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Question for American mdma users.

Zippster, if you've been rolling that frequently, you should take at least a 6 month break. July is nowhere near enough time. Can you not drink or do some ketamine or acid at this festival?

Ah you think? By the time the festival comes it would have been 2 days off of 5 months, not really man it's a drum and bass festival :L I mean I'll be taking some ketamine for sure but I'll have to take some Mandy in that atmosphere.
Drum n bass must be quite a bit different there than here because taking MDMA is frowned upon at most DnB events and alcohol is the preferred drug.

By the way, just call it MDMA please. We're trying to stop the use of slang on here. :)
Ah for real? Yeah over here your find people gurning one out at pretty much any drum and bass/house event..
I mean your advice is going to be correct advice but I can't not go to this festival and take MDMA, as sad as that sounds it's just sort of the scene over here it's what me and my friends along with many others love doing.
I think you need to evaluate whether the longterm consequences of abuse warrant jumping off a cliff just because everyone else is. I can tell you that I've abused pretty much anything I've gotten my hands on and the MDMA abuse brought me to my knees and I struggle every day just to function without a freakout.
Magikal, give me a private message if you wouldn't mind, I tried to message you but got muddled up still new to this.
I'd say in the past 8 months I've rolled 11-12 times, I've planned to break until mid July when I go to my first festival, so should be alright?

That's a lot, but not saying you couldn't get away with that kind of use. I wouldnt continue it tho.. I posted this in another thread but will post it again, its a quote from Alexander&Ann Shulgin interview

The only thing that has happened with everyone I know who has used MDMA a great deal is that if they used it more than 4 times a year, they developed a tolerance, and after a few years, it begins to not work for them. They want to get back the magic of the first experience, and that is a mistake, because - as Sasha likes to say -- "You never step into the same river water twice. " I found out, for myself, that using MDMA more often than four times a year was not wise. I used MDMA as a writing drug for about a year. Once a week, I would do a great deal of writing using MDMA; it was a wonderful experience for me to use it that way, but I discovered after that kind of use that I had to go up in dosage to get an effect, and the effect became less and less the magical insight; it was more and more the stimulant effects, and for many years now, I have been totally unable to use it. Not only because now it is illegal, but because I used it once a week, and that was too often. Nobody knew that, then, but now I would advise anyone who wants to use MDMA not to take it more than 4 times a year if you want to continue to get the best effects from it, otherwise you risk losing its effects entirely and permanently.
I private messaged you and also added a "Send me a PM" link to my signature that people can use in the future. Didn't realize I didn't have it there. :)
also jwills don't know where abouts in the uk your from but here in Manchester a gram is always a gram in my experience (give or take 100mg tops)

A long way south from Manchester. Perhaps you guys pay more for a gram, but we can't discuss prices. All I know is that 600-700mg is the common 'gram' wherever I have lived over 2 years (and I've moved between 3 different southern places in that time - same shit, different sources).

I know that we completely overdo MDMA. I see the messy gurners all the time who have no idea what the fuck is even happening. I also meet a fair few people who say that it's not the same because they have abused it. This seems to be the main reason for not taking so much nor taking it often. The experience just goes downhill until it's no longer even enjoyable. While I haven't abused it, I can relate in that the experience has changed from when I started. I still have the best nights of my life, but the depth of intense empathy is not quite what it used to be and the set/setting is more important. Would you boys also agree? Or is each experience equally amazing? If anything, moderating usage is not only to ensure you don't experience long-term side-effects, but to keep each experience magical. You fellas should certainly consider lowering your usage. I know everyone seems to take high doses, frequently, and get away with it, but it's not safe practice and we should listen to the more experienced users. My guidelines tend be more once a month without dosing above 250mg. MDMA kinda works like a diminishing returns, whereby higher dosing doesn't produce the desired effects and just fucks you up. I don't like the MDMA-fucked up feeling tbh. Using my guidelines I've never had a bad comedown, instead an enjoyable afterglow and each experience is still amazing (despite not quite hitting the empathy it used to).

@Magickat, Can't believe you guys don't get on it for drum 'n' bass events! Dnb raves are always guaranteed to be full of rollers, I've been to a fair few myself and they're great fun. In England, drinking is pretty much restricted to the clubbing environment, where guys just pest on girls in an attempt to get laid. Any EDM event will be dominated by MDMA and then ketamine/alcohol I'd say.
@J - here in CO, DnB is normally known as the place where "jaded" ravers go to escape the MDMA-fucked droves. Although quite frankly from talking to many of these "jaded" folks, they're jaded because they overdid MDMA and now they don't get shit from it and it pisses them off when they see people fucked out of their skulls because they simply can't get there anymore. They use excuses like "oh these kids are so fucking annoying puddling all over the dance floor" and such but really every single one of them has told me that they used to do the same shit and "outgrew" it.
The rave scene is colorado is just fucking whack anyway. Last one I went to it was just kiddies sitting around *rolling*. Whatever.
I have never been in a rave, can u guys top that? But then here really arent any real raves in my area
The rave scene is colorado is just fucking whack anyway. Last one I went to it was just kiddies sitting around *rolling*. Whatever.

Depends on what you go to. If you go to a massive, that's exactly how it is. If you go to a club, its mostly drunk people. If you go to a burner party, its a fucking blast.
A long way south from Manchester. Perhaps you guys pay more for a gram, but we can't discuss prices. All I know is that 600-700mg is the common 'gram' wherever I have lived over 2 years (and I've moved between 3 different southern places in that time - same shit, different sources).

I know that we completely overdo MDMA. I see the messy gurners all the time who have no idea what the fuck is even happening. I also meet a fair few people who say that it's not the same because they have abused it. This seems to be the main reason for not taking so much nor taking it often. The experience just goes downhill until it's no longer even enjoyable. While I haven't abused it, I can relate in that the experience has changed from when I started. I still have the best nights of my life, but the depth of intense empathy is not quite what it used to be and the set/setting is more important. Would you boys also agree? Or is each experience equally amazing? If anything, moderating usage is not only to ensure you don't experience long-term side-effects, but to keep each experience magical. You fellas should certainly consider lowering your usage. I know everyone seems to take high doses, frequently, and get away with it, but it's not safe practice and we should listen to the more experienced users. My guidelines tend be more once a month without dosing above 250mg. MDMA kinda works like a diminishing returns, whereby higher dosing doesn't produce the desired effects and just fucks you up. I don't like the MDMA-fucked up feeling tbh. Using my guidelines I've never had a bad comedown, instead an enjoyable afterglow and each experience is still amazing (despite not quite hitting the empathy it used to).

@Magickat, Can't believe you guys don't get on it for drum 'n' bass events! Dnb raves are always guaranteed to be full of rollers, I've been to a fair few myself and they're great fun. In England, drinking is pretty much restricted to the clubbing environment, where guys just pest on girls in an attempt to get laid. Any EDM event will be dominated by MDMA and then ketamine/alcohol I'd say.

yea your on the money with this jwills.
I am the same as you in the fact that I never abused. although the one time I took a high dose (approx. 500-600mg) by mistake, it was a terrible experience.
The experience for me has changed over the years but I suppose that is the same with anything on this planet. Although the fact I continue to take it in moderation proves to me it is still a worthwhile and immensely enjoyable experience each time, although as you say not as profound as those first few times.
Uk clubbers seem to enjoy the leaden leg, monged out , almost hypothermic state though. I think many of them have been doing it in this fashion for so long that they forget what a true mdma experience should feel like.
Ive been clubbing in a fair few countries and none of them are anywhere near as bad as us (bar Ibiza), its like its all or nothing to them..

Glad to see there are some responsible mdma users in the Uk though
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It's not really a matter of we choose to be irresponsible with it man, before coming onto this forum I thought taking a gram on a night out was normal dosage, it's become normal over here to take that amount so when younger people step up to try it they take lead from others around them, if you see where I'm coming from.
well firstly mate always research a drug before you try it, its not toys we're playing with here, its a powerful drug.
I really don't see how anyone could enjoy a gram in a night. I know if I had done a gram for my first time I would have never wanted to do it again.
My advice would be roughly 150mg to start with, then 50-80mg and hour or so later. If this dosnt make you the most euphoric you could possibly feel taker a longer break, don't just dose higher.
Tbh mate your better off getting some dutch pills, pretty easy to find in the uk. The bitcoins and Domino's are good ones at the minute. 1 will last you a whole night and it saves weighing and wrapping it.
Just trying to look out for a fellow UK'er mate, enjoy the DnB event!
Depends on what you go to. If you go to a massive, that's exactly how it is. If you go to a club, its mostly drunk people. If you go to a burner party, its a fucking blast.

I might just need to hook up with more interesting people, my friends always wanna go to the Budda or something and listen to trap and it just sucks. I'd rather go see Doc at beta and bump K all night. lol
It's not really a matter of we choose to be irresponsible with it man, before coming onto this forum I thought taking a gram on a night out was normal dosage, it's become normal over here to take that amount so when younger people step up to try it they take lead from others around them, if you see where I'm coming from.

This is the exact problem I'm talking about. A 'gram' is viewed as being a normal range to take over an evening. It's really not the way to get the best experience and avoid the comedown. Countless evenings I have people asking me how I seem to get so much out of it, to which I say take less. They're all amazed when I say take less than a quarter of a gram.

If only there was some proper education about drug use...
This is the exact problem I'm talking about. A 'gram' is viewed as being a normal range to take over an evening. It's really not the way to get the best experience and avoid the comedown. Countless evenings I have people asking me how I seem to get so much out of it, to which I say take less. They're all amazed when I say take less than a quarter of a gram.

If only there was some proper education about drug use...

Believe me I wish I was informed on it or looked it up previous to taking such excessive amounts, do you think if I gave it a 5-6 month break I could go back to taking a quarter of a gram?
Believe me I wish I was informed on it or looked it up previous to taking such excessive amounts, do you think if I gave it a 5-6 month break I could go back to taking a quarter of a gram?

yes I would think youd have a great time if you do that mate, you may not even need as much as a quarter. start with 150ish mg, then if your not quite there take another 100mg or so
More people consuming large amounts of a substance before they have bothered to look into the possible side-effects of their actions. I've seen this kind of recklessness cause people serious problems that they live to regret. It does seem to be a bit of a thing here in the UK although I'm sure it's the same in most parts of the world.

If you're getting good mdma you shouldn't really need anymore than 200mg over the course of one session, give or take. In fact, you'll probably be surprised that you actually feel better, more lucid, euphoric, less spangled, using less. From my experience, less really is more. Use multiple grams in a couple of days regularly and you'll over do it/burn out/hit crippling depression/anxiety long before you've even had a chance to appreciate mdma in lower doses (not guaranteed side effects, btw, but potential).

Stay safe.