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Anxiety over uncut penis/curve...it was hard to write this but im thinking of surgery


Jun 16, 2013
Hi I'm posting for the first time to hopefully get some serious opinions/experiences before I make a big decision. I'm 21 yrs old..i decent looking and all, but my entire life I've been dealing with anxiety over my penis..I hide my anxiety from everyone and its difficult for me to get a girl because almost EVERYONE where I live is circumcised (connecticut sensus doesn't lie). Also on top of the fact that I fall into a small percentile of men in my area who are not cut, my penis curves to the left quite noticeably and i fear its getting worse. This curve makes my 6" penis look shorter than it really is which also upsets me. So basically I need to make a change, I do not like this at all and I am willing to get surgery to fix it. Has anyone had an adult circumcision on here? If so can you explain your experience and does anyone have a curve in their penis? Strange topic sorry but where else can I go to talk about this shit lol...thanks. Btw I personally think it does look more attractive and "clean" looking when cut..what do u think?
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hey.. I really think you are making a big deal about nothing.. please try and develop your confidence and your skill at fkn.. the best way to develop your skill at fkn is to get laid.. the best way to get laid is to develop confidence.. really and drop the circumcision thing.. some girls mind, some prefer.. and most dont give a rats ass as long as you get it done.. my views on this come from pooling a decent segment of highly attractive american women, in an successful effort to find out if it was necessary to have genitile mutialtion performed on my son.. It turned out it was not necessary at all:!.. this is all in your head and as soon as you realize this and find away to build your confidence then you will start to enjoy a rewarding sex life.. A review published in the 2007 issue of BJU International showed the average erect penis length to be 14–16 cm (5.5–6.3 in) and girth to be 12–13 cm (4.7–5.1 in). The paper compared results of twelve studies conducted on different populations in several countries. Various methods of measurements were included in the review=D.. it might be time to develop those getting laid skills;)

Welcome to BL!!

edit: moved this to SLR as i believe that is where it will do the best.
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Some men's penises do curve and that's just how they are and it's not a deformity or something that they need to have surgery over. Don't get your penis cut since your penis will be a lot less sensitive and I've heard it's by far the most painful type of surgery an adult man can have, plus you'll have a nasty and ugly scar.
seriously man i'm uncut too. most girls won't make a big deal about it if you don't. half the girls i've been with have never seen an uncut dick. most of em tried to make a big deal about it like "uhhhh, um i've never seen one like that before..." with a grim face and i just confidently say "well now you have" and i show her all the bells and whistles of an uncircumcised cock. i explain to her how there's more feeling for us beneath the foreskin and show her tricks she can use. it's the same thing about the size issue. girls don't care about size nearly as much as we do. it's just a dick. girls tend to not care about appearances like we do.
its difficult for me to get a girl because almost EVERYONE where I live is circumcised (connecticut sensus doesn't lie)

honestly its difficult for you to get a girl because your projecting you're own anxiety onto others

some good tips would be to learn to love yourself, I think of the penis as similar to the bulldog or pug, it aint all that aesthetically pleasing but its imperfections make it adorable and cute, If a girl doesn't like you because your dick curves (a good proportion of guys dicks do that) or because your un-cut (this really shouldnt even be an issue), then thats a good sign that she has a lot of issues and you saved yourself a bit of time.

you should watch youth in revolt its funny because you have almost the exact same penis anxieties as one of the characters
I was circumcised as a baby and don't have a scar. It looks good. But if I could change it, I'd choose to be uncircumcised. Being cut was great when I was younger because - I imagine - having a bit less sensitivity let me fuck for longer. My pleasure level was already maxed out. But I'm older now and can imagine that a bit more sensitivity would be nice to have.

As far as the curve, I think you should try to make it work for you before doing any surgery, which sounds risky. Make it fun. You have to get a girl first. But then you can experiment with her and find angles that give you both the most pleasure. Girls love lighthearted experimentation in bed.

Thus assumes the curve is not too servere. You're probably thinking it's worse than it is. But you could be right. It's worth trying it out with more than one girl before doing something permanent, though.
Do girls your chatting with ask to have a look at your penis before being friendly - do you open your conversation, Hi I'm uncut with a bend to the left? Generally people do not care about your penis as much as you do so relax.

The bend could be perfectly natural or something called Peyronie's disease which can in some cases make the shaft look like its been snapped / bent at a 90degree angle. Some partners like a bend in the penis as it can reach places/put pressure on areas a straight one can't so its not all bad.

I also think that the surgery to correct Peyronie's comes with the risk of shortening of the shaft anyway so if your already concerned about the size of your penis this would need to be taken into consideration.
Being a women,whose 1st husband was uncut,I can tell you... It's not that big of a deal!! Sure I named willy and said his member looked like a grub worm w/a turtle neck sweater on. But it took awhile to get to see it. You have to get a girl first! And as a girl ill tell you..we don't really care what it looks like.
I live in Italy, and here newborn are not regularly circumcised (except for religious reasons). I circumcised when I was about 21 (but probably should have done it earlier). I'd say don't cut it if there is not a medical reason to do so. On the other side, if your penis is heavily curved you could correct it via surgery. An andrological visit would anyway determine wheter the curvature is caused by underlying medical conditions or if it is instead normal.

About the circumcision in itself.. well, I had it under general anaesthesia (as I underwent another surgery in the same occasion). I woke up and everything was fine, but hard-ons are painful and you'll have to change medication as directed by the surgeon. It's no big deal, true, but remember it's still a surgical procedure.
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^Yeah I was gonna say - it seems the only people who post on here about anxiety due to not being circumcised are from the US. I've lived in both France and the UK and tbh you'd almost be teased if you were circumcised in those places...it's much less common anyway. It's really a shame there's such a stigma about that in the US. Anyway my point being that personally I really couldn't care less, I don't think it makes it seem dirty at all (I mean if you wash down there what's the problem?) and I think it looks perfectly fine. But if that's what women in your area are used to I can understand why it bothers you, it's just a shame really :\
But if it's something that really stresses you out/impacts your life negatively I think I would go for the circumcision in the end...probably better to get a male opinion on that though.

Same with the curve, I can assure you you notice it much more than anyone you'll have sex with. Women honestly barely pick up on those things, or if they do most of us don't care.
I'm not going to advise you to cut your intact penis or get surgery of any kind.
What I will tell you is that I am obsessed with uncut penises and cannot get enough of them.
They are beautiful and I actually find circumcised penises a bit strange(no offense to anyone).
I know that one random female's opinion on the internet is not going to repair your confidence, but know that there are many that share my opinion(even in CT, I'm sure).
If a female is turn off by it then please just turn her away. This is not something for you to be ashamed about.
do you open your conversation, Hi I'm uncut with a bend to the left?


the point is that what girls look for is confidence and you are letting your confidence be affected by your perceptions of what other people think.

you dont know what other people think, you are guessing

uncut penis's are fine- the only reason circumcision existed was in areas where people were not washing hundreds of years back. its incorporated into religions but there was a time when people didn't do it, then for some reason they did and after that it became tradition but nearly all traditions begin as an action with a logical reason. not eating pigs and shellfish is the same thing. there is nothing holy about it, its because those types of food easily harbour nasty parasites

my point is you dont need surgery, you need a confidence boost. to me your idea of surgery is very similar to women who are all like- "my boobs are too small, i need big boobs, then i'll have confidence"

it doesn't work that way

confidence is something you build within yourself first from accepting yourself and then from loving yourself (in a kind way, not a narcissistic way lol)
Most girls won't care. You may end up sleeping with or dating a female who does care. But you know what? She'd be judgmental and not worth your time. The majority of females will not care.
Everyone here is on point, your penis is fine!!

As someone who has been in a relationship with a 21 year old with an uncircumcised penis for the last 3 years, I'm extremely satisfied in the physical department. My partner too had the whole anxiety over worry that's its different and trust me, it's not.

As far as the curve goes, again it's probably nothing, but if you're feeling that its THAT curved and getting worst, then get a doc's opinion on the matter. Unless recommended, don't do surgery. You may just end up altering something that was perfectly fine beforehand.

Get out there and show the ladies what you've got. Confidence goes miles with us. A good lay is what you need to get out of this funk, so jump to it!
Dude don't touch your dick. After having been uncut all these years from everything I've read you'll be sorely disappointed with the lack of sensitivity. That and being uncut is making a come back. Don't worry about what others thing really it's just a cock as long as you can give her an O you're good. Most of the pressure alienation actually stems from judgmental dudes in the locker room etc not women. Granted I date dudes and I'm uncut and have got some curvature and those I slept with previous to meeting my partner of 4 years quite often complemented me on my penis which really surprised me the first time it happened (I too used to have a bit of anxiety regarding the matter). Oh and my partner is into it too. LOL

As everyone has said just own it and get to bangin' some beautiful ladies. Also sex feels better for women when a guy is uncut. Good to know.
don't give into peer pressure - your penis is natural.

This is a problem with advertising - if you haven't sorted out your anxiety through techniques, positive self-affirmations and DIET, then you are susceptible to being pressured into "what's normal".

Sort out your anxiety brother - if you're considering surgery over sorting out your anxiety, you are paying waaaaay too much attention to other people. BE YOURSELF. You are still gonna bang SO much poom-poom in your life time.
The problem is in your head man. No pun intended.
Real talk.
You're getting good advice in here.
Don't worry about this shit. There's nothing wrong with being uncut, I would imagine a curve is workable, and your length is on the higher side of that scale.
As others have said, a lot of this stuff gets obsessed on for no reason. Seems a result of us idiots staring at our dicks endlessly.
Once you get with a girl and sex is expected? Your curve and some extra skin aren't gonna be a deterrent. Definitely shouldn't be.
Think about it this way.... Say you've been messing around with a girl, you two are all worked up and decide to fuck.
If you pulled her pants off and saw that her lips down there were somewhat larger than usual, would it deter you? Wouldn't me. Who cares?
Fretting about being uncut, etc, is basically the male equivalent of that. Much ado about nutting.