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Opinions on rolling once a month, will it catch up to me?


Feb 6, 2014
i've rolled about 6 times within the last 6 months, and so far no negative side effects, and id like to keep this going, seeing as how where i live we usually have atleast 1 really good rave a month.. couple things im concerned about, will i eventually lose the magic? will the negative sides become very prominent? and also, im quite stupid normally lol, i've been known as that slow stoner kid with ADD (i dont even smoke though) i've even gotten psychologically tested at a young age and i have slower mind proccessing than most, can rolling somehow make me even more stupid with me doing it once a month? to what magnitude? haha, thanks
imo/e one dose <200mg once a month is fine for an average/normal head, however every head is different, hence ymmv.
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Maybe, maybe not. Some people do it and are fine, some people do it and get slammed with long-term comedowns after a year. Only one way to find out.
Rolling 1 a month with proper nutrition, with sporty lifestyle and sleep won't affect you.
But, you need to stay away from other drugs to be sure.
No, it's not OK. You will regret this in after longer period of time.
funny to see so many different opinions here. OP must get really confused. well, i guess it just show that we are all different. no one can say to you how rolling once a month will affect you. it really depends on your mind/body. some can do it, some cant.

i have been rolling once a month for over a year and i feel fine. dosage have been ranging from 200-500mg a night. i actually take less now than i did at the start. so i haven't build a toleranse, just got smarter. the last months i've stayed under 300mg. anyway i can't say it doesn't going to catch up on me a year from now? i don't know. but i live a very healthy life, training bodybuilding 6 days a week and no junk food. i also take all the recommended supplements on rollsafe.org to keep my toleranse down. i think this helps me a lot. and is why i don't get any side effects.

i don't tell you its good or no good to roll once a month. but eating healthy and stay in shape will help you a lot in life with or without drugs.
Who knows really. I've been doing it for 2 and a half years and felt nothing but benefits. I don't buy the massive hype personally. Test everything you take, keep doses reasonable (2-300mg MAX) and the chance of anything adverse actually occurring is minimal.
No, it's not OK. You will regret this in after longer period of time.

Huh? How can you be that sure?
My friends are doing it almost every weekend for 2 years. It's dependent to the body.
1 month break is fairly enough. It's the MDMA amount that makes you fucked up. If you get 500mg in 1 night, it will catch up to you but doing 120+ 60 or 150 + 75 in 1 night wont make you that bad.
1 month is fuckin 30 days, u can recover very easily. Also supplementation is very important, also proper diet and working out everyday.
Do not underestimate these. If you use drugs and live your life as a normal being, it will catch up to you.
If you are using drugs;
1. You will know how to protect your body + supplementation.
2. You must workout, sweat like a boss and throw out the drugs from your system with it.
3. Eat clean, veggies fruits that will help your body to recover.
4. Sleep well.

If you don't do these maybe your recovery period takes 2 -3 months?
One month tends to be the minimum amount of time that you should take between rolls.

The worst I've done is three weekends in a row. Definitely felt like it was time for a long break after that.

Many people advocate taking MDMA once every three months or even less to try and preserve the full experience for as long as possible. Most people who roll this infrequently report little/no diminishing effects from the drug.

Myself, as a student who likes to party, I tend to roll about once a month, and it feels about right. I expect this to become steadily less frequent as I get older. Once a month is a good general rule and you're unlikely to run into major problems if you keep your usage at this level.
I would say it depends on the person. If you're a person who tends towards anxiety/depression, like myself, a one month break is nowhere near enough. I went 6 months taking one month breaks and it eventually caught up to me. The afterglows stopped and my anxiety worsened. I went into full blown depression for a few months, but have since then fully recovered. I take a minimum of 3 month breaks now and have yet to have any harsh comedowns.

A few of my friends, on the other hand, roll monthly and are seemingly unfazed (note seemingly). Also a few others rolled every week or two and have become slightly etarded.

Critically assess how you feel in the weeks after your roll. No more afterglow? Longer recovery days? Less tolerant of life stressors? Forgetful of things that you never had problems with remembering? Feel completely fine like you didn't even take MDMA? Etc.
I don't even lead a healthy lifestyle, probably the opposite tbh. I'm rather certain that in lower doses, it's relatively harmless once a month.
I feel like I ended up with the short stick. I'm quite the healthy individual (work out 3+ times/week, a balanced diet consisting of mostly whole foods, healthy sleeping schedule), but I still got fucked. I'm also 20 years old.

From reading all the posts on this thread it seems like I'm just an unlucky outlier.
I'm 20 years old and I use methylone weekly(yes, it's bad for me and a horrible choice). I get no comedown or any side effects. I certainly don't condone my usage, though. Tolerance goes up quickly and for those that are unlucky it could put you in a bad place.

When I used MDMA, once per month was great. I always had an amazing time with no side effects. Like everyone else has said, I think it just depends on the person.
I got away with a similar regime for about 3 years in the 90's, then I noticed increased stress levels & a general reduction in my ability to face daily struggles, so I had 6 months off & everything went back to normal.
Based on what?

I second this

No, it's not OK. You will regret this in after longer period of time.

if other drugs and addictions are mixed in this statement is true however when just concerning MDMA once a month I highly doubt there is any long term evidence of prominent/regrettable damage, when one has healthy diet / exercise and level headed.

OP just make sure you do not abuse the drug, always use a test kit make sure to have proper recovery times and diet and exercise.

I would guess this would simply just get old and you will move beyond it after a year or so.
And just to add i live a very healthy bodybuilding type lifestyle, and i do absolutely no other drugs/alcohol, just a monthly rave where i roll balls ;)... But i will say that i've been having slight depression lately due to a few reasons (such as not seeing much success/progression in my life that i should be having, lack of friends, and recent break-up) but i think those are just normal problems that i have to deal with
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I find MDMA makes things like that more difficult to deal with. I find it difficult to deal with stress for a couple weeks after a roll.

Just be attentive of how you feel.
And just to add i live a very healthy bodybuilding type lifestyle, and i do absolutely no other drugs/alcohol, just a monthly rave where i roll balls ;)... But i will say that i've been having slight depression lately due to a few reasons (such as not seeing much success/progression in my life that i should be having, lack of friends, and recent break-up) but i think those are just normal problems that i have to deal with

Ive noticed this to be a theme. Many people try to blame this kind of depression on drugs while in reality it tend to be more that the person is not where they want to be in life. It really is amazing what a change of circumstances can do for a person's outlook and overall mood.

I use mdma about once a month along with 1-2 lsd uses a month and the only time i felt any negative thoughts or feelings was when i was working a dead end job. Once again ymmv but i personally believe monthly mdma use is fairly harmless.