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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Mmmmm water...

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So my diet for the last two days has been

Thursday: 2 over medium eggs, 3 links of breakfast sausage, country potatoes for breakfast
salad with garbanzo beans, mushrooms, cucumbers, and mixed greens, a tuna sandwich, and a grilled cheese for lunch. Same salad and cheese stuffed raviolis for dinner.

Today: Salad with garbanzo beans, mushrooms, kidney beans, cucumbers, and mixed greens as well as a tuna sandwich. I'm munching on some 60% dark chocolate as it was the darkest I could find.

I'l probably have the same thing tomorrow as well. Lets see how sams diet works!
So i popped a klonopin, i could probably sleep pretty good later with no benzos but i'm tryin to pass out and get some sleep, and i'm tryin to save what i got left for a last smoke session on sunday night..cause i've smoked every day at least 2 30-60min sessions since i got it on wednesday and the only day i didn't smoke at least twice was wednesday cause i wasn't home alone and hadn't smoked befo...i liek smokin meth. its PRETTY FUN.
then i wait a month
then get moar meff.
driving right after you smoked 2 bowls/smoked 2 packs of teh pipe (i think i remember junkie skumbag said the bowls i pack are decent sized when i showed him and he knows bout that meff...) one immediately after the other, while carrying some methamphetamine on you/in your pocket when you're driving to someone else's house=bad idea
esp. when you see cops and they're REAL cops (yes, i did see a real cop car...), and at the same you've got huge ass pupils/decently high, some meth in your pocket, and possibly illegal window tint on yo car...IS A BAD IDEA.
i find it lolzy to use this anti meth pamphlet i have to package the meff i let a friend get from me.
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so sunday night is mischief night then?
i'm planning on smoking all i've got left sunday night, i havent got too much i dont think but maybe i'll go out and do hoodrat stuff after
Cuddle puddle has become tweaker puddle.

180mg vyvanse down the pipe. Felt good 2 hours ago ;)
Cuddle puddle has become tweaker puddle.

180mg vyvanse down the pipe. Felt good 2 hours ago ;)
i'm the only one being active though, amirite?
smokin meth is fun as all hell, everyone knows that
dat rush and i'm definately getting better at smoking (like the technique...)
mah pipe (albeit homemade, headshops dont sell em here, i asked...)>the pipe you put vyvanse in.
i've been legitimately considering stopping abusing the living shit out of my dexedrine
and now i dont really want to anymore tbh cause now i know how fucking ridiculously good smokin MA is.
cause i'd rather smoke glass, it beats the living shit out of dexedrine and doesn't have nasty side effects and shit.
it was a joke, didn't you get it?
pipe as in yo esophagus vs my instrument for vaporizing methamphetamine
i took a klonopin so i'm going to sleep. meff doesn't keep me up the way dex does, dex has my heart going 140bpm the entire high, meff its sped up but not to the point where i feel it the entire time..
and meff i dont pick at myself at all, but on dex i do really bad?
and when i went to class right after smokin a buncha meff, i just sat drawing doodles of a fat guy falling down a flight of stairs, but if igo to class on dex i sit writing everything the professor says and picking at myself
meff makes me cheeel liek a bawwwwwwssssssss kinda strangely.
or at least its clean as fuck compared to regular amph no side effects and shit
meff dilates my pupils pretty good though...dont like that.
I take em as I can get em, but with out a script it keeps it down

and meth aint got no side effects?
Just wait a bit.
Meth has no side effects. What am I reading? That's like saying getting shot doesn't injure you.

"Welcome to the town of Anhedonia. You can have sex, but it's not really fun. The good food is alright. Sleeping and suicidal thoughts are what you're here for though. If not you can get out!"
Have you extensively used methamphetamine hm?
You ever smoke tweak?
i thought so
the side effects compared to a rec. dose of d-amph are way less.
they're still there but not near as bad.
cottonmouth is just as bad though...and meff makes me talk fast in conversation when d-amph never does.
cottonmouf is weird on meff cause you just taste meff for some reason from all the smoke that went down yo throat.
i'm going to sleep though.
compared to dex it has damn near none IMO, but thats me
quit being a buzzkill. not like i'm being a methhead, half the issues people have with meff is cause thye do grams a day for years.
"i can have sex but its not really fun"-thats a hell of a lot better than my situation atm...
You realize meth is extremely neurotoxic. If you do it too much you're likely to cause irreversible damage to your dopamine system.
I do know that
i'm nto gonna get more for a month, and i only got half a gram on wednesday and there's still a tiny bit left i'm fine.
dont be a buzzkill.
feeling good but maybe hurting your brain is a lot better than feeling depressed, lonely, anxious, self loathing, hopeless but not beating your brain up IMO
Well yeah I agree that being depressed is not healthy.

But meth is the straight up last resort to depression. Just remember Murphy's law.

Also, the pleasure you feel today will find a way to become the pain of tomorrow. I'll be done being a buzz kill. This is my coming down voice =D
It may have you feeling good now but Meth will own you if you use too much
LSDMDMA&10049367 said:
I do know that
i'm nto gonna get more for a month, and i only got half a gram on wednesday and there's still a tiny bit left i'm fine.
dont be a buzzkill.
feeling good but maybe hurting your brain is a lot better than feeling depressed, lonely, anxious, self loathing, hopeless but not beating your brain up IMO

Your depressed because youve been releasing dopamine at a retarded rate for like 2 years. Meth is going to make that SO much worse.

and yes. I have abused the shit out of meth. More than you have, and it turned me into a horrible person, depressed constantly for a month and I didnt even smoke it

while your high meth the side effects dont suck, but once you get off... god damn. Its the last thing you want to do if your depressed already

we only tell you because we care, I sure wish I got told this kinda shit 6 months a go
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