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Question from a 23 year old virgin (I know right, wtf?!)


May 12, 2013
I'm not really asking this to get sympathy or anything, criticism even heckling/making fun of is encouraged/appreciated. Really im just trying to get confidence advice i guess to reassure my head "GET WITH THE PROGRAM!", but here it goes.

I'm 23, and i live in Florida, U.S., with millions of beautiful females around me and all sorts from top to bottom, and this dick has never touched a single drop of vagina. Pretty much i've tried to have sex with the right-personality-appearing looking woman several times, but i've just come to realize when i get picky with woman i falter and become too attachy or maybe just not confident enough to do more with her and our relationship, and also due to my looks (6'2, 275, white boy). I've come close 4 times but never finished the job and actually got fucking naked and done it. This isn't really becoming a mental thing to me because the way I act and behave alot of the time is like someone who isnt a virgin, but when im not really around people alot i see i do, almost like a one half of my body IS a virgin and the other isn't. (Jekyll and Hyde) Now i just feel like im unbalanced confidence-wise and its like a switch to me being a man and not being one. Idk wtf im thinking, and I thought of blaming schitzophrenia due to smoking too much weed but thats just over-thinking in itself lol. Besides a overhaul in other areas for being a great guy in a relationship, I just really wanna have some casual sex with someone who just wants to fuck, y'know?, but that whole AdultDating site bullshit is a scam and not worth money if you can't find someone magically like that, lol! Any suggestions anyone?
I think you got performance anxiety. Id just hit up a high class prossie. You probly get a couple nuts in half an hour. I lost my virginity at 16 but I could have lost it at 13 but I was scared of the pussy cuz I was a virgin. Way to psych myself out right.

I think since your already in your 20s you want to pump a few out in a woman youll never see again. So Id go for a slut or whore tbph.

Your first time isn't magical and that's that.

If you want to have sex with another virgin go to church I guess.
My suggestion is to not worry about it. If having sex were what it takes to be a man, then there would be more actual men on the planet rather than adult sized boys.

Just make sure you are being a responsible adult first, and the rest will follow.
I'm not really asking this to get sympathy or anything, criticism even heckling/making fun of is encouraged/appreciated. Really im just trying to get confidence advice i guess to reassure my head "GET WITH THE PROGRAM!", but here it goes.

I'm 23, and i live in Florida, U.S., with millions of beautiful females around me and all sorts from top to bottom, and this dick has never touched a single drop of vagina. Pretty much i've tried to have sex with the right-personality-appearing looking woman several times, but i've just come to realize when i get picky with woman i falter and become too attachy or maybe just not confident enough to do more with her and our relationship, and also due to my looks (6'2, 275, white boy). I've come close 4 times but never finished the job and actually got fucking naked and done it. This isn't really becoming a mental thing to me because the way I act and behave alot of the time is like someone who isnt a virgin, but when im not really around people alot i see i do, almost like a one half of my body IS a virgin and the other isn't. (Jekyll and Hyde) Now i just feel like im unbalanced confidence-wise and its like a switch to me being a man and not being one. Idk wtf im thinking, and I thought of blaming schitzophrenia due to smoking too much weed but thats just over-thinking in itself lol. Besides a overhaul in other areas for being a great guy in a relationship, I just really wanna have some casual sex with someone who just wants to fuck, y'know?, but that whole AdultDating site bullshit is a scam and not worth money if you can't find someone magically like that, lol! Any suggestions anyone?

Have to get into a good groove and find some consistency.
The difference between being a fat-ass and being "husky" is just attitude and confidence.
Nothing wrong with paying for pussy if it's driving you crazy(obviously be safe), but once you get over that 'hump'=D try to motivate.
good luck
You're making too much of the passage from virgin to non-virgin. I understand it. I remember very vividly how mystical and otherworldly I thought sex was gonna be and how I'd hopefully feel this change from my confidence-less teenage self into a MAN.
Then it happened and it was just..... sex. There's no great trick to it. Don't get me wrong, it's great. I'm saying that once you lower girls/vagina off the pre-sex pedestal(I think I may be inadvertently quoting The 40 Year Old Virgin:)) there's a realization that it's just another facet, wonderful facet, but just another facet of life.

It sounds like a vicious cycle type thing where you tell yourself you can't get a girl so you don't. I'm sure you're as good as anyone else. It's just a matter of showing enough confidence to get it done with. Your body already knows what to do. Just a matter of getting our over thinking brains outta the way.
There's tons of girls. Maybe a more straightforward dating site would be more suitable? Seems like most people have real mixed results with the "hookup" sites.
You're thinking waay too much into it. If you're thinking, "I really wanna have sex with this" -- do it! Start off with making out, graduate to her nipples, move yourself down... BAM! If you're worried about this and that--you won't be able to get it up. Some people say to masturbate right before to last longer but that also leaves semen in your "pre-cum" which could get her pregnant if you don't wear a condom or it breaks.
^I think it's nearly guaranteed that the first time for guys is gonna last 2 seconds, regardless. Or maybe that was just me.....
Don't worry about it. I was a virgin until I was 22, which I'm a girl so they don't really get heat from it. I wish I would have found a 23 year old virgin when I was 22. I couldn't get into any relationship because they would end quickly after they found out I was a virgin so they wouldn't be getting any for a while. Most 22-23 year old guys are only about sex and I hated it. I felt I couldn't be a virgin and get into a relationship that lasted longer than a couple weeks. I eventually lost mine to a friend just so I wouldn't have the virgin stigma anymore, and it wasn't even worth it. Sex is just that, sex. Go to church, find a girl at the same level as you, take it slow and so when you both decide to you'll hopefully be close enough that she'll love you and let you try again until you got your shit down. First sex for me was just awkward...even the next few times were. I only first had enjoyable sex once I found my bf Im currently with, someone I feel comfortable with laying naked with all day just eating snacks and randomly having sex. Sex just to have sex to remove the virgin title ends up feeling awkward and I felt like I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Some people might disagree with this, but this is what I wish I had done. Just waited. Instead of forcing myself to loose it because I didn't want to be a virgin anymore.
Find a girl. Take your clothes off. Have sex.

Stop psyching yourself out so much. It will happen if you just relax and go with it.
Fuck yeah! ^

^I think it's nearly guaranteed that the first time for guys is gonna last 2 seconds, regardless. Or maybe that was just me.....

Well then say you're sorry, laugh, and say you're so nervous because she's SO FUCKEN HOT. Start making some cocktails- watch a movie and try, try again!
I think your just psyching youself out. It will get so much easier once you pop your cherry. Id recommend a high class prossie for a good hour to school you. Tell her your a virgin and do her every which way and get like 5 nuts. Youll get a feel for it.

After that you wont worry so much about dating cuz you will have some experience in the sack and you wont be mind-fucking yourself the whole time and digging a hole. Also women hate needy. I think its good to push em away as they tend to pull you in when they feel like you might not fancy them as much as they would like.

But my point is once you pop your cherry I think things will get a lot easier. It cant hurt to work out and brush up on your social skills. If you try to hard with women they get turned off and if you don't strike while the irons hot you miss your chance. I know that sounds difficult but its not. Youll get a hang of it.

You could always just date a nice Christian girl and go that route. She wont care if you are a virgin even if shes not. If a chick is really into you shes not gonna care cuz youll get better fast.

Just stop psyching yourself out. If I was your friend in real life and you told me that I'd have already rung up a call girl and sent her to your flat, but that's just me.

So your choices seem to be nice girl, slag, or prossie. Any of those ways will work. The more you psych yourself out the more difficult it will be. Your a man. Having sex doesn't make you a man. Of course sex is awesome and everyone likes to fuck including women and I know there are women your age that are virgins or sexually inexperienced.

You could always fuck some slag and if you embarrass yourself just don't talk to her again and youll get it over with. Really there is nothing to be embarrassed about because everyone is a virgin before they have sex so Im sure its understandable. If you precum its not the end of the world as there are men who have that as a lifelong problem. It wont happen the next time. Oh and just think about baseball or cricket like when your up to bat. That helps you last a lot longer. You could always have a wank first too. If you get a prossie have her suck you off first and then fuck her and then fuck her again. Just pay by the hour and make sure you have a bunch of condoms.

I lost my cherry to a relentless MILF and well I was raped (statuatory) and I liked it. I even went back for more. She did me a favor cuz she was hella fine and she showed me the ropes as well as a few good moves. So I got experienced quick off my first partner. It wasn't magical the first time I almost came when she sucked my dick and came about one and half minutes into it. It was a long time ago and I didn't use a stop watch. She was like "oh shit you were a virgin, you wanna fuck again?"
Drop some MDMA with a fat chick and get giggy with it. Works like a charm ;)
Being a virgin at your age isn't that big of a deal. Don't worry about it. It's not about quantity- it's about quality.
Get some some practice pussy so you can learn how to satisfy a woman. If you can please a woman sexually, omg the things she will do for you in return for that pleasure you give her --> endless. Or wait til you find "the right one". Nothin wrong with that either.
I'm confused at what exactly is the problem. So you've had opportunities? What do you do to avoid them? How far do you get?
Hey, I'm 29 and still a virgin. So you have NOTHING to worry about.

Though, admittedly my lateness is deliberate and due to religious inclinations (which is a shame really, coz im such a hottie)

If you manage to keep your virginity, become a lovely nice guy who respects all woman... and eventually find true love and a family you become life's winner.

Alternatively, if you haven't the guts, I recommend buying a doll off the Internet, some Viagra... and get some good practice in. There's loads of desperate, insecure woman in the world looking for sex... that's nothing a double dropping of Viagra can't get you through.
In a case like this I would call a professional and get the first time over. Then you will be fine.
^ yeah.. just go fuck someone.. wrap it up or this could be a short run for you;)

If you manage to keep your virginity, become a lovely nice guy who respects all woman... and eventually find true love and a family you become life's winner.

respectfully, you can still fuck your brains out and be a lovely nice guy who respects all women.. that deserve respect as it is earned not just a given.. and I think knowing what to do when you find your true love would be advised..
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