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Are you an introvert or extrovert and what's your drug of choice?

I am an introvert and I love any opiates....and my absolute drug of chioce is Lyrica...I know I know totally lame but I love how it makes me feel....
introvert, polydrug abuser, but my favorites are weed, oxycodone, cocaine, and ketamine.
Introvert - ganja & cocaine.

Who would of thought so many introverts on an online forum :)
I'm somewhere in between introvert and extrovert and my doc is heroin 1st, then any other opiate...I really can't stand any kind of speed, although I tend to smoke a stone once every few months-maybe 4-5 times a year.
introvert... but getting more stable feeling imo and comfortable and am becoming more other way around (on my medicine or im fucked and introverted fucked as shit...)

amphetamines <3 alone they make me introverted.... wanna sit back and tingle and think or worry... sing or talk to myself.... now i have ppl around me...
benzos rxed currently last script of valium kpin started but ran out early sold some so im on 4mg kpin daily am pm, ill get the swap to the one mg pills i think tho i dont need === 40mg diazepam twice a day but theyre subtle im more worried since im daily for 6 months these high doses are just gonna fuck me up in the end but phenibut is my sleeper it kos the shit out of me accidentally while on lots of speed i passed out cpu on my lap 12 hours... my abuse of benzos isnt xanax... i dont really get much of them they are too short fuck that shit.... 12mg fuck that shit if it dont work fuck that fuckin shit... <3 (diazepam,, but klonopin be less abusin for me ill get ativan today 60mg eatin 4mg immediately... if not 6....) (these help me come out of my shell and shit the amphetamine made me more introverted... i isolated 4 years on them alone... in a blacklighted rooom no light no windows... just badass chill as fuck 311 smokin joints... my grandpas house . well condo i was a caregiver for him and hid in my room he took care of himself id hear if he yelled... usually...)
opiates.... heroin but im down from 110methadone to 2-4mg bupe in subutex... occasionally snort high doses.... on occassion for real.... not like every other day... its nice that first day then when im really hard crashing i snort a bump of it but im getting down to as little as possible while stocking up on the shit.... bupe is my 2nd fav high once i did it when i wasnt dependent waaay long back it was the longest warmest opiate high but stimulating.... i railed 4mg took lyrica and dexed... nodded during a fucking job application/interview... everyone bowed to pray and i nodded on the table it was a funeral home lol..... i was nodded on my hands like i was praying laughin my fucking ass off...... fuckin drugs man,,,
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Im an introvert.

My Drug of Choice used to be heroin, but opiates have pretty much lost their magic. I'm now more into Adderall/Dextroamphetamine + some alprazolam/clonazepam a few hours later.

I don't like amphetamines for socializing quite honestly, well, I do, but I actually prefer benzodiazepines for that. I'm an artist (with shit motivation/concentration) and the amps really help me get into the zone when it comes to drawing and writing. They also help me numb opiate withdrawal in the morning, before I get my methadone.
i vary by day.
in all reality, i'm an introvert..
but am able to be extroverted when i need to be.
cannabis & opiates are tied as my favorite, with benzos being a close 2nd.
although if i had a choice between weed and a decent opiate..
weed can wait;)
Introvert (INFP) w/ social anxiety

I used to love stims, but not so much anymore. Benzos, alcohol, and opiates are kinder these days.