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Is MDMA neurotoxic and does it cause brain damage?

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It is really best to avoid taking Mdma. The stuff can really fuck your brain up, and it's not worth it for a night of pure ecstasy vs the rest of your life. I don't care what study you pull out of your ass, every human reacts differently and there is enough anecdotal evidence out there that people might experience horrific, life ruining side effects with limited use.

I come from a scientific background, but this is really just common sense here...

The ego tends to think it is invincible until it is put in its place. I never thought any of that shit would happen to me; I presently suffer from full blown panic disorder and chronic pain in my spine now that is most def related to my use of acid and mdma and I haven't done any recreational drugs in a year. It honestly feels like the acid or mdma burnt my spinal chord, it fucked with the nerves in my spine, or my spinal column somehow and now I am in excruciating pain 24/7 because I got high on that filth a few times and it gave me really bad muscle tension. There ain't not telling what the side effects could be. I used to be an athlete, that's all said and done now because I made this bad life choice. I cannot physically handle drinking a cup of green tea. In fact, I cannot physically handle being sober anymore and I need to take meds to calm myself down or I'd check myself out. I was never anything remotely like that before. I exercise, take nutritional supplements and eat very healthy but when the drug abuse catches up to you and you notice the side effects, it's already too late.

Of course there will be the typical "lsd does not cause brain damage" retaliation but do you really have that much faith in some sketchy black market paper you put on your tongue that gets you right fucked out of your mind for like 8 hours? If you trust yourself enough to put yourself through that, you have an ego problem. It's just totally unnecessary, unhealthy, and very dangerous to the brain. Sorry to crash the rainbow party. Some perfectly normal people take a high dose just once, and because of something to do with their particular body chemistry, or that particular batch of the drug (there being no quality control in place); for whatever reason they wind up essentially retarded and suffering for the rest of their lives. It boggles my mind that people consider something that gets you that high in any way safe or beneficial to the human organism. Same goes with mdma, I see them as two of the most dangerous drugs on the planet in regards to mental health. The evidence is in the mental ward.

And it doesn't mean that you "weren't ready for it" or "you can't handle the truth" or you any intangible hogwash like that... what these black market chemical drugs do is get you really, really high and it's irresponsible, immature, and dangerous. I hate that "underlying issues" excuse as well - some people are clearly getting by just fine in life until they use the hardcore chemicals that drastically alter the fragile structures of the brain resulting in damage and side effects. People use that hippy bullshit too, to generate the "hip" persona that they want other people to see them by and to deny that they are abusing hardcore drugs - I'll tell you what MDMA use does apart from the damage it does to the brains of humans, it is responsible for massive deforestation in Cambodia to acquire sassafras oil for the synthesis, and it funds criminal organizations full of trigger happy people. Plus paranoid chemists pollute the planet with the chemical byproducts of their synthesis... these clandestine labs are horrible for the environment, and dangerous to the general public as they often exist in residential areas. Sure this could be changed by legalization, but that's not going to happen and there's no need to fry your brain with that garbage, so every user funding the high level scumbags in this illegal industry is partly to blame.

Just because it hasn't happened to you (yet) does not mean that Mdma use fucks other people up, or perhaps you're just not paying enough attention until one day out of the blue you happen to experience sudden onset symptoms from hell. I didn't notice very much until long after I quit, but there is an obvious connection... and then upon reflecting on my usage, I could see how it was a downward spiral and I didn't even use it that much. It just initiated an ongoing instability or imbalance in my neurochemistry. I was a limited user for a very short time of my life, and have touched mdma or acid in years. You couldn't pay me $10,000 to take them again.

Most people I know who use it abuse it, and it saddens me to see such blatant self harm. Once is too much. Not to mention it's a really sketchy scene. Just because it goes purple to black doesn't mean you're getting pharmaceutical grade mdma, it is produced in scummy conditions by criminals with maximum profit in mind. If they aren't cutting it with small amounts of some bullshit (if you get the good stuff that is) that nobody would notice, they aren't maximizing their profits without increasing the risk. That just isn't safe for human consumption and it's really just basic common sense.

You guys are defending something that probably makes you feel the best and most pleasurable feeling you have ever felt in your life. Don't you think there might be some self delusion going on, in order to remain comfortable with repeating the experience in the future. Anything that feels that good is going to be psychologically addictive, and addicts tend to be in denial, especially with something like mdma that can screw your life in ways you didn't even know were possible after taking it a handful of times.

But you all "reagent test" so you're perfectly safe I'm sure... real responsible and nice way to treat your brain, huh, with that filth MDMA. Your fucking brain man; if you are polluting it with ultra powerful, almost magical feeling chemicals you got off some drug dealer for 10 bucks then I would re-evaluate why the fuck you are risking your mental health. Perhaps you do not understand what mental illness is; believe me, you want to avoid all potential risks of developing that misery, suffering, and agony.
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Ermm, there's been two times I've accidentally taken really high doses with alcohol. Chewed and sweated my face off while basically unable to move. One of those times I had conversations with my friends in my head while trying to sleep. Never experienced anything negative afterwards though, they were both just fucked up experiences. Majority of my experiences have been positive. But positive/negative experiences can't tell you anything about neurotoxicity...

Thanks! Well there is a very small percentage of mdma users (some of them even first time users) that are/were experiencing a living hell on earth for individual periods of time, with matching symptoms. I can say for myself that If I had never touched mdma in my life I would have not been going thought what we sufferers call a long term comedown. We dont expect anyone to understand what this feels like, afterall its not even possible...

Based on empirical evidence, would you then agree that mdma IS INDEED neurotoxic ? (and just because it only affects a small percentage of users doesnt mean its not. If it only affected one out of million you have to classify it as such)
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Based on empirical evidence, would you then agree that mdma IS INDEED neurotoxic ?

Empirical evidence is rigorously controlled science. So from that standpoint, I'd say MDMA is significantly neurotoxic in high doses but there's not enough evidence to prove that lower, less frequent doses cause the same.

The existence of a LTC is not proof toward neurotoxicity. Like I said before
People who have taken no MDMA in their lives, with no neuron damage at all, suffer from anxiety/depression all over the world.
. The truth is we don't know why some people have very long-term consequences from very conservative usage, but from an empirical standpoint, it's definitely not neurotoxicity. It's far more likely that either: A) MDMA can trigger conditions just like classic psychedelics. B) The comedown from MDMA-induced serotonin depletion causes an anxiety loop which is never actually broken out of, hence lasting for months-years.

If someone abuses MDMA and finds that everyday life is affected then that's stronger anecdotal evidence for neurotoxicity. Taking the drug just a few times, at reasonable doses, is not going to destroy serotonin neurons.
The existence of a LTC is not proof toward neurotoxicity. Like I said before . The truth is we don't know why some people have very long-term consequences from very conservative usage, but from an empirical standpoint, it's definitely not neurotoxicity. It's far more likely that either: A) MDMA can trigger conditions just like classic psychedelics. B) The comedown from MDMA-induced serotonin depletion causes an anxiety loop which is never actually broken out of, hence lasting for months-years.

Everything that happens in our bodies is chemistry, pure chemistry. Apart from A,B there could also be C,D,E, F etc. It doesnt change the fact mdma DOES CAUSE chemical imbalance in the human body, which can lead to terrible suffering. Full stop. This is not something that can be refuted.

If someone abuses MDMA and finds that everyday life is affected then that's stronger anecdotal evidence for neurotoxicity. Taking the drug just a few times, at reasonable doses, is not going to destroy serotonin neurons.

It strikes me how can you be so sure about this. You simply cant.
B) The comedown from MDMA-induced serotonin depletion causes an anxiety loop which is never actually broken out of, hence lasting for months-years.
Sounds like my story here. Completely fine night out, until I had my comedown. I noticed some weird reaction on my tongue (oral thrush) from antibiotics I took the week before. Completely spazzed out and worried myself sick that it'll never go. Sounds stupid now, but it did look gross and I had never experienced it before. My comedown was the reason why I'm like what I am today. I just know it is.
Everything that happens in our bodies is chemistry, pure chemistry

In a sense - yes. However, that doesn't mean what happens to us is predisposed. I once read a study where they took two genetically-identical birds and fed them a different diet for months. The two birds, despite being identical in their genes, developed slightly differently. We do have control over how we develop and who we become. Regardless, how does our bodies being purely chemistry prove that MDMA selectively destroys serotonin neurons? All drugs mess with the bodies chemistry, it's how they work.

It doesnt change the fact mdma DOES CAUSE chemical imbalance in the human body, which can lead to terrible suffering

By that logic, anything can change the chemical balance of the body. In fact, it's changing everyday and with every hour. Eaten some chocolate? Your chemical balance has temporarily changed. MDMA causes a temporary imbalance of serotonin. As a result, if you're suffering from a LTC then this is far from the temporary imbalance MDMA caused you 6 months ago. Your serotonin is now completely replenished. Any change the one-off usage of MDMA had on your brain is now reversed, and so any symptoms still being experienced are no longer related to the MDMA, and perhaps reflect a different reason? I'm not refuting the existence of a LTC and the pure horror it can be for some people, I'm just disputing the contention that it is a result of neurotoxicity. That is all.

It strikes me how can you be so sure about this. You simply cant.

Science...? Just as an example, no researcher in the world has ever proven that 1 dose of MDMA at 1.5mg/kg can destroy serotonin neurons resulting in months to recover and with all the symptoms of what we call a 'LTC'. In fact, researchers studying it's use for for treating PTSD have convinced a very critical board that occasional 1.5mg/kg doses are safe enough for use within therapy, hence why human studies are finally going ahead. Definitely doesn't scream neurotoxicity if you ask me. Fry a rat brain with repeated doses of 5mg/kg then sure you'll begin to destroy serotonin neurons. Hence why I said

If someone abuses MDMA and finds that everyday life is affected then that's stronger anecdotal evidence for neurotoxicity
It is really best to avoid taking Mdma. The stuff can really fuck your brain up, and it's not worth it for a night of pure ecstasy vs the rest of your life. I don't care what study you pull out of your ass, every human reacts differently and there is enough anecdotal evidence out there that people might experience horrific, life ruining side effects with limited use.

Oh for fucks sake...really? THIS right here is why I stay away from the ED board, as it seems to be full of anxiety ridden hypochondriacs, who seem intent in spreading some D.A.R.E bullshit about how MDMA fucked them up for 8 months after a 200mg bomb. MDMA has its risks yes, but all this bollocks I read in ED from people complaining about how they are fucked up just gets on my psychadelic tits. Maybe if these people spent less time on bluelight and the internet, cherrypicking information from google to convince themselves they are fucked, they would acually recover and not be so ridden with anxiety. Yes, bluelight syndrome is real - I have done the same thing.

Anyhow, I can't be arsed to continue, as I'm just getting increasingly annoyed :p

Back to EADD I go...
Oh for fucks sake...really? THIS right here is why I stay away from the ED board, as it seems to be full of anxiety ridden hypochondriacs, who seem intent in spreading some D.A.R.E bullshit about how MDMA fucked them up for 8 months after a 200mg bomb. MDMA has its risks yes, but all this bollocks I read in ED from people complaining about how they are fucked up just gets on my psychadelic tits. Maybe if these people spent less time on bluelight and the internet, cherrypicking information from google to convince themselves they are fucked, they would acually recover and not be so ridden with anxiety. Yes, bluelight syndrome is real - I have done the same thing.

Anyhow, I can't be arsed to continue, as I'm just getting increasingly annoyed :p

Back to EADD I go...

hey buddy sorry its making you feel anoyed but trust me bluelight is and has been of a great support for people who trully suffer from mdma use. Me myself have been there and hadnt it been for bluelight i dont know if i would still be here.

please show some respect to those who are in need of help in these times. and if that is by avoiding this board then yeah do it. looks like both parties will be better of
It doesn't annoy me that people express their experiences either positive or negative; I acknowledge that people will have different opinions and experiences regarding a drug. What annoys me is that you can almost smell the paranoia and anxiety that oozes from ED, as almost everyday, there is another thread titled "MDMA fucked me up". What this normally transpires to be is that someone: a) Didn't get MDMA and consumed an untested product or b) Consumed a shit-load of MDMA over mutiple days, or suffers from terrible anxiety and shouldn't be using drugs in the first place.

It frustrates me that a drug that was used throughout the 80's, almost every weekend without issue for some (and also have great theraputic potential) has its name defaced and fuels the media demonization of MDMA by these threads on BL by hypochondriacts who are freaking the fuck out over nothing. Seriously, me like many others on this forum have consumed MDMA for years in varying doses without issue. Even after a period of multi-day and poly drug use, I was fine...I'm still fine, and I have or will not be developing brain damage of any kind. Obviously, I would not condone this behaviour and it is indeed irresponsible. I'm just trying to show that even at my most hardcore moments, I ended up fine. And so will you, you just need to stop sitting about on BL making and commenting on threads like these that only fuel your anxiety, and convince you that you are perma-fried.
Everything that happens in our bodies is chemistry, pure chemistry. Apart from A,B there could also be C,D,E, F etc. It doesnt change the fact mdma DOES CAUSE chemical imbalance in the human body, which can lead to terrible suffering. Full stop. This is not something that can be refuted.

sure. but our point is that a temporary change in the "chemical balance" does not imply the death of neurons (or axons, dendrites or whatever) at all, and therefore there is absolutely no justification to infer neurotoxicity from the existance of ltc's.
Oh for fucks sake...really? THIS right here is why I stay away from the ED board, as it seems to be full of anxiety ridden hypochondriacs, who seem intent in spreading some D.A.R.E bullshit about how MDMA fucked them up for 8 months after a 200mg bomb. MDMA has its risks yes, but all this bollocks I read in ED from people complaining about how they are fucked up just gets on my psychadelic tits. Maybe if these people spent less time on bluelight and the internet, cherrypicking information from google to convince themselves they are fucked, they would acually recover and not be so ridden with anxiety. Yes, bluelight syndrome is real - I have done the same thing.

Anyhow, I can't be arsed to continue, as I'm just getting increasingly annoyed :p

Back to EADD I go...
I'm one of those guys who dropped about a 150mg bomb, and still somewhat 'not right', but I completely agree with you man. All the people who seek out this neurotoxic stuff from a very small dose (won't lie, I did) are being completely hypochondriacs. Like you said, getting off bluelight is probably the best way to recover from the anxiety loop, and everyone who is recovered, never really comes to this site anymore. 100% agreeing man.
It frustrates me that a drug that was used throughout the 80's, almost every weekend without issue for some (and also have great theraputic potential) has its name defaced and fuels the media demonization of MDMA by these threads on BL by hypochondriacts who are freaking the fuck out over nothing. Seriously, me like many others on this forum have consumed MDMA for years in varying doses without issue. Even after a period of multi-day and poly drug use, I was fine...I'm still fine, and I have or will not be developing brain damage of any kind. Obviously, I would not condone this behaviour and it is indeed irresponsible. I'm just trying to show that even at my most hardcore moments, I ended up fine. And so will you, you just need to stop sitting about on BL making and commenting on threads like these that only fuel your anxiety, and convince you that you are perma-fried.

Again im sorry it frustrates you but there are people who trully SUFFER for LONG periods of time as a result of using mdma. And your frustration wont really make them feel any better. Neither will it make yourself feel better. So it seems we're all losing here....

Im also glad you didnt have a bad experience with the drug I wish I could say the same. I experienced 4 months of hell on earth and i can assure you it wasnt "just in my head". When youre in that terrible state of mind (depression , suicidal thoughts 24/7 etc) you cant just "go on with your life, go out and do things as if this never happened". It strikes me how can someone be so ignorant and tell that to a person who is fighting for its life ( and dont say that its all just in our heads again). Mental suffering, just because you physically cant prove it (mind me that im not mentioning physical pain here that is associated with this such as back pain, chest pressure, severe headaches etc), doesnt mean they dont exist. They are indeed very real.

Mdma surely triggered something in my brain that lead me to deep depression and terrible anxiety. Have I not taken the drug I would never experience this. But that is how my body works with the drug , again , you might (and are) reacting to it differently.

Lot of people on here also say that first you have to convince yourself youre fine and not perm damaged and that is the start for the recovery. But what I think is that your brain needs to HEAL FIRST for that thought process to happen. Healthy lifestyle is a great accelerator to all of that. And its not psychological. When live well your body chemistry changes to create an environment for healing. If it was just psychological then it would be enough to consume an apple and go for a run once and youd feel instantly better.

Also , just because you havent heard any negative stories from the 80s 90s might have been a result of lack of technology (people not being able to share their experience online).

Black said:
. sure but our point is that a temporary change in the chemical balance does not imply the death of neurons...

mdma has only been tested on rats ( and even less has been done on the human body) and as we all agree there is lack of scientific evidence of this. Look at any prescription or otc drug these days and the side effects it can cause to a minority of users. Unless mdma can be properly tested you cant say this for sure. There can be one out of thousands to whom mdma can cause temporary neurotoxicity leading to what we call an LTC.

Bottom line : there is lack of scientific proof to support your opinion. And for that reason I cant agree with your absolutist approach
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Have I not taken the drug I would never experience this.

Bullshit, you can't accurately state this. Who is to say that you wouldn't of suffered from anxiety and depression in the first place?! Furthermore, there were studies done that indicated that MDMA users were at no higher risk of depression than non-MDMA users.

A new study published in the May 2006 issue of the Journal of Psychopharmacology and conducted at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette finds no significant link between Ecstasy (MDMA) use and depression.
According to the study there was no significant difference in the BDI-II scores between the control and experimental groups. Furthermore, no significant correlation was found between any of the conditions of ecstasy use.

Basically, what we have here is another new user on BL, convinced they have given themselves depression/long term comedown from a single, moderate use of MDMA...whilst we know MDMA causes termporary change in serotonin levels, a single moderate dose will not give you 8 months of whatever you are talking about....it just won't. It's in your head mate.
Bullshit, you can't accurately state this.

Yes I can.

It's in your head mate.

No its not. Or rather it was not as I have since then fully recovered.

I guess it doesnt really matter what you think anyways or what any study shows. It wont make the LTC that some are going through magically dissapear. I just hope nothing bad will ever happen to you. Id rather if you disagree that LTC is real as opposed to you actually experiencing it. So its all good.

Stay safe man, enjoy life and I wish you all the best.
mdma has only been tested on rats ( and even less has been done on the human body) and as we all agree there is lack of scientific evidence of this. Look at any prescription or otc drug these days and the side effects it can cause to a minority of users. Unless mdma can be properly tested you cant say this for sure. There can be one out of thousands to whom mdma can cause temporary neurotoxicity leading to what we call an LTC.

Bottom line : there is lack of scientific proof to support your opinion. And for that reason I cant agree with your absolutist approach

your reasoning is flawed.
all good studies point towards there being no neurotoxicity with normal or even excessive use, but some people feel bad for an extended time span after doing mdma -> therefore neurotoxicity.
that simply doesn't work. it's like saying "no one has disproven the existance of gods yet, therefore brahma created the universe".
your reasoning is flawed.
all good studies point towards there being no neurotoxicity with normal or even excessive use, but some people feel bad for an extended time span after doing mdma -> therefore neurotoxicity.
that simply doesn't work. it's like saying "no one has disproven the existance of gods yet, therefore brahma created the universe".

Thats just not how you should look at this. By saying the above that would mean one ignores and replaces scientific evidence with ones own beliefs. In this case that would mean that the existence of a small percentage of users suffering from LTC due to mdma use denies the existence of users not suffering from LTC. In your scenario the two cases are mutually exclusive. But what I am trying to say is that just because most of the people do not suffer from LTC, (or that there has been no research done yet to prove neurotoxicity) does not , based on pure logic, deny the existence of the other group. Both cases can coexist.

Also, its been mentioned here a few times and a lot of ppl refer to neurotoxicity only as the death of neurons. So I am pasting a definition of neurotoxicity as I have been referring to it = note the word DISRUPT:

Neurotoxicity occurs when exposure to natural or artificial toxic substances, which are called neurotoxins, alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a way as to cause damage to nervous tissue. This can eventually DISRUPT or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Neurotoxicity can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies, certain drug abuse, and organ transplants, as well as exposure toheavy metals, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics, and some naturally occurring substances. Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure or be delayed.
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small percentage of users suffering from from mdma use (neurotoxicity)

Don't you understand that a small percentage of users suffering from what they believe is caused by MDMA use does NOT mean neurotoxicity. For some reason you're assuming that any suffering caused by MDMA must be indication of neurotoxicity. It's not. I just provided you loads of other reasons why people might suffer a 'LTC'. These reasons have nothing to do with neurotoxicity.

But what I am trying to say is that just because most of the people do not suffer neurotoxicity from mdma, (or that there has been no research done yet to prove neurotoxicity) does not , based on pure logic, deny the existence of the other group.

This is a flawed statement. If one person takes 1.5mg/kg MDMA, and another person takes 1.5mg/kg MDMA, then any neurotoxicity caused will be practically identical in both people. The MDMA is either going to disrupt or kill neurons or it's not - in BOTH people. It's not like rat studies found that 99% of the rats didn't show neurotoxicity but 1% did (which is what you're suggesting between the non-LTC vs. LTC sufferers). High and repeated doses of MDMA will always cause neurotoxicity in rats. So, when one person comes here saying 150mg MDMA caused them all these LTC symptoms, and I'm sitting here having taken the same amount and even higher, without the symptoms, doesn't that suggest that a LTC isn't neurotoxicity but instead something else? I'm not disputing the existence of a LTC, it's just not caused by neurotoxicity. I don't understand why you're so certain that a LTC is destruction of serotonin neurons? Is it because it feels like brain damage? Because subjectivity cannot measure something like neuron death caused by neurotoxicity.

I think it's more likely that MDMA can actually trigger PTSD in those who are prone to it, since it can cure it when used properly (often things like this work paradoxically, kind of similar to how people can have psychedelic trips that improve their life tremendously and others have ones which psychologically destroy them for months). I think that a LTC is far more likely to be something similar to a bad psychedelic trip triggering an actual psychiatric condition. This is nothing to do with neurotoxicity, but that doesn't mean it's not very real and difficult to deal with. You don't have to incur brain damage to have severe psychological problems.
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what do you even mean by the word "trigger" ?

The severe symptoms of LTC are caused by the nervous system not working as it should. So if by taking mdma you cause that reaction, doesn't it tell you something?
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Thats just not how you should look at this. By saying the above that would mean one ignores and replaces scientific evidence with ones own beliefs. In this case that would mean that the existence of a small percentage of users suffering from LTC due to mdma use denies the existence of users not suffering from LTC. In your scenario the two cases are mutually exclusive. But what I am trying to say is that just because most of the people do not suffer from LTC, (or that there has been no research done yet to prove neurotoxicity) does not , based on pure logic, deny the existence of the other group. Both cases can coexist.

Also, its been mentioned here a few times and a lot of ppl refer to neurotoxicity only as the death of neurons. So I am pasting a definition of neurotoxicity as I have been referring to it = note the word DISRUPT:

Neurotoxicity occurs when exposure to natural or artificial toxic substances, which are called neurotoxins, alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a way as to cause damage to nervous tissue. This can eventually DISRUPT or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Neurotoxicity can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies, certain drug abuse, and organ transplants, as well as exposure toheavy metals, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics, and some naturally occurring substances. Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure or be delayed.

the two mutually exclusive statements are "mdma is neurotoxic" and "mdma is not neurotoxic". i certainly don't deny that a very small percentage of people feel like shit after they have taken mdma, but just because we don't know how that happens doesn't mean it is neurotoxicity. this is where you fill in your beliefs into the blanks of knowledge.

i'm glad we agree on the definition of neurotoxicity because your definition specifically mentions that neurotoxins act by causing damage to nervous tissue. if we see transient altered function of nerve cells, then that cannot be damage to the tissue.

if you'd include such a transient change in neuron function in your definition of neurotoxicity then you're fine to do that (wikipedia in my language also does...), but if that's the case then you'd have to call any psychoactive substance (including cannabis, paracetamol, codeine, any antidepressant, ...) a neurotoxin.
This is a flawed statement
I have been telling him this for the last page or so, but he is having none of it, as he knows more than current science apparently. I wouldn't waste your breath lads, he has obviously got it into his head that MDMA is responsible for this that and the other, and he won't listen to reason and the advice of more experienced users....
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