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Will new information on the dangers of drug use stop you from using drugs?

If my dealer was in danger of getting busted, I would stop taking drugs.

Out of respect or out of fear he'd nominate you to the police to save his own skin? As much as I love my dealer, theres no trust in our relationship, unfortunately. I wouldn't go down the path as to be that disrespectful to dob him into the police if I were under scrutiny, but he would sail us all down the river to save his own ass.

Its a horrible truth, I wish it was different, but thats the type of person he is :(
i believe if you use anything at all in moderation, youll be fine . . .
This is a little of topic but just to clear up some things about cannabis and schizophrenia. So far it has been found that there is a casual link between heavy cannabis use and the later development of schizophrenia. This does not mean that heavy cannabis use will cause schizophrenia as there are many people who use cannabis heavily and do not go on to develop schziophrenia. What it means is that when combined with other predispositions to the development of schizophrenia (ie. genetic succeptabilty, severly traumatic experiences etc.) then cannabis use can increase the liklihood of developing schizophrenia in succeptable individuals. Many of the individuals who used cannabis heavily would have gone on to develop schizophrenia anyway, whilst for others the heavy smoking was the straw that broke the camel's back (they were succeptable but without the smoking may not have developed schizophrenia). There have been many studies on this, including the 'Swedish Cohort study' which from memory found that heavy users of cannabis were 3 times more likely to develop schizophrenia than those who didn't smoke cannabis.
A distinction also should be made between somebody having a psychotic episode and developing schizophrenia. A psychotic episode is an acute period of mental distress defined generally by delusions and hallucinations. In the case of cannabis psychosis it typically will only last as long as cannabis use is continued to a couple of weeks after use has ceased. Schizophrenia is similiar to psychosis but is much more chronic and long lasting.

Anyway, there is some good discussion here guys. Keep em coming!
^^^Sounds similar to relationship between smoking cigarettes and cancer. If there is a predisposition to cancer then smoking dramitically increases the chance of developing cancer. Just as someone can smoke weed all there life and not develop any mental health issues, someone can smoke cigarettes all their life and not get cancer. This does not make either good for you. Obviously there are other health issues associated with both drugs. I dont think anyone could contend that smoking weed is good for you and does no harm at all. Whether that harm is related to your mental health or not is another issue.
