Mental Health What is real, are we conditioned with it or born whit it?


Bluelight Crew
Jan 17, 2019
Hey Blueworld

this might be a shitty or even a jokey topic or a deep hitting topic.

But what i want to get down to is this, are we as people conditioned to be violent or use to be violence or react a certain way to violence that others normally wouldn't. To make myself a little bit more clear, if you take a kid that has never from an young age never been exposed to violence then vs a kid that from an early age has been exposed to violence. Just how far does the emotionally and psychological damage go?

And now to add to this does it only go as far as being exposed to it from an early stage or being passed down by generation and generation and then finally becoming a gene pool disease like inherent cholesterol etc. So that's 2 Q's.

I'm just wondering as i had another incident tonight and it's really starting me to worry about the human race or people in total. there is so much inconceivable things happening everywhere we just don't know about it unless someone speaks up. Which we all seldom happens. Like this indecent of mine this weekend. I only found out afterwards that she was raped as well, which obviously infuriates me even more. But let's leave that out this topic for now at least.

So just any input on the topic would be greatly appreciated.

I’ll reply to this in detail tomorrow but bottom line. Violence breeds violence. It’s a part of classical conditioning in younger years. Those exposed to violence and victims of it are highly likely to be violent themselves.

Bed time for me now but I promise to expand on what I’ve said above.
Tough to say, but as far as I know it's part of our DNA. Humans have been killing humans as far back as human history goes.. I've had violent outbursts in my life and have been the victim of it more often. Even now at 62 the thought of being violent passes through me, but my body doesn't want to cooperate with my violent urges.. I've finally learned to keep it under control lest I get my own ass beat..
People are born psychopaths and sociopaths it's in them and they have no feelings of empathy which makes it easy for them to be nasty scumbags, then you have kids that are brought up in abusive households so it's what they know, they turn into the same sort of person they've been around all their life, then you have the alcoholics and drug addicts that have consumed so many drugs they no longer care about what's right or wrong
Isn't anger closely related with fear or something? E.g. someone being bullied may at first bow down untill they realise that it won't stop, and then anger comes later they may have not have ever thought about acting the same way but then may mimic the abusers behaviour as a form of protection of the self both physically and mentally? I'm sure it's been said that in a group of people the 'weakest' member drags everyone else down more than the 'strongest' member pulls everyone up. I read about it a long time ago lol I'm not too sure if that's accurate.
My other half was treated like pure shit when he was growing up and he would hit his peers (girls mainly) from a young age the school pulled his mum in and also he would hit himself. Still has problems with this to this day, with self harm etc, because of what his dad put him his mum and sister through (basically kicking the shit out of them all and not showing him any love or attention). Now he hits himself to stop him from hitting me or walls in the house. He goes out to the bin shed and attacks them, screams etc. It's not great but it's a strategy we are trying out and it's working untill his psychology appointment - emotional control classes and such. Better than him doing himself or anyone else anymore damage.
Obviously you get your bad bastards that are just not nice people in general, but I think for a lot of people it is definitely learned and therefore I can have more understanding or empathy for their symptoms. And I think one of the symptoms in this example is fear = fight or flight coupled with low self esteem from the abuse he feels shit for, which just makes him feel even worse like he is just as bad.
I think there is people who know exactly what they are doing and then those who have been a victim of these people and learned to be like them subconsciously. I think of it as kinda like hanging about with the same pal a lot and you end up with the same patter or you will hit out with something at the same time as if you can read each others mind. You learn each others ways etc. But with something's as strong as the emotion fear, it really sticks.
Children pick up on things don't they as well so if your mums depressed all the time in bed not eating healthy smoking loadsa ciggies for instance then you might inherit this type of living. I dunno it's really interesting though.
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It's a necessary part of sexuality, only we understand so poorly how to apply it efficiently with positive outcome.

Sexuality is our primary driver so we're always compelled into violence by our predisposed state.

But cognitive intervention as to applying it will optimal outcome, when that paradigm is scientifically validated, will be a turning point for humanity.
People are born psychopaths and sociopaths it's in them and they have no feelings of empathy which makes it easy for them to be nasty scumbags, then you have kids that are brought up in abusive households so it's what they know, they turn into the same sort of person they've been around all their life, then you have the alcoholics and drug addicts that have consumed so many drugs they no longer care about what's right or wrong
Psychopathy and sociopathy is an incredibly misunderstood personality disorder. It’s all under an umbrella now called ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder). It’s very much a spectrum too, just like Autism is. It has been used for TV shows and movies and has been completely demonised.

They do feel, it’s just different to the way we feel and that’s those at the extreme of the scale. Although I don’t think we really have got to the root of that particular issue yet with ASPD. (I did one of my psychology thesis’ on ASPD.)

I’m realising I forgot to reply to this thread and I will do tonight. My list is for sure getting longer. 🙃
violence is normal human nature. I was subjected to violence for 13 years every day growing up
It's both. Some people are violent and come from loving homes without a shred of abuse.

Others grow up with tremendous abuse and still turn out to be caring, non violent, if somewhat emotionally messed up people.

Take someone already prone to violence and abuse them, and you're likely in for someone truly horrible when they grow up.

Still, it's unpredictable, everyone's unique, and these are generalizations.

None of us starts with a truly blank slate, but neither do we grow up in a vacuum.

That's my take anyway.
^^ 100% agree. It's nature and nuture.

Psychopathy and sociopathy is an incredibly misunderstood personality disorder. It’s all under an umbrella now called ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder). It’s very much a spectrum too, just like Autism is. It has been used for TV shows and movies and has been completely demonised.

They do feel, it’s just different to the way we feel and that’s those at the extreme of the scale. Although I don’t think we really have got to the root of that particular issue yet with ASPD. (I did one of my psychology thesis’ on ASPD.)
I have a Bachelor of Psychology and did all of my electives in Psychopathy, ASPD, The Dark Triad etc. It's something I'm really passionate in learning about :) I'd actually love to read that thesis @MsDiz