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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v9 ~ Kreppel/Doughnut appreciation Plaza - Token bowls

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I don't know whether to be pissed or thrilled that I fell asleep at 4 this afternoon...got me a good 6 hours...didn't sleep last night...but now I'll be up until tomorrow night probably lol...Took a friend by the pawn shop today to sell his shotgun and he gave me some vistaril at like 10 this morning...kept me from being so anxious throughout the day...sort of lol...probably what made me pass out this afternoon lol...

And my MDMA glory days were back when I was a teenager as well...didn't stop eating it from the moment I tried it (or I was eating shrooms/lsd) until I tried meth...then meth was the "cheaper" alternative (in terms of time spent fucked up) and the more addictive one, so it took over, and I didn't handle meth+mdma very well...first time I thought my friend (the only one my age; 17) as well as an entire house of like 30 tweakers of the age of 30+ were undercovers lol...don't snort tabs the first time you mix the two lmfao...

I miss those days as well...when my back wasn't always killing me and life seemed good...just graduated 15 months early...had gotten down to 180lbs...could work...could walk lol...good times...

edit: was that your phone tri? lmao

That bong looked tasty...needs to be filled up though. ;)
wow i feel good as fuck, this cid is still lasting me hardcore even though i took .25mg klonopin 50mgs hydroxyzine and a good bit of whiskey. i still feel like dancing hahahahah

how has everyone elses saturday been?
Lol that bong looks plain as fuck, nothin special about it. Not my bong, or phone. internet pic.



this is one hungry bill!

Well I'm off for a bit, if not the night...gonna go pick up friend from work and some beer...

edit: and either that GIF is in slow motion, or someone needs to learn how to snort. ;)
definitely need to get out more...chicks lezzin out...tits getting flashed...much better than sittin at the house lol...
Hey wifey!!
hi love.
how's life?

i don't have anything to say..
just made me lol.
I don't know whether to be pissed or thrilled that I fell asleep at 4 this afternoon...got me a good 6 hours...didn't sleep last night...but now I'll be up until tomorrow night probably lol...
i'm up to 5 hours in the last 4 days.
that's all..
i just needed to bitch to someone.

Very nice piece of glass right there. Custom blow or company?
Man do I miss my bong, it's a $400 custom piece and I sold it to a friend for $150. What do you guys think? Should I buy it back?

you paid $400 for your piece..
sold it for $150...
and now you're wondering if you should pay more to buy it back???
definitely do that.

enjoy your sunday od. <3
i must dress me now :|
i dunno who decided i need another job..
but she's an idiot.

i give up.
i need someone to come dress me..
do my make-up..
and straighten my hair..
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Anyone else wish that at the local needle exchange they could hand out the drug delivery systems which they use in "Equlibrium" to inject "Proxium II" into the neck?

Because personally I fucking hate the whole palaver of tying off, repeatedly squeezing and relaxing my hand, finding a suitable non-rolling vein, registering, untying the tourniquet and finally shooting up.

It would be SO nice to just simply and easily inject straight into the neck in 1 second flat.

Just out of curiosity could such a drug-delivery system suitable for heroin ever exist or is it scientifically impossible and/or ludicrous?
you paid $400 for your piece..
sold it for $150...
and now you're wondering if you should pay more to buy it back???
definitely do that.

Well I didn't sell it for the price I paid because its really on a pawn basis, I needed some cash up front and used my bong as collateral with my friend. Its not like I can't get it back, I see it almost every day. It kinda makes me sad to see my baby with someone else lol
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