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Game This or That?

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I prefer to be cold ...I save a ton of money on heating in the fall and winter.

If you were able to go back in time, would you live your own life again or live another random persons?
If I could go back in time, I'd be me, but with all this knowledge of the future. I'd buy gold when it was at $350 an ounce, stock up on MXE, methylone & 2C-E then casually drop clues of unforeseeable events before they happen :cool:

The ability to fly or the ability to live and breathe underwater?

Think about it. Flying's cool, but under the sea, you pretty much got the world to yourself (except fish and stuff).
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Id still choose flying for the adrenaline. Flying benefits outweighs breathing underwaters.

Would you work the job you like for less money or pick a job you dont like for more money?
I'd just take the money at this point. I'm over the idea of an enjoyable rewarding career.

End all war forever or cure all forms of cancer?
Beach ?

Face your worst phobia for an hour or make the person closest to you face theirs for an hour (they know it’s you!)?
Skinny dip obviously, I'm not gonna eat my finger.

Skinny dip with Trump or Rosie O'Donnell?
Trump. Id assume he had given me a few bottles of dope already after calling him a "wrongly understood big hearted alpha" a few times.

Saves money from the luxury '"necessities" or go for a holiday of some kind?
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