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What's the best LEGAL high you've ever gotten? Rate them

dxm - 10/10 bath salts - 9/10 fake weed - 9/10 nitrous - 9/10 lsa - 7/10 dramamine - 0/10 amanita muscaria - 0/10 kratom - 6/10 DMAA - 9/10 (not euphoric but very useful for working out or functioning with less sleep) phenibut - 6/10 poppers - 1/10 nutmeg - 0/10 salvia - ?/10 (hard to rate, not recreational but fascinating and scary)
Kratom has got to be the best by far for those with no opioid tolerance.

For those that have never tried an opiate, its weird, your first time, you expect more and keep redosing, its subtle.
When you click and realise what its doing youll love it. Getting my UEI Monday, cant wait.
For me:

- legal weed (zues is the best)
- a legal powder called Shamans Dust
- This pink legal "Speedy" pill I got from my local sex shop. Just tried it tonight, 1 pill is $40.00 and wow! It is now 5am, I took it at 11pm, still no sleep!

I used to like nangs but I just don't get the same buzz from them anymore.

Scratch what I have written here, the legal stuff you buy from these head/ sex shops is pure evil....I am currently trying to give them up for good and you have no idea how hard this bloody is!
I smoked "legal weed" everyday and started doing the powders and pills on weekends. Within months I was using both everyday, barely sleeping and eating and even my menstrual cycle stopped (sorry for the TMI boys) because I was that unhealthy!
My anxieties came back and I soon found myself crying in the GPs waiting room and missing work on regular occaisions because I wasn't coping. On the days I would pull sickies from work I would stay home, take more legal highs to feel better and was becoming isolated from the world....legal highs made me a junkie!
The big problem I find with this stuff is it's cheap and accessible. Last night I had a bad night fighting every urge to withdraw the $150.00 I would need for a dose of powder and heading down to the sex shop down the road and what stopped me in the end was knowing how shit I would feel for myself and how it would upset my partner.

I have taken many a drug (illegal and legal) in my day and never before have I had something that has had a hold on me as strong as this legal stuff has. I can smoke meth and not touch it for years, I took K once and never craved it again but this stuff is brutal, it sucks you in and keeps pulling at the back of your mind.

I urge you all to tread with caution into this playground, it's not as fun as it seems. What starts as a quick alternative to booze on a Saturday night soon turns into a full blown habit, find other (natural and if possible home brewed) legal highs just steer clear of this dodgy crap!
Not that I think it is the THE BEST legal high, but is NO ONE going to chime in with a vote for a 40oz bottle of beer? It's just about the cheapest (and legal) way to get fucked up
12 pack of PBR and a pack of Camel filters is my favorite legal high at the moment. 40s aren't really my thing.
1. Kratom (Best plant ever!!! Even MJ comes second to kratom)
2.tr!p pills (some kind of RC with damiana extract, if anybody knows what RC was in them I'd like to know)
3.DXM :/ (never again lol)
depends when you got them, but most "herbal ecstsy" pills (which is what trip pills were) were pipes
Two way tie between psilocybin mushrooms/truffles and salvia divinorum.

Should give diethyl ether a try sometime soon. =D
OTC codeine - 7/10 for the high, but an 11/10 for price and availability.
12 pack of PBR and a pack of Camel filters is my favorite legal high at the moment. 40s aren't really my thing.

Minus the PBR and keep it at the filters and you'll have me at hello.

6-APB by far is probably one of the best current RC's available.

Paralyzing euphoria is all I'm gonna say.
Try a combo of

Meang da Kratom 5 grams

Kanna .3 grams

phenibut 2 grams

Kava kava extract 20x1 strength 1 gram

capsule em up and your ready for herbal euphoriants
Addiction is me

I have always been addicrted to something, legal or illegal. I'm addicted to gambling and shopping. I have been addicted to alcohol, crank, crak and am currently addited to opoids pain relievers that are prescribed to me evn though i lie about my pain. One of the best buzzes I used to get in high school was huffing rubber cement. I loved that buzz. I've been thinking about trying it again for old times sake!
Currently taking a pre workout supplement that has lawsuits against it claiming it contains amphetamines.This is the second time I've taken just over the maximum recommended amount,and the second time I've felt high as a kite from it.It deffo has something speedy in it (not dmaa,and not a lot of caffeine) because I get a super focussed,very clean high,with lots of body energy and motivation that lasts about 4-6 hours.It feels like a combo of dexies and provigil to me.I'm deffo stocking up on this,it's TOO good and will no doubt be pulled from the market soon.
The other day at the dentist they gave me nitrous oxide, I really think they gave me a higher dose than usual. I was this close to nodding (or just passing out). That was the only drug that I've enjoyed as much as opiates, if I could get my hands on the stuff easily, I might actually slow down on opana...