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7a-methyltren, what I'd like to see tested

7a-methyltren, what I'd like to see tested

Why this configuration in particular Black53..? Which alpha/beta double bond positions make this your compound of choice, and Why..?

Do you have any info/images of the androgen receptor, including which locations react to specific configurations of atoms on the testosterone molecule..

A bit of extrapolation of the effects of the 7a methyl in other compounds (think I already posted about the dbol modified in the same way) - usually stronger compounds, but not as toxic as the 17a methyl or 7a 17a dimethyl ones. Call it a gut feeling if you will. I know it wouldn't be enough to convince anyone to make it, but if I were rich I'd pay for the synth (and many others), just to see how the new compounds would compare. Could be toxic crap, could be meh, could be the next big thing.

I'd also be interested in exploring oxandrolone modifications. And try making one of the better AAS even better.

Have you never had any ideas on what might be good based only on your gut feeling?
I saw a designer steroid touted as non methylated winstrol. Maybe someone is looking into the development of your exotics black
One could hope. Perhaps an oxandrolone with more double bonds to make it flatter like tren, and a 7a methyl. Who knows.

Anyone here use jabber with otr?
I saw a designer steroid touted as non methylated winstrol. Maybe someone is looking into the development of your exotics black

Prostanazol is non-methylated Winstrol. You need a high dose to get Winstrol like effect.

Furzadrol is non-methylated Furzabol which is Winstrol with a nitrogen atom made an oxygen.
Big-Cat reply:

Well MENT and Trestolone are basically the same thing, and you should be able to find quite a bit of data on it in humans, as it was pursued as a male contraceptve for quite some time before it was scrapped. They were planning implants of trestolone acetate. Its also not such a rare product, quite a few people still have it on their lists. But it is indeed pretty expensive.

From its profile as a contraceptive it was able to maintain anabolism with reduced fertility in relatively low doses, about three times lower than test and a heavier supression. That would indeed suggest some serious feedback, and something in the neighbourhood of 2-3 times stronger than nandrolone. Not sure if that can be extrapolated exactly to higher doses, certainly worth testing, I'd imagine its a product that lends itself well to cruising too in low doses with just a hint of test in there. The only problems I've heard is that the estrogenic problems are bigger too, and hard to discern if that is the result of signifcant increase of estrogen formation, or simply the logical result of a stronger androgen receptor binding (since nandrolone seems to be uniquely estrogenic via the AR, which is why its uncontrollable)

dimethyl tren is mibolerone or cheque drops, also a product you should be able to find some info about. In this case, there is no denying the extra methyl does in fact make it more toxic though.

Which raises an interesting point of discussion about WHY 7a increases effect. If like 17a, the effect is reduced breakdown, it would undeniably be harder on the liver and other tissues as well. Same way metribolone is harder than tren. Or does it increase interaction with AR, or some form of SARM activity that increases interaction of AR with DNA or co-factors ? In which case the toxicity may be null in compounds without 17A. Or at least negligable in useful doses. In any case, I would consider dimethylnandrolone significantly toxic going in to be on the safe side.

As for the others, they are relatively weak anabolics, so regardless of whether the method of increasing is A or B, you'll always end up cheaper and more efficient with the nandrolones and trenbolones. Although may be some merit to 7a-1-testosterone or something. Or 7a-primo if liver is really an issue.

Dimethyltrienolone and Milberone are two different compounds. Trestolone isn't very expensive. It's rather cheap. You can buy a 10ml vial dosed at 50mg/mL for about $45 the last time I checked.
Yeah, noticed that about dimethyltren and milberone, there are some structural similarities (both beind 7a and 17a methyl), but they aren't the same. So, Guido, what would your guess be regarding 7a-methyl tren?

I've also been thinking about oxandrolone. It's not the best value for your money, but has low side effects and some pretty nice effects especially regarding strength and promoting fat loss. Do you think any modifications to it would make it even better? I would try making the dimethyl (7a 17a) version, giving it more double bonds (like in tren) or a combination of both. Any other ideas?
ok so after a rather long hiatus here I hve returned And will begin posting as per the normal. Things are still crazy but training is on point, about to start a bulk phase as I went on a long ass cut here because well frankly if your gonna run around and be stressed may as well cut and not worry about trying to through mass on but rather focous hard on keeping what you have. So hope all is wel with you guys and again forgive the absence.
Welcome back!
And bulking is the best :D

On an unrelated note: here is another compound I'm curious about:

Some kind of combination of dimethyltren and oxandrolone. If it's too toxic remove the 17a methyl
ok so after a rather long hiatus here I hve returned And will begin posting as per the normal. Things are still crazy but training is on point, about to start a bulk phase as I went on a long ass cut here because well frankly if your gonna run around and be stressed may as well cut and not worry about trying to through mass on but rather focous hard on keeping what you have. So hope all is wel with you guys and again forgive the absence.

Welcome back big man..
Welcome back!
And bulking is the best :D

On an unrelated note: here is another compound I'm curious about:

Some kind of combination of dimethyltren and oxandrolone. If it's too toxic remove the 17a methyl

Why the oxygen on the A ring..?
Wouldn't really be a combination of oxandrolone and tren without it. And to hopefully bring along some of oxandrolones good effects. The basic tren structure because we know this works. The 7a methyl because it improves the potency of many compounds. And the 17a methyl because it makes them even stronger. What this would actually do, I have no idea... just looks interesting to me.

Don't you have any compounds you'd like to see made? If yes, could you post them?
Does this type of thing happen to anyone else? Or am I just letting the neurosis get the better of me...

You pretty much run out of food to cook/prepare at home, but life is busy and you keep putting off going to the supermarket for one more day. And as you're on a bulk, suddenly you're trying to find 4000+ calories per day in public. You're buying those one-serving protein shakes, sometimes at like $3.49 a go. You're making little $9-10 pitstops all day for 800 calories of peanuts, jerky, packaged cheese or whatever else you can find wrapped up that is quick and ready. It's all adding up, but you're in denial. I'm still spending a fraction of what I am making, so it's okay...it's for a good cause, right? So it's been over a week of this now and you're shocked when you check your checking account balance (for like the first time in a week because, you know, you're in denial and all...). So you slap yourself in the face and go to the grocery store, but the idea of spending that much on one big load of food when your account level is much lower than you thought it was depresses you. And you know that you only have yourself to blame. Bodybuilding had really been helping you better your life, but you let old, lazy behaviours creep in and mess with your finances again. Bodybuilding suddenly feels like a mismanaged addiction...

Anyway, I need to really sit down and in writing sort my finances out, set actual budgets and goals, and be extremely methodical about this all.
Redleader, fuck yes this happens to me all the time you hate spending big chunks of money on a big shop and opt to spend more on food when your out thinking it only costs x amount... But those x ammounts add up...
Does this type of thing happen to anyone else? Or am I just letting the neurosis get the better of me...

You pretty much run out of food to cook/prepare at home, but life is busy and you keep putting off going to the supermarket for one more day. And as you're on a bulk, suddenly you're trying to find 4000+ calories per day in public. You're buying those one-serving protein shakes, sometimes at like $3.49 a go. You're making little $9-10 pitstops all day for 800 calories of peanuts, jerky, packaged cheese or whatever else you can find wrapped up that is quick and ready. It's all adding up, but you're in denial. I'm still spending a fraction of what I am making, so it's okay...it's for a good cause, right? So it's been over a week of this now and you're shocked when you check your checking account balance (for like the first time in a week because, you know, you're in denial and all...). So you slap yourself in the face and go to the grocery store, but the idea of spending that much on one big load of food when your account level is much lower than you thought it was depresses you. And you know that you only have yourself to blame. Bodybuilding had really been helping you better your life, but you let old, lazy behaviours creep in and mess with your finances again. Bodybuilding suddenly feels like a mismanaged addiction...

Anyway, I need to really sit down and in writing sort my finances out, set actual budgets and goals, and be extremely methodical about this all.

Gallon of milk plus more if necessary solves that for me.
FUCK YEAH PEANUT BUTTER!!!! Probably the one thing stopping me from REALLY cutting properly hahaha