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tips for track marks

^ I hate to admit I've reused needles on occasion (only my own an only after a thorough clean with bleach and water) and after even the first shot, as in the first time it breaks the skin, you can often feel the needle is blunted and barbed and doesn't go in or come out cleanly like a fresh one does. I very rarely miss as I have a smorgasbord of easy to hit veins but usually if I can't register first go and I have a spare syringe I use a fresh one, space is right, nothing good comes from wrecking veins. A guy I know is probably going to loose a limb from years of poor technique and hygiene, no one wants to go there. If anyone reading this is considering giving IV a go please think seriously about where it can end, for the majority of people it goes nowhere good. For me it exponentially increased my level of physical and especially psychological addiction and if I could turn back the clock to not knowing how to do it and not caring I would. I went from barely managing my addiction to just trying to hang on and make the best of the really shit situation I'd crafted for myself. If you haven't thoroughly mastered self control then don't go there, it's not worth it.
Im no IV expert but when u mean by breaking the skin 3 times does that mean u re used it 3 times or 3 attempts? As far as I am aware u cannot re use already used needles. That was our policy when injecting IM steroids.

no no i mean 3 attempts like say if we cant hit the vein after moving it around a little bit under the skin he will pull it out then put it back in to try n get a better angel with the needle.i have never used a needlle that has supplyed me with a rush and a high more than once,as soon as my rush hits me i always put them i put em all in the black box's and hide my stuff before i nod out incase somone comes over without calling

as a regular IV user i try to test my blood every 6 to 12 months even though i don't shoot up with anyone etc, etc. it's for peace of mind.

i recommend the same for any other regular IV league players out there.

i got one done at the same time i had a liver function a few weeks back :)
nice on, bruv. just make a point of getting tested regularly the longer you continue to inject :)
Ok theres lots of ways to partially fix or at least hide this common problem.

I always, always, always used hirudoid cream, it cleared bruises up by the next day and usually the mark was gone the next day or day after. With arms that havent been repeatedly abused by a needle you shouldnt really be getting noticeable marks, when I first started I pretty much never got tracks, it was only after I started shooting over the same spots that the marks and bruising got worse. But hirudoid cream is a must for any IV user IMO.

Secondly you should be putting heat on the area after the shot, not ice. Once I put ice on a missed shot of speed and fuck it made it hurt sooo much more and made the whole thing worse. Heat dilates your capillaries and lets the dead blood(i.e bruise) dissolve and you should have next to no mark there the next morning. I used to use a heat pack on every shot even if I didnt miss.

Thirdly, is this person mixing up your shots with new needles, spoons, water etc? Most people I know with HepC caught it from a spoon or something like that, so while I know you know your shit and probably know this already, its easy especially when your off your face to forget these things. HepC infected blood can last weeks, even a month or more outside the body. Luckily HIV only lasts a few minutes.

Make sure you shower every day, pref twice as it washes away old skin and gives your body a chance to grow new skin. I found when I was a dirty junkie and wouldnt shower for 2 days in a row(or more, yes im extremely ashamed to admit this) my tracks would be worse, but if I showered every day or twice as I said then I pretty much didnt ever have tracks.

Be very, very, very careful with this ROA. Everyone starts off thinking its a more efficient and better way to do their drugs and that they'll be able to keep it under control, but I honestly believe that within 6 months to a year less than 2% end up having it under control(I shot H once a week for a year and kept it under control then somehow I lost that control and it turned into at least every second day). Even if they dont shoot up every day like me(The time between my shots vary from a few times a week to once a month and im most certainly addicted to both the drugs and the needle) it will creep up on you. Everyone starts in your position my friend, all you can do is be as careful as you can, know your sources and while im no sure whether you should learn to IV yourself im also not sure whether its a smart idea to have this other guy hit you every time, I certainly wouldnt trust anyone else to get me except myself.

Just be careful, we value our BL'ers here obviously and I wouldnt want anything to happen to any of you guys. Just be as safe as you can and if your already under the influence of something and your going to have a shot just think that little bit harder about what your doing.

Hahaaaa thanks for the empathy bro :-D

I've been exercising more of late, more cardio than previously and it seems to have made a big difference...first shot is nearly always a piece of piss to hit, second usually easy, but being that my drug of choice is meth, I guess the vasoconstriction has kicked in pretty hard after that and subsequent shots can result in a bit of searching. It's so frustrating when you can see them right there but no matter what angle you go in at THEY REMAIN ELUSIVE
Hahaaaa thanks for the empathy bro :-D

I've been exercising more of late, more cardio than previously and it seems to have made a big difference...first shot is nearly always a piece of piss to hit, second usually easy, but being that my drug of choice is meth, I guess the vasoconstriction has kicked in pretty hard after that and subsequent shots can result in a bit of searching. It's so frustrating when you can see them right there but no matter what angle you go in at THEY REMAIN ELUSIVE

Yeah I have only been on the meth once in about a month (I almost wrote meth then) since about a month ago and that one time was for BDO, not really an excuse but I used it and cause of that I lost a bit of practise and fucked up. When I am having serious trouble I use a butterfly clip, they are far easier to hit with and it's easy to tell when it's in the vein and they aren't that much more painful.
I normally got pretty good veins but sometimes cant find the bastards so i just use a lacky band and move me arm around a bit and you find them everytime, i read somewhere that a tourniquet makes ya veins fatter so makes it easier, but dont hold me on that. also every time ya get a blood test the nurses tell ya to push down for a few mins after i found that actually works, between that and hirudroid cream my tracks are gone in no time.
Ok theres lots of ways to partially fix or at least hide this common problem.

I always, always, always used hirudoid cream, it cleared bruises up by the next day and usually the mark was gone the next day or day after. With arms that havent been repeatedly abused by a needle you shouldnt really be getting noticeable marks, when I first started I pretty much never got tracks, it was only after I started shooting over the same spots that the marks and bruising got worse. But hirudoid cream is a must for any IV user IMO.

Secondly you should be putting heat on the area after the shot, not ice. Once I put ice on a missed shot of speed and fuck it made it hurt sooo much more and made the whole thing worse. Heat dilates your capillaries and lets the dead blood(i.e bruise) dissolve and you should have next to no mark there the next morning. I used to use a heat pack on every shot even if I didnt miss.

Thirdly, is this person mixing up your shots with new needles, spoons, water etc? Most people I know with HepC caught it from a spoon or something like that, so while I know you know your shit and probably know this already, its easy especially when your off your face to forget these things. HepC infected blood can last weeks, even a month or more outside the body. Luckily HIV only lasts a few minutes.

Make sure you shower every day, pref twice as it washes away old skin and gives your body a chance to grow new skin. I found when I was a dirty junkie and wouldnt shower for 2 days in a row(or more, yes im extremely ashamed to admit this) my tracks would be worse, but if I showered every day or twice as I said then I pretty much didnt ever have tracks.

Be very, very, very careful with this ROA. Everyone starts off thinking its a more efficient and better way to do their drugs and that they'll be able to keep it under control, but I honestly believe that within 6 months to a year less than 2% end up having it under control(I shot H once a week for a year and kept it under control then somehow I lost that control and it turned into at least every second day). Even if they dont shoot up every day like me(The time between my shots vary from a few times a week to once a month and im most certainly addicted to both the drugs and the needle) it will creep up on you. Everyone starts in your position my friend, all you can do is be as careful as you can, know your sources and while im no sure whether you should learn to IV yourself im also not sure whether its a smart idea to have this other guy hit you every time, I certainly wouldnt trust anyone else to get me except myself.

Just be careful, we value our BL'ers here obviously and I wouldnt want anything to happen to any of you guys. Just be as safe as you can and if your already under the influence of something and your going to have a shot just think that little bit harder about what your doing.

cheers for the info bro,somtimes i mix up my shots somtimes my mate does it for me.when we buy fit packs we buy 2-3 at a time so we dont have to reuse spoons on fits for that very reason.im a germaphobe when it comes to IV to the point where i start to get on my mates nerves about how clean i want it to be.the mark and lump are totally gone now n i havnt had a shot since that night and dont plan on shooting up anytime soon maybe if i get some smack in the next week or so bbut i cant see that happening.im gonna take your advise and get my mate to walk me through it next time we decide to shoot up.im a bit ify about learning to shoot up tho cus then i cn hit myself anytime i want and open myself up to needle addiction :\ im in the process of tapering off opiates only wanna use once a week tops atm im using daily argggh n i just over 5-6 weeks of benzo WD's wish me luck *sighhh*
JS when you prep your own hits, have you ever accidentally pricked yourself? Maybe in the thumb or finger? Used to happen to me occasionally back when I was into using needles, especially when I was already high. So I thought, if it happens to me occasionally, surely it could happen to somebody else. Thats why I never let anyone else near a needle I was going to use. Just saying that even though you use clean spoons and brand new fits, there is always a chance of contamination if someone else has their hands on your pick.
JS when you prep your own hits, have you ever accidentally pricked yourself? Maybe in the thumb or finger? Used to happen to me occasionally back when I was into using needles, especially when I was already high. So I thought, if it happens to me occasionally, surely it could happen to somebody else. Thats why I never let anyone else near a needle I was going to use. Just saying that even though you use clean spoons and brand new fits, there is always a chance of contamination if someone else has their hands on your pick.

i cant say that i ever have mate and the person who helps me shoot up is very careful of doing that,hes been around needles for a loong time and is overcautious when it comes to IV use he always shoots himself up last dosnt put too much presure on the needle when filtering ect ect as i said i have/had a phobia of needles so maybe thats why i've never pricked myself by mistake.when the caps off my eyes are opeeeenn!
vitamin E oil (or bio-oil; its like a mixture of vit. E and a bunch of other stuff) is always good to apply to prevent scarrings and it/they help alot with the whole healing process
vitamin E oil (or bio-oil; its like a mixture of vit. E and a bunch of other stuff) is always good to apply to prevent scarrings and it/they help alot with the whole healing process

tea tree oil seemed to be really good the day after i started using it i noticed a dif in the marks on my arm.im cravin a shot of meth now :\ cant wait til this sunday got a day party gonna get off tits :D
junkie skumbag;11258493i have a phobia of needles[/QUOTE said:
My phobia of needles extends WAY further than it EVER crossing my mind about shooting street drugs in a non medical setting! There's no fucking way in hell I would put myself in a situation where some intoxicated individual is shooting street drugs into my arms.

Each to their own ... I'm just saying that situation sounds pretty hairy ... Be safe bro ... Hep C, Hiv ... The list goes on.
My phobia of needles extends WAY further than it EVER crossing my mind about shooting street drugs in a non medical setting! There's no fucking way in hell I would put myself in a situation where some intoxicated individual is shooting street drugs into my arms.

Each to their own ... I'm just saying that situation sounds pretty hairy ... Be safe bro ... Hep C, Hiv ... The list goes on.

yeah as i said this was a one time thing we were both fucked up n when your in that state you dont really think clearly.surely you can understand where im comming from.the drugs i get arnt bought off the street if you get my drift ;)
yeah as i said this was a one time thing we were both fucked up n when your in that state you dont really think clearly.
This is precisely how blood-borne virii are transmitted amongst the IV community. Take care.

surely you can understand where im comming from.the drugs i get arnt bought off the street if you get my drift ;)

Oh, I get it, if they say "it's straight off the plate" then it must be uncut.

I would like suggest that you are already in denial about the extent of your addiction (and expect an aggressive drama in response). As others have mentioned, it is safer to inject yourself. Have fun!

As for me, I swear I used to have a medial cubital on my left arm... not sure where it's gone? Maybe on a short holiday?
Bio-oil gets rid of scarring. My scars are barely noticeable coz i used this. And why IV MDMA? IMO its horrible when you use it this way. Just dump it!
Bio-oil gets rid of scarring. My scars are barely noticeable coz i used this. And why IV MDMA? IMO its horrible when you use it this way. Just dump it!

im not ment to promote IV use but i like a nice shot of mdma at the end of a big night the rush is to die for and the high is short lasting but strong.tea tree oil seemed to work very well to get rid of the bruising and marks within 3-4 days