Mental Health whats plugging...i was reading if it was possible to snort up ambien, cuz i just had late dinner date ,soooooooo full and awake and i gotta sleep

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Sep 28, 2021
found a cool thread about ambein and quite feel like idiot but much more informed, ive been reading and learning so much,but yea i be like the cool kids and learn me some slags
not slags, got fair bunch of my own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,slang! and whats ROA mean?
Better to just eat it. Doesn’t change much. Are you doing okay besides needing sleep?

ROA means route of administration, or how you take something.
Plugging means putting it in your butt. There are LOTS of blood vessels in your anus so the drug gets absorbed in to your blood stream very quickly. But it doesn't work well for all substances, so you have to do your research about the appropriate route of administration (ROA) for the particular drug you're taking.

Specifically, with Ambien, you're better off just swallowing it, as VerbalTruist said :)
excuse the no response , still learning how to communicate in BL, and life in general, im doing ok in many ways, but not being able to sleep makes for so much anxiety as we all pretty much know, appreciate the feedback and education, can i plug antacids? wait guess you can stuff pretty much any up thee ol wazoo, sensible or not, why i want to snort everything is beyond me, last night tacos were a real bitch thanks verbal and n30
It seems like your question has been answered. I'm not sure this thread makes sense for mental health, and I don't know where else we would put it. I'm gonna close it. Contact one of the mods of MH or myself if you have any issues.
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