• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

What exactly is a ControlDaddy and how did BL get one?

even still, i wouldnt go on a date with you. don't tell prospective partners about the BPD. it has a bad name for serious reasons. (my first 3 years with a partner with BPD was trying to convince them it didnt exist and they were a victim of psychiatry, boy did they prove me wrong lol)
Yeah. I won't get into the ugly details, but when my wife divorced me I quickly accepted the idea that it might be totally over for any kind of non-solitary love life. BPD is a strike. Strike two is an abusive history. Strike three is an unspecified attachment disorder. Prime dating material right here, women love this shit! I have additional strikes but I wont flog myself any further, you get my point. I can live with my ostracism from this realm. I had a nice run, and I console myself with fantasy and reminisce.

I tried some dating to test various strategies. The best strategy seems to be to get right out in front of it before the first date. I expose myself a bit, if they are interested in seeing more I reveal more. The usual response is what you would expect and I move on. A few women have been receptive and encouraging. A bad boy doing a striptease of his badness? Perhaps. Possibly it was just macabre fascination. I haven't let things get too intimate with anyone, or revealed everything, as I break off quickly. I know I am still broken in many ways and just not fit for consumption for now. I will have to find a saint to save this sinner. It has happened to me before.
I'm not playing :p australia isn't too far for a world nomad (ive lived in like 4 or 6 depending on how you count and visited 9) . sucks im just 1 year too old for their work visa program for young people though :(

edit: im not creepy, you just replied to another thread about australia :p
Tell me your nine and I will share mine with you and Priest.
is that the kind of NZ slang i heard about here or the kind from germany i was just hearing about? you want my number?
Could be, I wouldn't even know. Probably have to pee on myself, amiright? What did I get myself thrust into? I better go bone up on it.
I'll give you mine once I am done with you Zephyn. They don't call me ControlDaddy for nothing. You will need time to assimilate your new sexual identity, and this can take awhile.
Could be, I wouldn't even know. Probably have to pee on myself, amiright? What did I get myself thrust into? I better go bone up on it.
I'll give you mine once I am done with you Zephyn. They don't call me ControlDaddy for nothing. You will need time to assimilate your new sexual identity, and this can take awhile.
wow, you are just a *little* bit more straight forward than a grindr match
I often find it hard to believe I haven't died.

I thought for sure for a long time that I'd end up dead well before hitting 30.

Honestly my whole life as long as I can remember I've always felt like I was bound to die within 3 or 4 years.

In many ways I still feel like the now.
I've felt like that since that first night chasing "Dave". The night I first felt the grip of addiction. It seems a lot of addicts feel like this.
I've felt like that since that first night chasing "Dave". The night I first felt the grip of addiction. It seems a lot of addicts feel like this.

Yeah, I know I'm not alone in feeling like this, a lot of people I've known seem to share this feeling of a perpetual +3-5 year lifespan. With the expected upper limit increasing as we get older and still haven't died yet.
she ghosted me. took her nearly ten years to build up HALF the posts i did (edit: okay not nearly she is way more cool, math was never my strong suit), doesnt know how much of no life i have, obviously. thats a sad react on your post Jess because im the cia and want you to die. just kidding, i want you to be desperate because my economy depends on your illegal labor
That people born in the late 90s are now in their early 20s makes me wanna cry.

No no this is all wrong. Young people were born in the late 80s, people born in the late 90s are children!


How could this happen? How could I already be 32. Who's fault is this? :(

Enjoy it while it lasts, you're the youngest generation your whole life, until one morning you wake up and realize.. You're not anymore.

It happened to generation x before me, it's happening to my generation now. And it'll happen to you before you know it.
I just turned 34 and I have to think now what my age is on my birthday. I still feel like I'm 16.
helicopter parent = controldaddy ¿

Hello cat I am control daddy 😼
I would like to think I was not, that when I was taking care of my bro and sis, that I was pretty laissez-faire. But if you wait for and then read the sequel you can judge for yourself.
she ghosted me. took her nearly ten years to build up HALF the posts i did (edit: okay not nearly she is way more cool, math was never my strong suit), doesnt know how much of no life i have, obviously. thats a sad react on your post Jess because im the cia and want you to die. just kidding, i want you to be desperate because my economy depends on your illegal labor
Who ghosted you? I am trying to dismiss some conspiracy theories.