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The Big & Dandy Methoxphenidine / MXP / 2-MeO-Diphenidine Thread

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the thing i noticed about MXP was a really nasty headache on the comedown, and the come up consisted of an incredibly fast heart beat followed by the hole, overcome the fear of the heart beat because it will slow soon. don't panic. that will make things worse, if it is however getting to a point where its freakishly abnormal then it's time to call for help, if you even can, by that point i was finding it difficult to do anything.... so be careful- was a little scary because it wasn't a typical headache, didn't hurt very much but was very noticeable in a strange manner... also the comedown after the hole is a scary experience because you don't really know what's just happened and your short term memory gets shot to hell. i had the fear that i'd be stuck in a permanent state of retiredness quite literally. trying to sleep yesterday was very difficult too..althought i had one hell of a time on the stuff, it's definitely got some danger associated with it which people need to be careful with. i'm really not an advocate or good person to listen to regarding dosing because i have a tendency to push everything to where nobody has been before, but seriously, be careful. i had a full on OBE with this stuff yesterday, forgot i had legs, arms, anything - my memory was impaired to hell.... wasn't prepared for it at all. the hole lasted around 3-4 hours for me and the comedown was pretty terrifying but i kept reminding myself i was still under the influence of an incredibly potent dissociative and it calmed me down..... for some though.... i think it would be easy to lose it.
the thing i noticed about MXP was a really nasty headache on the comedown, and the come up consisted of an incredibly fast heart beat followed by the hole, overcome the fear of the heart beat because it will slow soon. don't panic. that will make things worse, if it is however getting to a point where its freakishly abnormal then it's time to call for help, if you even can, by that point i was finding it difficult to do anything.... so be careful- was a little scary because it wasn't a typical headache, didn't hurt very much but was very noticeable in a strange manner... also the comedown after the hole is a scary experience because you don't really know what's just happened and your short term memory gets shot to hell. i had the fear that i'd be stuck in a permanent state of retiredness quite literally. trying to sleep yesterday was very difficult too..althought i had one hell of a time on the stuff, it's definitely got some danger associated with it which people need to be careful with. i'm really not an advocate or good person to listen to regarding dosing because i have a tendency to push everything to where nobody has been before, but seriously, be careful. i had a full on OBE with this stuff yesterday, forgot i had legs, arms, anything - my memory was impaired to hell.... wasn't prepared for it at all. the hole lasted around 3-4 hours for me and the comedown was pretty terrifying but i kept reminding myself i was still under the influence of an incredibly potent dissociative and it calmed me down..... for some though.... i think it would be easy to lose it.
Can you be more specific about kinds of dosages and re-dosing if there was? I have been pretty cautious and it's treated me pretty kindly. But people need to know if there really is a point where it gets potentially dangerous. Thanks dude, glad you had fun, sorry to hear about the less the pleasant parts.
well me being me i eyeballed my doses of MXP - i'd say it would be around 400mg of MXP total pushing it over the course of about 4 hours or so. first dose was considerably lower, second was much higher. like i said it was an incredibly insightful and incredible experience which left me literally thinking "what the fuck" after it happened, having to calm myself down after quite literally repeating that phrase over and over louder and louder. but the comedown was very rough - psychologically. i was very scared of my surroundings and the experience i'd just had, and it could have led to a really nasty situation if i hadnt of just kept reassuring myself. i even forgot what the hell i'd taken and was even questioning if i'd taken MXP to begin with in a very manic/dark sort of manner after the experience, thinking i'd perhaps eaten a load of some psychedelic - DMT even, just because it was so mind shatteringly unbelievable as to what happened.

the danger that came with it i think was mainly down to comedown. the come up on the second dose was scarish as i had this strange throbbing headache that i've not experienced before and i noticed my heart started to race quite a lot - but thats when i literally was removed from my body and transported into another world. extremely euphoric and enjoyable, but really pushing it to the limits frankly.

the first dose i took didn't produce those effects - they just kind of lifted my into a dream like state watching nebraska and strangely as the film is in black and white my vision actually turned colour blind, and i floated into a very peaceful tranquil state. it was fascinating. this was a nice dose - almost just before the "hole" occurs. the hole is fun, but be prepared for a lot of mind fucking, rolling on the floor (i think i was) and complete detachment from your own body.
400mg is a massive dose for this stuff! I am slightly wary of holing on methoxphenidine, principally because of the kind of side-effects you mention. I can feel the potential for them at lower doses. Got some arriving tomorrow I hope so might push it a little further, you've inspired me :) Nevertheless, i don't think you really need to top 200mg for this, and in terms of safety and wouldnt advise going over that from personal experience. That's just me though. Maybe getting soft in my 'old' age! Also, I am enjoying avoiding the confusion of the hole, being able to maintain conversation (almost) properly, keeping relatively lucid while enjoying some serious dissociation. To be honest, find it tricky to hole on many things these days, got quite pronounced dissociative tolerance that seems to cross ketamine and most analogues/relatives.
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no you will not be able to maintain any sort of conversation whatsoever, i departed from my body and was doing all sorts of crazy shit in my room before the hole ended and i realised i was alive again.
Taking MXP a bit further today, initial dose, roughly 150mg with 2 small re-doses, roughly 30/40mg. Starting to get the standard dissociative head-buzz, but still no visual or conversation impairment. Well, It is actually slowing me right down now and making typing hard. I will report from the other side

p.s. microscales were stolen so now trying to eyeball doses. Aware of the dangers
becareful with this stuff. it does give a really intense out of body experience. I've now holed on it twice, once just on its own and secondly was yesterday while taking aMT and allyescaline ontop of it. tolerance rises very quickly and the hole duration shortens quite substantially. had to dose a lot higher yesterday to get to a hole, and again, woke up in absolute terror of what the hell happened

frankly its quite forgiving if taken on its own, it doesn't seem to pose many dangers.... and the first time i dosed up was insanely high 250mg or so, then taken to 400mg.... but just be aware that it does induce a rapid heart rate, don't panic when this happens.... thats when you know you're about to hole
May I ask what is your usual dose with Methoxetamine ? Just to get an insight about the estimated potency of MXP. Seems to me it has half the potency of MXE. Does it also produce a hangover for you taken orally in that high dose range ? Because with insufflation the only perceived negative after effect is a dry nose (dose <80mg) IMHO.
My usual dose was 150mg, but I have recently increased it to around 170mg orally. This doesn't produce a 'hole' with me, but then I have taken the substance reasonably regularly, building from around 80mg, and have a strong general tolerance to dissociatives from regular use of ketamine and then MXE in the past. Sounds like other folks like synthentix are taking high doses, from 250mg up to 400mg or higher, but I am not comfortable yet increasing to these levels. Experimenting slowly with this one, because it sounds and feels like it could be pretty mad if I did end up holing. In terms of relative potency, I am not sure I can compare it to MXE directly, it feels like quite a different drug in many ways, and is structurally quite different I think. With MXE, I haven't properly holed either (although have got close with closed eyes and music), and have done quite heavy doses, including 70 - 100mg, although rarely all at once. Please bear in mind I have built up quite a tolerance to dissociatives through regular ketamine use over the years followed by fairly regular use of MXE so I may not be your average case. I would definitely be careful with this one, it does feel like it increases your heart rate and has a notably stimulating effect, although I have quite low blood pressure normally so I don't feel this is a major concern for me.
I would really like to reiterate, I have really grown to enjoy and benefit from this substance. For me and my experience with it, the relative (and I say relatively because I am sure to outsiders I am still clearly inebriated) lucidity and clarity of the dissociative high you get from it makes it more sociable and 'practical' (if that's the right word) at the doses I have taken it at (see my posts above) than ketamine or mxe (the only other dissociatives I have tried properly - tried PCP once but not enough or in big enough doses to be worth talking about I think). Nevertheless, other people in this thread have indicated that there clearly is a point where a 'hole' can be achieved if that's what you are looking for. I am interested in experiencing this, but working slowly up to it. I also find the afterglow, or subsequent antidepressant effects I get from it in the following few days, really quite a bonus. Please bear in mind my overall tolerance to dissociatives. I wouldn't necessarily want to be an outright advocate for methoxphenidine, but it has been working for me. Currently try diphenidine to see how it compares for the first time.
Is MXP safe for snorting? If someone have personal experience with this method can you compare it to MXE (in terms of reducing damage to nostrils, because MXE seems very light on your nose)?
it doesn't really work snorting I'm not sure entirely why i think its due to its binding to fat

not to mention it will really gunk it up you'd have to snort MORE than oral to get somewhere its weird

oral is the best way to dose it
depends what you mean by better, its definitely softer thats for sure, doesn't take you to as dark a place.... really depends on what you're interested in

if you want to quite literally we did it do the 2-meo-diphenidine because its so fucking bizzzare and crazy

shake my head in disbelief at the things that happened, i did, still pondering what the fuck happened... had to go for a meal with the family while coming down from it and felt like a total robot but managed to pull my shit together eat whatnot but looked a total wreck afterward si passed out appartanly sweating my balls off

apparently my heart was going crazy or something from my mums wording it really concerned everyone and left me in a bad way but hey ho it was fascinating and another adventure to add to the log book
personally I have found much more mania and warped thinking coming from MXE, but I have taken relatively high doses and re-dosed. But I think overall, in terms of offering effects one would expect for a classic dissociative e.g. for me ketamine, MXE is much better. One of the key reasons I have been experimenting with methoxphenidine and diphenidine is the UK ban on MXE. However, I also find there is less chaos with relatively low doses of methoxphenidine, you are less obviously inebriated so you can communicate better with others, and I have experienced consistently positive antidepressant effects which are more obvious and stronger than with MXE. But they are two very different substances with quite distinct effects. I would like to say, I think MXP is far safer, more positive (or easier to have a positive good time), longer lasting, and it does feel less toxic than diphenidine. Tried diphenidine the first time yesterday, really not sure I like the stuff too much, its ok but it definitely feels a lot more 'wrong' than methoxphenidine, physically and in terms of the quality of the kind of experience it offers.
Also, snorting methoxphenidine is from my experience a waste of time and money - it doesn't really work, or only very mildly, and the only way to make sure it is absorbed intranasally is to dissolve it in water before hand which takes a lot of agitation, I literally spent ages shaking it and shaking it until most of it had dissolved, and then spraying it up your nostrils one way or another. From my experience, forget about snorting and take orally. even if you make a solution, you will end up with loads dripping out your nostrils, down your throat etc (my experience). Not worth it. just swallow some, the experience is much stronger and better. From my perspective, orally is the only ROA that has actually given me a 'trip' so to speak and a sense of what this substance is about. To repeat, I feel it is a promising substance, more so than diphenidine. Quite a lot different from ketamine and MXE. But we all have are personal favourites I think :)
what is a good oral dose to start with? for like 10mg oral mxe.

I can recommend around 60/70mg to begin with. Perhaps 60mg if you are new to it and equivalent to 10mg oral MXE. It is always worth treading carefully at the beginning. Then slowly up the dose if you need to. Hope that helps. Let me know how you get on zz101 x
p.s. don't expect too much to begin with at low doses. But I would advise started low just to check how sensitive you are to the drug and just because it is always best to take a responsible approach with RCs. Do you have much of a dissociative tolerance?
Thanking you NiceEnough. I will let you know.

No i haven't taken any in 3 months. even then i still had low tolerane.

I enjoy dissociates at low doses, more so good mxe, being my doc. so i am interested to how MXP will play out. i'll prob try it a few different times.
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