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^ those are two substances I really want to try.

Ahh, feeling less sick today, which is good because my friends want to go on a brewery tour (or more exactly, a brewery-hopping trip spanning 4 breweries!)
I realized its May Day on Tuesday. This means I can trip tomorrow, finally. DMT and 4-AcO-DMT are on the menu :)

Nice. That sounds like a great combo. If it were me, I'd do a relatively lightweight dose of 4-AcO-DMT, and after I'd reached the plateau, I would vape a few big hits of DMT to try to break through. 4-AcO-DMT is really similar to sublingual / intranasal DMT, and I've had great success combining a lightweight dose of sublingual / intranasal DMT with a larger dose of smoked DMT.

EDIT: OMG, I just remembered, I had the coolest dream ever last night. It was around dusk, I was with a bunch of friends and family, we were all looking up at this big trail of smoke that was being cast through the twilight sky. Somehow everyone was confused and intrigued -- it was moving too fast, or the smoke was too thick, or it was too silent, to be a man-made craft. Then all of a sudden, these bright colored lights illuminated this absolutely massive alien spacecraft -- it must've been miles wide and long -- and it suddenly just took off, up and away, gone for good. I was so shocked and excited. Now I'm sad it wasn't real. :( Haha.
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Man. I feel reality-drunk. LOL. Reality is so amazingly complex and intricate and fascinating. God. I'm just swimming in everything I know about this universe... nature, life, biology, technology... it's all so bright and colorful... woahhahhhh... Haha. MXE is an awesome chemical.
Mmm, I had a lovely 4-AcO-DMT trip yesterday. 30mg. I wrote a trip report and it ended up being 4 & 1/2 pages in Word -- guess I had a lot to say.

It's crazy how subtle human emotions and behaviors can be, especially in the social context.
4-AcO is surely my favorite psychedelic compound out of all that I've tried. Except for maybe LSD, but who doesn't love a good acid trip?
But yeah, I feel like it's something a lot of people are wanting to try. I think it's because of all the good reports that have been around lately! Seems to me like it's been gaining popularity for a while though, since it seemed pretty hyped even when I first had some last summer. But I guess you could say that about the RC scene in large.

I wasn't planning on posting my trip report here, but maybe I will! I'll look over it again and see if it's worthy of being posted. While it wasn't my most memorable trip, it was certainly a very enjoyable one. :)
I think more people should write TRs of 4.5+ pages. Too many of the TRs on this site are short and boring IMO :\
Finally got to try amphetamine, got myself 0.5g the day before yesterday, and been enjoying it since. I think I'll get some more after this, it's a lot nicer than I expected, and I had little/nothing in the way of any comedown either other than waking up feeling like I weighed 1000 tons and finding it really hard to get out of bed.

Just did another line and now I'm going to read through PD. How's everyone tonight?

Also, delta_9, I totally agree, short trip reports are nice sometimes, but I generally prefer a long in depth report, there's only so much you can fit in the small ones and it usually doesn't help differentiate enough from other similar drugs.

Oh and as for 4-AcO-DMT, should be doing some with a friend on wednesday :D
Anyone here love just healthy food while on LSD? I've no idea why, but healthy food just seems to go down a lot better and even seems to give a small afterglow after eating.

When tripping I get a hankering for sweetened (especially carbonated) beverages and like to chain smoke cigarettes.

Anyhow, went to La Jolla today with folks to celebrate someone's birthday, saw klezmer band, ate food, saw sea lions whilst walking about near Ocean. And those damned trees which I have been wondering about for years and I think upon research right now are Australian Coral (they're pretty cool), are in bloom.
Finally got to try amphetamine, got myself 0.5g the day before yesterday, and been enjoying it since. I think I'll get some more after this, it's a lot nicer than I expected, and I had little/nothing in the way of any comedown either other than waking up feeling like I weighed 1000 tons and finding it really hard to get out of bed.

Oh dude, the devil takes on seductive forms. That's exactly how I felt when I first started using amphetamine, all good, next-to-no bad. It was like a sustainable MDMA high while retaining regular functionality (driving, appointments, general social interaction), whereas with MDMA, I'd be in a that 'trippy' psychedelic state. It was like that for a while. I spent the whole of summer 2010, groovin' on a near constant, non-sketchy amphetamine high. It was wonderful, then my mind/body caught up with me, its desire for homeostasis kicked in, and all went to hell.

My amphetamine summer was one of the best of my life, I'm glad to have experienced it, but there's a lee side to the mountain.

BTW, try to purify it. 500mg is a shitload of amphetamine; that would last me a month of daily highs. Obviously it's not pure, when it's pure you can weigh/dissolve/oral syringe (for convenience) your doses which lets you know how much your taking, that way you maintain some level of sustainability and don't get ripped, then crash and burn.

Haha, I just thought of a moment in my amphetamine summer. I was camping, it was afternoon, I was high as a kite. I have a 50 year old, leaky POS aluminum (it was free) boat that needs weight in the rear end, or else the bow will dive on full throttle and kills my top speed. So I find this granite rock to put in the back of the boat to keep the nose from diving on full throttle. This rock weighed more than I do (I'm 125 or so), but I was ripped and managed to summon incredible hulk super-human amp driven strength to pick this thing up and carry it about a 100 yards. One of my hungover friends sitting in a lawn chair watching me, just said 'whoa'. It was hilarious, this skinny, sped out stringbean, amp raging, carrying this 150 pound granite rock gave every one a good laugh.

Result; went to take off in the boat but it weighed too much; the boat wouldn't even plane off. I had to haul the dman thing back out of the boat lol. Good times. Amphetamine is my favorite drug for a fun time. This past year has certainly shown that fun-loving entactogenic side of it is gone. I hope abstinence can someday bring it back.

Anyways, amphetamine is wonderful at first, but like MDMA, you really can lose the magic and it degrades into a more/less straight anxiogen that makes you crave benzos.

Just communicating my experiences because your report smacks of how I felt when I started using it. Do purify it though and take measured doses; it'll amplify the sustainability of the high and give you an idea of how much you're taking/what a good dose is for a certain situation. :)

I got some Sierra Nevada Torpedo and regular pale ale that my parents smuggled over for me :D Tastes and feels great :)
Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of straight stimulants, I like empathogens, and psychedelics, but other stimulating drugs tend to solely be used to keep me awake when I need to stay up. I don't see myself using this often, but then again who knows, and I am in Poland where good (for street amphetamine anyway) speed is aplenty.

Honestly mainly what I liked is that at these doses I'm not getting high as a kite but I am getting significant useful stimulation that's helping me get stuff done. With other stimulants I've tried, to get to the level where I can be productive I have to get pretty high, and by that point I don't want to be productive anyway. :p

I would like to see how getting truly very high on this stuff feels but that'll probably have to wait until the next time I buy some whenever that'll be, because I have like 150mg left, and I'm looking to stay up the entire day (20 hours more to be specific), given that it's street amphetamine and not pharms that's only 2-3 doses, so unless I did most/all of that now I wouldn't get much further, and if I did that all now, I don't think I'd be stimulated for long enough to stay up.

PS, if pushing the dosage far enough for one of the rough jittery comedowns, will weed turn it enjoyable or will it just slightly reduce the negative effects? If I were to do the rest now I'd like to at least be able to smoke weed throughout the rest of the day, but if I'm going to feel shitty and tired the whole time it won't be worth it.
I would like to see how getting truly very high on this stuff feels but that'll probably have to wait until the next time I buy some whenever that'll be, because I have like 150mg left, and I'm looking to stay up the entire day (20 hours more to be specific), given that it's street amphetamine and not pharms that's only 2-3 doses, so unless I did most/all of that now I wouldn't get much further, and if I did that all now, I don't think I'd be stimulated for long enough to stay up.

That's the thing; turn it into 'pharm' amp. A/B extraction or alcohol recrystalization. You'll find 20mg to rock your socks.

I wouldn't do what you're planning; one thing about keeping amphetamine enjoyable is letting it wear off at night and sleeping. That way you can get high again the next day, but you need your sleep.

PS, if pushing the dosage far enough for one of the rough jittery comedowns, will weed turn it enjoyable or will it just slightly reduce the negative effects? If I were to do the rest now I'd like to at least be able to smoke weed throughout the rest of the day, but if I'm going to feel shitty and tired the whole time it won't be worth it.

Well you probably respond differently than I do. Weed on an amp comedown would just put me straight into insomniac sketch-bag land. When I needed to smooth out an amp comedown 5mg of diazepam did the trick (I would stay up another hour or two to enjoy the diaz euphoria). If I was still having trouble sleeping, I would take some zopiclone. 5-HTP/melatonin goes without saying. I never used amphetamine without taking them before bedtime.

As to your question; if you haven't slept since last night, don't take anymore, period. You're better off just letting it clear out your system. Taking more may give you more energy, but you'll be all sketched out and just want it to end so you can get some sleep.
Wow, you've never tried amphetamine before? I'm kinda surprised. Most people I know have used adderall and/or its rough equivalents at some point. After all, it's prescribed so damn often here in the US anyway :\ I suppose it could be different in Poland?

I'm gonna have to co-sign with Pepper on this one, that stuff sounds really impure if you're using that much at once. I'm only familiar with pharm grade amphets, cause as I said there is an abundance of adderall and it's generic equivalents out here, and I would rarely use more than about 20-30mg at once. 50mg per days tops. It's been a while since I've fucked with that stuff though :\ I've never been much of a stim guy myself, although I got into coke kinda heavily a few years back...

Nowadays I just prefer a good strong cup of coffee :D

Edit - lol there's an ant crawling on my screen. He's right about where my pink flower is on my screen lolol <3 I don't have the heart to flick him off. :(
The issue is that it's 11am, and I can't afford to sleep in the day, unless it's just a 1-2 hour nap in the evening. I got up at 10pm last night so I haven't really pulled an all-nighter, just got up at a very weird time. I'd like to be able to stay up until around 6:30am. I can do this without any drugs but the latter half drags on and just feels horrible. In fact, 99% of why I'm taking this amphetamine is purely so I can stay up and not for any high, high is just a bonus :)

Since I have so little left I'm not going to bother with a recrystallisation this time, as I'll be using it all by the end of today anyway, but thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely be doing that next bag.

@delta_9: Amph sulphate is pretty much the most common drug in Poland other than weed and regulated drugs like tobacco, alcohol, coffee. I only moved here from the UK two years ago though, and in the past I was simply never interested in it, as like I said stimulants aren't usually my thing.
I'm the opposite delta9; even as a north american, european speed is easier to get than pharm amphetamines :p They don't prescribe amps much in Canada. Luckily the stuff I have was pre-purified though. Plain racemic euro amp, but >90% pure, good stuff :)

I prefer it to adderall. I've had a few tastes of adderall, and plain racemic amp is a better high (for some reason).
Everytime I try to stay up all night(usually to get myself back into a "regular" sleeping pattern), I wimp out and fall asleep in the afternoon, then end up waking up at like 4 or 5am. And then the cycle continues... :\

I get a weird kind of insomia every now and then and force myself into an irregular sleeping habit. It can really suck sometimes but it's been like this for years so whatever.

The ant fell off btw :( Poor little guy.

I'm the opposite delta9; even as a north american, european speed is easier to get than pharm amphetamines :p They don't prescribe amps much in Canada. Luckily the stuff I have was pre-purified though. Plain racemic euro amp, but >90% pure, good stuff

I prefer it to adderall. I've had a few tastes of adderall, and plain racemic amp is a better high (for some reason).
Well, I've never really "looked" for speed in my area, so for all I know it could be abundant. Meth is but I've never had interest in that. :\
I just find the pills to be easier to deal with. I mean, it has the dosage stamped right onto it, no need to deal with a scale or anything, and plus you know it's pure.
^ I'm the same, and that's why I'm not giving in and sleeping during the evening once again. Haha. Though I'm not completely fixing my sleep pattern, just bringing back my sleeping time to ~6-7am or so, that way I can wake up at anywhere from 11am to 2pm depending on how long I sleep, which isn't so bad now while I'm still looking for work.
^I say go for the amped up day Jesus, and consider it a learning experience. I'd have a GABAergic on hand for the comedown/to fall asleep quickly though. Or an opiate. Or don't for even more education on the downsides of amp use. I only used regular amp (as adderal) a few times though, have had more meth in my day (have yet to try that orally, always either smoked or snorted it...)

I've been napping even when getting a full night's sleep this past week, been without booze a number of days, and have nothing for day time use at the moment, so napping helps with the malaise.
^I say go for the amped up day Jesus
I tend not to be able to hold onto stims for any significant period of time, so this is what often happens when I have the stuff :\
Or don't for even more education on the downsides of amp use
lol :)
Ok so I did my last line 30 minutes ago, feeling great right now, and I've been doing a lot of work around the house that I'm normally too lazy to do, which is nice. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to be enough to last me til 6am tomorrow morning, so I'm either going to buy some more in half an hour or so, or just buy some more weed and smoke until I can nap for a couple of hours and hope I don't feel too worn out when I wake up. We'll see.

In other news, somehow my CPU jumped up from idling around ~50*C to idling around 85-90*C, not sure what caused it. The weather has gotten hotter but not by that much, possible just needs another clean, I hope that's all, because I can't afford to replace it if it's copping out on me. Shame, I can't play any games right now because my CPU overheats and my PC switches off. I could turn off the automatic power-off on too high temps but then it might get to dangerous levels and damage the CPU.
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