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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread: 9th dose - Tolerance Schmolerance

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I'm calm just bothered by how people like to just be selfish. If you have been watching or been keeping track of news youd know a lot of shit is getting attention and this chemical is up there. As well as 4meo 3meo .... I don't want these outlawed. Yes theres much more important things to worry about but no one listens on here ever when Anyone says people take a break with this stuff already once a week is not a break...once a month is. When is everyone going to show some maturity with rc chemicals these days.

I agree. People kill me on here with the "I take this only once a week." talk. Yea, taking an unknown drug once a week should be good for you. Once a month is better but even then who's to say? I guess that's better than some folks taking the shit multiple times a day though right?

Still, nothing to stress over man. The shits going to get banned reguardless of what people talk about on a website. It's getting banned because idiots who snort a gram a day and make trips to the ER. That's why it'll get banned. Just have as much responsible fun with it until it's gone playa.
I did it... I don't know why I did it. I just had an urge to lose my mind. 150mg measured out and went up my nose. After I already did 50mg earlier... Im probably in some trouble...

Once you somewhat come back to reality, please, please give us an update on how this went.
Once you somewhat come back to reality, please, please give us an update on how this went.

Okay well after about 10 minutes, I started to get extremely speedy and cold. Teeth were chattering and I was shaking so I put on some warm clothes and got under the blanket and started drinking a shitload of water. After another 20 minutes the speedy part was going down and the dissociation was climbing pretty rapidly.

I knew from experience that if the dissociation gets too hard, its pretty hard to hole because it is too much, so I started to hole to some Pink Floyd and it worked pretty good. I fell very easily and as I was in the hole I could still feel the drug effects getting stronger and stronger. I holed for a good 20 minutes and then I came back to reality.

Now, the moment right after a hole where I come back to reality is always the best part of this drug. I have this awesome feeling of dissociation, euphoria, and mania all at their absolute peak and with all 3 feelings swarming my body at once it was just like ecstasy, and then this feeling usually slowly wears off and I am just left with the sleepless mental stimulation.

Well, this time, as this feeling was wearing off, the drug was still kicking in more. So, as the feeling went down, the dissociation still kept getting stronger for another 10 minutes. I was glad that I got holing out of the way, cuz after that I was laying in my bed and my whole room was spinning and I could not talk at all. I thought to myself this was the most dissociation I had ever had to deal with. But I could deal with it, I got my mind off it by talking to my girlfriend and the conversation felt very deep and there was nothing holding us back from talking about the deepest of the deepest things, like us remaining faithful while I was in the navy etc.

After the dissociation finally dimmed down to where the room was not spinning and I just had the mental stimulation aftereffect I munched on some dry cereal, drank some more water and tried to sleep. The weird thing is how usually with the insomnia feeling it is hard to sleep, but if it is strong enough after a high ass dose, its almost like it is inviting you to sleep, like the feeling is so strong that I can sleep from it. That part is weird to describe. I wake up just now feeling fine, fresh, content, glowy..

It is so crazy how you can practically OD on this stuff and feel nothing bad the next day... Thats what makes this stuff so damn addicting. The thought even crossed my mind to do even more this morning because I felt so comfortable. But nobody is that crazy....right?
Dammmnnn dude that doesn't EVEN Sound fun. More like a nightmare. I am going to quit complaining and just hope nothing gets banned until after like October or something. I dunno. MI really only had One batch and that was years ago. I kept thinking I had some off white shit but its actually fairly white. Its not fluffy by any means though. Its just looks like sand if sand were fluffier? I hope Little doses doesnt do THAT to me. I dont think having everything spin around sounds fun. I do remember feeling like everything was couchlock tho....idk....That kinda experience sounds like a terrible time. idontdothizz maybe u should lol
Hey, I am prescribed adderall for adhd. Would it be safe to take methoxetamine while on adderall, or should I not take adderall on the day I plan on doing methoxetamine? thanks!

I am also prescribed adderall. So far I haven't had any adverse reactions with these two. I wouldn't recommend taking them at the same time: but taking your normal prescribed amount and then taking mxe later in the evening, you should be fine. I was getting this weird side effect after taking mxe where my arm and hands feel asleep/numb. One person commented this is a sign of high blood pressure, but i'm not certain. I thought maybe the combination was maybe causing this/exasperating it. I still don't know. But generally speaking there was nothing extreme. Just try to space the two apart, and be careful/monitor it/try to use you're head. Hope this helps.
Dammmnnn dude that doesn't EVEN Sound fun. More like a nightmare. I am going to quit complaining and just hope nothing gets banned until after like October or something. I dunno. MI really only had One batch and that was years ago. I kept thinking I had some off white shit but its actually fairly white. Its not fluffy by any means though. Its just looks like sand if sand were fluffier? I hope Little doses doesnt do THAT to me. I dont think having everything spin around sounds fun. I do remember feeling like everything was couchlock tho....idk....That kinda experience sounds like a terrible time. idontdothizz maybe u should lol

LOL nooo man. Fun? Lol. Thats why I am addicted to it. Thats the reason I did that 150mg dosage. The goal was to lose my mind. I was having a damn blast man having ecstasy fired at you like a machine gun after being sent into a different universe followed by a good taste of insanity to the end the night in a comfortable zone and waking up glowing my ass off. Fun is an understatement.
Wanted to ask you about your afterglow. How do you feel when you feel you are glowing?

productive, manic, confident, in the moment and less dwelling on past/future. this can last for days. its like a constant mild stimulant which i can sleep on. then it gradually wears off into a calm good feeling, minus the manic bit
productive, manic, confident, in the moment and less dwelling on past/future. this can last for days. its like a constant mild stimulant which i can sleep on. then it gradually wears off into a calm good feeling, minus the manic bit

Call me crazy but I think I like the mania
Well, last night I finished up my supply of MxE. Friday, took a break from all substances, no nicotine, not even a drag of Cannabis. Felt good to not do anything. Went to a Rave Saturday, did roughly 150mg throughout the night. Last night, split the rest of my supply (about 90mg) three ways. 30mg for me, 30 for friend-A and 30 for friend-B. Followed by some pretty potent Ketamine. Didn't really enjoy mixing the two, I felt like the Kitty ruined the MxE buzz. Not to mention, I realize how shit Kitty is compared to MxE. You get rocked for 45 minutes, and feel sober within an hour and a half of the initial dose.

Since I'm out, I'm gonna be ordering another gram tomorrow. Next week, when I receive more money, I'm going to be ordering my largest batch as of yet, a full 6 grams. To be honest, the only reason I'm ordering the 1 gram by itself, is so I don't have to wait as long without MxE. I know, fiendish. I feel good though. No major side effects, mentally I feel good. Only thing is I haven't really been eating. It's like my appetite is non existent. Can't be a good thing, but I feel okay...so I'm not too worried. Been eating small things here and there simply to keep my stomach working.
the mania is wicked. inspires me to get stuff done. its the delusional shit that people post on here that gets me a bit worried, dont wanna end up a nutcase lol. its strange how a drug that sends me so batshit mental can make me feel so spot on afterwards

actually i think the most nutty ive been after drugs is what mephedrone used to do to me. paranoid delusional depressed anxious OCD mess for days after. this stuff just makes me feel good. opens my eyes
the mania is wicked. inspires me to get stuff done. its the delusional shit that people post on here that gets me a bit worried, dont wanna end up a nutcase lol. its strange how a drug that sends me so batshit mental can make me feel so spot on afterwards

Admittly the shit I was posting a few days ago is total nonsense, bat shit mania talk. Whats weird about this substance, is when I'm not on it, meaning when I wake up and stay sober for a day, I end up feeling total normal. It's only when I dose, do the symptoms of mania and delusion reoccur. And it seems as though those symptoms build up with each use, but only when I'm on the chemical, not when I'm sober.

As you all have seen, I've been going through this stuff pretty fast. I went through 3 grams in about a week and a half. Granted, maybe 700mg out of the 3000 was given to friends, but still...to think I'm going through it so fast is a little heart breaking. Honestly though, I don't care too much. I'd much rather be spending my money on this substance than any other. Weed? Not worth it for me anymore. Acid? Nothing but dirty doses going around. Molly? Forget about it, nothing but RC's. Rolls? Dirty as shit. Cocaine? Ha, what a joke! Pills? Been there, done that. MxE is cheap, affordable, and it lasts for a decent amount of time. Granted, I go through it like it's nothing, but with discipline I could really make it last, and having said that perhaps I should.

I've noticed it's really starting to get popular in the rave scene. All of a sudden, a lot of people are selling it. Expensive too! Wicked prices. Selling is not something I'm looking to do though. Maybe to a close friend or two, but only to hook them up. Making profit off chemicals, not my kinda gig.
Has anyone else experienced a decline in how long the high lasts with prolonged usage? my tolerence isn't really high i've raised 5MG over 2 months of using 3-5 days a week to keep a good high but i've been noticing lately especially when dosing nasaly that it seems to last alot shorter, this could however be due to a different batch (but from same vendor).

Oral dosing about 20% higher then my nasal dose brings a better "body stone" than snorting IME and lasts a few hours longer, but i don't like how long it takes to peak with oral use.

Ps I'm only dosing 20-25mg.
Has anyone else experienced a decline in how long the high lasts with prolonged usage? my tolerence isn't really high i've raised 5MG over 2 months of using 3-5 days a week to keep a good high but i've been noticing lately especially when dosing nasaly that it seems to last alot shorter, this could however be due to a different batch (but from same vendor).

Oral dosing about 20% higher then my nasal dose brings a better "body stone" than snorting IME and lasts a few hours longer, but i don't like how long it takes to peak with oral use.

Ps I'm only dosing 20-25mg.

Yes, I've noticed this as well. I think it's simply a psychological tolerance being built though, rather than a real physical tolerance.
i was been thinking about going to raves or pub on this stuff before as an alcohol replacement. low dose, shouldnt be too bad.its so unprediable though, it used to make me quite slow, functionable and wonky, these days it makes me feel like im on some sort of strong upper, wonking around manic as fuck buzzing my face off. dose and batch dependent i guess. im glad ive got fairly high tolerance to this stuff now, know what to expect, dont get bad trips or head fuck anymore unless i push it hard. although its not ideal as im gona run out sooner and have no replacement, but sod it

been a bit wrecklace with it recently and havent bothered to weigh the lines, eye ball dosing, wouldn't recommend it without tolerance and knowing what to expect. even an unexpected hole scares me a bit, hold onto my chair for dear life, gets fucking intense. lots of fun though. mxe, decent headphones, decent music, water and valium to for the end, and its a right awesome adventure. takes me places. thought mdma or pre ban meph was good for music... this stuff fucking connects me to vibes. infact it connects me to everything
Hey guys, just a quick question about ROA with mxe. I've looked over the thread and my specific question wasn't answered. I usually snort mxe, i've never tried any other ROA's but i've heard oral/sublingual produces a greater level of dissociation as opposed to a speedy high. I take mxe for relaxation, so would I better spend my time taking it orally or sublingually? And i've heard that sublingual produces canker sores, but I haven't heard anything about it recently. Does anyone know anything about that?
I'm calm just bothered by how people like to just be selfish. If you have been watching or been keeping track of news youd know a lot of shit is getting attention and this chemical is up there. As well as 4meo 3meo .... I don't want these outlawed. Yes theres much more important things to worry about but no one listens on here ever when Anyone says people take a break with this stuff already once a week is not a break...once a month is. When is everyone going to show some maturity with rc chemicals these days.

I disagree... the reason you and i and everyone knows about these new chems to start withis because people talk aboutthem... but then once we know about them and how cool they are we get all high and mihty like "im keeping this one a secret"

If theres people selling it online you can be sure that the government knows about it... not talking about it here only makes it mpre likely that people will misuse it in a harmful way and that will make it get outlawed faster than anything...

I believe that the more people that learn about both the positive and negatives of every drug then the more likely we are to have people join the side of "drugs are a tool that can be used properly or improperly" instead of "drugs are bad"
"I've noticed it's really starting to get popular in the rave scene. All of a sudden, a lot of people are selling it. Expensive too! Wicked prices. Selling is not something I'm looking to do though. Maybe to a close friend or two, but only to hook them up. Making profit off chemicals, not my kinda gig."

this definitely is bad news......
I think people selling MXE are likely dopes. Just tell your friends what it is and let them order it.
I got some from a pretty trustworthy guy at a friends small gathering party for less than what he bought it for, for the first time.
He told me what it was and to go look it up and he hasn't kept selling it trying to be a poser.

IMO, this stuff isn't a party drug. I get a massive drunk feeling and then dissociate. Not for partying.
When I DJ'd a party on it, I had to stop half way through and switch off to the other DJ. Lost control of what I was doing.

When you can screw up so easily with MXE by accidental overdose and end up crawling around the dancefloor, I wouldn't recommend it.

Can't find acid anymore and don't like cocaine. Don't like Meth or Alcohol etc etc
MXE is pretty dang cool though.
Not to be abused or confused.
Very powerful and very humbling.

I learned a lot.
My girlfriend tells me that I sleep all crazy the night after I do mxe. Apparently I wave my arms around or just hold my hands up in the air. Last night she said it looked like I was trying to fly a spaceship because I was moving my hands and arms around so much, she had to hold my arms down until I stopped so I wouldn't hit her.

I think I just need to stop trying to go for the m-hole and just take mood-enhancing doses of mxe. I usually take around 80 or 90 mg orally when I dose to be able to get to the m-hole, I won't get there otherwise because of tolerance. The thing is the tolerance doesn't seem to affect the stimulating aspects of mxe. So I have to take more and more heroic doses to get the initial fucked up I want, but then I get way more stimulated than I want to be. It seems the stimulation increases as the hours go by, I'll be really overstimulated 10 - 12 hours after I dose. Hopefully if I take a break my tolerance will go down to the point that I can take 30 or 40 mg and just feel nice without getting overstimulated.

Quoting so people can see this post, since it was mistakenly blocked by our spam-shield. I just un-blocked it.
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