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Adderall Shortage - is this happening anywhere else?

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odds are it will get called in to your doc, it isn't hard for him to find out about you getting multiple fills. it would be put on file no matter how you paid, but you'd have to pay OUT OF POCKET, without insurance, on the second fill no matter what. I would think the answer of how to most safely do this would be relatively obvious, but we aren't here to advise you or aid you in breaking or skirting the law... which I think this is?
adderol (amphetamine salta) ir hold/back order?

any one no whats up with this. Just this month the pharmacy told me they don't make the 12.5 mg ir amphetamine salt tablets that i'm prescribed. Yea I know 12.5 is nothing, but I get 150 a month so I'm basically supposed to take 62.5 mg a day. So I'm guessing my script is gonna get switched to xr which I really hate. I feel like its all the negative effects with few positives, last to long, and does not release enough of the speed at once for the desired effect. Any advice on this, thinking about trying to get switched to some dextro but I'm not sure if that would be bad in the long run, because of how much better I think it is by itself.
ya wow... I tried to do the same thing PoppyLlama at the pharmacy about asking about other dosages, but my pharmacist wasn't as chill as yours it appears, so they wouldn't give me anything.
Funny you mention that but, everyone I know that has an addy script is also scripted some kind of benzo from the same doctor. Not too sure why though. Sleep maybe?

this is so true. Maybe the anxiety from the speed or sleep like you said. But I have noticed I have multiple friends prescribed speed and benzos
So does anyone think this shortage is because of the abuse of the ir's generics, or that the pharm. industry is trying to make more money off the xr's? any opinions on this idea?
New York

I just got prescribed the 20mg adderall xr for the first time yesterday. I was able to have it filled right away, but since it was pretty expensive I asked what the price would be if next month I got it switched to an equivalent dose of IR. They told me the price, which was cheaper, and didn't mention that it would be a problem getting it filled. After I told my friend I got them, he asked me what pharmacy I went to because he has been trying to get his filled for two weeks with no luck. I'm pretty sure he gets the IR's, and was saying something like the pharmacies have been telling him that there was a recall or something, so that is why there is a shortage. No clue how true that is.

This FDA website says the shortage of IR's was due to increase in demand, manufacturing delays, and API issues. For the XR, it says uneven distribution and supply not keeping up with demand were issues. It seems like the XR is now readily available, whereas the IR is only being released as it is made available. The site was updated October 28th, so this is relatively new info. [source]
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^The recall was due to the pills containing more amphetamine than they were supposed to...like that's a real problem 8)


This video talks about the shortage a little, I posted it in another thread. It's weird, cause the East coast isn't experiencing any shortages. My friend actually works in a CVS as a pharm. tech. and he says they've been overstocked on the IRs as it is...idk why they can't just shift the supply to the areas lacking.
^The recall was due to the pills containing more amphetamine than they were supposed to...like that's a real problem 8)


This video talks about the shortage a little, I posted it in another thread. It's weird, cause the East coast isn't experiencing any shortages. My friend actually works in a CVS as a pharm. tech. and he says they've been overstocked on the IRs as it is...idk why they can't just shift the supply to the areas lacking.

Where did you hear that about the additional amphetamines in the adderall? I'd be real interested to read that.

I know the North East isn't having a problem with IRs or XRs, but everywhere else I know someone prescribed adderall, they are using XRs only.
I don't know why that video had to end with "adderall is highly addictive and sold on the street." The news report was pretty professional and provided good insight into the shortage issues, and then it did a complete 180 at the very end, talking about abuse and illegal use of the drug.
Here in the SW US, I can report that there is indeed, and has been for months, a shortage of IR amphetamine salts. I've given up trying to fill a script that is now a couple weeks old, and part of me hopes this is some blessing--albeit in a disheartening disguise.

I don't have experience with XRs, but pharmacies around here no longer have stock of any variety--so there's no recourse that I'm aware of. (I've ruled out seeking a script for Vyvanse, because I'm uninsured, and a bit suspicious regarding how hard Shire seems to be pushing this new drug coinciding with the prolonged shortage of traditional generics.)

As I said, this has been worsening for months, and at one point I was able to find the proper quantity and strength at one pharmacy. But they were CorePharma, and I passed on them. Not sure yet if that is regrettable.

I try to be as self-reliant as possible, and this artificial shortage revealed just how deeply I was at the mercy of others. Specifically, others that I've little to no trust or faith in--governments and for-profit industries.

I also wanted to comment about the implication that benzos are prescribed solely to counter what I often see referred to, and dismissed as, "speed". This does not at all seem accurate for me, and if anything, contrary. Apologies for any assumptions or misreading on my behalf.

I've had chronic anxiety for at least half of my life, and it had physically manifested in places like my jaw (i.e., TMJD). For some reason, and aside from the familiar indications of ADD/ADHD meds, the only relief my jaw has found over the years has been through the use of stimulants.

Not to derail the thread, but I'll just say that I've had to up my doses of diazepam (and to be clear, my benzo scripts far preceded any for methylphenidate or amphetamine salts) to deal with the WDs. And no, they've not helped at all with relaxing my perpetually clenched jaw. (I don't (and can't) actually grind my teeth, as they no longer align properly to do so. However, my jaw will fully dislocate if I can't restrict a yawn, or am not consciously precise with almost every bite of food taken).

All of this to say, it's frustrating to have found relief from very real, and worsening ailments, only to have said relief triple in price, and then dry up completely. To add insult to these cumulative and degenerative injuries, I keep seeing the medicine in question being trivialized as one of mere indulgence, or existing only as an excuse to imbue one with preternatural stamina to cram for an exam, or to party all night. Amphetamine salts, though effective at increasing my alertness, focus, motivation, and overall mood, were almost always accompanied with a calming sense of wellness for me--one that every benzo I've so far been prescribed has failed to provide.

The diazepam was originally to be taken on an "as-needed" basis, but now, that equates to always. I'm also sleepy, sluggish, irritable, and insatiably hungry at times. I don't know what the longer-term effects will be across the spectrum of my life: from ability/performance at work, to the receptivity of, and gumption to act upon inspiration and creativity. Basically, quality of life for me is now worse than before I ever capitulated to seek "help". Nonetheless, as I age, and the next time my jaw gets stuck open when I can't restrain a yawn, I'll likely look back upon my days of stimulants with quite rosy glasses.

Sorry for the ramble. But perhaps this post might actually serve as evidence that ADD/ADHD is not an excuse to get "speedy". I could not, and don't intend to speak for all. But for someone with a long history of anxiety, the thought of over-stimulation is not at all attractive--it's repulsive. Now I just get lost in my own parenthetical, nested, scattered, and often tangential thoughts. I can't seem to complete--much less communicate--a coherent idea. I guess unleashing my OCD might ironically assist in this process, as a simple e-mail or thread post can take me two hours. Whether or not that will equate to better communication is TBD. :(
Why don't people get Dexedrine, Dextrostat, or Vyvanse in the mean time
the only ones closest to my area is like a 15 mile drive so they are made by core pharma..how do those compare aginst the BARR? If anyone wants to shhot me a PM i would very much appreciate it
I've had (better) results with Barr and Teva. I put "better" in parens, because I've had no noticeable results from CorePharma or Sandoz. All were 20mg IR 3/day. YMMV.

I don't know what Vyvanse costs, nor its efficacy. I don't think it's an option for me budget-wise, and I'm going to see if I can get back to some baseline of functionality regardless. If I can't, then anything will be on the table.

Thanks for looking out for me DEA. <3
^The recall was due to the pills containing more amphetamine than they were supposed to...like that's a real problem 8)


This video talks about the shortage a little, I posted it in another thread. It's weird, cause the East coast isn't experiencing any shortages. My friend actually works in a CVS as a pharm. tech. and he says they've been overstocked on the IRs as it is...idk why they can't just shift the supply to the areas lacking.

While I got my prescription filled with no problems in NY, my friend has been having problems filling his. I'm not sure if he gets the IRs or XRs though, because a mutual friend was with him and relayed the info back and forth between us. I thought he got the IRs, but the other person thinks they get the XRs.

Where did you hear that about the additional amphetamines in the adderall? I'd be real interested to read that.

I know the North East isn't having a problem with IRs or XRs, but everywhere else I know someone prescribed adderall, they are using XRs only.

I would like to hear about this too.

Also, let's keep this thread on topic. This isn't the place to be arguing over which generics are better.
I would like to hear about this too.

The bit about more amps in the pills seems too urban legend to me. Without a proper source I just can't believe it. With the complex machines and no doubt quality control it's very unlikely that pills like that would have ever made it out of the building if produced at all. This is not a factory full of pharmacists and lab techs hand making pills.
While I got my prescription filled with no problems in NY, my friend has been having problems filling his. I'm not sure if he gets the IRs or XRs though, because a mutual friend was with him and relayed the info back and forth between us. I thought he got the IRs, but the other person thinks they get the XRs.

I would like to hear about this too.

Also, let's keep this thread on topic. This isn't the place to be arguing over which generics are better.

People can get prescribed an XR and IR
i found a pharmacy that holds your script and then texts you when its filled. i left them my 5mg 180qu script last month and they actually got back to me a few days later, and i finally fucking had it.

today i went in and handed over the script, asking about their stock with that sort of humorable desperation.... and they had it. it was like it was no problem at all.

except of course i had to get my timing wrong, my 45 days don't end until the 21st, so they have it on hold for me, and they're not letting anyone else get that vial. so, fuck yeah Walgreens! if anyone is having these adderall issues, go to Walgreens, see if they'll do this method for you (no other pharmacy i've been to will do it).

and sorry about asking for illegal advice, just that more sounds too great to pass up ;)

EDIT: forgot to ask. has anyone else noticed a dramatic change? or did i just get incredibly lucky?
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