Why do people put other people down ?


Jun 7, 2005
So over the years , i have found that people seem to validate their own worth by putting someone down for their use of language/ spelling/ grammer.

It seems that people like to put people down who are possibly not clear headed and concise in what they write. for example you go on any message board nowadays (not really bluelight but all platforms really)

So can someone explain why people do this? id hate to put someone down for their not proper use of spelling or grammar or even if they might not be as informed / knowledgable as someone else.

Im possibly just clutching at straws here.

Is there any studies on human psychology in which it touches on these things?

sorry im an autistic adult and i cant function in a normal society because of these things and the anxiety it brings me.

Why do i care what random internet people think of me? Is my thoughts normal or not?

any help greatly appreciated . bare head
Am sure there are studies on personality traits and language processing.
its usually an argument people use when they dont have an argument.

If someones putting you down for some minor spelling or grammar error, or even a bunch man.. Your writing, like most peoples writing in general, is understandable. So to attack those errors without addressing what’s actually being said isnt a you problem its a problem with that person not being able to think critically. Really, no one who’s a spelling and grammar nazi ever really seems to have much to say.

Some people just need something to make them feel extra smart and superior too and really reaching for those basic writing skills is their jam. These days they’re probably mostly assisted by autocorrect, or grammarly, or whatever.

Now that they’ve constructed their syntactic masterpiece with zero actual content except to pick on your missing apostrophe, they feel smugly satisfied that their IQ is higher and you’re a dum dum and whatever the fuck.

They’re not very bright. Or nice. Or worth your attention enough to be hurt by.
Such people are assholes not worth your time.

I agree that they do it to make themselves feel better by attacking others.
It could mean he/she is attracted to you. Petty compliments or minor insults generally tend to be in the form of a neg hit which are used to attract. It could be flirting. Some go overboard and can tend to put you down to feel up.

i.e. your nose wiggles when you talk. or we'd never get along.

i.e. overboard ...You're fat ugly toothless..something like that that the person might not be able to correct easily.
I think this has a lot to do with maturity and brain development. I noticed it, too, but much less as I get older.

It's a fact that teenagers lack a strong sense of empathy due to underdeveloped brains.
It could mean he/she is attracted to you. Petty compliments or minor insults generally tend to be in the form of a neg hit which are used to attract. It could be flirting. Some go overboard and can tend to put you down to feel up.

i.e. your nose wiggles when you talk. or we'd never get along.

i.e. overboard ...You're fat ugly toothless..something like that that the person might not be able to correct easily.

Yea no. It still means they're an asshole. You don't say genuinely mean shit to people you like. Pick up artists do it to people they wanna bone but pick up artists are also scumbags.

Basically it all comes back to being an asshole.
You can be nice, but it's generally considered blacktopping.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. If you want flies that is.

Honesty is the best policy. Nice guys finish last.
There are mean, nasty people. I mean they exist. I doubt it has anything to do with intelligence
Thank you guys.

I cant say how much i love this community.

i miss this board and although it isn't the same as it was once in terms of activity, there are still alot of amazing people on this site.

I have so much to say, but my anxiety isn't letting me say it clear and concisely. i used to love what psychedelics did for me in terms of opening my mind.

I am struggling mentally during lockdown and i will say i have been having strange thoughts about whether i even want to be in this world anymore. i am currently getting some help for that but with covid the waiting times for even something like the samaritans are long, i had to wait 40 minutes the other night in a cue which is understandable but its scary to think if someone was really about to kill themselves and they had to wait 40 minutes or even worse taken an overdose and wanted to talk to a stranger before they passed away into a coma (not sure if that would ever happen but i imagine some people may want to do that if they had no loved one to say bye to the world and wasn't thinking straight (which most people during suicide are) ) Lockdown has effected me in ways i never thought it would, and i am normally a recluse and dont leave the house much anyways (which is probably a part of my mental health deteriorating so its really strange it has gotten to me pretty bad.

Sorry for going off on a tangent (something i regularly do). i just want to say that thanks for the responses guys and that i will try my best to get the proper help i need.

I hope to one day look back at this thread in a different frame of mind.

Why do we as humans care about what other people think, i know that some care more so than others but is there any writings on why the human brain cares what other people think of you? after all we all die in the end right. so why do i care so much what people think about me?

Much love.

An anxiety riddled bare_head <3
Okay... so... I have average knowledge and use of spelling and grammar (I don’t think my grammar is that good)... I rarely ever correct anyone, but in my head it does actually irritate me to see mistakes. It’s not that I want to devalue the person, it’s just irritating to me for some reason. When I was younger I couldn’t even talk to a person “who rote like dis”. Nowadays I’m a bit more flexible... I even drop the formality myself sometimes! Mainly if I’m tired, drunk or high though. I also try to match the other person’s vibe. If they don’t use punctuation then I sometimes stop myself.

Anyway, yeah... I guess it’s not just language, I get irritated by just about *any* type of mistake. If I were to delve deeply into that I would say it is due to perfectionist traits which is related to the fear of making a mistake and being judged harshly for it. My father was the person who really corrected my use of language when I was growing up and he was not kind about it so I think that’s why I’m not kind about it- whether it’s my mistake or someone else’s that fear is always there I guess. The fear of someone being angry at me for making a mistake and then wanting to hide all traces of mistakes from my life including others’ use of language etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Just my experience.
Bare_head said:
So over the years , i have found that people seem to validate their own worth by putting someone down for their use of language/ spelling/ grammer.

It seems that people like to put people down who are possibly not clear headed and concise in what they write. for example you go on any message board nowadays (not really bluelight but all platforms really)

So can someone explain why people do this? id hate to put someone down for their not proper use of spelling or grammar or even if they might not be as informed / knowledgable as someone else.

Im possibly just clutching at straws here.

Is there any studies on human psychology in which it touches on these things?

sorry im an autistic adult and i cant function in a normal society because of these things and the anxiety it brings me.

Why do i care what random internet people think of me? Is my thoughts normal or not?

any help greatly appreciated . bare head

Try not to allow negativity to breed. People are negative to others because they absorb negativity. They are made to feel small, so they make others feel small. For people like this, their existence in that moment is punishment enough. People know when they are being shitty towards others and (unless they are totally sociopathic) they are bound to be issues that go along with processing that.

As for specifically spelling / grammar, there's a lot of pressure on people academically and the internet is a portal that allows more educated people to take cheap shots... but they generally do this when trying to distract from an argument that they otherwise can't win or something along those lines. It seems to always come from a place of insecurity, but maybe everything does?

I'm not autistic, but I often find social situations stressful. You're not crazy. Some people are inexplicably shitty. But trust me: they have their own internal shit going on. Everybody does.

Personally, if I look at imperfect grammar/spelling, I can't help but correct it in my head because that is (unfortunately) hard-wired into me. It "needs" to be correct in my head, because then there is balance in the universe... or something... but I recognize that as insecurity (or pettiness or whatever) on my part.
It makes the world make sense, simple, for people. It implies you know how it should all work/be, and that's a comforting feeling. They dont have "it" figured out, but you sure do.
Because people are stupid enough to have expectations on other people.
We're flawed creations. No logic in expecting anything from anyone.
Weak people need to put others down. Sadly there are ALOT of those in the drug circles. Yeah Im "weird" cause I dont talk shit behind others back. Talking shit just to talk shit? Naa.
I that but I'd be tempted to replace 'weak' with 'insecure'

Also some people are just cunts...which possibly could also be rooted in insecurity
Oh, I misread - I thought the title was "Why do people let other people down", shit.

Well, on that note - people wo put other people down are usually just insecure about themselves.
They see their own flaws in others, and can't cope but lash out.

Or they've got an agenda, and one way to move a pawn is by doing this. Plenty of machiavellian people out there palying games for the fuck of it.
There is a big disconnect on the internet, if that's what you're referring to, which allows people to communicate without having to think about the consequences. Because we're all behind a screen and because the other person is not present it's almost like it's not real and there are no repercussions to how you behave. After all, you're just talking to an avatar, right? You don't know this person and you don't have to build up a basic representation of this person in your mind in order to then relate (empathically in this regard) and align yourself with them. This is why trolls love the internet because it gives them the opportunity to project out onto others in ways they cannot do very easily in the real world.

In general people put other people down because they themselves are not happy. It's projection in it's most basic form. Projection that often comes as a form of release because they are not just not happy but they are suffering as a result. Being unhappy is one thing that with mindfulness, self control, discipline and a proactive response to your inner world can be mitigated. Many people are unhappy but don't outwardly project this onto others, at least they try their best not to anyway. On the other hand when this doesn't happen because of the inability of the individual this is projected out as the suffering that it is and now this persons unhappiness is being thrown at someone else like it's their unhappiness to own too.

How someone behaves is often indicative of how their inner worlds are right at that moment. It's obvious when you think about it because when you're angry at someone your world really is full of anger at that moment. Perhaps when you're really angry your world is on fire and there's lots of feelings going on, lots of emotions, thoughts, beliefs etc. Say you want to get revenge for your girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on you, at this moment you're projecting this dark place out onto others, namely your girlfriend/boyfriend. And that's where there's a difference between what is going on in your world and what is going on outside and when you should be able to understand the difference between the two, assume responsibility for responding to both and work out the best way to go forward.

Some people just don't have these coping skills, or better still, coping mechanisms. This could be for many reasons. I think a lot of it has to do with their upbringing. Many people continue to practice dysfunctional coping mechanisms their entire lives even though these coping mechanisms started as ways of dealing with bad things in their life in less than ideal ways. They become hardwired into your brain and neuroscience can prove the links between certain events in life and how behaviours form to create hardwired curcuits that can sometimes be very hard to break. We often choose to take the path most travelled but we have to ask what path are we taking and why did this path get forged and is it the best path? Can I create a new one? And so when you're experiencing a very negative, bitter, resentful and toxic person you're often looking at someone who has all the wrong tools to deal with life and as of yet has been unable to break the chain and start over. They are on the wrong path and have continued to keep walking down the path, perhaps even desperately running hoping for an exit. The exit comes in their awareness and decision to assume personal responsibility for themselves. This is a hard thing to do, especially for those in denial and whose identities are based on what are essentially lies, delusions even and a whole life history of broken, superficial and destructive choices.
The consequences of this are usually a very long history of dysfunction albeit in relationships, employment, mental and emotional health, lifestyle choices etc.

The option to change is always there and that goes for the most toxic among us. Will that option be identified and taken? That is the question.
Until then it's better, in my opinion, to just understand that some people simply are not ready to make the decision to change.
The desire to change has to more than the desire to stay the same, I read that somewhere and it's a very fitting saying.

Some people aren't at the point where the desire to change is MORE than the desire to stay the same. We are creatures of habit. Moreover, we are creatures of habits that sometimes have become subconsious. When our lives are operating from this place we have very little option but to draw our pictures of reality from a part of our lives we assume very little responsibility for. That's why it's extremely important to bring what is in the subconsious into our conscious awareness. Many people live their lives not assuming much of their lives are in fact patterns they have never even acknowledged, consiously and mindfully that is. They assume their life is their own but much of it can in fact be a product of something is very similiar to sleep walking.

There could be a number of reasons why it seems more appropriate to this person to not deal with this. Among them is potentially lots of repression and repression occurs when theres stuff we don't want to face but know we should face. That could be from trauma, developmental environment, relationships, conditioning, memories (linking back to potential for trauma here as memories are heavily emotional and much of trauma is linked to emotions). When that builds and builds and builds we have bucket loads of shit that seems easier to just shut the door on. Alas, the vicious cycle of peoples behaviour, in a nutshell anyway and probably not explained very well.

And that's why it's easier to just be an asshole because who wants to sort that shit out, right?

That's the way I see it anyway.
If you're experiencing any of this just know you're loved and there are people out there who care and even though it seems like your world revolves around this right now just know that it doesn't and what you're experiencing is the projection of someone else's darkness and their lack of responsibility to deal with it, and not your own darkness nor your responsibility to deal with yours.

Peace <3
There is a big disconnect on the internet, if that's what you're referring to, which allows people to communicate without having to think about the consequences. Because we're all behind a screen and because the other person is not present it's almost like it's not real and there are no repercussions to how you behave. After all, you're just talking to an avatar, right? You don't know this person and you don't have to build up a basic representation of this person in your mind in order to then relate (empathically in this regard) and align yourself with them. This is why trolls love the internet because it gives them the opportunity to project out onto others in ways they cannot do very easily in the real world.

In general people put other people down because they themselves are not happy. It's projection in it's most basic form. Projection that often comes as a form of release because they are not just not happy but they are suffering as a result. Being unhappy is one thing that with mindfulness, self control, discipline and a proactive response to your inner world can be mitigated. Many people are unhappy but don't outwardly project this onto others, at least they try their best not to anyway. On the other hand when this doesn't happen because of the inability of the individual this is projected out as the suffering that it is and now this persons unhappiness is being thrown at someone else like it's their unhappiness to own too.

How someone behaves is often indicative of how their inner worlds are right at that moment. It's obvious when you think about it because when you're angry at someone your world really is full of anger at that moment. Perhaps when you're really angry your world is on fire and there's lots of feelings going on, lots of emotions, thoughts, beliefs etc. Say you want to get revenge for your girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on you, at this moment you're projecting this dark place out onto others, namely your girlfriend/boyfriend. And that's where there's a difference between what is going on in your world and what is going on outside and when you should be able to understand the difference between the two, assume responsibility for responding to both and work out the best way to go forward.

Some people just don't have these coping skills, or better still, coping mechanisms. This could be for many reasons. I think a lot of it has to do with their upbringing. Many people continue to practice dysfunctional coping mechanisms their entire lives even though these coping mechanisms started as ways of dealing with bad things in their life in less than ideal ways. They become hardwired into your brain and neuroscience can prove the links between certain events in life and how behaviours form to create hardwired curcuits that can sometimes be very hard to break. We often choose to take the path most travelled but we have to ask what path are we taking and why did this path get forged and is it the best path? Can I create a new one? And so when you're experiencing a very negative, bitter, resentful and toxic person you're often looking at someone who has all the wrong tools to deal with life and as of yet has been unable to break the chain and start over. They are on the wrong path and have continued to keep walking down the path, perhaps even desperately running hoping for an exit. The exit comes in their awareness and decision to assume personal responsibility for themselves. This is a hard thing to do, especially for those in denial and whose identities are based on what are essentially lies, delusions even and a whole life history of broken, superficial and destructive choices.
The consequences of this are usually a very long history of dysfunction albeit in relationships, employment, mental and emotional health, lifestyle choices etc.

The option to change is always there and that goes for the most toxic among us. Will that option be identified and taken? That is the question.
Until then it's better, in my opinion, to just understand that some people simply are not ready to make the decision to change.
The desire to change has to more than the desire to stay the same, I read that somewhere and it's a very fitting saying.

Some people aren't at the point where the desire to change is MORE than the desire to stay the same. We are creatures of habit. Moreover, we are creatures of habits that sometimes have become subconsious. When our lives are operating from this place we have very little option but to draw our pictures of reality from a part of our lives we assume very little responsibility for. That's why it's extremely important to bring what is in the subconsious into our conscious awareness. Many people live their lives not assuming much of their lives are in fact patterns they have never even acknowledged, consiously and mindfully that is. They assume their life is their own but much of it can in fact be a product of something is very similiar to sleep walking.

There could be a number of reasons why it seems more appropriate to this person to not deal with this. Among them is potentially lots of repression and repression occurs when theres stuff we don't want to face but know we should face. That could be from trauma, developmental environment, relationships, conditioning, memories (linking back to potential for trauma here as memories are heavily emotional and much of trauma is linked to emotions). When that builds and builds and builds we have bucket loads of shit that seems easier to just shut the door on. Alas, the vicious cycle of peoples behaviour, in a nutshell anyway and probably not explained very well.

And that's why it's easier to just be an asshole because who wants to sort that shit out, right?

That's the way I see it anyway.
If you're experiencing any of this just know you're loved and there are people out there who care and even though it seems like your world revolves around this right now just know that it doesn't and what you're experiencing is the projection of someone else's darkness and their lack of responsibility to deal with it, and not your own darkness nor your responsibility to deal with yours.

Peace <3
Well said @finitelifeform I endorse all of that.