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Official 2011 NFL Season Thread

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This san fransico saints game is amazing so back and fourth but I have a feeling that the saints are going to pull it out.
Man what a game. From start to finish. What a fucking game of football! One of the best ive seen in years. Where was that 49ers offense all night! Justin Smith destroying Bushrod was fucking class. And so refreshing to watch a game with only 3 penalties.

Even converted 2 of my mates to NFL fans in 3 hrs.
I'm rooting for the 49ers now. I've lived in the Bay Area and I've lived in Maine. But Patriots fans are...you know, curse words. Go SF!
The 49ers were like the Broncos (when they were winning). The defense kept them in the game, and then the offense came alive in the 4th quarter. I was glad to see them win, but it was a little discouraging seeing them not being able to establish the offense in the first 3 quarters, other than some quick scores from awesome field possession after turn overs. I loved the way the defense was hitting hard and going after the ball. I was amped up watching them play hard. It seemed that they always had 2 men on the ball so that one of them could go all out with the hit, and the other could make the tackle if the first missed by going after the hit too much. A lot of perfectly times hits (on both sides), and I also agree that it was great to see a game that wasn't filled with penalties.

The Patriots/Broncos game was a joke. I'm hoping that the rest of the games from here on out will be close. The NFC is looking real good at this point, although the 49ers offense needs to show up for a full game if they expect to win it all this year.
God Im sick.....It took 5 TO's for the 9ers to bring us down....Their D was ferocious....But what made me really cringe is watching the Saints D play extremely well for 3 Quarters and when the O finally makes some big plays to take the lead....We let them take it right back....:|
I took a nap, and, just as luck would have it, it lasted the entire length of the Pats game. My biological clock is spot on. That Niners game was first class football. I'm happy for them.
That was the most exciting football game I have ever watched. When Vernon Davis caught that TD in the endzone on third down with seconds left I was going ballistic. The team really needed that, considering all the redzone failure they have experienced this season.

Amazing game by both teams. I dont think Ive ever seen a defense come to play with as much intensity and hunger as the niners unit did yesterday, and all season really. The amount of RB's that have met their demise at the hands of the niners this year is staggering, PT being the most recent casualty. What a brutal hit to stop him at the goal line and take the wind out of the saints sails, who looked poised to score a td on their first possession after a questionable PI call. Brees looked fantastic, those 2 redzone TD's in the first half were almost undefendable, fucking Jimmy Graham has like 17 foot vertical leap... our LBs are good but there is just nothing you can do against him sometimes. The Colston TD was the same way.

The two long TD's in the second half by Sproles and Graham were..... bad. I was so disheartened when our defense gave up those long YAC plays after shutting down the Saints for most of the second half.

But when all seemed lost, guess who answered the bell? THATS RIGHT! ALEX SMITH BABY! I am officially sold on him. Despite having less than 2 seconds in the pocket every time the Saints brought pressure he managed to pass for 3 TDs and run for another and threw no INTs. It is so awesome that Davis caught the winning TD, he is the emotional leader of the team and is such a great (and underrated) player. One of the best tight ends in football.

Mad respect to the Saints, great team led by a great player. I usually pull for them when I dont have a dog in the race because I think they are an exciting team to watch. It feels good to know my team got the better of them with everything on the line. I am enjoying this win.
The two long TD's in the second half by Sproles and Graham were..... bad. I was so disheartened when our defense gave up those long YAC plays after shutting down the Saints for most of the second half.

One of the best things that happened for the Niners in the last few minutes was Willis and Whitner missing the tackles on Jimmy Graham. Whitner really should have hit Graham hard but it left just enough time on the clock for Alex Smith. Outstanding performance though by both teams. Fair play to Smith for answering his critics and show he can do it under immense pressure. Twice.

Special Thanks to T.J. Yates and Jacoby Jones for helping the Ravens win. Although Jones made a nice recovery later. Yates did pretty well except for the critical errors. I could start joshing on Flacco but the whole offense barely had a chance to breathe out there, the Texans D is scary, basically tore through the O line like wet paper. That Texans team are going to be great next year when they get the QB's back, hold onto Wade Phillips and draft another Wide receiver.

Now to Foxboro to rearrange the Brady Bunch's faces and another step closer to Harbaugh Bowl II??:D
How was that call not overturned? When Troy Aikman agrees that it was a fumble recovered by the Giants, you know it really was.
Packers were given 2 tds by the refs in this game, the only tds for the packers. I'm. So sick of zebras making bs calls that have game deciding potential. The roughing the passer and non-fumbe calls were inexplicably bad, these refs should be fired straight up.
Care, may the best team win next week. At least our teams can play defense.
^ Indeed, should be a good rematch. Giants definitely have the edge on offense, but I like our Defense to keep Eli and Co in check, and I think we can put up points against anyone, especially at home.

I actually predicted to giants to win their division during their horrible mid-season slide, which started in SF (although I didnt see them making it this far, i will admit). I also called out the Steelers and Packers as overrated teams. I also said very early on that is was plausible that the niners host the NFC championship.

The remaining AFC teams are also very scary.

IMO the best team to lose this weekend was the Saints.

SuperHarBowl would be some epic shit!
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Outside of Brady's thumping, all good games this weekend. Too bad Green Bay decided to mail it in so bad that even the refs couldnt win it for them.
Been looking at some of the film of the niners/saints game tonight. Its amazing how one-dimensional the 49er defense makes opposing offenses. The Saints are definately known for their passing attack, but they also like to run the ball to set up play action. That strategy absolutely failed them this week. I think the longest run of the game for them was like 7 or 8 yards. Our linebackers were not biting on play action which allowed them to play aggressive in coverage and stop big plays for the most part.

Justin Smith is hands down the best defensive lineman in the league. He absolutely manhandled Bushrod, a pro bowl O-lineman. It seemed like he was 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage on every play, up in Brees face, making him throw the ball when he wasn't ready. I was also really happy to see Aldon Smith get more snaps in this game, the kid is a weapon of a pass rusher on the edge and makes a difference every time he is in on passing downs. He also dropped back many times, which is something he is not known for and is working on im sure. If I was an opposing RB, I would be extremely worried about my health going into a game against the 49ers front 7. They are downright scary.

I would say the one weakness of our defense is check-downs to pass catching RB's like Sproles.

The 49ers have not allowed a special teams TD all year and this week was no different. Opposing kick returners never seem to get more than 10 yards on a return. That coupled with Andy Lee, our pro bowl punter, makes for some great field position most of the time for our defense.

Alex Smith had only 1 or 2 bad passes all game, all the other incompletions was him throwing the ball away, or receiver drops. And on the few plays when the passes were bad he was putting it in places where the ball would not be intercepted. The combination of safe play on Smiths part, and the fantastic field position we get as a result of our special teams and defense puts points up on the board and doesn't turn the ball over. It may not be as flashy as some of the other offenses in the league, but as we saw this week flashy offense doesn't always win you football games.

Anyone else find these State Farm commercials featuring Clay Matthews and BJ Raji hilarious? I mean these guys are part of the worst defensive unit in all of football but they get commercial deals because everyone was jocking the Packers so hard over the last few months. Then when it comes to crunch time they get RAPED at home by a team that everyone had counted out only a couple months ago.
Anyone else find these State Farm commercials featuring Clay Matthews and BJ Raji hilarious? I mean these guys are part of the worst defensive unit in all of football but they get commercial deals because everyone was jocking the Packers so hard over the last few months. Then when it comes to crunch time they get RAPED at home by a team that everyone had counted out only a couple months ago.

I found them extra funny last night.

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