-dragonfly before and this fucker sure as hell takes the cake on the slow ass come-up. There are pretty much no alerts until about 3 hours in and then it is so subtle that you want to redose because you think 'oh, this must be about it, maybe more will help'... DON'T FUCKING REDOSE BECAUSE YOU DON'T FEEL SOMETHING UNTIL AT LEAST 3 HOURS IN IF NOT SOMETHING IN THE REALM OF 4-6 TO BE SAFE

I can't stress enough how this stuff just does not come on quick enough. I feel like this has to be quoted and put in the first post, this could cause a lot of issues with people who think they didn't take enough and end up dosing a very large amount when the first dose doesn't even hit them. I sympathize with those who had this catch them off-guard like the two of us have.

I would like to clarify that I do not think this should be treated light-heartedly in the manner of those who are familar with methoxetamine or ketamine. I would treat it a fucking commitment and stress PATIENCE with dosing this. Hell I waited 6 hours before a redose and that sent me into much more than I wanted and it could have turned out much worse had I not dosed in the manner I did and let myself sleep for 2-3 hours after first dose.

I am going to conduct lower level experiments to work out more of a timeframe. If this thing was shorter many would enjoy the body high very much. The head high is a different thing, its not too bad but causes an incredible amount of dizziness and throws balance off very much.


I recommend those who are not versed to tread lightly and would also like those familiar with this stuff to give their own accounts such as time and experiences.

Completely agree. I did what I thought was a good amount of research on this before I did it, but apparently it wasn't enough. I would say the beginning of this thread definitely should notify people about not redosing and waiting. I can agree with the come up, its next to nothing and starts hella weak. I've never experienced anything like this drug in terms of the come up, haha.
Everything is in this thread ^^
It doesn't take 2 hours until you feel something, maybe it takes 2 hours to peak, but that wouldn't be too special. I felt first alerts after 20 minutes with a small orally dose.
It feels like nothing until about 2 hours in. Hardly anything at all. For anyone expecting to be assured by it that you have taken the correct dose, you won't know until about 2 hours in.
Everything is in this thread ^^
It doesn't take 2 hours until you feel something, maybe it takes 2 hours to peak, but that wouldn't be too special. I felt first alerts after 20 minutes with a small orally dose.

It feels like nothing until about 2 hours in. Hardly anything at all. For anyone expecting to be assured by it that you have taken the correct dose, you won't know until about 2 hours in.

This is the nature of the beast, 3 times now with results similar to my first 2. As with everything there is a difference between each individual but this thing has to be metabolized differently by each individual. I would firmly agree with Criminon on the timing of this for my self. 38 mg produced a very understated example of this thing that manifested about 4 hours later to what I would say is the start of the peak though it is very hard to label a peak as the changes are so subtle. 38 mg orally did seem to take me out there a bit but there is nothing i would say is similar to the same amount of methoxetamine effects-wise. This thing is moreso related to longer disso's like 3-meo-pcp but not as dopaminergic at low levels and not as stimulatory either.

I am going to try to try to peg a description for this thing if possible because I believe it would best be referred to as some other type of happening (other than a 'hole') as the experience is more of a cross between nodding, dreaming, and 'holing' - in that order.

To me this feels very very similar to an opiate but with an extended head-space. It is so hard to pin down a description for this feeling but the best I can do is say it is like a hydrocodone feel that decided to be stretched very far and zone me out quite a bit. There may be be a PINCH of overlap with methoxetamine type feel with this but it is much more similar to opiates at the 100 mg level which IMO has been the most pleasant trial thus far.

As with other previous trials, 2 hours seems to be the standard window for when things begin to start happening to the consciousness. By hours 4-6 I would say things start ramping up and going into the peak but I have not conducted enough testing to determine the role of food and dosage into this. Make no mistakes about it folks, this thing can be a burden to get on the right level. I am inclined to believe that a 'hole' experience is very much possible but I disagree with the terminology.

That being said, if others do not object the term, I would like to refer to the experience one becomes accustomed to as PHADED
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And to also hash it out so that we can get this stated clearly enough for those who are looking for the next methoxetamine/ketamine type thing - this is not the droid you ares looking for.

Ketamine and Methoxetamine overlap in much different areas compared to this thing.

This thing doesn't do any type of fast escape hole type experience. It is more like the methadone of dissos only probably more forgiving compared to opiates in terms of side-effects if you can play with doses responsibly.

Now the reports of memory loss and blacking out that I have seen - you folks are doing too fucking much. This thing has a very fucking gradual dose response curve. I would advise to start off low and increase by levels of 5-10 mg IN DIFFERENT SEPERATE SESSIONS if the dose does not get you where you want to be. Reason being is obviously length of action, not everyone can be in this head space for half a day or more. Personally I do not think redosing is wise at all but once you become familiar with the profile a staggered would make sense. I could see a base oral dose of say 40 or so mg being followed by a plugged dose about 2 hours later being a pleasant thing. I overshot that myself with both time and dose but there is a sweet spot for it that has to be found and if I had to guess I would say it is somewhere in the 50-150mg range depending on the person(total accumulated dosage both plugged and oral or either one seperately).

I am trying to squeeze out every little bit I can to help people out with this before I get too phaded, its just kicking in at that point and I would say that it has been fairly consistent with me at 6-8 hours in. This is where I wish it would 'hole' me out a bit more and I feel like more is needed but I know that a redose would not hit quick enough. That leaves my only suggestion to be to dose a 'warm-up' at first dose then two hours later do the 'phader'. I can't see a point in doing more after the two hour point as you will just be phaded for too long.

I am glad that I have a few here posting who have shared similar thoughts on this substance with me. I think it imperative that we stamp out the notion that this thing is substantially similar to methoxetamine. Pure marketing ploys are responsible for this and it is futile. This thing can cater to a similar crowd but it is like swapping out a persons xanax for klonopin. Duration is not comparable and effects are not as related as one would be led to believe. This is also not similar to DXM to me in any way. Your mileage may vary but to me its not at all like DXM.

This PHADE from taking 100 mg feels like an in between of 20 hydrocodone and 20 oxycodone without itching and with a spacier feel. It reminds me of tussionex a bit when you are waking up from a good nod but the headspace just has a bit of trip to it.

Then there is the feeling that with said 100 mg you feel like about 5 mg of amphetamine was consumed but you don't even notice due to the other effects, very phaded and but still want to ramble on about it which is why this post is this long.

Feels like an opioid that has a drive to it that wants to take you somewhere yet you get spaced out when you are on your way there.

I would say it is fairly enjoyable but this was not what I had in mind at all when reading about. Be aware that this has the capacity to make you very docile, sedated, and uncoordinated. Frame-rate slows down as well and a little bit of robo-walking happens but it can be controlled.

Strange beast.

If you can't get a tripsitter, build up your doses very slowly with it. That is what I did, and I haven't reached a 'hole' like state yet. Got pretty twisted once or twice but have always been able to hold it together, pretty much. And a healthy diet pretty much improves all your psychoactive experiences, along with a bit of exercise, yoga, meditation or whatever floats your boat. But will stop there, at the expense of sounding preachy. Not my intention, but has improved my life, on and off drugs, a hell of a lot :)

P.s. For me it isn't necessarily sedating. I have even fallen asleep on it. I would say I have had moments of euphoria and perhaps mild stimulation, but nothing heavy. I am not sure what is happening from people who are reporting higher doses. Could be stimulation or perhaps mania similar to PCP and related compounds. Not clear to me yet. It managed to get someone in a&e at 250mg combined with a stimulant, but that can happen when people outwardly appear too out of it but are medically more or less ok, e.g. experiencing a mega hole and not responding to any external stimuli. I think we would all be wise to tread carefully with this one. Although personally it is still a favourite.

I am assuming you meant to say 'isn't necessarily stimulating' instead of sedating. Otherwise I think you were pretty right on the money with the description. Twisted is a term I would most definitely attribute to 3-MeO-PCP but I have not needed to use the term for this fella. It doesn't feel very dark and it doesn't feel very clinical as others have stated either (this is my subjective experience). It does feel somewhat neutral but I just feel (to beat off a dead horse) phaded. This stuff gets me zoned in and I get couch-locked and nod off a bit, 3-MeO-PCP would have me with a crazed look in my eye. This on the other hand constricts my pupils and slows the heart-rate a bit.


Drink plenty of fluid on this as well, it is more dehydrating than I would like.
Waking up now 14 hours after initial dose of 100 mg and still quite out there but able to be awake and get stuff done, duration pretty much stayed the same this trial so I know that it will do so for me again in the future. I would say the duration of this is probably 18 hours for me from dose to last bit of phade feeling but I never like the 'afterglow' term, this thing probably lingers around for a day and half at this dose but my visual frame rate will hopefully be 85-100% at the 18 hour mark.

For those curious, this will make you pretty fucking useless when you do it just so you know, it keeps you up but doesn't allow you to be able to accomplish anything requiring mental or physical skill and then it throws your vision off to the point where you just don't want to do much besides stay stationary. Each time this has been the same for me and its not due to a want to be lazy, this stuff can incapacitate you nicely but at least its comfortable.

Problem is the length but then again I am sure there is probably a lower dose that makes this manageable I just haven't found the sweet spot yet. Maybe 60-75 mg range will do it (orally) but I am not going to find out any time soon, I need some sobriety so I can get shit done.


This should be a weekend only thing once it hits a certain dosage, I do not know a dose friendly enough for the working person during the week and do not condone needles, plugging didn't quicken it for me enough and I certainly don't see this being easy to snort, very fluffy and I don't have the time.
Good evening all. Yesterday, I have received a sample of MXP, and I will soon get started with giving it a go. Before I begin, I would like to address one main point. There has been much speculation as to weather or not this chemical is effective when taken intranasally or rectally. I did not see anyone list if they were playing with the freebase or a salted form. According to my vendor, I have the HCl salt. My intention is to comprehensively describe the effectiveness of "plugging" MXP HCl. The time is currently 23:46 in my neck of the woods. I plan to take a shower and dose. When the experience is finished, or I am coherent enough to articulate my thoughts, I will edit this post and describe the effects. I do not have a scale, but I intend to take roughly eight piles of what I assume (based on nothing) to be ~10mgs for a total of ~80mgs. This is my first experience with MXP and the last dissociative I took was probably around 12 months ago or longer. The dissociative I last took was MXE. I understand that MXP does not necessarily mimic the effects of MXE, but I am going to give it a try. See you on the other side, bluelight.

Edit: Here goes my trip report.

+0:00 So I put a bunch of this chemical and a few miligrams of 25D-NBOMe in a child's oral syringe and added water to the solution. Quickly, I shot the solution into my rectum and unlike another reporter had suggested, I felt no discomfort from dosing. (Someone else reported severe burning and lowering of the immune system, I cannot say I also felt this.) At this time I had just gotten off of work so the shower was more of a necessity than a pleasure.

+0:10 The 25D is making itself known first as I expected. I have been taking a daily dose of either 25D or 25C for about a year now. Roughly 1-2mgs per day. I know this isn't healthy and don't recommend this regimen.

+0:15 First alerts. A numbness is making itself present, although dissociation has yet to show itself.

+0:30 Dissociation is making itself clear, I am starting to feel the nature of MXP after all.

+0:45-50 I have become very much more involved in this expereince. I decide to put on a film and sit back to enjoy the ride. Much like myself on a dissociative experience, I do not stick to the plan. There has been much tension between myself and my roommates recently. Against my better judgement, I begin to text on of my roommates who is home and in the other bedroom (we split a 2br apt).

+1:00-3:00 Toward the 1hr mark somewhere I cannot any longer text my roommate but feel that I have much to say and apologize for. I stumble over to his bedroom door and lightly knock. He opens and I answer wearing a stupid grin, he is aware that I am high so no worries there. I'm not sure if I am easy to understand, but I spend the next several minutes talking about the reasons I have been stressed out lately. My rooommate also tells me about how he has been facing some stresses in life also. Maybe this was a good thing all things considered. My roommate is somewhat curious about the experience and I describe it briefly. I mention similarities between this compound and MXE (an old favorite.) The dissociation is similar in some ways to MXE, I agree with many previous posts which state that moving around during the peak/hole experience does occur. Could be bad depending on how far gone you really are.

+?:?? I get an envelope of cash I have been saving (I'm working on starting some investments, I don't have a lot of cash, but it's a lot for me) I show my roommate and explain how I came to save this and start trying to count it but quickly become too confused. For the next unknown period of time, there is a fairly significant amount of money on the couch. At some point, I start up a game of Super Smash Brothers on my computer for myself and my roommate to play. I don't really remember how to do very many moves and cannot keep track of which player I am. Needless to say I do not win any matches which is strange for me because I am usually far better than my roommmate at this game. (We play Project M on dolphin).

+?:?? It must have been +4-5 hours by this time. The experience is dying down, during the peak, I experienced many moments of visual darkness, similar to a "hole" on other dissociatives. Although at this point I am still highly confused and dissociated. Somehow I take another plugged dose at some point. I don't remember when, but I do remember doing so. My roommate asked if I was sure to which I for some reason agreed that I was. This was most likely a poor choice. I don't remember too much more of the experience. My roommate went to bed (It was like 4AM so that makes sense.) and I could not figure out if I had actually talked to him at all or if I was just imagining it. I spend the rest of the night highly confused and mostly laying down in my bed trying to sleep which does not come for a few more hours. At some point during the comedown I began to vomit. I don't know if the booster had something to do with this, but it was not much fun.

+?:?? Sleep.

I awoke the following morning just before noon and the room was still spinning. I threw up a few more times and eating seemed impossible all day. I don't suspect most people will have such a poor time with the day after as I have, if this chemical has any opioid effect, I think that is most likely where these negative side effects stem from. Every time I have taken an opioid/opiate the following day I spend sick to my stomach. The day before the experience I agreed to go to work the next day. I showed up and thought I could handle it, but began sweating profusely and threw up at work and was sent home. I laid down and slept for several hours and decided to write this up. All in all, I will probably try this again without a booster dose. And with a day to recover.

Be safe and have fun.

Edit #2:

I gave this chem another go at a lower dosage three days after the experience I wrote about above. It was significantly more mild. I can't give exact doses because I have been eyeballing, but I used less "piles" than last time. The dissociation was light. Very manageable, but since I had previously had a taste of the full experience it left a lot more to be desired. I'm going to try again today with an amount similar to the one I first dosed with. Forgot to mention on my second trial there were no side effects to speak of. So, if you keep your dose low, you will not shoot off into space as I so much enjoy, but you will (IME) keep the negative side effects to a minimum. Anyway, I'm going to try again to see exactly how crazy tolerance is. I'm pretty sure this dose won't make me hole, but I'll come back and edit this eventually for completeness.
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