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Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome Support Thread

Awareness of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is gradually spreading throughout the medical community, however it seems to me that there is still a massive lack of awareness amongst cannabis users generally. There is also much scepticism and hostility directed at the idea that cannabis could cause such an illness. This is understandable given that news of CHS as a condition only reached the medical literature in late 2004.1

I'm not anti-cannabis, in fact I'm very pro-cannabis and anti-prohibitionist in regards to all drugs; I believe in personal liberty. My concern is that there are doubtless many sufferers of this condition who do not known that cannabis is causing their illness. CHS has hospitalised many people, who have subsequently required intravenous fluids to rehydrate their bodies. The vomiting caused by this condition is of such severity that during their episodes of hyperemesis, sufferers can scarcely keep any fluids down, which leads to serious dehydration. It is surprising that to date there are no known fatalities attributed to CHS, in my opinion, this is a very real prospect - especially considering the rising popularity of high THC concentrated forms of cannabis.

I believe we can do more, as a harm reduction forum, to spread awareness of CHS. Please educate yourselves on the symptoms of CHS and look out for friends, family members and all cannabis users.

Symptoms of CHS include:

  • Loss of appetite in the prodrome phase, which leads up to bouts of morning sickness
  • abdominal pain
  • extremely frequent vomiting in the hyperemesis phase, which can last for days
  • feeling very thirsty
  • becoming mostly relieved of the symptoms in a hot shower, which can lead to compulsive frequent showering behaviours
  • cyclic pattern of the described symptoms over months

CHS tends to occur in people who:

  • Have smoked cannabis heavily and daily for many years

It's probable that CHS is much more prevalent than most people know. Many individuals have likely been misdiagnosed as cyclical vomiting syndrome (CVS), which shares some essential features. But many more still, are likely to be undiagnosed and suffering. Unfortunately many sufferers will continue to smoke to relieve the nausea, which unbeknown to them, is actually being caused by their use of cannabis.

Further Reading:

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Case Report of a Paradoxical Reaction with Heavy Marijuana Use
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis: High on the Differential for Intractable Vomiting

1 Cannabinoid hyperemesis: cyclical hyperemesis in association with chronic cannabis abuse - Allen et al. (2004) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1774264/
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I had to quit smoking weed because of CHS. I did not smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, or use any other psychoactive drugs at the time. I did however smoke between 3-5 grams of hash oil through dabbing every single day. I could not go more than an hour without smoking or I would feel extremely anxious and paranoid. Eventually the CHS symptoms became overwhelming, especially the chronic pain in my abdomen, and bouts of morning vomiting. I bought a months worth of 30mg Oxycontin from my friend, and I quit weed cold turkey in exchange for the oxy. Within 5 days my vomiting was gone, and I used the oxy for about another 5 after that in which I stopped the opiates.

It's been 6 months since I've smoked weed, and I've never felt any of the symptoms return. It's funny that a majority of my friends who also smoke chronically (3+ grams per day), all complain of vomiting, and extreme nausea, however if I try to bring up to them that its weed, they will say its bullshit and that weed is a miracle plant that cures nausea, and doesnt cause it.

With all the rising THC levels, and especially the use of concentrates, I am sure that eventually there will be some very severe cases of CHS make the news, and it will hinder the legalization movement. I do not think weed should be legal or unscheduled (I think it fits in perfect as a schedule 2 or 3 drug), however the unwillingness of hardcore stoners to admit anything bad could be caused by their precious plant does irk me a lot. And I know they will never change their minds until it gets really bad for them, because I wouldn't listen either.
Absolute bullshit. The only side effect ever scientifically proven from cannabis is bronchitis (smokers cough) which is avoided entirely when vaporized or ingested via edibles. I've been smoking every single day since I was 12 years old and am now 21 (if that doesnt qualify as chronic idk what does) n still have experienced nothing of the sort. And those commercials on now saying it stunts brain development is bullshit too, smoked all through middle and high school n graduated with a 3.5 GPA. A's in trigonometry &analytic geometry and calculus. Suck it.
The only way it's ever caused any form of nausea is if I take a massive hit to the back of the throat and it makes me gag for a second. but not like a dry heave, like when you accidentally almost swallow a cough drop or something. Have tried every form of ingestion possible and edibles are by far the best. Whole body just seems to vibrate with life and joy.

Ah yes, deny that such a prevalent problem even exists. Very intelligent approach. School isn't really all that difficult anymore anyways, so bragging that you pass with a 3.5 GPA means fuck all. Mind telling us which college you are going to and what GPA you are holding there? That might hold some more weight.

Just because you don't have it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Oh you don't have cancer? Well, it must not exist right. And if you plan to argue "Oh , well cancer has been scientifically proven" , think for a moment, do you ever think there was a day when somethings went undiagnosed? Wonder what ever happen to people who had seizures back in the day, Oh, well, who cares, it doesn't happen to you, therefor , it must not exist. Correct?

I too have been smoking since I was very young (13). I too maintained above 3.5 at a private school. I too smoke every day, multiple times a day. (I on the other hand, have experienced these problems)

Also, if you don't think that marijuana has any stunting effect on the developing child brain, you should seriously take a look into psychology , and neuropsychology, it might be enlightening.
Just because your brain excelled in math, doesn't point to it excelling in any other directions, in fact, when people have abnormal abilities in subjects, it's usually at the cost of a neighboring part of the brain. Take a look at Einstein, the guy was brilliant in math, that part of his brain grew, at the cost of the neighboring part of his brain which function was for speech.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but you should try giving more constructive information rather than simply suggesting it doesn't exist because you don't experience it.
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So tired of people discounting my symptoms, saying it's mental illness or another gastro problem. I've had every test in the book done, and nothing was found. I also have no history of mental illness, nor does anyone in my family.

I smoked over 50,000 dollars worth of weed in a year. When I smoke a throw up and feel sick for about a week. Within a week of quitting, I feel normal again. This is how many sufferers are, and yet people still deny it. May as well deny opiate withdrawal, or DT's from alcohol/benzo withdrawal if you're going to claim CHS doesn't exist. Especially since there are now many many studies being done on it, and that ER visits with stomach problems have exponentially risen in Denver, CO since legalization.

People just want to believe weed is harmless and you can indulge all you want. You really can't, and I believe most of these people are 18 or 19 year old smokers. When I was 18 I would have said the same thing. After 10 straight years of smoking at least a quarter ounce a day, I can definitely say that CHS is very real, and I had to trade my weed habit for an opiate one.
Well I stumbled upon CVS/CHS a month or so ago and it fit like a rubber glove! I'm 49 and have been a daily pot smoker for over 35 of those years. About ten years ago I started having these Cyclic Vomiting episodes. They are always the same for me; creeping up within a couple hours after waking and within another hour vomiting my toes out. I used to regard this as vampire sickness seeing as I'd start feeling better after the sun set. While ill I didn't want to look or listen at anything, just writhe and real in between bouts of vomiting.

I learned after a while that I did not want to leave the hot shower I'd take (to rinse my mouth, at first) after vomiting. After noticing all the water going down the drain I'd alternate with baths that'd last 30+minutes. I'd even have my wife bring me soup to the bathtub so I could get something in me while I felt okay; after the sunset of course.

These episodes varied in occurrence, from every few months or so to as frequent as monthly. Always wondering "what did I eat?, what are the triggers?, etc. I even used my, unknown at the time CVS, symptoms to acquire my medical marijuana card so now I could legally and easily buy the good shit! Which oddly enough wasn't able to smoke much if any while episoding.

After a few years suffering I visited the Dr. and went through the gauntlet of tests you're all familiar. They determined it was my GallBladder and I eventually gave in (after first refusing for a year or so) and had it removed, about two years ago. Of course, my post-op meeting with the surgeon he mentioned how healthy my GB appeared "no shit! doctor quack".

Well the past year my episodes started becoming more frequent, almost monthly, and I made a Dr. appointment to see what the next organ they wanted to remove. Luckily my niece, who also partakes, posted how Anti-Nausea liquid cured her being sick for 5 hours. And her mother had possibly figured out what it was; CVS which I'd never heard of until that moment. She mentioned that pot smoking was noted as a possible cause! WTF!!!

Sure enough, after my re-research, there it was CHS "denoted by frequent hot bathing" OMG, this must be a conspiracy by my wife who has always frowned upon my consumption. But there is way too much info out there; how did I miss this before! I guess I gave up the research years ago. Well I met with the Dr. and helped him diagnose my condition and after a couple weeks of slowing down have now been without my close buddy MJ for two weeks.

I figure I must abstain for at least six months to see if this is real. If I have an episode after that then I'm not sure if I'll stay on the wacky weed wagon or not; probably not though. BTW the dreams are real annoying right now but I'm sure they'll calm in time.
This is an interesting thread. I am new to the cannabis discussion section because I have abstained for many years after using nearly every day when I was younger. I eventually grew bored of it. I was going nowhere and all of my college buddies were making bank while I just sat around writing music and getting high.

I recently noticed a thread about weed and nausea. I have personally found marijuana to curb nausea significantly better than any anti-emetic other than IV administered Zofran.
I am not sure if I have "HS" but I do have some serious problems with my GI tract that may be the cause of my convulsive, hyper-emetic events every couple of months or so. I have no idea what the actual trigger is but once it begins I have to go to the hospital due to the inability to hold anything down for more than 15 min. It was so bad once that I had to get an ambulance because I had lost so much fluid that every movement created muscle cramps and spasms. I feel for anyone with this type of a problem.

What intrigues me is that there is a syndrome caused by MJ that opposes everything I have learned first hand. MJ always cured my nausea regardless of the cause. It was a miracle and every time I would be dry heaving into whatever receptacle was available, I would kill for a bong hit. Now I find out that my cure could actually become a cause?

My vomiting spells have worsened over the years and I know now that I need my gallbladder needs to be removed and a some other surgical procedure done to my upper GI. In the meantime, the only good medication covered by my insurance is promethazine and when taken orally it is nearly useless. I cannot afford the sublingual Zofran which is the best anti nausea med I have taken.

I am definitely going to research this syndrome now that I know it exists. It seems so strange that something I used to use for nausea can cause these attacks. Then again, opiates cause hyperalgesia. Could it be that smoking over a long period of time does something to the center of brain that is for lack of a better term "the vomiting center" of the brain? This area of the brain somehow becomes disrupted due to its activity being suppressed for a period of time? This is probably in research I have yet to read.

All I know is that MJ has always, ALWAYS been the best anti-emetic that I have used. Of course I always administered it through inhalation which yields the best bio availability next to IV or insufflation.
Interesting thread indeed. I am a habitual smoker, have been for years, 2g-3g high grade Dutch cannabis daily. I've also gotten bouts of stomach and intestinal cramps, nausea, sometimes vomiting and assorted other stomach-related symptoms. I went to get this checked out once. The first question the doctor asked me is "do you by any chance smoke lots of weed?"

So it seems the medical world is aware of these problems. What helps me a lot is buscopan (Butylscopolamine). If I take that I'm symptom-free an hour later. It's a prescription drug though...
Hey Everyone. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for contributing to this thread. Unfortunately (especially being the natural skeptic I am) there are few scholarly articles to confirm CHS so we are stuck with only anecdotal evidence. That being said, I'd like to share my story in hopes that it will not cause any tension, but maybe help someone who is suffering from some very serious symptoms.

Some Background Info
I'm 21 years old, I started smoking when I was 14 and was smoking daily by the age of 15. I smoked approximately three to five grams every single day with not a single break that was longer than a 24 hour period. I make a living off of music, so I have never needed to get tested for a job or really abstain for any financial reason. I have been a vegetarian for 7 years and am generally pretty conscious of my health, although I did mostly smoke and not vaporize. I never smoked cigarettes and rarely ever drink alcohol. I did have my appendix removed a little over a year before I ever felt any symptoms.

Description of Struggles
Up until about a year and a half ago I had no apparent negative side effects from using cannabis and in fact was a huge advocate (and still am) of this glorious plant. In May of 2013 I went to the hospital for the first time for what I believe to be CHS. At the time, I did not believe it. I was mostly unaware at the time but when brought up I thought: "I've been smoking for years and all of my mates smoke just as much if not more". "This is just some propaganda in order to deem the medicinal value of marijuana illegitimate." "People are prescribed marijuana for nausea why would it cause it?" After going to the hospital 26 times between May of 2013 and the end of April 2014, I was diagnosed with just about everything someone with healthy blood work and scans could be diagnosed with (CVS, anxiety, depression, panic disorder, PTSD, GERD, etc.). During this time I was waking up literally every single day and throwing up bile and experiencing symptoms almost identical to CVS. I tore my esophagus three times and threw up blood multiple times within that time frame. The last time I went to the hospital in April of 2014, the doctor told me about CHS and told me to do some research. After being on just about every medication possible, I was willing to try anything, including leaving my relationship with marijuana.

Within a matter of 6 days I had absolutely no more nausea. I decided that I would take 90 days off to assure that it was marijuana and not just a coincidence since I quit. I have abstained 4 months today from marijuana and have had absolutely no symptoms since. I've gained thirty pounds (I'm 5'8"; went from 99 lbs in May {yikes!} to a healthy 132 today). I hope that one day I can continue to use marijuana on a much less frequent basis but I wanted to post and share my story.

I'd just like to say thanks for reading if you've made it this far and I hope this can help anyone who is struggling with this. I have read many blogs of people being angry at people like me for posting about this and that is my last intention. I am a firm believer in the medicinal value of marijuana and would still recommend to anyone for a lot of different illnesses. I don't believe that everyone who smokes like I did will have these results but it can happen to some people. Please be open to accepting that marijuana could potentially affect people differently and sometimes negatively. I can relate to it being hard to swallow trust me, but please do not diminish other peoples health issues because it hasn't affected you or someone you know in the same way.

Much love,
So glad to have found this forum.
I've been smoking since I was about 17 (I'm 23 now)...it didn't take long before I was smoking every day and a lot. I got arrested a year later and put on probation for 6 months. After I got off, I picked up my smoking habits again..this time more because I had moved out and started college. About 10 months after starting to smoke again, I had my first episode. I was throwing up uncontrollably for about 10 hours, went to the ER, etc. I had no idea what it was, and neither did the doctors. It kept happening, and I ended up in the hospital for fluids/phenagren about once a month. I was diagnosed with CVS brought on by anxiety (which I've also struggled with). They prescribed me a ton of klonopin, phenegren, and a range of tricyclic/tetracyclic antidepressants. The antidepressants made me insane...I woke up sobbing, I went to bed sobbing...and the klonopin left me with few memories of about two years of my life. I'm 5'4" and shrunk down to about 95 lbs. I still thought that marijuana helped my "CVS" so I continued to smoke until I was arrested for possession again. When I quit smoking for probation, all of my symptoms went away. Finally there was some research on the subject, but I remained in denial and started smoking again when I was off probation. Two months later I had another episode. This time they could not stop my vomiting with medications. It was relentless. They had to stick a tube up my nose, down my throat to my stomach to suck the blood that I was throwing by that point. I was in the hospital for 5 days with about 4 huge bleeding ulcers. For the first time, a doctor looked me in the face and told me if I didn't stop smoking, I would never get better. So I quit for about 6 months, but yes, I started again. This time, I've been using very moderately...kind of "testing" the limits of my disease*. Now the only time I feel sick is when I quit, and it's relatively mild (no hospital trips yet..knock on wood). I've been able to go back to school (which I had to put on hold because I was always sick), hold a job, and I've gone back to a healthy weight of 120. Right now, it seems to me that I don't have to necessarily to stop marijuana entirely, but rather use in moderation, keep in touch with how I'm feeling, and stop if I start to feel ill.**
I'd love to hear any insight, similar experiences, etc. that any of you might have.

*I know I sound like an insane addict, but despite all the trouble weed has caused me, I still love to smoke. I've struggled with depression my whole life (dysthymia with episodes of major depression). As studies show and as I've experienced, dysthymia does not typically respond to anti-depressants, but marijuana has always been the one thing able to make me feel better, clear my head, and allow me to appreciate life...so it's been hard for me to let go of completely. It should probably also be noted that I struggled with anorexia and bulimia in high school and college (before I started getting sick at least).
**I am by no means saying that this is THE answer...just that it seems to be working out ok for me at the moment.
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^ This is a total guess so I'd like someone to correct me if possible. I know serotonin is involved in temperature regulation. I also know that the 5-HT3 receptor is involved in nausea, antagonists are anti-emetics, agonists can cause nausea (for example, AMT is known for it's nausea inducing come up).

Is it possible that the hot water results in the body trying to re-establish a cooler temperature (which I assume involves serotonin) and this may indirectly (or directly) affect the 5-HT3 receptor, reducing nausea?

I'm totally guessing here. I don't actually have much knowledge about the CNS but I know a few bits and pieces here and there.
Well, would you mind explaining me where exactly is connection to cannabis? Does smoking cannabis affect serotonin so drastically? Anyway thanks for idea.
Both THC and CBD are also both agonists of Delta and Kappa opioid receptors, and also modulates functions at the MU1 and MU2 opioid receptors. It hits all but one of your opiate receptors. Also, weed does effect dopamine, and to a lesser extent, serotonin. Delta and MU opioid receptors are the ones that cause dependency, and I'm sure this is why weed causes some effects. I smoked all day every day from age 14-26. I always said I would smoke til I die. The vomitting started, and upon cessation the vomiting got worse. I also had night sweats, and insomnia. My lack of appetite was extreme. I lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks while sobering myself up.

I think weed could be used as a great medicine, but there are many many abusers. One thing I noticed about all my friends that chronically smoke, is that they all have some sort of stomach issue, and they all have pain when they quit smoking weed, usually in their backs. They will say weed's curing their pain, but I've known them for many years, and none of them had this pain before starting weed.

With all psychoactives there is a rebound. Take benzos over a long time, and you have rebound anxiety. Take opiates for too long, and you get hyperalgesia. I think when chronic smokers like myself and my friends (meaning 3.5 grams of medicinal weed a day, and a toke at least once every 2 hours), you get the paradoxical affects of weed. Weed helps with nausea, sleep, appetite and pain. So when you quit you get rebound nausea, insomnia, lack of appetite, and hyperalgesia.

I'm tired of people who put weed up on this pedestal. I had severe hyperemesis and withdrawal upon stopping. Like I said, I lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks, from not eating. My friends all think I'm making these symptoms up. Then again my friend plans to get high newborn high by age 3 too. There are just so many people who are idiotic stoners. Where if you talk about negative side effects of weed, they take it as a personal attack against them. Weed is the one drug where you can smoke it all day, sell possessions to get it, get fronts and advances on paychecks to get more, and drive on it, but in the mainstream drug community these things are seen as normal and acceptable because "its just weed". People look too much at the physical affects of drugs like people blacking out on benzos, or od'ing on fent laced heroin, when instead they should be looking at the behaviors. I have friends who will sell anything they can when they run out of money to buy more weed with. If it was heroin, they'd be a junkie. but it's weed, so I guess its magically ok.
I believe in weed, and it's medicinal qualities. Unfortunately, I'm an alcoholic and a drug addict, so I abuse ANYTHING that makes me feel good. Euphoria is hard to negotiate with. So I'm here because of my fourth bout in the hospital due to what I am now COMPLETELY convinced really is CHS. I did not want to "break up with Mary," but I doubt that I can survive another episode of CHS. After a week, I still have a degree of stomach pain. I was absolutely in love with Marijuana, but I would wake and bake , and break and bake all day long. It's impossible for me to put it down.
However, much to my surprise, life isn't so bad without it, and I hope to God (if there is one) that my 31 years of smoking pot are over.
It is as if the universe is forcing me out of it. I still entertain thoughts about going from chronic to occasional, but in those 31 years, I smoked enough abusively to wreck it for me for good.

We just have to stop.
Hiya. New to the site and thread. Smoking occasionally since I was 14, am now 25, with what I would say is a marked increase in the past 4-5 years. Been presenting to local ER's with severe nausea, vomiting, sweating, chills a few times a year for the past four years, with episodes lasting anywhere from a day to three days.Still, I would say I smoke far less than a gram a day, mostly at the end of the day to help me sleep, although I would use during the day to help with any nausea. I also have issues with depression and anxiety, and I just don't want to take a cocktail of pills everyday for the rest of my life. Ive had everything but a colonoscopy and a brain scan, and all normal.

Had a three day hospital stay last week, and the attending told me about CHS. The literature is very convincing, though I will admit i would like to see a larger study pool. So its been six days since smoking any marijuana, but im still getting nausea, though oddly enough it comes on as the day goes by, and by night im taking Zofran or phinnergan, whichever I happen to have more of. On top of all that, my anxiety is becomming harder to control through breathing and relaxation techniques. Have an appt with my regular doc next week, but what the heck am I supposed to do until then?

I was told my symptoms would stop as soon as I stopped smoking. I am used to feeling exhausted and woozy for a day or two afterwards, but ive never continued to feel this unwell for so long after an episode. Has anyone else experienced this? Could this be yet another misdiagnosis for myself?
Zofran is the real deal - but real deal expensive, too. If that doesn't stop you from vomitting, I don't know what will. I always had a ton of hand, gave them away once i quit oppies.

Cyclizine works just as well. Ppl say it's rushy when banged too. But I jus take em for nausea from taking too mch oxycodone .
Hiya. New to the site and thread. Smoking occasionally since I was 14, am now 25, with what I would say is a marked increase in the past 4-5 years. Been presenting to local ER's with severe nausea, vomiting, sweating, chills a few times a year for the past four years, with episodes lasting anywhere from a day to three days.Still, I would say I smoke far less than a gram a day, mostly at the end of the day to help me sleep, although I would use during the day to help with any nausea. I also have issues with depression and anxiety, and I just don't want to take a cocktail of pills everyday for the rest of my life. Ive had everything but a colonoscopy and a brain scan, and all normal.

Had a three day hospital stay last week, and the attending told me about CHS. The literature is very convincing, though I will admit i would like to see a larger study pool. So its been six days since smoking any marijuana, but im still getting nausea, though oddly enough it comes on as the day goes by, and by night im taking Zofran or phinnergan, whichever I happen to have more of. On top of all that, my anxiety is becomming harder to control through breathing and relaxation techniques. Have an appt with my regular doc next week, but what the heck am I supposed to do until then?

I was told my symptoms would stop as soon as I stopped smoking. I am used to feeling exhausted and woozy for a day or two afterwards, but ive never continued to feel this unwell for so long after an episode. Has anyone else experienced this? Could this be yet another misdiagnosis for myself?

This is very interesting, as it's VERY similar to what I myself have experienced for the last 3+ years. General nausea and stomach pain associated with gas and discomfort. Also flare-ups which are like flicking a switch to being SICK, unable to keep down even water.

I used cannabis in the same way as you as well. Maybe a bit more, steady use but not crazy. Did you ever use Spice (synthetic cannabinoids)? I did and part of me believes this played a role in my getting sick.

I've been using cannabis steadily though, as it is the only thing that makes me ok. This sickness is real, it's not in my head, and it's not caused by cannabis. It's unfortunate doctors can't find anything (they've done MANY MANY more tests than you've had, the whole gamut).

I believe that it may be a new yet-undiagnosed illness, or it's just a really bad chronic form of IBS. My new illness theory is something akin to Crohn's Disease, but with elements of Autism (weird, I know, but trust me, I know what I'm talking about). It all ties in to important microbes in the gut that are not properly maintained and fed by modern processed food. Let me guess, before you got sick, and possibly even now, you ate a lot of processed food? Not necessarily junk food, just processed. Crackers, white breads, HFCS, white sugars, frozen stuff, beef, American cheese, etc...

I've cut many of these things out of my diet (still working, it's a constant struggle against my addiction to sugar in particular, I've cut out beef and bread 90%+)--and I've seen great improvement. Much of these gains are also the result of Full Extract Cannabis Oil (aka "Rick Simpson Oil"), which is high in both THC and CBD.

So, my basic suggestions, 1) watch your diet: eat more chicken/fish, rice, fresh produce, smoothies, 2) use cannabis, but don't overdo it; find edible sources and use oral dosing if possible, 3) as you feel stronger try to exercise, it helps with digestion, 4) avoid stress
just wanted to say hello to everyone on here. i have suffered from CHS for over 10 years without knowing it. ive been in and out of hospitals with all sorts of doctors telling me this and that. i have an awesome family who have been searching the web looking for any sorts of answers. recently my sister texted me saying "uh oh, what if you have cannabinoid hyperemesis!!!?? i immediately researched it and couldnt believe what i was reading. my symptoms were uncanny to others. at first i was kind of bummed that i had to abstain from marijuana but soon realized my health was way more important and felt relief in knowing that i have finally found out what was wrong with me. my reason for coming on to this site is to try and help others with this disease and also just to talk about CHS with others. i am anxious to start chatting and exchanging stories or whatever..