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Overrated and underrated drugs

benzos: making you sleepy and relaxed. so what? for me they're just good to come down.
kratom: see benzos
cathinones: don't like that feeling, the "electrical taste", the jaw clenching, the coming down. though i do like other uppers.
synthetic cannabinoids: why not get the real thing?
DXM: not worth the headache, i'd go for MXE instead

good weed: this can absolutely be psychedelic. just because it's wide spread and "just a plant", i would not think of it as a primitive everyday-buzz.
synthetic tryptamines: some of them might be somewhat exhausting, but worth it. and there are so many other-world substances, like DiPT, 5-MeO-DMT (i know, not necessarily synthetic), 5-MeO-DiPT...

well rated:
LSD: yes, that's indeed the stuff. sometimes difficult, but very rewarding, if you treat it with respect and "work" on it.
MDMA: absolutely not overrated imho
It is sad to see so many people say "cocaine." Unfortunately, this just verifies my theory that everyone is getting shitty cocaine. The cocaine in the 80s was just unreal (NYC area) and if it was as good as it was then, it wouldnt be overrated.

In my opinion, acid is overrated (or maybe I have just tripped too many times) and opiated/oids are underrated.


I'm quoting an old post, but this is still something I hear all the time when I downplay the undeniable awesomeness of cocaine.

I have tried what is certainly close to pure cocaine - extracted straight from the concoction in which it was smuggled - as both snorted HCl and smoked freebase. Granted, it was a world apart from average blow, in that I actually felt some of the euphoria that is always associated with it. However, even after that experience I would always take a line of speed to a line of blow - or even three lines of blow. Cocaine turns into a completely different drug when you shoot it, but intranasal and smoked cocaine are shitty drugs, in my opinion, and I'm not the only one.

Anyway, overrated and good are significantly different descriptors, since anyone's definition of "overrated" depends on their perception of other people's tastes as well as their subjective opinion of the drug. This is demonstrated by the earlier quote compilation of people naming MDMA as overrated. Among the general public of drug users that I meet in the flesh, I would say MDMA is overrated. I'm not sure I'd say the same about Bluelight, as this thread seems to indicate plenty of others feel the same way I do about MDMA.
MDMA is way overrated, unless it's your first time. my first time was the only euphoria i've had where i wasn't craving more. the second time was really fiendy, probably an amphetamine sulfate based pill.
Coke is only overrated because it tends to suck. when i would get some GOOD coke it was any thing but OVERrated, in fact i think that it was more intense than it got credit for. i remember someone giving me a needle, cause earlier i said that i would want to slam it, and then looking at the needle and thinking "jesus christ that would kill me"
underrated is amphetamine, i think. i enjoy it a lot, but most people for some reason hate it soo much, at least if they have tried meth. i do meth, but still can appreciate an adderall high. the only problem is tolerance, which doesn't get too high and doesn't develop too fast, but eventually, you just don't get high enough, and 20 mg and 60mg will feel the same, only giving you more side effects and no euphoria. so usually i end up taking long stimulant breaks when this happens, although i stopped using adderall regularly.
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The 2 times I used MDMA I was coming off an SSRI... so that probably fucked me over. My girlfriend, however, had a very good time. They were those "White Lady" pills that were all the rage a few years ago...

Gonna grab some Molly really soon (hopefully MDMA/MDA powder) and I've been off of SSRIs for years now so gonna give it a retry.

OH, and SEX on MDMA is weird as FUCK... I think MDMA as a "sex drug" is fucking overrated...
over rated- research chemicals
promethazine and codeine syrup.

im gonna have to put cocaine in both under rated and over rated. lol
i say that because atleast in my area the coke we get is not very good and makes you feel shitty after and honestly isn't worth doing it but everyone seems to love it .
but at the same to cocaine of good qulity like 75%-85% percent is one of most euphoric things iv ever done and is an absolute blast. its just being able to get good qulity cocaine likec that all time thats hard :(

heroin(besides the fact that it can really make things shitty in your life , in my opinion ther is no better feeling in the world:) )
I'd come home from school each day, smoke a bowl, watch some Family Guy, and then I'd fall asleep eating a tub of ice cream or jerking off.
God that made me laugh :D

heroin(besides the fact that it can really make things shitty in your life , in my opinion ther is no better feeling in the world:) )
A drug being awesome doesn't make it underrated. I don't think you'll find any two drugs that have received higher praises by those who use it. The demand of ketamine can currently not even be covered because people fucking adore it. As to heroin... lol. How many drugs have you seen that people write songs about and dedicate their lives to? :D
I also agree about cocaine's euphoria when iv'ed, but I'd still consider it overrated as shit.

But hey, it's your opinion, so I'm definitely gonna have to let that sink in.

So, I was just gonna write
overrated: ketamine
underrated: diphenidine
I guess I won't. ;)
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overrated: temazepam. It's OK and all, for what it is, but I have no idea how people got addicted to it. It's not that great IMO

underrated: psilocybin. Probably the only recreational drug that actually improved my life upon taking it. The overall impression I've gotten from talking to people about it though is that people think it's more "chaotic" than LSD, and LSD lasts longer, so it seems like more people prefer acid. But man, one of the happiest moments in my entire life was sitting on my porch and watching the sun come up while high on mushrooms, it was like my brain was floating in a warm dopamine bath or something. The residual effects of positivity and happiness lasted for days and days after that, too.
Opiates (never shot up before tho)

I will second Valium over Xanax/Klonopin
LSD: around here it gets poo pood for some reason and everyone does shrooms dont get me wrong shrooms are great but way more introspective. If you have something bugging you you cannot do shrooms w/o thinking about it. acid you can have fun whether or not you want to make it spiritual
LSD: around here it gets poo pood for some reason and everyone does shrooms dont get me wrong shrooms are great but way more introspective. If you have something bugging you you cannot do shrooms w/o thinking about it. acid you can have fun whether or not you want to make it spiritual

Those are my thoughts exactly. The only times I've had "bad trips" (well, actually only bad periods of a trip), it's been on mushrooms. With the deep, scary introspective thinking like you said, where I'll go through my entire life and beat the shit out of myself for every decision I've ever made. Those episodes are usually only brief, though, and I'll snap out of it.

Whereas the one time I did LSD, it was like one big cartoon adventure that was nothing but fun, and the thoughts I did have were creative and interesting. Wasn't as intense as mushrooms, though.
Cocaine is waaay overrated.
Kratom is underrated.
Bupe is way too overrated, try being on it for over a year.
Tramadol, definitely overrated. Maybe it's my genes, idk fuck it.
Oxycodone is overrated considering the prices for Roxi's. Ridiculous. Good high, short-lived, but stimmy and euphoric in it's own way.
Psilocybin is underrated by a good portion of its users that do it for strictly social inebriation. I enjoy the alien, morphing yet spitirually enlightening visuals, some strains are uncannily DMT-like with such complex psychedelia.
LSD is obviously UNDERRATED, with all this bullshit 25i being passed as Lucy. That's just immoral. LSD is beautiful, some my most spiritual and euphoric experiences/memories.
Overrated: Coke, Marijuana.
Underrated: 5-MeO-DALT, Tramadol - hypermetabolism on my part - <3), oral Morphine, Methylphenidate, MPA.
amphetamine is pretty underrated.
It's probably my favorite stimulant. It gets its job done... it's effective, long lasting, not very addictive and you get a light "euphoria" on top of it.
It's useful in school & work/ It gives you a little bit of confidence/ You can also use it to party.

I have no comedowns from it, and I can always fall asleep after doing it.

Plus it's really cheap.

Some people will disagree with me. But after seeing it on Fear and Loathing I wanted to experience this "narcotic". I tried sniffing it and inhaling with an empty bottle... it just give me a very light alcohol-like buzz. Nothing more, I also felt a little stupid for 2-3 minutes but that's it.
No euphoria, no hallucinations... it sucks, money wasted.
Overrated: Alcohol
-drink and get stupid
-most ppl unable to drink & drive without killing others
-mindless commercials
- lots of pissing
Underrated: LSA (Morning Glory)
- auditory & visual hallucinations
-can be bought cheaply from local market
-doesnt make you beat your wife

Some people will disagree with me. But after seeing it on Fear and Loathing I wanted to experience this "narcotic". I tried sniffing it and inhaling with an empty bottle... it just give me a very light alcohol-like buzz. Nothing more, I also felt a little stupid for 2-3 minutes but that's it.
No euphoria, no hallucinations... it sucks, money wasted.

Didn't you get the wah wahs as if you had done nitrous? I think you can get alot more out of it than a slight alcohol buzz, but the question is, do you really want to? Personally I agree, it's not my cup of tea so I never really huffed myself silly on it.

Anyway let's list some overrated drugs:

*Buprenorphine: It's a boring as hell crap opiate that blocks pleasure from all the other useful opiates. Less is more or whatnot, in the end this opiate will always be shite compared to the rest.

*Alcohol: Drunk people annoy me and probably many others. Also the buzz is not worth the hangover at all.

*Benzodiazepines: Because feeling relaxed and wobbly is never worth months/years of withdrawal. Just don't mess with them.

*Cocaine: Because when it's all gone and my money is too, I always wonder why I didn't buy meth instead so I could stay high for a week instead of a day.

*Oxycodone: Always much more expensive when compared to heroin, and the effects are not what I am looking for. Does not provide an adequate nod.

And now over to underrated drugs:

*Phencyclidine: A great dissociative that lasts a long time and does very well in low doses as a booster for psychedelics or weed. Seems to have gotten lots of undeserved hate.

*Tramadol: Actually a nice opiate to boost the effects of other opiates or just to provide that extra motivation to clean to whole house or do otherwise boring chores.

*JWH-018 (and other synthetic cannabinoids): Because of the much stronger effects than cannabis it's a totally different high, not enjoyed by too many but it's one of my favourite drugs. Goes very well with dissociatives to blast into hyperspace!