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Misc While looking up a herbal gabaergic I found Jujube


Jan 27, 2009
While looking up a herbal gabaergic, which turned out to be Skullcap I found Jujube among the list and noted it did more then just modifie GABA-A

Zizyphus jujuba Mill var. spinosa (Rhamnaceae) Plants, Chinese Date, Common Jujube Seed
Modifies the GABAA receptor;
Activates the GABAA receptor;
Increases GABA synthesis by GAD activation
Sanjoinine A [ Alkaloid


Now the next site was real interesting but way beyond what I know. Here a abstract to illustrate.

Jujube induces neurite outgrowth and neurothrophic factor expression via cAMP-dependent PKA signaling. Jujube possessed neuroprotection against oxidative stress via enhancing cellular Nrf2-dependent ARE-driven gene expressions. Jujube improves the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and shows inhibitory activity against acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Jujube increases the level of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain. Jujube stimulates the transcriptional expression of GABA receptor subunits in rat hippocampal neurons.


But this seems to have substantial more going on then the Scuttelaria I was investigating. But despite I have never heard or read about it except in that comic from my youth. From the time in which racial prejudice could openly and undisgracefully be displayed in childrens books.

Is this interesting or bunk.
it's interesting right off the bat; i wouldn't expect this to necessarily be a psychoactive kind of interesting though, but in terms of health and recovery from GABA-acting drug abuse this could be really productive and helpful. Also for people with extreme anxiety disorders this could be adaptogenic. Thanks for posting, I'd never heard of this research before
Think I found the original paper

Me neither. But I have yet to find proof of it's Gabaa activating property's. But it's certainly interesting. This link is to, what I am guessing the experiment with the Barbiturate involved. Maybe the original? I like it nicely writen good layout. Way more info then expected the NCBI tipped the iceberg.

But it's not just a page but like actual paper, with structure's of Sanjoinine-A. And a lot of interesting stuff for Gabaergic explorers I guess. The seeds of Jujube berry are reffered to as Sanjoin which is Zizyphus vulgaris var. spinosus according to the same paper. Another related plant, Zizyphus jujuba Miller var. inermis Rehder is examined in the same paper.


Curious if the structure of alkaloids present in Jujbe berry seeds resemble known Gabaergics. Can I check that out myself?

The also do some explaining about the traditional way heating the seeds, but I am reading up first chance I get enjoy.
This isn't new, Jujube is found within all sorts of herbal "relaxation/stress/nerve/whatever they want to call it support" found in brands sold in big box stores from wal-mart to your local chain pharmacy. The other popular ingredient is magnolia extract, the other constituents vary greatly between product/brand.
This isn't new, Jujube is found within all sorts of herbal "relaxation/stress/nerve/whatever they want to call it support" found in brands sold in big box stores from wal-mart to your local chain pharmacy. The other popular ingredient is magnolia extract, the other constituents vary greatly between product/brand.

The market for supplements is bigger and better in the US. Wal-Mart has no shops over here, as far as I know. LIDL, AlbertHeijn, Jumbo are some of the chains they don't carry a wide range of herbal supplements for cheap prices neither do pharmacy's. Kava Kava has been taking from the shelves, forbidden in 2002, due to some indication for adverse effects.

To give an general idea of the state of the market. Read about Magnolia first time researching Jujube but that's just modulating Gaba, Jujube could have some direct activation. Is that even possible?