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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - Part 13: Don't you know? MXE comes from MXE-co

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MXE has completely disappeared from this country.. Really sad as i really miss mxe
Since it hit the scene in 2011. Vended it and sold as much as I consumed. It got so bad I could put a spoon in the big bag, dump on a tissue paper and say "looks like 300-400mg" and take it. When you have a kilos sitting around it's hard not to just keep taking it. Much like weed, if I got it, I smoke nonstop.

It weakens your muscles, makes they feel very sore. Fucks with your sleep. Overall you end up feeling very lathergic.

Sadly I'd do it again.

Switching it up with some K i got coming. I can't help myself, if I got drugs I will take them
Would it be correct to say that MXE is one of the most psychological addictive compounds out there?
Would it be correct to say that MXE is one of the most psychological addictive compounds out there?

IME most definitely not. Chemicals that would be higher on my list of psychologically addictive would be weed, all synthetic cannabinoids, all benzodiazepines, alcohol, amphetamines, and opiates.

For me, MXE just fucks you up too much to be taking it all the damn time. Of course, you can take small doses that won't, but it's not that tempting.
IME most definitely not. Chemicals that would be higher on my list of psychologically addictive would be weed, all synthetic cannabinoids, all benzodiazepines, alcohol, amphetamines, and opiates.

For me, MXE just fucks you up too much to be taking it all the damn time. Of course, you can take small doses that won't, but it's not that tempting.

But last 4 of those are highly physically addictive drugs when MXE isn't at all so you can't really compare those?
It's addicitive plain and simple. When you sell 50g, keep 50g and need more for personal less than a month later; IT'S AN ADDICITIVE SUBSTANCE PERIOD.

Some people have better self control. I don't.

Weed is not even close to addicting as MXE. Texas Police academy teach you that?

LTS, don't fuck with drugs in texas.
While I haven't tried every drug listed in PD, from my perspective MXE is the most addictive drug being discussed in the Psychedelic Drugs forum.

Edit: to elaborate, I don't mean addictive in the way that anything else in this Universe is addictive. The pharmacological package that is MXE lends itself to a whole new blend of addictive IMO. It is vastly a psychological component, but it is not without a physical component, especially after prolonged use and/or high and/or frequent dosing. I'll even go as far as including a spiritual component. Hell, to me MXE is my personal Jesus for a number of reasons. I exaggerate when I say that, but not by much. I do feel it has saved me from being in a worse place or even dead, and it continually reinvigorates my passion for life and love, and it reboots my child-like sense of wonder and playfulness. It lets my mind be more freely creative than it has ever been while in a conscious state. That is why it's addictive- to me it is addictive because there is more good in it than there is bad which in a way makes it even more addictive than something like heroin or meth which are clearly drugs that deliver more bad than good overall.
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If you who have abused MXE were introduced to the substance now after you have read these stories about it's highly addictive potential, would you think twice before abusing it or would you do it again?
this is not addictive & it actually helps you. This chem is not addictive. You just think your addicted
okay, if you read the last thirteen parts of this big and dandy you will find that a certain percentage of people who try this drug abuse the hell out of it and are entirely addicted albeit maybe not physically.

I would consider cocaine a much more addicting drug, but I have been able to avoid succumbing to addiction even after months of at least weekly usage (and I had a pretty much unlimited supply). MXE is something I could maybe see doing once or twice a weekend so its close but never caused cravings, more like If i had plans to party I would take it, much like my cocaine use.

It depends on the personality you have and the way the drug effects your body.

For instance, If I do ketamine I typically get quite nauseas after a few redoses, then I throw up, then my body kind of gets used to the regular ketamine use and the side effects like nausea are lessened.

however MXE can be an absolutely awesome drug and I would recommend a low dose to someone trying to party, or a high dose to someone who wants to enter the rollercoaster ride that is the M-hole experience. :)
Xammy, if I had known the addictive potential when I first did it, yeah I'd still happily do it all over again. It has been good to me. Again, it's not addictive in the most traditional sense of 'I NEED this drug or I will be sick and/or depressed'. If you really feel you need it or you will be sick or depressed, there is clearly some other underlying mental and/or physical health issue that needs to be addressed. In these cases MXE is just a nice band-aid or a blanket, so for treating depression/pain it is addictive in the way a warm blanket or band-aid is addictive.

Let's not forget the sort of 'safeguard' built into MXE where after about a week of daily dosing the drug basically stops working to reinforce the feedback loop of addiction, forcing the user to take a break (at least from my experience- maybe for some people it keeps working). That doesn't mean it's not addictive though. For me, after a week break I start thinking again 'hmmm ya know it sure would be nice to have some MXE right now', and the cycle begins again.
The withdrawal isn't that bad. Stopping weed\hash smoking gives me more negative effects than taking a break from the MXE.
If I use 5-10 grams with no break, during a month or maybe two, I'll get a couple days of booooooooooring. Very lethargic and I just lie on the sofa watching back to back seasons of some crappy TV show like Two and a half men. After maybe two days with lots of meh and sleeping maybe 17 hours a day, I'm more or less back on earth again.
I think it's mostly the shock of going from the mxe-fuelled mania where I'm allways doing something with maximum level of involvment and creativity, to the regular who-gives-a-shit-nothing-really-matters attitude which is my regular state.
Is it true that you can gain permanent dissociative tolerance with heavy use? Can anyone explain why dissociatives cause such long tolerance? Does it change your brain someway or what?
I think what makes MXE so addictive is the apparent lack of negative side effects, at least until you start doing ridiculous amounts. And even when you do start doing ridiculous amounts, you kind of still 'believe' in MXE and you think even though you messed up this time, you can use it responsibly in the future and use it to have a positive effect in your life if you just discipline yourself, because at the end of the day it isn't that bad of a drug to be addicted to, compared with the harder drugs out there. Yet still, you are kind of doubting yourself as you say this, you have this feeling that it could get to a point in the future where your addiction will spiral out of control, but you just love it too much so you will continue to do it for now until that happens and you will probably be able to deal with it then if it gets to that point - there's not much withdrawal symptoms after all. It is a purely psychological addiction yet it is very strange and difficult to describe and it varies between people for what reason you continue to use MXE. For me, what is so addicting is that on a small dose I feel like it brings the 'old' and 'inner' me back. I have been a heavy Cannabis smoker the last few years and it has really deadened by personality. Taking MXE suddenly brings it back, and I feel and act the way I would if I had given up smoking for a few months or years, without the actual need to cut smoking out of my life completely. Just more cheerful, more energy in my speech, wittier. It is like a cheat to life. MXE has so many potentials that there is always some little thing that will make it addictive for different individuals.
I've been enjoying the MXE + Etizolam combo a lot lately. 15mg MXE + .5mg Etizolam = One Comfortable SuperPsych
Anything in this world can be considered addictive, mxe included. The phycological addiction can manifest from anything that makes you feel good.
I've been enjoying the MXE + Etizolam combo a lot lately. 15mg MXE + .5mg Etizolam = One Comfortable SuperPsych

Tread lightly when using this combo. I'm currently trying to taper off of a 10mg a day etiz habbit that formed when I was using large amounts of mxe daily.
Oh ROXIanne! said:
Tread lightly when using this combo. I'm currently trying to taper off of a 10mg a day etiz habbit that formed when I was using large amounts of mxe daily.

Oh I know! I felt the pull strongly the first time trying it. I dont quite have the funds to get myself into a serious habit. But on that note I am currently on 30mg MXE oral and about 2mg Etizolam
Oh I know! I felt the pull strongly the first time trying it. I dont quite have the funds to get myself into a serious habit. But on that note I am currently on 30mg MXE oral and about 2mg Etizolam

MXE's afterglow with a benzo is the pierfect high. so brilliant. High def beautiful vision/perception, so much clean energy. MXe alone is a little "tight" or "tense" but with benzo, god its just perfect.

The way I would describe it is that the benzo eliminates the body load, and its purely a visual/energetic experience

The only problem is benzos are physically addicitive so this combo (even though it turns MXE into the perfect high) turns it into a physically addicitive high, which kinda ruins one of the main benefits of MXE which is that it isn't physically addictive
I tried the MXE and etizolam combo myself and I must say at low doses it's quite nice. I haven't gone over 30mg/1-2mg though and I don't plan to. 2mg etizolam was a lifesaver after m-holing though, but that was a good 5-6 hours after my last dose.
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