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What's on for Australia day?

kicking back at home with my boy while my poor wife is at work...but listenin to hottest 100 so all happy...
Nothing like Australia day to remind me why nationalism is such a rancid disease of the human condition

Like i would want to be culturally identified with a cloned pack of oafish redneck orangutans. Leave your loud mouthed racists views at home and maybe one day, if you squeeze your brain really hard, an opinion of your own my pop into existence. I wont hold my breath.

Have another beer mate
What the *fuck* are you on about ^^

This is the Australia Day thread buddy.

Personally i just got back from the beach, fucking crowded as hell, half the city is there, flags EVERYWHERE, bands, cricket& football, stalls set up, band playing .. absolutely fucking grande

We floated our Esky out the pontoon and got progressively drunk/sunburnt (my slavic skin isnt cut out for this bullshit weather, but ill deal with it, god bless australia)

m4dd0g: do you know what Nationalism is?
I'm seeing Andy C dj for us lucky Perthians for Australia Day. Only 4 or so hours to go!
Recovered from Big Day Out and the stuff I did afterwards.
Nationalism? I certainly do. Although my interpretation is closer to over zealous demonstrations of ideologies that people try to masquerade as mere patrotism rather than an intentional (conscious) political ideal. I dont feel generous enough to give them that much credence

Do you know why you liked Australia day?

Albert Einstein said:
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.

Nationalism, in my opinion, is nothing more than an idealistic rationalization for militarism and aggression.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them!

etc :p
That is not a definition, that is an opinion

To deny the logic of nationalism as it is (a governmental method), and not what you want it to mean (a bunch of guys in pluggers bashing immigrants with flag poles), is to deny the need for government altogether, and we all know how well feudalism worked in the dark ages.

edit *off topic* - samadhi
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*edit* - off topic

Any perthites attending SkyWorks? I was kinda put off by all the bullshit last year, but close to bowing to temptation..
Pretty lights!
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ValeTudo said:
You know censorship was HUGE in Soviet Ukraine too@!

Oh noes, it's the Third Red Scare! 8o =D

(Joseph McCarthy would've been proud) ;)

Seriously ValeTudo, if you want to generate a discussion about communism/anti-communism, by all means do... in its own thread, and keep the personal attacks and seriously inflammatory comments out of it... say no to agression.

Just take a leaf out of Frank Costanza's book:

*serenity now...serenity now*
Captain Commie said:

How was your Australia day?

Thanks for asking, Captain Commie :) I caught some rays, intermittently watched the Great Australian BBQ marathon on Lifestyle Food when i wanted to cool off in the air-con, drank sangria (i know, very unaustralian), and then we finished off the arvo with a lovely bbq of our own.

Tomorrow though will be loads better... a trip in the morning to Cabarita Beach (just south of Tweed Heads), then on the way back, head into the Gold Coast Hinterland for a drive and picnic :)

Hope yours was great! :D
I did the most un-Australian things i could think off.

- had a tv dinner
- drunk New Zealand wine
- watched V for Vendetta, by myself.

No lamb. No BBQ's. No people. Overall, it was a superb day.
^sounds great. [edit]that was meant for samadhi but it can be for the both of you

We had great weather too. I ended up going to the city and hanging out there for a while. Saw some awesome stuff. Good time.

Tomorrow's not going to be that great though. Gotta finish packing for the big move on monday.

hope everyone had a good time.