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Does MDMA "lose the magic" even if you don't abuse it?

I took approximately 100mg of MDMA earlier today (chewed it up), and while the experience wasn't a total disappointment, "magical" is not a word I would use to describe it.

Conclusion: abuse MDMA like I did, and you will end up with a permanent loss of magic.

I'm a believer that setting is a massive factor when you become used to taking MDMA. If you just take 100mg in your room on your own, it's not going to be 'magical'. The magic for me comes from the best music with the best people.
Does MDMA "lose the magic" even if you don't abuse it?

Yes and No.

Its a bit like wanking. If you do it all the time it loses some of the magic.......give it a few days/weeks............BOOM!
Everything feels magical when it is new................

MDMA still feels amazing to me 19 years in. Some of the magic has gone, but i know what to expect...the best feeling in the world is the 1st time you realise that being on MDMA feels amazing and does not in any way feel dangerous.
and that I WILL eventually (as in - even not abusing it) get anxiety and depression on the comedown well, it certainly isn't worth it.

what do you think?

I'm kind of surprised that you don't get any anxiety on the comedown. The trend for me was that my first experiences were the most intense and ecstatic, but they had worse comedowns (higher flight, harder fall). I've been using it for a decade and the magic is alive and well. The max frequency I ever used was monthly for about 4 months; after that once every 3 months, then a couple years break, and now I used approximately annual/semi-annualy. The major difference that I actually like (in a way) is that it's not so much bursting with unrelenting intense joy. Likewise there's minimal jaw clenching compared to when I used to chip teeth. I actually had a dental cleaning a couple weeks after a roll and they said evidence of grinding; I knew why, kept my mouth shut. It's very blissful, peaceful, reflective and therapeutic, just not cataclysmic ecstacy. The lack of that intensity has the benefit of resulting in mild comedowns. I still get a bit of come-up anxiety and comedown anxiety, but the anxiety in negligible to that of the past.

I think it's simply a result of how experience brings perspective. When you've never experienced something, the first time is the most profound, following experiences are relative to the first one.

The magic remains if used moderately, it just matures, and I quite like the way it's matured. :)
I'm kind of surprised that you don't get any anxiety on the comedown. The trend for me was that my first experiences were the most intense and ecstatic, but they had worse comedowns (higher flight, harder fall). I've been using it for a decade and the magic is alive and well. The max frequency I ever used was monthly for about 4 months; after that once every 3 months, then a couple years break, and now I used approximately annual/semi-annualy. The major difference that I actually like (in a way) is that it's not so much bursting with unrelenting intense joy. Likewise there's minimal jaw clenching compared to when I used to chip teeth. I actually had a dental cleaning a couple weeks after a roll and they said evidence of grinding; I knew why, kept my mouth shut. It's very blissful, peaceful, reflective and therapeutic, just not cataclysmic ecstacy. The lack of that intensity has the benefit of resulting in mild comedowns. I still get a bit of come-up anxiety and comedown anxiety, but the anxiety in negligible to that of the past.

I think it's simply a result of how experience brings perspective. When you've never experienced something, the first time is the most profound, following experiences are relative to the first one.

The magic remains if used moderately, it just matures, and I quite like the way it's matured. :)

I agree the magic can remain and mature. I have used MDMA 4-6 times per year for over ten years. It remains magical.

I believe--can't prove--that it's because I'm regimented about the use of supplements pre and post.

If you love it as much I do, cherish it. Then you will love it for a long time.
I agree the magic can remain and mature. I have used MDMA 4-6 times per year for over ten years. It remains magical.

I believe--can't prove--that it's because I'm regimented about the use of supplements pre and post.

If you love it as much I do, cherish it. Then you will love it for a long time.

I think instead of supplements, the key is dosage. Keeping doses under 250mg (across the evening) is the key to avoiding the negatives with MDMA - in my opinion. I usually keep doses below 200mg. 120-150 starter with a 50-80mg redose is optimal.
I've thought about this a lot and I think that the "magic" diminishes when you have done it so much that you know what to expect. Part of the magic of MDMA is going into it and embarking on a brand new adventure. Like all adventures, when it becomes to familiar the thrill goes away and that's the end of it.

I highly doubt that its anything permanent. I'll let you all know the next time I roll. I "lost the magic" ages ago. But enough time has passed that I've mostly forgotten the actual experience of MDMA which makes it perfect to test my theory.
When I've taken confirmed MDMA I rarely have a bad comedown. I think the problem is that peoples expectations of the experience rely solely on how the MDMA is going to make them feel, rather than the combination of what they're doing + MDMA. I have amazing rolls every time because when I go out, I can have fun doing it without MDMA, whereas people can only do certain things while they're rolling.

Don't make the high from MDMA your goal, use MDMA to enhance the high you naturally have when you're doing whatever it is you do. Also, make sure you're in a good place when you use MDMA, I've seen in my friends that if they're sad before taking it that sometimes they're even more sad afterwards; don't use it as an escape.

I have yet to have a bad experience with tested MDMA
I agree the magic can remain and mature. I have used MDMA 4-6 times per year for over ten years. It remains magical.

I believe--can't prove--that it's because I'm regimented about the use of supplements pre and post.

If you love it as much I do, cherish it. Then you will love it for a long time.

I agree completely. Everything in moderation. If you know how take care of body by doing pre-load and post-loading with a good amount of hydration before/during/after use will help greatly followed by a good meal. MDMA has been magical for me every single time, Idk if im lucky and getting good MDMA but my uses in between are 6-8 months apart. That may help as well. Stay safe
I've had bad luck with pre-loads; great luck with post-loads. I've tried 5-HTP pre-load, and it smothered it; nearly as bad as an SSRI. Vitamin C also lowered it; I can't confirm MOA, but I would attribute it to acidity/bioavailability. Vitamin C/5-HTP (or SSRI) post-load always works great though. My pre-load is just a medium sized meal 2 hours before. Being hungry during a roll sucks, being full and having to digest a lot during a roll also sucks, there is a happy medium that makes it great.

I have yet to have a bad experience with tested MDMA

It is entirely set/setting based. I've had a difficult MDMA experience the exact same way one has difficult trips; I had tough things on my mind.
The next time I roll I'm going to postload with a SARI (trazodone) and see how that goes. I can't stand SSRIs even in a single dose but they are indeed extremely effective for post-loads.
Sorry I have not read all the replies - In answer to your question = NO!

The effects, the experience do change but for me - the magic remains 20 years later !
The next time I roll I'm going to postload with a SARI (trazodone) and see how that goes. I can't stand SSRIs even in a single dose but they are indeed extremely effective for post-loads.

If I may, I'd like to suggest this postload regimen which has worked mind numbingly well for me:

When coming down:

Vit C - 1g
EGCG - 400mg
PQQ - 20mg
CoQ 10 - 100mg
Na-R-ALA - 100mg
Grape Seed Extract - 100mg
Fish Oil - 1g
Melatonin Timed Release - 9mg before going to bed

Day after:

All of the above except the Melatonin
Multivitamin(proper formulation, preferably one suited specifically for your sex) - recommended dose on your supplement bottle
Milk Thistle - 150mg
300-400mg of 5-HTP spread out throughout the day as needed(can take less, all depends on how you feel).

You can also add Phosphatidylserine if you wish. It's very pricey indeed but It's essential for hippocampal regeneration and normalizes Cortisol levels.

Now when I say this worked mind numbingly well I mean "don't feel like I took MDMA at all except for the afterglow" well. I think the biggest difference was made by the addition of PQQ as it is an extremely potent ROS scavenger, has a direct and potent neuroprotective effect(hell, that shit has been shown to protect the brain from MPTP if you can believe that) and works in synergy with CoQ10 to provide full mitochondrial protection while also producing new Mitochondria. It was also shown to recycle other antioxidants like ALA does.
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My problem is that I have paradoxical reactions to so many things.

Melatonin makes me hallucinate and 5-HTP gives me panic attacks.

I have no experience with PQQ, CoQ10 seemed to do nothing for me, no experience with ALA, love Grape Seed Extract, take fish oil daily usually (haven't even thought about it for the last two days which is odd) sometimes twice a day (1000mg per dose), multivitamins set me off because of the B complex in them, never had milk thistle.

I'm actually waiting for the results of a gene enzyme expression test because I have such paradoxical reactions to things that my doctor is convinced that I have screwed up hepatic enzymes (my liver is extremely healthy, even after all of the drugs and alcohol that it has been through my liver is in better shape than most people who live a totally clean lifestyle and have a much better diet). She won't even let me take a tylenol until that test comes back although we settled on trazodone because of my horrible insomnia.

Trazodone would be a likely candidate for a wonder pill for coming down for me. My biggest thing is sleep. As long as I get sleep, I'm always fine.
My biggest thing is sleep. As long as I get sleep, I'm always fine.

Good call, above all else, sleep is what prevents sketchyness. I actually take antihistamines (diphenhydramine) to ensure I get good sleep. I stay away from benzos; diph is a good substitute from sleep promotion.
Is McDonald's still just as amazing as the first time you had a happy meal? IMO life goes by and all things become generally less exciting.
I have experienced what they call loss of magic too, in a mild degree, though you can regain a portion of it by waiting a long time. Up to this day I'm still not convinced whether has a physical and/or a psychological cause. I am leaning towards a mix of the two but not sure.

What does strike me is the simple fact that the term "loss of magic" exists and is being debated. With any other substance this phenomenon either does not exist or has a generally recognized psychological cause, mostly the fact that you have experienced everything the substance has to offer and are aware of this. No substance that I know of has such debate about whether it's an actual physical phenomenon, a mix of physical and psychological, or a purely psychological one. That alone makes me think there is more to it than we know. Any other drug I've done had a diminished experience (I use the word experience in stead of effect here on purpose) after a while but there was never any doubt in my mind it was because it was not new anymore and that I've seen everything the substance had to offer, obviously purely psychological. With MDMA I am not so sure...
who cares about magic anyways... your always going to be able to get high off of it and there is always lsd to add some magic... not that i have ever considered candy flipping as i am opposed to the use of mdma.