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Harm Reduction (Social) OD Social v7. ~ I'm a Horse With No Race (Look at my Face)

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Sounds good :) Don't be driving to town while you're high.


for some reason, the first bump, which was very small (35mgs? maybe less? tiny ass bump, i only sniffed it cause it was a verysmall amount that got stuck on my hand, and i didnt wanna waste it) got me rocked HARD, and every line since (something like 75-100mgs each) have been pretty weak... maybe that first bump was a massive placebo? whatever, i guess ill just cut bigger lines.

I also just watched the last Breaking Bad episode... and i have some thoughts
^nice, im vaping up some northern lights myself, also on a low dose of oral meth to smooth out the crash from last night until i can go to sleep. not quite in my happy place though, thats a ways away.
^nice, im vaping up some northern lights myself, also on a low dose of oral meth to smooth out the crash from last night until i can go to sleep. not quite in my happy place though, thats a ways away.

twas a lovely high not felt so much at peace in a while actually. I like northern light but prefer blue cheese myself :) with a nice wee .2 of H on the foil. What you crashing down from?
What are your thoughts on the BB episode

jesse told todd that absolutely no one can know about them being there, and thus todd shot that kid, and now jesse has yet another death on his conscience, and hes prolly gonna relapse.

twas a lovely high not felt so much at peace in a while actually. I like northern light but prefer blue cheese myself :) with a nice wee .2 of H on the foil. What you crashing down from?

meth. vaping some (a lot of) weed helped a lot to smooth out the crash really well, and then taking the leftover shards in my tea this morning is keeping me up and alert.
Northern lights is definitely one of my favorite strains, up there with some great white widow.
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