Best "Opiate" Songs

Silver Jews - Random Rules

"In 1984, i was hospitalized for apporoachin' perfection." - wow

The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping
The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
The Beatles - Girl
The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun
The Beatles - A Day In The Life
Grandmaster Flash - White Lines
Eagles - Hotel California
Eric Clapton - Cocaine
Marcy Playground - Poppies
Marcy Playground - Opium
Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie
Immortal Technique - Peruvian Cocaine
John Lennon - Cold Turkey
Morphine - Cure For Pain
Morphine - The Other Side
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
The Rolling Stones - Mother's Little Helper
The Rolling Stones - Sister Morphine
Steve Earle - Oxycontin Blues
The Velvet Underground - Heroin
Warren Zevon - Carmelita
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Gyrospeck, you consider The Beatles - 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' to be an opiate song? Jeez..
I have some good ones...

Perfect Day by Lou Reed
Heroine by Blonde Redhead
The Bank by Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton
Stormy High by Black Mountain
Junkie's Promise by Sonic Youth
Monster Hospital by Metric
Heroin by Velvet Underground
You all GOT to listen to Joseph Arthur!!

Then there's this one that Ben Harper covers, I happen to like it better than the original:

Not a huge Dave Mathews fan, but he was a big ol junkie before he hit it big:

Oh man
Oh how I wish I didn't smoke
Or drink to reason with my head

But sometimes this thick confusion
Grows until I cannot bear it at all
Needle to the vein
Needle to the vein
Take this needle from my vein my friend
I said

My head won't leave my head alone
And I don't believe it will
Until I'm dead and gone
Peter Doherty: "Sheepskin Tearaway" sample lyric: "All covered with scars, and full of heroin..." direct and to the point :) beautiful song <3
Babyshambles: "There She Goes"
Babyshambles: "Gang of Gin"
Libertines: "Can't Stand Me Now"
Libertines: "Skag & Bone Man"
Elliott Smith: entire self-titled album, and various songs from his other albums, such as "Fond Farewell to a Friend", "High Times", etc.

I clicked on this thread just so that i could post Spiritualized - and you beat me by a post! :)

i'll just name a single song, since it was my most recent "opiate song"

"Lay Back in the Sun ['Electric Mainline' EP Version]" - Spiritualized

Jason Pearce's first band Spacemen 3 is even greater to listen to on opiates imho. 'The Perfect Prescription' documents the whole process in the most beautiful, blissed out way I've ever heard.
Not really songs about dope, but some stuff iiked to listen to whilst high.Needle in they hay- elliot smith
True faith- new order (lot of other new order songs actually, bizarre love triangle, temptation, blue monday. Suzanne-weezer. The church-under the milkyway tonight. Perfect day, sweet jane-lou reed. And believe it or not dieselboy lol
HMS Fable, a classic album by a band from Liverpool. Check out pull together, streets of kenny, Cornish town, Daniella.
Old blues, soul, and r&b are good for nodding face
Used to listen to a lot of Radiohead smacked out too, especially Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief
Might of been posted already..

But anything by 'The XX'.. vocals and melody are just so warm and dreamy
Old 70s soul music is great to hear when youre high, so soulful and relaxing, al green, the drifters, curtis mayfield,
^ Dude that is an all time classic by all means
How could someone not have there heart strings pulled while listening to it...
"Understand Me Now", "Evening Sun", and "Finally Moving" by Pretty Lights come to mind.
Carmelita, by: Warren Zevon

I hear Mariachi static on my radio
And the tubes they glow in the dark
BUT YOU'RE THERE in Ensenada
And I'm STUCK here in Echo Park

Carmelita hold me tighter
I think I'm sinking down
And I'm all strung out on heroin
On the outskirts of town

Well, I'm sittin' here playing solitaire
With my pearl-handled deck
The county won't give me no more methadone
And they cut off your welfare check

Carmelita hold me tighter
I think I'm sinking down
And I'm all strung out on heroin
On the outskirts of town

Every time I hear the sirens wail
You know I almost have the heart attack
And her b-big samoan boyfriend says he's gonna
Come and break my back

Carmelita hold me tighter
I think I'm sinking down
And I'm all strung out on heroin
On the outskirts of town

Well, I pawned my Smith-Corona
And I went to meet my man
He hangs out down on Alvarado Street
By the Pioneer chicken stand

Carmelita hold me tighter
I think I'm sinking down
And I'm all strung out on heroin
On the outskirts of town

Carmelita hold me tighter
I think I'm sinking down
And I'm all strung out on heroin

More lyrics:
Anything that relates to love/bliss. I'd suggest some classical music. Like "Air" or "Morning Mood".

Or maybe "Live Forever", celebratory music.
I'll be honest ....I only read back a couple pages so I don't know if these were covered.
Rancid - Dopesick Girl, Out Come.
The Wolves, etc.

HIM- Killing Loneliness

Etta James - At Last (at least it is for me)

Down - the whole NOLA album

RHCP- Anything from Stadium Arcadium is excellent to boot up to or wd on. It just has that vibe.

I'm sure I'll think of more when my head clears. Lol.