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[Mega] The "Why won't MDMA work for me?" thread

You did not test your product, there is your problem :) some adulterants out there have different effects on different people. Some get a rolling feeling from them, some just feel cracked out and some don't feel anything at all. I think you did not ingest MDMA but something else. We will never know for sure though. If it was only you that didn't roll there could be other possibilities but 3 out of 7 people I think the only possible explanation is bunk pills, unless you're all taking the same anti-depressants or something.

Should this happen again in the future that you don't feel anything at all off of one pill you should not take more, that's potentially dangerous. So buy a testkit and see for yourself...
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If ecstasy is not working for you, then you are probably not getting real MDMA at all or else the dosage is too small. At least 70 mg of MDMA.HCl is necessary to feel much, and even then, 120 mg is much preferable.
theres so many facts that could cause this issue. the main one that come to mind is anyone on meds? particularly SSRI's will block all the good and you will just get side effects but wont roll! just energy, jaw clench and maybe perception changes but youll never roll on ssri's. idk if that's the issue but it could be. if ya really want it work the best and you comfy with it.....plug it!! x is the best plugN
The SWIM thing bugs me too. Seems retarded and pointless, and I can't imagine why anyone would want to censor or limit free speech concerning harm reduction and the like (although SWIM is not naive to the reality that there are those assholes out there who would), but seeing as how i just signed up with blue light, i''ll follow the rules.

SWIM is 29 years old, 5'11, 190 pounds, has used every mind altering substance under the sun since he was 13 using every route of administration, is a seasoned drug user, recovering alcoholic and heroin addict who hasn't drank or used (any of the really nasty stuff that would make SWIM's life fall to pieces within a matter of weeks) in 3 years - SWIM is just qualifying himself here as someone who knows what it feels like to get high, and to take something and be disappointed and know it's not doing what it's supposed to.

SWIM has taken ecstasy in various forms, probably about twenty times in his life, and while his friends have been rolling around on the carpet touching themselves and one another, telling each other how much the love each other and so forth, he has sat there frustrated feeling like he drank a few shots of espresso and took about 10mgs of Adderall. SWIM has taken pills on a number of occasions that he knew were SERIOUSLY legit, evidenced by the reaction of others around him who took the same thing and were blasted into outer space. he has taken them whilst on SSRIS and whilst on no medication whatsoever with the same reaction. His pupils have always swelled up to the size of pennies, evidence to the fact that MDMA was most definitely in his bloodstream, just not doing what it was supposed to be doing re filling him with love, euphoria, and an overwhelming urge to dance. SWIM has taken MDMA on an empty stomach and on no psych meds, and then when it didn't "work," taken more and more (obscene amounts) with practically no results. Most recently (perhaps a year ago?), SWIM plugged two .15g (or .015g, whatever it is that goes for 20 bucks) gel caps of molly (stuck them up his ass) that had quite a reputation for being the most pure and potent thing around at the time. SWIM was riding the subway 20 minutes later when they kicked in and nearly had an anxiety attack from the physical symptoms normally associated with rolling (heart fluttering, jaw trembling, massive pupils like flying saucers and the like). This was the most SWIM ever got out of MDMA, which wasn't much: felt a little bit amped up, strange, pleasant sensation when touching his skin, felt a little horny and rubbed one out, then went about his day feeling more or less normal.

SWIM has never had this adequately explained to him by psychiatrists, drug connoisseurs, etc. and has searched for literature in the psychopharmacological community to explain this phenomenon without any luck.

So, SWIM is curious about a few things:

1. has anyone else out there been able to definitively determine that they are an MDMA non-responder, or know someone who is? and if so, have they found a remedy to the situation: for example, combining it with something that potentiates the effects, changed the set and setting, taken it during another period of their lives when they were doing something differently (like altering their diet or being in better physical / mental / emotional / spiritual shape) and found that it worked when certain variables were altered?

2. does anyone know of any MDMA analogues that have worked for people where MDMA has not?

3. any other thoughts / ideas / diarrhetic stream of consciousness that might lead to SWIM having success with the drug


P.S. Some related facts, thoughts, theories, and hypotheses:

1.SWIM has suffered from chronic depression (along with generalized anxiety). we know that this is usually associated with the neurochemical serotonin, which floods the brain when MDMA is administered. maybe SWIM's brain just doesn't have the serotonin on reserve to flood his brain? seems far-fetched, but anything is possible

2. building on the hypotheses stated above. SWIM has had unusual experiences with LSD, which also acts on the serotonin system in a different way. specifically, when SWIM takes LSD (which works just fine for him) if he takes it within the same week it has little to no effect. SWIM is aware that this is normal, that the brain needs a day or two to reset for most people before they can really trip their balls off again, but this is especially pronounced with SWIM. he knows people who can take it two days in a row and trip two days in a row. when SWIM takes LSD twice within a span of up to two weeks, the second time he can take 20 hits and not achieve the same effect he got with 2 or 4 (literally). it's like there's a ceiling, and whatever chemicals were available to his brain to rocket him into the fourth dimension are now gone. what i'm getting at, i suppose, is that this seems to point to a deficiency of SOMETHING. what exactly, SWIM isn't sure. could this be related?

from the info mentioned in items 1 and 2 after the postscript above, and all the other anecdotal evidence mentioned before, friends have remarked that SWIM's brain is "wired strangely" or made remarks such as "you've got something weird going on with your brain chemistry." SWIM's response to that is "no shit" but a more specific explanation would be appreciated and valuable

Thanks again.
you seem like you been there done that. I have too im an mdma, mda mdea pro. theres so many factors here. being in a state of anxiety in this point in your life can def be a fact messin up you fun. draining you ser def will do it, it happened to me till I took a REAL break....like months!! I couldn't even puff weed without feeling uncomfy in my own skin and even had a panic attack from weed and from a lil meth after a rave I went to. im happy to say I can noe puff with no issues and still have my fun in moderation. I even got a bad case of serotonin syndrome from mxe and Prozac so im xtra careful. keep in mind mdma makes changes to the brain that causes the drug to feel different "but still good" :) your right best roa is plugging it, shooting it isn't great just intense and short with less euphoria. up the but with a baby med plunger thing works well. space it out and dose well and be safe.....if your gonna swallow pregame your bady with teaspoon of baking soda and stay away from acidity (oj juice or w/e) works with addy too, with in crease your 1/2 life by hours
My past two (=first two :D) MDMA experience occupies my mind from time to time. It felt unlike what the others described to me or what I read here about effects. I'd appreciate some ideas.
It was tested HCl stuff, first time 1*100mg then 5 days later (special occasion) 1*120mg doses in capsules.
I felt no anxiety or overexcitement, i take no medication only vitamins.

At T+40 it began to come up, i felt nice, clean euphoria. Ambient temperature felt just right, even though it was a bit chilly before. I was riding on the waves of trance music. :D I was thirsty but no desire for food.
However I wasn't more empathic neither I had any pleasure in touching things, people and this is what I kind of miss from the evenings.
I walked home during comedown and I was able to sleep almost immediately to wake up well rested and with a nice afterglow for the following 2-3 days.

Any ideas about the lack of empathic and tactile aspects of the roll? The thought of hugging anyone never came to my mind. For me it was more about the appreciation of music and the joy of dancing.

Is it just how we are all different and not everyone reacts the same way to MDMA?

hi :) keep in mind theres many wqays to syth mdma. it could be racmic containing both left and right isomers which will give you different result than say.....the "D" isomer which is more active euphoricly speaking :) its easier for some cooks to produce mda, which is stronger but different and my get visions of tripEness, or mdea which will be less intense and lack some empathy. so many factors, and if its pure it should look like crystals, or like meth brownish color could mean mda, or amix which is my fav,,,,but plug x if you want the most bang from it!!!
If ecstasy is not working for you, then you are probably not getting real MDMA at all or else the dosage is too small. At least 70 mg of MDMA.HCl is necessary to feel much, and even then, 120 mg is much preferable.
if its pure 120 mg is what u need, go for 300mg if ya wanna roll nice ......and plug it :)
the full majic does go away after a few times and will never come back. plugging it will def bring back better euphoria, but I have the same issue, I just took a long break after doin it few times a week,,,,like a year off, and I still like the way I feel when I do it but sorry.....sometimes ya just burn out the magic
I don't want to make a fuss out of how I know the purity, but I do. Basically what I was saying is that this is definitely MDMA and it is not cut to hell.

I'm just trying to get a better picture of what's going on . I mean I took 350mg for what was basically the first time and did not roll. I definitely felt the beginning of the roll. I was social and happy and wanted to just be around people in general. That dosage is just insane for a first time but I needed more, for sure.

I also have unbelievable natural tolerances to opiates, benzos, and to an extent alcohol. It took me 5 xanax bars to get into a good groove my first time. And it was another 100mg of oxycodone my first time to make me really feel it. When I was 13 I drank for the first time and wound up drinking 17-18 drinks, no blackouts or brownouts, no throwing up or anything like that. I just had a mild hangover. I'm a small guy at 5'6 125lbs so I don't know why my body is so resistant but it just is.

Is the danger with MDMA inherent to the chemical or would it just be that my body has an unrealistic tolerance?

I don't plan to do it for at least a month but when I do, I'm going all in. 1000mg is probably the goal, hopefully it doesn't take that much but it might. This sucks, my rolls are a lot of dollars while others spend much less.

Also I think I can mix it with some M1 to enhance the roll, hopefully this works!
dude.....its way cut if ya need to eat a gram. even cut 50% 300 mg should get the ball r0llin!! ive done 1.7 in a night of 50% cut powder and it was awesome. ive done it for years so the real magic is gone but still very enjoyable!! try plugging it, there no better way to take it
im gonna post this here to get some ideas as well

So last night I took 4 and a half of these http://www.pillreports.com/index.php..._pill&id=27733 <-- This is also my report on my FIRST roll. Have a look here to see what happened with my previous experience. Later in the night i also took a 100mg cap of molly.

So goes as this: Drop 2 1/2 of the pills at 7:50 got nausea at about 30 mins and almost threw up. After that passed i was fine, eyes began blowing up. At about an hour in, i dropped another 1 1/2 pills. That was my stash of pills for the night. I never came up really or felt any sort of euphoria. Music never changed and lights had the SLIGHTEST change (however it could be a placebo) I did feel very friendly and chatty though. So around 11:00pm i had a 100mg molly stashed away for a friend in case they wanted to join in, they didnt so i dropped at this time. Never had any sort of effects or anything i see people have. I just want to feel it and was extremely upset after the show and didnt roll after ingesting that much mdma. What do you think is causing this? Why cant i roll? If you read my previous report you will notice i smoked some weed to get going. Whats your guys thoughts on the weed?

I have a test kit, everything i have is tested mdma only. Would love to hear some thoughts on WTF is wrong with me.

5'10 about 180lbs male.
you never did mension if your on any meds or have takin any ssri within a weeks time.....that would def do it
My first time taking 'Ecstasy' was out in California in 2010. I took it in pill form. I had a Blue Maseratti(sp?) and it was everything and more than I dreamed it would. I rolled a few more times on the same pill for the next few weeks. Then my dealer got purple glocks, much stronger and I almost od'd on the same dose. Since then Ive only taken 'pure' molly in crystal or powdered form. My question is why dont I feel it anymore, I didn't do it nearly enough to lose the magic, but when I did it in pill form I felt AMAZING, and that is an understatement, my hands got clammy, then I couldnt stop smiling, then every bit of social anxiety was out the door and I was the most sociable person in the building. Now whenever I take it, even .3 or .4 of "pure" I am disappointed and am waiting for something that never happens.

The only thing I have done that I can even imagine would affect this is I went through a DXM phase of about a year, where I dosed DXM nearly daily. Could that have changed my brain chemistry enough to affect the way molly effects me? Or could it just be that the pills were cut with something that made it that much more euphoric and sociable?

Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched the forums for a long time with no luck before I asked.

Thanks fellow BL'ers
empathy and eye wiggles with waves of a slight disconnect are the 3 keys I look for in mdma
I have the same problem iv taken many pills and non of them work..... im on medication tho so maybe its got something to do with that
How frequently have you been taking them? What med are you on? Antidepressants?
Took 3 points and felt nothing

So I read probably about a third of this thread before I got bored. It's a good thread and I have a little bit better understanding of why I possibly didn't roll. But here's what happened:

Last night I decided to roll for the first time. I took two points of some brownish whitish rocks that my friend has had for some time and has for personal use and rolls pretty hard. At 7:57, I took the two points. I figured two points would be a relatively good starting dose seeing as how I only weigh about 150 and have never taken it before. Two hours passed and I felt nothing, so I decided to take another point. I went out and the entire night I felt nothing, except for a possible slight body change but nothing that noticeable at all. My two friends who have rolled before took two points of the same stuff, after snorting metadate during the day and still felt something, albeit not to the fullest extent which was to be expected. Also, another of my friends has taken the same MDMA before and rolled pretty hard. I took some supplements such as R-Lipoic Acid, Green Tea Extract, Magnesium Glycinate, CoQ10, and Grape Seed Extract but those should only help reduce neurotoxicity and such. I am not taking any medications, the last time I took adderall was weeks ago, I took 200 micrograms of acid one week ago but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't affect rolling at least not by that much, I have experimented with DMT a few times and the last was a few days ago but that gets broken down in your body so fast it shouldn't affect a roll at all, and I took 5.25 grams of Maeng Da Kratom powder capsules a few days ago but again I'm pretty sure that shouldn't affect my roll. My friends and I are all very confused as to what happened because I definitely should have rolled. Advice or explanations anyone?
hi, I'm new to bluelight but not as much to ecstasy. I've rolled about 5 times I think, waiting at least a month in between each time except the 2nd and 3rd, which is how I figured out I needed to wait longer haha. I've only ever had ecstasy tablets before, all giving very similar and very pleasant affects with the only real difference between uses being intensity and even that was slight.

however, this past weekend I got some "pure MDMA" capsules from a friend (not the person I usually get ecstasy from) and they did pretty much nothing. my best friend (who I always roll with) and I each ended up taking 3 capsules (just swallowing the capsules) by the end of the night and while he got some energy from it, all I felt was sickish and unpleasant. the only medications I take are anti-inflammatories and adderall XR, both in the morning (we roll at night) and neither of those had any effect on previous pills. I don't own a testing kit yet so unfortunately I have no way of knowing exactly what was in the pills, but I have some questions that have stemmed from information I've gotten from different people.

1. my friend who gave me these capsules (who's never taken MDMA) told me that MDMA powder capsules aren't supposed to give the same effects as ecstasy tablets. he said that the the way they affected me (causing me to be awake and alert but not making me feel good at all) are what should be expected. this doesn't make sense to me, because if the active ingredient in ecstasy is MDMA, shouldn't pure MDMA have the same effects as ecstasy? unless something happens during the process of creating an ecstasy tablet that changes something about the chemicals themselves, therefore making them give different effects? because if that's true and the two often or usually produce different effects, I'd prefer to just stick to what I know works.

2. I asked my friend who I normally get ecstasy from and he said the MDMA capsules he had recently were also bad, and said it was just a bad batch. I'm confused about this because, assuming what I had was actually MDMA, how does a "bad batch" happen? is there a way the process of creating MDMA powder can be messed up, so that even if what you're getting in actually MDMA, you won't get the right effects from it?

I hope these aren't completely dumb questions, I honestly know nothing about how MDMA is made and even less about chemistry in general so I'm just confused about everything ^^; thank you to anyone who can help!
1. my friend who gave me these capsules (who's never taken MDMA) told me that MDMA powder capsules aren't supposed to give the same effects as ecstasy tablets. he said that the the way they affected me (causing me to be awake and alert but not making me feel good at all) are what should be expected. this doesn't make sense to me, because if the active ingredient in ecstasy is MDMA, shouldn't pure MDMA have the same effects as ecstasy? unless something happens during the process of creating an ecstasy tablet that changes something about the chemicals themselves, therefore making them give different effects? because if that's true and the two often or usually produce different effects, I'd prefer to just stick to what I know works.

your friend is talking bullshit. if the capsules contain only mdma as active ingredient they should have you feeling exactly the same as ecstasy tablets with only mdma as active ingredient (given that the dose is in a similar range). the only difference that you should feel is that pills sometimes take a little longer to come up.
there's nothing different about pressing ecstasy pills than pressing pharmaceutical pills. you add fillers and binders and press the whole thing into a pill to make the active substance easier to handle and dose.

of course not everyone who presses pills with only mdma as active ingredient and some even press pills without any mdma at all, so (if you don't have access to a lab testing service - available in many european countries free of charge) you really have to get a reagent test kit that indicates the contents of the pill by giving differently coloured reation.

crystals and powders are even easier to adulterate because cutting the substance can be done anywhere down the line, so you'll need a test kit for them as well. if you have a pill press to make tablets, then you don't crumble other people's tablets, cut them and press them again when you can make your own tablets from your own starting materials.

crystals have had a reputation for being better quality than pills because, due to a shortage of raw materials for the big suppliers, pill quality dropped immensely around 2008. crystal was usually better back then. it was also that research chemicals like methylone or mephedrone were sought out by people looking for an mdma replacement. nowadays pills are at least as pure and strong (sometimes even ridiculously highly dosed) as they were before in the early 00s, while crystal or powder is usually cut more. the latter two also often contain methylone instead of mdma.

2. I asked my friend who I normally get ecstasy from and he said the MDMA capsules he had recently were also bad, and said it was just a bad batch. I'm confused about this because, assuming what I had was actually MDMA, how does a "bad batch" happen? is there a way the process of creating MDMA powder can be messed up, so that even if what you're getting in actually MDMA, you won't get the right effects from it?

i wouldn't assume it was mdma. it could have been anything. the only way to get an idea about the quality of the pills/crystals/powder you're going to take is either sending it off to a lab or getting a reagent test kit. it's highly recommended.
there of course are things you can do wrong in the synthesis of mdma, but in almost all cases a "bad batch" is deliberately adulterated.
Things get real messed up when you see home pill pressers use 1 part MDMA and 10 parts 5-apb. I won't get into detail, but thanks to things like the deep web, people are ordering Crystal Rock Mountains of research chems and passing them on as MDXX. Using a splash of MDXX will make those reagent test kits pop Purple.
Things get real messed up when you see home pill pressers use 1 part MDMA and 10 parts 5-apb. I won't get into detail, but thanks to things like the deep web, people are ordering Crystal Rock Mountains of research chems and passing them on as MDXX. Using a splash of MDXX will make those reagent test kits pop Purple.
That may be a more local Individual case. I've yet to see many pressies showing up with 5-x/ 6-x mixed in. Of course crystals can be cut. But the price of 5/6-x isn't THAT 'much cheaper therefore adding in another chemical wouldn't be that cost effective. I'm not doubting your experience. Things like (m)ethylone are much cheaper and would be a more likely culprit to cut or be passed of MDxx. But if a dark net presser can get ahold of MDxx I don't see a reason why they would cut it with 5/6-x.
That may be a more local Individual case. I've yet to see many pressies showing up with 5-x/ 6-x mixed in. Of course crystals can be cut. But the price of 5/6-x isn't THAT 'much cheaper therefore adding in another chemical wouldn't be that cost effective. I'm not doubting your experience. Things like (m)ethylone are much cheaper and would be a more likely culprit to cut or be passed of MDxx. But if a dark net presser can get ahold of MDxx I don't see a reason why they would cut it with 5/6-x.

Thanks, I feel better. This is from what I saw Ecstasydata and Pillreports. I'm sure it was bk-mdea and mdxx split. I just named the APB series as an example, Your right, I ask'd a friend of mine and he said the price difference was not much in the darknet.
Hey guys,

I'm a 32 year old introvert person who is more of a wallflower in clubs. I never dance. Alcohol doesn't make me do it either. I'm not easy in talking to people.

As an experiment I tried XTC last night. I had the pill tested before. It was pure, it contained about 200mg of mdma. I decided to split the pill into quarters. I took 1 quarter at 22:20 and a friend of mine took a quarter as well. I got a little buzz and tension going on and at 23:50 I took another quarter and my friend and another friend took 1/8 each. We sat at my home until 1:30. Then we went to the bar. I had a dry mouth the whole night, and went home at 5:00, went to bed at 5:45 and slept quite well.

I felt a buzz coming after the first quarter (tension in my chest), and more after the second quarter and also I saw things vibrating a little bit. However, in my opinion I did not feel the full xtc experience. I was relaxed but not really energetic. I felt okay, but not euphoric. Also the empathogenic effect which I hoped would occur did not occur. I was not really longing to hug people or something like that. Also at the bar it was like normal, me being a wallflower, feet nailed to the ground.

Right now I'm having a hangover (headache, not a bad as a alcohol-hangover though).

I have a few explanations for this dissappointing experience:

1 The dose was too low (100mg). I weigh 105 kg being 6'5 (1.97). Maybe I did not reach the treshold dose?
2 The time between the quarters was too long (1,5 hour). Treshold not reached?
3 I'm a non-responder :(
4 I'm a responder, but the mdma brought me closer to my true self: an introvert observer
5 We stayed too long at my home, not having a stimulating environment
6 The pill was getting old (it was more than a year old). A friend of me said that the pills lose their effect over time. However, I do not really believe him

What do you guys think? Was it the dosage? Am I a non-responder? By the way my friend who took 3/8 pill :))) did not feel much as well.
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