How are you in word? V. Darksiders feelings

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I realise that it's sink or swim time and that I need to buckle down to control the new damage in my life and whatnot. I just cannot think very well and my anxiety is through the roof. I almost had a panic attack at work when my first customer came to meet. I could not look the guy in the eye and I (am sure that I) appeared all nervous and whatnot. And I totally forgot how to do something with my morning paperwork. It's like that knowledge in my brain just was wiped out over the past week. My boss' boss is coming around tomorrow and I need to be in top form. I feel like I need 72 hours to just do nothing but recuperate. Life will not allow this, though.

What's it all from? PM me if you want.

Cannot stop drinking. It's only a small amount most nights (sometimes a whole bottle of wine though), but I get to 8ish in the evening and I just start getting this burning anxiety and feel the need to numb it with a bit of drink. I know I should probably get off my arse and go out for a run or something but I just keep reverting back to those couple of drinks.

Cannot stop drinking. It's only a small amount most nights (sometimes a whole bottle of wine though), but I get to 8ish in the evening and I just start getting this burning anxiety and feel the need to numb it with a bit of drink. I know I should probably get off my arse and go out for a run or something but I just keep reverting back to those couple of drinks.

I feel like I've definitely read this before... don't know if I actually have or if it's deja vu, and if I did whether or not it was you.

In any case, run! Lift weights! Preferably earlier in the day like right after work, but whenever is good for you. Point is, do it! It will help. Even the next day you will feel the difference.
Yeah it was probably me.8(

Hopefully my bike tyres will be arriving tomorrow so I can get motivated to doo some exercise. Thing is I know that when I get back from doing said exercise I'm still going to want to drink.

I'm not reallly looking for any answers here as I kind of know what I have to do. Just having a moan really.:\

my ex is moving to another state. it was a troubled relationship from the beginning and i know it could never work. but i still miss the hopes i had in the beginning. and it will be weird not to have him around to talk to.
hopeful - happy that I finally got myself back into school and working towards what I hope can be an enjoyable career. At the same time, I know there's other aspects of my life I need to get into order. Putting more effort into finding gainful employment is where my focus outside of classes needs to be.
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