• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

MEGA - Drug/Legal issues impacting school/job

Same in the Netherlands even the military doesn't they just ask you if you have ever used drugs
Unheard of in Toronto area Canada outside possibly in some gov't jobs. Employers here recognize that if they drug test they end up losing 25% of their employees. This being said, in ANY job if you're caught high at work you can reliably bet that you're going to get fired (and prosecuted if you could pose a threat to others i.e. machinery)
I really might move to Canada. From what ive heard the police wont arrest you if you have a personal amount of weed and jobs allow you your privacy unlike american employers.

It depends on the cop. Weed is still illegal in Canada. Some cops will let you go if it's just a little bit, others won't. It's the same as it is anywhere. Some areas in Canada are more lenient while some aren't. Similar to the US and any other country where weed is illegal. Some cops don't care, some do.

But yeah, no drug testing in Canada, never even thought of that really, unless you're in a really intense position. But for most jobs, no drug testing. I didn't even know drug testing was a thing until I read about it online.
It depends on the cop. Weed is still illegal in Canada. Some cops will let you go if it's just a little bit, others won't. It's the same as it is anywhere. Some areas in Canada are more lenient while some aren't. Similar to the US and any other country where weed is illegal. Some cops don't care, some do.

But yeah, no drug testing in Canada, never even thought of that really, unless you're in a really intense position. But for most jobs, no drug testing. I didn't even know drug testing was a thing until I read about it online.

Yep, only heard of drug testing for jobs where you put the life of others on the line (airplane pilot for exemple), cops (but who cares about that).

And weed is decriminalized up to 30g since around 2003. Meaning that if they catch you with 30g or less(not split into smaller baggies, then you'll get an intent to sell thing, doesn't mean the judge won't disregard everything if you never had problems with the law before). But by then cops will harass you (do surveillance of your activities out of boredom to try to catch a bigger fish for example). Then they will confiscate the ounce or not, I hear it really varies on the cop at THIS point.

My friends in the south, please escape your open air concentration camp and move here, it's difficult if it's not work related but I'd do everything to do it if there wasn't too many people I cared for at the point of origin.
A lot of it is down to individual company policy though many smaller firms are also subject to random drugs testing. Apply to wherever attracts you and then look into their drug testing policy. I'm sure there is a way for you to work your way up and avoid these sort of things.

Best of luck man, I will be in the same situation in a few years.
Ohh My Gosh. Hey Im 17 and i have an aggrivated robbery charge. I cant find a job for shit but i have had job offers i just couldnt see my self doing things like that. Fast food restraunts will hire you, retail shops dont do background checks and most little store dont do back grounds. I mean just explain to them about it and most will understand you had a ruff patch in life. Good Luck to you!
i can't get a job and i got my shit sealed, it's misdemenors and 5 years old. does anyone know if a civil infraction shows up on a backround check?
drinks,have u tried working out of state? my buddy has several felonies on his record in AL and now he works for UPS in Georgia. most places will run a state background check. while others want to check to make sure ur not a sex offender or have any theft charges on ur record.

i know one thing, get off the boi,and work in a recovery/rehab center. EVEN if u need 2 volunteer, later u can throw that shit down on the app,and if they ask u about it tell em that u used the felony to grow on,and helped multiple people out getting off their own DOC's.(ive seen this shit happen,and now buddy is clean,and now a drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselor).
Idk, I'm with the, don't even put it down. You just need to work at places that aren't cooperations--small shops, restaurants. Come in looking professional, write neatly, have a good interview-- they shouldn't doubt you.
any restaurant job (back of house sucks. go work as a busser / waiter instead)

pretty much all that comes to mind. or just start your own business. or learn how to day trade
Plaster every single employment agency in your town with your application. Ive worked for at least 15 different agencies, only 2 ever brought up my background. Most either dont check, or dont care about recent DUIs apparently.

Also I see these people telling you not to lie. I must strongly voice my opinion in opposition. Filling in that part is going to make you look like a drug using criminal to prospective employers. Sure you hear a story every now and then like "the manager saw past my criminal history and gave me a chance," but one glance at that section and youre probably going to get skipped over for someone else. Theyre gonna see it if they end up background checking anyway, but you might not even get that far when they see you write "criminal heroin possession" in there. I dont like advocating about deception, but leaving that field blank is one piece of deception that has allowed me to afford rent and pay my kids child support over the years.

You wont get a job at Wal Mart or anything but there are tons of places that dont background check. Leave the criminal history blank. Good luck, and dont spend all your money on dope when you get your paycheck!
I know what you mean. When the applications ask if you have ever been arrested, they want an explanation if you answer yes.
Those places I answered honestly, I have never heard from. I hate lying but damn I need to get back to work.
u can get hired onto construction contractors easy if you have a valid ID. regardless if you have a felony.
Men's Warehouse does not do background checks. If you know anything about suits or fine clothing I would recommend applying.
Sorry to derail a little. But you guys recommending restaurants. I keep looking online craigslist and every restaurant job wants an experienced server / busser etc. Every fucking job wants prior experience, it is driving me nutts. I would be great for the job, but how do i get prior experience for the job. How does a waiter first start out, fucking craigslist man...
^ But they also want HARD-workers. Flexible. Moldable. FAST-LEARNERS. Respectful. Patient.

These are all words that you'll need to use when you don't have experience.
You WANT this.. no you NEED this and am willing to do anything to be "apart of the team." (everyone loves teammates).
I'd echo getting into your own business.

Even if it's something small like finding things on craigslist and reselling them on ebay. Something to start up enough initial capital to do something more substantial.

The only problem with that is that you'd need some initial startup capital to get into that, which is where I'd suggest anything under the books.

We have a multitude of illegal immigrants working with seemingly no trouble at all and though the work might be hard and arduous at first, just remember that it is by no means permanent. After you have some savings then you can branch out. This is what I'm trying to do myself. From here you'll have a lot of interesting options, here are just a few that sounded interesting to me:

Move to a marijuana friendly state like Washington or Colorado and get into some of the bustling cannabis industry.

Learn how to cultivate various mushroom species and isolate spores and cultures and sell them online, or cultivate legal species and sell them at the local farmers market.

Invest in bitcoin trading or mining which seems to have the possibility of having a serious edge over keeping fiat currency.

Start trading in gold and silver when you've accumulated enough capital.

Are you into art? Steady hands? Start drawing your ass off and get yourself a tattoo and/or piercing apprenticeship.

Make it your no. one priority to find a way to survive outside the system.

On a side note, I cannot fucking BELIEVE that possession of heroin for personal use can be considered a felony. Good luck brother.