What would you change about society to make it ideal for you?

* Restore everyone's faith in God and allow them to bask in his salvation.

* Through God's love, remove the need for homosexuality, divorce, abortion, and vice.

* Have people come together and pray together each day.

* Bring schools and education institutions under a uniform doctrine and dispell the lies of evolution, teach young earth creationism, ect.

* Raise the criminal penalities for mortal sins to death, but allow the guilty to repent first.

* Outlaw condoms, ect. and any other devices that promote sin.

* Sent missionaries to far off lands to elminate heretic and pagan beliefs and spread God's love.

**Who will think a second before flaming me? Hrmmm....**

* God doesn't exist dude.
God may or may not exist. We can't prove or disprove it, but yeah, Gorgoroth is pretty much accurate in his statement. Still, though, I'm sure it's an ideal world for some, but just not me!

It goes a bit further in saying that my ideal society wouldn't impose a certain set of ideals or morals, but allow people to just have theres. Whether they isolate themsleves from community, embrace it, love God, shoot meth, sell heroin, whatever. Just don't harm others that do not wish to be harmed! I wish society would just let us live our lives however we want to!
It is only because we exploit countries like india, china, indonesia etc that we are able to afford things at such cheap prices.

As a provider on Elance, I can tell you the lowball bidder indians and pakistanis aren't being exploited at all.

If I had a choice, I'd make education more readily available to people. Sure, I can pony up, at miniumum, $10,000 a year for an education, but classes are limited to middle afternoon and most people can't live off of grant money for long.

Like fjones said, get rid of the damn abortion debate - it's legal and it's a woman's choice because it's her body

I'd' clean up politics (remember this is an imaginary world we're discussing lol). I have lots of hope in Obama, so I see him as an overall good man who is thankful for where he is. I hope I'm right about that.

There's probably a ton more that I'd do too.
Stupid? Maybe.
What if I was serious, what makes it any less valid than any of the other posts?
It goes to highlight how horrible one's society could be to another one.
But, hey, it's alright, continue being a mod and dictating to me what goes and doesn't in this forum. Should I PM you to ask if every one of my posts is okay? Take your sanctimonious self elsewhere. Enough of derailing this read, though, PM me if you want to continue to whine about my post.
* Restore everyone's faith in God and allow them to bask in his salvation.

* Through God's love, remove the need for homosexuality, divorce, abortion, and vice.

* Have people come together and pray together each day.

* Bring schools and education institutions under a uniform doctrine and dispell the lies of evolution, teach young earth creationism, ect.

* Raise the criminal penalities for mortal sins to death, but allow the guilty to repent first.

* Outlaw condoms, ect. and any other devices that promote sin.

* Sent missionaries to far off lands to elminate heretic and pagan beliefs and spread God's love.

**Who will think a second before flaming me? Hrmmm....**

These things would immensely fuck up our society. Believing in god does NOT mean that people wont sin. Look at all the priests that molested children in the 1970's and probably today. Now they are supposedly closest to god, so why are they touching children? 8)

An eye for an eye makes everyone blind.
It's okay to joke! I don't mind 3dayruns first post at all.
I'd like you both to delete your arguing posts, though... that's not what I started this thread for.
done. I was in a bad mood today. I apologize.

In an ideal world, Benzos are availabel OTC at CVS :)

and I say that in all seriousness.
I would not and could not change much of anything about society. Society is what it is, and it is up to me to conform to it so that I can lead a productive, healthy life and contribute positively to society. I might be able to change things in time, but I wouldn't really think about that until after I earn my MA.

I'll need at least my MA in order to try to do something in order to get rid of the stigma surrounding mental illness. I'd say that's about the only thing I really can't stand. It just seems so sad that it's 2009 and the stigma surrounding mental illness is still so prevalent. So few people are properly educated about mental illness, too.
It might fuck up society, but what if society was indoctrinated from birth? Constantly blasted with propaganda that promotes faith and abcense of sin? Sure, it's a stretch, but it creates a land on one ideal, one belief, and unity. Everyone could be happy. In fact, so many would believe it would be considered "truth" and those that did not could be branded mentally ill and treated.
Ehh? I cannot really tell if you are being serious or not. If you are not, please ignore my post. If you are:

Which faith specifically are you referring to? Faith in who? Faith in what? What do you define as "sin?"

And you want to brand anyone who doesn't see things your way as "mentally ill?"

Let's say Christianity. Let's take it a bit further and say any of the Charismatic sects of the Protestant faith.

Assume that is what I would see an ideal society as. What would make it wrong? What makes societies that include communal lifestyles wrong or right? What would be the difference?

I'm 100% serious about the situation I described. Whether it's something I believe, well, that's for you to decide right now. I'm just throwing out some ideas, though.
I got confused because from your previous posts I thought you were not a believer in forcing religion on others. Now it sounds like you are suggesting that as a possible solution to the world's ills.

I know that this thread is a hypothetical one and that many of our ideas aren't practically possible, but I don't see your idea as being even hypothetically possible. People should be free to practice whatever religious beliefs they want. One need not have religion to live a sin-free life. People just need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.

Obviously people differ on exactly what is right and wrong, and that is where dialog comes into play.

The notion of "treating" anyone for "mental illness" because they have dissenting religious beliefs strikes me as absurd, and conjures images of Nazi Germany and similar regimes.
i see what you mean 3dr, it would be like with craft, or delusion, if the world was entirely atheist. i believe there would be a massive acceptance and unity of people after a couple of generations if there was no religion.
Correct, Panic. I'm a firm a believer in your theory and religion. I also believe in the exact polar opposite of one major religion bringing on the same result, but much differently. Both to me are equally frightening.

Remember, Fjones, your right may be my wrong and vice versa. What validates it either way? One saying society should just "teach right and wrong" it leaves such a wide open door in creating a society that is more of a Hell on Earth than Utopia.
I am not sure what validates it either way.

But, We can certainly study recorded history to ask ourselves, "has religion done more harm than good?"

I would say the answer is yes. Others might disagree. Many wars have been fought in the name of religion. Religion has bred centuries of hatred, hostility, and intolerance.

What good has religion brought us? Does it make people act nicer and do good things for society? Why can't they just be that way anyway? Why do they need god to be good people?
I'd probably be happy with the legalization of all drugs and the banning of organised religion because IMO it causes more problems than its worth.

I have no problem with people feeling spiritual or believing in god(s), but considering how much it can segregate people, I don't see the point.

Atheists can be perfectly happy without religion, its not a necessity in life, its learned beliefs most of the time.
- end all logging/clearing of tropical rain forests immediately, richer countries must help those poorer countries who would loose out in this move

- educate children from a young about the 'web of life', respect for self, respect for community (human and beyond)

- bring back the 'coming of age' ritual to include going into the wilderness/natural world with elders and learn from the wisdom keepers

- more emphasis on building healthy communities/networks and relationships in local neighborhood

- POWER WITH nature and each other instead of POWER OVER

- fruit trees/food forests/co-op community gardens in all neighbourhoods

- the integration of humanity back into eco-system functions and base our lifestyles on natures ancient design (bio-mimicry, recycling, ect,ect)


Awesome post, in a pretty awesome thread.

I would make sure every kid spent some of his childhood in a culture very different from his own, so that he had an appreciation for the sheer number of alternatives there are in almost every situation.

I would institute a justice system based on restoration and redemption, not sheer punishment.

I could go on and on. I doubt this will be my last post here.
in my ideal society heroin (or whatever makes you happy) would be pure and provided by the government so that addicts wouldn't steal or hurt people just to get their drugs. needle exchanges would be easily accessible in every city along with suboxone and methadone. there would be no stupid wars, a job would be available to everyone who wants one, and our economy would be thriving. social stigmas about addiction would be non-existent, along with racism, sexism, etc. the judicial system would be drastically reformed. happiness would be the ultimate goal of citizens and people wouldn't worry about all the extra bullshit. oh and our vehicles and whatnot wouldn't guzzle oil like an alcoholic guzzles beer.