Study University Masters Study

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Aug 7, 2019
Hi there,

I am a student from the University of Birmingham currently running a study for my Masters (this study is also acting as a pilot for a study for my PhD). I am looking at the motivations for anabolic steroid use within male gym going communities. Specifically males that have used anabolic steroids over the last 12 months and are over the age of 18 - this is also the entry criteria for the study.

This anonymous study will run over the course of 14 days and involves the answering of a survey twice per day. The initial start up survey will take between 5-10 minutes to complete and subsequent daily surveys should take less than 5 minutes to complete. For those that complete the surveys with a response rate over 70% we will provide you with a £5 Amazon voucher as a thank you for your time.

This study has been approved by the University of Birmingham Ethics Committee, funded by the Economic Social Research Council and supervised by Dr Ian Boardley from the
University of Birmingham

School of Sports, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences.

If you are at all interested and meet the entry criteria previously mentioned, please feel free to send me a direct message and I can provide you with participant information sheets as well as a guide on how to access the survey.

Many thanks
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