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drugs or substances you won't touch again

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I think they're all pretty self explanatory :)

This should be in Drug Culture.
Yea this doesn't belong in BDD.

However, I've always told myself my no-no drugs are heroin and methamphetamine and PCP. Sad thing is I might buy some heroin in a couple weeks. Methamphetamine however I would never buy and might try it if I was offered it for free, but probably not. PCP just doesn't sound fun even though I love MXE.
No no's for me are inhalants, freebase stimulants, AM2201, any opiate greater than or equal to hydrocodone, and any IV administration.

I can't use these because they cause me serious health and control issues.
Aside from the obvious (inhaling shit and stuff like that), I stay from away from coke. Damn near killed me nearly 30 years ago and I still have a healthy respect for it's power. Also, I would never touch anything that needs to be injected and no I'm not afraid of needles, I just think it would be too easy to like it. I just don't need that in my life at my age.

I almost forgot, I would never ever ever smoke crack! I've heard way too many horror stories about people getting addicted to the high from the get-go. Knowing how I'm wired and how much I loved coke, I probably wouldn't stop until I was dead (or in the hospital if I was lucky). You know, come to think of it, back in the day there just wasn't any stuff around that would kill you (aside from H) but now days, hell there must be more than I can count! BTW, my formidable years were in the 70's and btw, that was actually before coke. Ouch, I am seriously old - Damn!
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Inhalants (except diethyl ether / n2o) most stimulant/euphoriant RCs (would do 4-mmc but not the rest), all psychedlic rcs especially NBOMe/bromo variants, LSD, all the desperate get high attempts of otc meds (exception of dxm). I have probably forgotten something. Alcohol is usually avoided but not a strict no no.
Meth & crack
It creeps me out what they do to people sometimes. They can do so much more obvious physical damage than like heroin and stuff. I think those anti-meth ads have gotten to me haha
Any sort of stims including cocaine, namely crack. I can't handle the mental mind fuck. Besides I suffer from hypertension and bipolar.
But the emotional comedown is horrible for me, never feels good coming down. Learnt that the hard way too many times.
Also forgot to add, a-PVP. Will never do that again.

Any synthetic cannabinoids. Had my run with them for a while, I know the facts now, they are terrible for your health.
Also forgot to add, a-PVP. Will never do that again.

Any synthetic cannabinoids. Had my run with them for a while, I know the facts now, they are terrible for your health.

I just hung those up too... after 2 consecutive bad trips i flushed the rest of my blends and am calling it quits. Stuck in a cartoon pattern for eternity twice in one day is good for me.
I just hung those up too... after 2 consecutive bad trips i flushed the rest of my blends and am calling it quits. Stuck in a cartoon pattern for eternity twice in one day is good for me.

There is proven scientific research that they are bad for you and can lead to seizures. When I was active at EK someone posted a link to the paper on it and there was an entire thread about how bad they were and recommended everyone stop smoking them...

I'd give you a link to it if I had one to back up my claim but I don't feel like searching for it lol.
Scopolamine, Heroin, PCP, Meth and Crack. Pretty much all RC's except MXE, Mephedrone and Methylone.
RC's, Synthetics, Meth, Crack, Coke & lastly, the needle, wont touch any of these............
i feel like i should have some but i really dont

like ive never used the needle meth crack or pcp but mostly just cuz i wasnt interested not cuz i wouldnt (yea sadly i used inhalants as a curious kid, like younger then 11 cuz i remember i was in florida still)

so yea the things above are stuff i dont go lookin for but im not sayin i would never
I've sought pretty much every drug besides most obscure RC's. drugs I wouldn't want to do again are meth, salvia, piperazines (although I'd probably eat an mdma tmfpp combo pill if it was all that was around, I was at an event, and i had a long time to crash), any of the dangerous substituted amphetamines, I think pmma is one of them. can't really think of any others. I'd be so down to smoke some pcp.
Crack, meth, most stims, most RCs, datura (scopolamine), diphenhydramine, DXM

Honestly I have way too much fun with the drugs I already do, the last thing I need are more dangerous and addictive substances in my body.

I'm just an opiate kinda dude when it comes to feel good drugs I guess...
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