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How intense is a single hit?


Aug 30, 2013
How do you feel after taking one hit? I'm talking about one fat, massive hit. The kind that you try really hard to hold but end up coughing like crazy after 10 seconds.

One hit from:

a) a joint
b) metal pipes
c) glass pipes
d) a bong

I smoke in a small glass pipe and I can get pretty intense (even scary) effects after take just one (big) hit, which is usually what I smoke in the mornings.
Joints and bongs can be pretty similar if I get a large enough rip off of the joint. Glass pipes have always worked better than metal for me, something about it just didn't make the bowls burn right. But with glass pipes I rarely get a one hitter quitter, and I attribute that mainly to using a lighter. Even when I use a hemp wick with my pipe it isn't the same as a joint.
The most intense hit I've had is from a lung, but that's 1/16 of hash in a single blast; very antisocial. It's completely down to the strength of the weed and the amount used imo.

Btw is anybody else still doing shotties?
Thats how I usually try to smoke, just huge fat rips to the point i have to cough. Burns up weed faster that way but yeah doesn't matter what it is whether it be a blunt, bowl, bong, etc...
I think this is a unbelievably subjective question. If you have a 4ft glass on glass bong, you are going to take a bigger rip than a metal pipe. Unless you don't want to, then you can take as small a hit as you want. The thing that personally hits the biggest is a massive gravity bong made with a 5 gallon water bucket. Even those ridiculous 10ft plastic bongs don't come close.

also, dopemegently, clear out your PM inbox
Yeah, I've got room there now.

Also, This is the most subjective thread I've read in my life....wtf!?
Now if i take a hit from whatever device i go into panic mode and start feeling like im dying everytime. I used to have a big tolerance to weed but after some shit happened its seems like the whole association that mind does when i get weed in my body makes me go crazy everytime. I dont even feel a hit, its just like a reaction i cant control. I envy all of you who can smoke so bad lol
People say bongs don't take that much THC, but after using a triple perced bong for the past month or so I really think it does.

I've actually been using one of those little $5, cigarette shaped one-hitters lately. It gets me a LOT higher than the bong from a similar amount... but it's nowhere near as pleasant.
No.....dont have access to one and i dont wan to buy one. I have to try it on benzos though...like a high dose of xanax. I hope it works because fuck i miss it

You plan on vaping xanax? Huh? Why don't you want to buy one, they are similar to price as a good piece, they also really conserve your weed. I get almost twice as much out of my stash, and you can use the leftovers for food. A good portable vape, not the pens, but the DiVinci and stuff, lets you smoke essentially anywhere with no issues. Vapes hit so nice too. It's just a small amount of smooth vapor. I feel like it takes you longer to get high, but the high is def different, in a good way.

People say bongs don't take that much THC, but after using a triple perced bong for the past month or so I really think it does.

Can you explain to me the point of a triple perc? In college my roommate has an absurd bong collection and the 4ft quad perced bong was out least favorite despite being the most expensive. I really like a straight tube. Nothing fancy except a diffusing down stem. It snaps faster than any other type of bong
You plan on vaping xanax? Huh? Why don't you want to buy one, they are similar to price as a good piece, they also really conserve your weed. I get almost twice as much out of my stash, and you can use the leftovers for food. A good portable vape, not the pens, but the DiVinci and stuff, lets you smoke essentially anywhere with no issues. Vapes hit so nice too. It's just a small amount of smooth vapor. I feel like it takes you longer to get high, but the high is def different, in a good way.

Can you explain to me the point of a triple perc? In college my roommate has an absurd bong collection and the 4ft quad perced bong was out least favorite despite being the most expensive. I really like a straight tube. Nothing fancy except a diffusing down stem. It snaps faster than any other type of bong

LOL hahah no i plan on pop some xananx then smoking lol. I heard that vapes give more off sativa/mental high....do they? because if i could find some 100% indica i would definitly go for it. I think its the sative thats making me freak ouut.
People say bongs don't take that much THC, but after using a triple perced bong for the past month or so I really think it does.

I've actually been using one of those little $5, cigarette shaped one-hitters lately. It gets me a LOT higher than the bong from a similar amount... but it's nowhere near as pleasant.

I'm always so scared of lighting my hair on fire with those things lol
LOL hahah no i plan on pop some xananx then smoking lol. I heard that vapes give more off sativa/mental high....do they? because if i could find some 100% indica i would definitly go for it. I think its the sative thats making me freak ouut.

I was thinking in my head that no one would be crazy enough to try to smoke or vape a xanax. That'd be ridiculous. Smoking pills is one of the dumbest things you can do.

As for your question. It's hard to say whether it's more indica like or more sativa like. It's different because cannabinoids vaporize at different temps, so you're not getting all of them even you don't set it high enough. It's some of the less known ones that are "limiters" on THC, like CBL, CBC, I think. Those ones might not get vaped. Idk though, I gotta look it up, but you get the jist.

Now that you mention it, I definitely do get the sativa head high more so with a vape. It's really clean though. It's never that jumpy, twitchy, too much sativa feel. It's also more relaxing. Overall, you just get higher though. It really is hard to explain though. I never smoke pure indica's during the day (which is the only time I get to use vapes). I smoked an I dominant hybrid on the vape yesterday and that was awesome. If you smoke a pure sativa and sativa's aren't your thing, well...
I was thinking in my head that no one would be crazy enough to try to smoke or vape a xanax. That'd be ridiculous. Smoking pills is one of the dumbest things you can do.

As for your question. It's hard to say whether it's more indica like or more sativa like. It's different because cannabinoids vaporize at different temps, so you're not getting all of them even you don't set it high enough. It's some of the less known ones that are "limiters" on THC, like CBL, CBC, I think. Those ones might not get vaped. Idk though, I gotta look it up, but you get the jist.

Now that you mention it, I definitely do get the sativa head high more so with a vape. It's really clean though. It's never that jumpy, twitchy, too much sativa feel. It's also more relaxing. Overall, you just get higher though. It really is hard to explain though. I never smoke pure indica's during the day (which is the only time I get to use vapes). I smoked an I dominant hybrid on the vape yesterday and that was awesome. If you smoke a pure sativa and sativa's aren't your thing, well...

Lol smoking pills is retarded. Like the idiots wasting oxy and fucking up their lungs in the process because they try to smoke it on foil. Even more pointless with xanax. I had a guy try to get me to smoke with him his fucked up defintion of a juicy: weed, hcl coke, and ground up E pills. No thanks...

I think im down to try it with a vape if i have a little xanax in me but i should try it on someones vape before buying one in case it doesnt workout. Thank you for clarifying on the effect, im not very familiar with vapes. I heard vapes are better for the lungs too than smoking bowls and joints. How much do you think it will go me for a good vape?
I've actually been using one of those little $5, cigarette shaped one-hitters lately. It gets me a LOT higher than the bong from a similar amount... but it's nowhere near as pleasant.

I love those things; they work great for smoking kief. Good for smoking outdoors since it looks just like a cig. Once I was smoking with one at a bus stop and a cop drove right past me.
I think im down to try it with a vape if i have a little xanax in me but i should try it on someones vape before buying one in case it doesnt workout. Thank you for clarifying on the effect, im not very familiar with vapes. I heard vapes are better for the lungs too than smoking bowls and joints. How much do you think it will go me for a good vape?

I would actually try a little without the xanax cause how awesome would that be if it was better. It really is a different high than combustion. Maybe just vape a tiny amount, see how that feels. Of course, it will still be awesome either way.

They feel much, much better on the lungs. For some people, sometimes a big rip of smoke feels like your lungs are burning, makes you cough, a lot of the time smoke tastes nasty (That's probably the best thing about a vape that I haven't mentioned yet. Every hit of weed tastes like you got greens.) smoking can be really nasty sometimes. I think I already mentioned this, but it really conserves your weed. It's crazy how little you need to get so damn high, even when you have a serious tolerance. You can ever save the weed that's done (I swear it smells exactly like burnt popcorn). There's always a tiny bit of THC left. It doesn't take that long to accumulate an oz between a couple roommates, and an oz of vaped weed can make some strong brownies. Also, if you have no weed and can't get any, you can pack a huge bowl of already used weed and you can get high.

I would most certainly try someone else's vape first though. You gotta try a good one though, cause the good ones a really good and the bad ones are really, really bad. You might hate vapeping, some people do. Doubtful though
I'm always so scared of lighting my hair on fire with those things lol

It's just like lighting a joint, just tilt your head back and there is no worry for me

I love those things; they work great for smoking kief.

Seriously. I would just take a tiny bit of weed to block the hole and stuff it with kief... one or two hits would have me blazed off my ass
I would actually try a little without the xanax cause how awesome would that be if it was better. It really is a different high than combustion. Maybe just vape a tiny amount, see how that feels. Of course, it will still be awesome either way.

They feel much, much better on the lungs. For some people, sometimes a big rip of smoke feels like your lungs are burning, makes you cough, a lot of the time smoke tastes nasty (That's probably the best thing about a vape that I haven't mentioned yet. Every hit of weed tastes like you got greens.) smoking can be really nasty sometimes. I think I already mentioned this, but it really conserves your weed. It's crazy how little you need to get so damn high, even when you have a serious tolerance. You can ever save the weed that's done (I swear it smells exactly like burnt popcorn). There's always a tiny bit of THC left. It doesn't take that long to accumulate an oz between a couple roommates, and an oz of vaped weed can make some strong brownies. Also, if you have no weed and can't get any, you can pack a huge bowl of already used weed and you can get high.

I would most certainly try someone else's vape first though. You gotta try a good one though, cause the good ones a really good and the bad ones are really, really bad. You might hate vapeping, some people do. Doubtful though

Sounds good...in the long run its make you save money i guess because you pay alot at once for a good vape but the money you save on weed is big too. I used to get the nasty smoke thing....especially bongs. Joints i could take humongous hit and be fine, but a normal sized hit from a bong would have me coughing like im dying for 10 min lol.
A hit from a joint and the effects will be subtle and graduel for me.

A hit from a bong or pipe and it quick and much more intense :)

Personally I only smoke from bongs.