Query Published Why do you use marijuana? Tell Dr Grinspoon & the world!

I sent him a short paragraph on why I used cannabis, not really an essay, I was sorta drunk so I didn't realize it needed to be an essay lol, but it was still well written
Reasons to smoke Pot by myself.
It tastes soo much better than cigarettes.
It heightens creativity optimism and energy during my lows or depressive episodes. without the side effect of conventional medications for the same thing.
It keeps me young at heart. I think I would have given up a lot of my hobbies if I stopped smoking ex cycling, music creation, and an slightly anti-establishment attitude towards most things skeptically portrayed by the media.
It lower intra-ocular pressure, for glaucoma
These are just a few of the benefits off the top of my head. I plan on writing an email with more details
marijuana is used for many reasons....for the most part it begins in highschool and turns into chronic everyday use....and personally, i advocate the use of marijuana, because there is nothing better and more rewarding than i good long blunt at the end of the day, either dolo, or with some friends, just to help you unwind and ease the nerves..i really think this is a great idea to document reasons by marijuana usage..maybe itll even give the squares something to think about next time they are bored and are out of their starbucks supply and the wall street journal =D

I have to agree 100%! I started smoking a joint everynow and then in school now I have a bong and go through alottt of weed. :)
Just a note: Lester Grinspoon passed away recently. RIP xxx
You’d think a Harvard professor would be familiar with the issue of “confirmation bias”
You’d think a Harvard professor would be familiar with the issue of “confirmation bias”

Sure, confirmation bias is a thing, and we need to interpret self-report research with this background. But are you suggesting that it is useless to ask people why they do things and get their opinions or experiences?
More that if I was going to attempt to study the efficacy of any drug based on subjective reports I’d want an equal number of negative as positive experiences in order to be both nuanced and honest. This kind of one-sided study that only uses positive data is the kind of thing everyone hates Big Pharma for using.
Sometimes when something has been demonised for decades, we need to focus on the positive side for a bit of balance.

In any case, Lester is no longer around and this thread original post is actually 11 years old... perhaps the book got published? I'm not sure, and will have a look to see... :)
More that if I was going to attempt to study the efficacy of any drug based on subjective reports I’d want an equal number of negative as positive experiences in order to be both nuanced and honest. This kind of one-sided study that only uses positive data is the kind of thing everyone hates Big Pharma for using.

I think taking results as they come may present the most honest picture?