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incest (consenting) does it bother you?


Dec 25, 2013
This is somthing that's been on my mind alot recently.

Incest. Specificaly between siblings of a similiar age but not limited to that; including cousins and other direct family.
Also once again I'm talking about consent. Not molestation.

I see incest as somthing similiar to homosexuality
I belive a person should not be limited to whom they may choose to love or be condemned for which consenting adults one chooses to perform sexual actions with. If a brother and sister love eachother to the point of a romantic relationship.. why can't they have one?
I actualy think the idea is kinda cute.. much like how someone would take an interest in a relationship with a long term childhood best friend.

Actualy scratch that. I find incest to be down right fucking sexy. I'll admit it's my strongest and favorite fantasy (no I'm not in an incestuous relationship of any kind nor have I ever been. )

So how about you guys? What is your general input regarding g family romantic relationships?
It was once common practice so its only a new thing that it was made illegal, Having said that I find it is damn sexy fantasy because of the trust connection you have to have to have a romantic relationship with anybody but its see as a taboo by sociality and will there for never be seen as acceptable but that's just my thoughts on it
I mean... I have been so conditioned to be against it that I am. Not my cup of tea....
Not really in favour. Sex brings you so closely into contact with people in a particular way and if they are family members you have to deal with the fact of the sexual relationship even though it may have occurred long ago in the past. It's not the same as an ex. I don't recommend it.
I have a step sister that's in a relationship with her cousin. Normally I don't care as long as nobody is being hurt but what bothers me is that they both have daughters and I can just imagine how hard their lives are gonna be when they're known as the kids who parents are incestual (is that even a word?). How do you even bring a subject like that up? Both daughters know they're family and they live together and sleep in the same bed so it's only a matter of time before the cat gets outta the bag. Anyways, iirc there have been studies that showed that babies of incest aren't doomed to deformities but I'm too lazy to confirm that, if that's not true then I believe that it isn't right for them to reproduce, a child shouldn't have to suffer for their parents behavior. Honestly though I don't care who loves who, as long as both subjects are human and they consent.
Well....why go down the street when you can go down the hall?

Seriously folks....Um....

I'm out.
I think it's probably instinctual to feel disgust at the idea of incest. It's probably been a good survival strategy, to bring new genes into the group, or whatever. I've seen studies that suggest that children brought up in close proximity to one another will develop 'sibling' bonds and have little interest in sex with each other, regardless if the kids they're brought up with are blood relatives or not. It seems like there's a few stories of long lost adopted siblings falling madly in love before finding out they're actually related, and I think the key is here that they weren't brought up together.

I dunno, the thought seems horrific to me but if consenting adults want to do this then, whatever... I think the concept of children is a tricky one though, if it can raise the risk of genetic defects then you'd have to consider whether taking that risk would be fair on the potential child conceived.
I think the concept of children is a tricky one though, if it can raise the risk of genetic defects then you'd have to consider whether taking that risk would be fair on the potential child conceived.

In all seriousness wouldn't the bigger issue be THE CHILD LIVING THE REST OF THEIR LIFE WITH THE FACT THEY WERE CONCEIVED FROM INCEST??? 8( Shit's disgusting. I have no idea how even the most "sexually liberated" freethinker would possibly think it's ok.
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@ footscrazy What if the couple already has children like in the case I provided though, don't you think their parents choice is gonna put them through alot of stress, confusion, and perhaps bullying? Kids can be ruthless... don't get me wrong, like I said previously I'm all for it as long as it's consentual but as soon as you bring kids into the equation whether birthed together or from previous relationships this can cause problems for the children. I guess the same can be said for gay couples as well which again I'm all for... but the children... I'm on the fence about this one. On one side everyone should have the right to parenthood but on the other it's very selfish to put your kids through all this. Now that I think about it though why should the parents have to give up their right to raise children because other people don't approve. This is a tuffy for me :?
@ footscrazy What if the couple already has children like in the case I provided though, don't you think their parents choice is gonna put them through alot of stress, confusion, and perhaps bullying? Kids can be ruthless... don't get me wrong, like I said previously I'm all for it as long as it's consentual but as soon as you bring kids into the equation whether birthed together or from previous relationships this can cause problems for the children. I guess the same can be said for gay couples as well which again I'm all for... but the children... I'm on the fence about this one. On one side everyone should have the right to parenthood but on the other it's very selfish to put your kids through all this. Now that I think about it though why should the parents have to give up their right to raise children because other people don't approve. This is a tuffy for me :?

Well in all honesty.. your last line says it all.
I don't see any reason why someone should be considered selfish because they want to raise a child outside of the standard (straight couple) social norm.
be it gay, incestuous, or polyamorous, or even if one of the parents is trans, etc.
Personaly i err on the side of caution regarding conceiving a child incestualy (i.e. i think it should be avoided)but many will argue that if they aren't allowed, then many other known genetic disorders in parents should not be allowed to conceive if they are at any risk of passing that disorder down.

And sure.. There may be instances of bullying, but this is not somthing that is supposed to happen no matter what; kids don't just have this natural desire to pick on certain things, they will pick on things that they are TAUGHT is "wrong" by their parents and peers.
Is it selfish of a parent to "allow" their male child to go to school dressed in pink/feminine apparel if there is a "risk" they may be bullied?
I mean.. I get where you're comming from and all, but if you were to say publicly to a gay couple that they would be selfish to want to raise a child together, think of the outrage you'd encounter. Of course you've got a cushion when this is said about incest, but similiar fairness should apply somewhat. Homosexuality used to be illegal also
kids don't just have this natural desire to pick on certain things
Haha really?

I'll respond tomorrow as it's nearly 4am here but I found that quite funny. You bring up good points but these are points I already know, like I said there is an incestual couple in my family so I'm gonna witness first hand what the consequences are. I'm not sayin it should be made illegal, not at all, just that the childrens wellbeing should be taken into consideration. I have zero doubt that a child raised by an incestual couple will have some sort of effect on the child whether it be negative or positive, especially when your cousin is now your sister and the extended family is tightknit... I'm very openminded about alot of things, same goes for homosexuality, if a dude was born to be attracted to other males why would I stomp on their right to be happy?
in certain countries first cousins marry. I know of such a couple and they have like 5 miscarriages and had to have IVF in order to have a kid. To me its gross. When there are so many people out there why would you want to mess with your family.
Well what I meant was, sure kids will have the urge to pick on things, but what it is they choose to pick on is based on what their parents and peers teach them is "normal" and whether or not being not normal is somthing that should be shamed.
I don't have a problem with people loving who ever they want. The problem manifests in their children and grandchildren (if the children also have incestuous relations).

Inbreeding greatly increaces the chances of genetic disease and actully weaken the immune system of the child. I think this is why it fell out of 'common practice' in the first place. Once it was known that it causes such problems for future generations it was discouraged and is now taboo.

Love whoever you want, just don't have children with your family.
You can pick a lover but you can't pick your family. In the event that things go sour, your family is still your family. Why would anyone want to bring that sort of hostility and turmoil on their family? A separation is never easy in a non incestuous relationship, it would be even more difficult in an incestuous one.

Then there is the scientific perspective, look at the old royal families and the range of genetic defects that the child had to deal with. In the case of royals, it was to protect wealth, property, and power but the outcome was the same as it could be today. A lot of people take precautions to prevent against birth defects, why wouldn't you pick a partner that would give your child the best genetic outcome?

I have to wonder if people who are intrigued by incest were lacking maternal or paternal nurturing as a baby/child/teenager and they are desperately seeking to be nurtured in that sort of family way. A family member seems like a logical choice since family members generally feel close and familiar.
i want you to picture this in your mind. You having sex with your mother or father. if it makes you want to hurl like me, then you dont like incest. im sorry i find it creepy
Don't be sorry you find it creepy. As liberal as you you want to be, you will always suspect that one of the incestous couple is a sexual preditor, usually the male. and the other a victim. IMHO, that is true a vast majority of incestous relationships.
Just my 2c.
It doesn't bother me any more than anyone else having children while they are clearly unqualified to do so.
I honestly agree to a level. If I were in said situation I would do everything in my power to prevent pregnancy, including aborting if contraception doesn't work. That being said though, I have zero desire to have children.
There's risk with all relationships, I don't see why anyone shouldn't have the right to choose to do if the benefits outweigh the risks for them.
Why bring that risk? Because they love eachother. Or they have mutual sexual desires to be fulfilled.
Why do drugs? They're risky.
@i love her
How wonderfuly-.. pointless?
If a man doesn't hurl at the thought of having sex with another man does that make him gay? You don't have to hurl at things that don't float our boat to be ok with someone else doing it; it's called being a mature open minded individual.
Thanks for your uh.. intelligent contribution.
Your comment kinda confuses me. Who is it that suspects one will always (always?) Be a sexual predator?
And define "predator".
In a consentual instance I can't imagen one being a predator if they agree not to do somthing if the other one doesn't want it..
Ha, you make a very good point. There are definitely many unfit parents out there