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Marijuana + Dream Recall/Lucid Dreaming


Bluelight Crew
Sep 6, 2011
Hello everyone -

So for a while now Ive been trying to get down the art of lucid dreaming, but my busy schedule and youth created a lack of focus, making my efforts on and off, so Ive never really gotten it down. This week, I decided to spend the summer to become rather serious about the practice.

I am a light marijuana smoker. I smoke everyday but only have two sessions a day, one around 3 PM and the other usually at 9 PM, and during each session I only smoke about 2 hits from a bong. So from a physical sense Im not a "heavy" user. But as I look at studies online it seems that people report marijuana affecting their REM sleep, and after attempting to journal my dreams from last night I realised I couldnt remember anything.

Ive decided it would be effective to cut out my nightly smoke, because it usually occurs 1-2 hours before I fall asleep. But do any experienced tokers and lucid dreamers have a method for incorporating both into their life, or do I need to quit/cut back to a couple times a week in order to successfully do this? Also does being a daily marijuana user affect your overall dream clarity?

Ive found a study on the effects of marijuana on REM sleep, but as usual the test subjects were administered copious amounts of THC (that reflects the use of a medical patient/extremely heavy user), so I figure those involved with both "practices" themselves can offer me some better insight :)
Yes, it affects my sleep and dream patterns.

Never had much problem sleeping, but I sleep with a lot more ease when i'm smoking. I usually dream less when i'm smoking (or at least recall it a lot less anyway) but every now and then I can still recall it.

The most interesting stuff happens when I quit cold turkey after a long time smoking everyday - I get extremely intense and vivid dreams. They are not lucid dreams, but they are very real and unlike anything else i've ever experienced.

I think if you are serious about trying to lucid dream you definitely need to quit, or at least bring down your use significantly to like 3 times a week rather than everyday. I think it matters a lot more whether you smoked in the day or not rather than smoking at day or night time.

And man, if someone who smokes everyday is a light smoker than anyone who smokes any less often must classify as a non-smoker aye? Also it matters a lot on what kind of weed it is, it is one thing to have two glasses a beer a day and another thing to have two glasses of vodka. So yea, you are more of a heavy smoker than a light one, unless you have weak bud.
I always wake myself up when I become lucid in my dreams. It's like the excitement I get at the realization just wakes me right the fuck up. :(

Regularly, though, my dreams are amazing, detailed, nearly always indistinguishable from real life (while I'm experiencing them) and I remember a majority of them. My dreams have consistent settings and types of people to those settings. The storyline/"plot"s can range accomplishing mundane, everyday chores to insane, movie-like adventures--

[recent example because I'm high and feel like recalling this now: In the dream, I was a drug dealer amongst drug-dealing friends. A shady, robust black woman that seemed to have her own criminal operation had a problem with my buddies, and her thugs snatched me up. My friends had a deal with her and fucked her over somehow, I don't remember the details, but now it was my job to make it right or their problem would be my problem.

So they send me on my way and I'm stuck with a dilemma: do I kill these two friends of mine, or do I let them know the situation and turn the tables on the woman. I make it seem simplistic but it was a fucking torturous time in the dream... like straight anxiety and guilt over choices I hadn't committed to yet, and flashbacks of legit memories of people from my life when I was leaning towards killing the two. It was fucked.

Still unsure of what I was going to do, I knew I had to at least link up with them regardless, but they had vanished. It felt in the dream they knew someone was coming for them and went into hiding, so now I had to really search for them.

The search was disjointed. No real sense to my wandering from one place to another, just kind of a patchwork of random locations. Eventually, though, I found myself in a dark city I remember thinking was a lot like Suitland, MD, focusing on a business that seemed like it could've either been a cornerstore or a bar (weird two choices, I know) and everything felt wrong. On cue the woman and her little goon squad seemed to appear out of nowhere from the building all reckless and menacing-like, and they moved in close on me. Adrenaline rushed and I woke up, super blown because that was actually a pretty sweet dream even if I suck at the telling of it.]

--and I smoke weed all the time. Like, everyday. Wake and bake before work, smoke when I get home, several times throughout the day, before bed. I've always had pretty good dream recall, though, and I've always fucking loved my dreams and talking about them.

And man, if someone who smokes everyday is a light smoker than anyone who smokes any less often must classify as a non-smoker aye? Also it matters a lot on what kind of weed it is, it is one thing to have two glasses a beer a day and another thing to have two glasses of vodka. So yea, you are more of a heavy smoker than a light one, unless you have weak bud.

I honestly don't know what you're trying to get across here... That there's a difference between habitually smoking low-quality weed and high-quality? Totally, I agree. In the end, though, a habit's a habit, in my opinion.

[EDIT: ^^That last sentence? I didn't realize I was responding to two separate posts, that's why I was kind of confused. Through my scrolling I saw the top half of the OP and the bottom half of your post, sexNcandy, but I just read through and I get what you're saying.

My dreams are off-the-wall too in the first few days of a break from weed, but then they return to their usual craziness by the end of a week or so.]
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THC disrupts awareness in and of higher levels. If you are to master lucid dreaming and astral travel, you should stop smoking weed
Yes I do intend to practice some abatainess because I only smoked a little bit yesterday morning but still could only remember fragments of my
Dreams. I guess cutting down wont be so bad :) Not smoking before bed certainly helped.
The best part of tolerance break is REM-sleep rebound effect. That's where I had the most awesome examples of OoBEs and LDs in my life. Too bad they were poorly controlled by me...
On the bright side, I'm a fan of Pds and major psychedelics (I consider cannabis a minor one) do not interfere with sleep at all (I mean with conscious control thereof)
Idk.. When I used to smoke heavily in my teens I had alot better dream recall than I do now :(
Weed abuse made me lose my ability to astral project and lucid dream.

Thats why i stoped smoking some time ago.

Dreams start to come back now but its a slow process.
I have a lot of complex dreams, every night, and used to have a lot of lucid dreaming.

When I smoke however, I cannot remember any of my dreams. It takes a few days after stoping smoking for the situation to come back to normal.
I've heared this from many people, and appearently it's a proven fact that weed makes you lose the amount of rem sleep you'd normaly get; so I seem to be the odd one out. I have a theory that it relaxes me more than I would without it in my system, so it allows me to get deeper into that state.
My theory was that since marijuana affects memory and causes slight amnesia in heavy doses and that it's quite easy to forget dreams even whilst sober that weed will always make you forget your dreams. Same with booze.

But recently even in smoking large amounts of weed before I sleep I noticed I still dream and am able to remember them as I wake up. But usually forget them during the course of the day. Same with booze. And same when I'm cross-faded. Maybe it's a tolerance thing idk?
I seem to have VERY lucid dreams when smoking, but it has to be HEAVY use. I smoke everyday anyway, and lately have been broke so I've had to put up with resin and stems at night... so naturally, I've had much less THC in my system when sleeping. I still have dreams, but I can't control them the same way and they aren't nearly as "real" (I.E flying and feeling like you could fly your entire life)

When I smoke more they do seem to become quite a bit more vivid, but possibly harder to remember except for the major events.