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Game This or That?

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fanfiction 'cause I'm psychopathicly into weird ships (OMG flashback to when I wrote a series of twincest fanfiction :ROFLMAO:)
Weird ships are the shit. Some of the best fanfics I read were better than the books they were about... I told my mom that I read incest fanfics when I was in 8th grade... kill me..

Still oral.

Jump from a tree to a pile of snow or no.
I’m going with not jumping. But it would depend.

TV show binge or a couple of movies?
sometimes give... as long as they don't shoot the game at me like i never been there....

health insurance or none?
External all day. I won't freak out if it's the other way though. I'm happy as long as there's toilet paper lol

Texting or talking?
Yeah, although if you replace the roll by sitting the new roll vertically on the corpse of the previous roll, we're gonna have words.


Letterkenny or Trailer Park Boys?
Letterkenny, based on the descriptions. Maybe I’ll check it out on Hulu. 🙂

New Star Wars movie: great! or who cares?
Black mamba as long as I had antivenom and other snake handling shit in the house.

Birds or reptiles as a pet?
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