• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Theoretical in-vivo liver conversion of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD via acetaldehyde donation at the NH group nitrogen indole position


Apr 26, 2004
Interested in hearing your results as well, should anyone try this, have tried this 3 times already with remarkable results each time:

I posted this here in the neuroscience part of the forum in hopes of getting some feedback, not much feedback at all in psychedelics section, and so far no one else has tried this but me.

Note (6) 1992 adducts study: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC49935/ Page 8441 "Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect. Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product." See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed at bottom of this post ---> ie before (page 8439) and after (page 8441).


The researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring.

I dive into how this could be happening theoretically "in vivo" in the liver in post #2. Thoughts?

Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume.

Note (2): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops

1) Fill a shot glass up 1/2 way with dry sherry wine. Sherry wine is already at ph=4 which is what study calls for, and contains the acetaldehyde (5mg avg. per 15ml) we need like the study.

2) Drop 3 to 4 hits of 100ug acid into shot glass.

3) Put a foil cover on shot glass and let sit in fridge.

4) 1 hour later add 5 drops of Adam's peppermint extract.

5) Swirl the shot glass once per hour, the researchers used a stir mantel in the fridge, and achieved 100% new product creation in 1.5 hour, but since we are not using a stir mantle, swirl once per hour.

6) After 3 hours sitting in fridge, consume, sit back & enjoy the brand new experience of 1-acetaldehyde LSD, or what is similar to ALD-52 with one extra hydrogen at the bottom indole NH group.
LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52

I have made 1-acetaldehyde LSD twice so far from 3 LSD blotters and then 4 LSD blotters the 2nd time, it is extraordinary, easy to do in one step and based on the 1992 adducts study with indole see below note (6).

This is absolutely no "pro-drug" it has effects all on it's own, COMPLETELY different from LSD from beginning to end of trip, see my 13 comments further below on how this is way different from LSD in profound ways, like an upgraded version of LSD.

I know that from now on this is the only way I will take 400ug of LSD, as the "upgraded 1-acetaldehyde LSD cousin." My absolute favorite.

Don't bash me until you try this with 3 or 4 hits of acid yourself, it is based on pure science, and really works. With LSD, acetaldehyde will adduct onto the bottom indole NH group nitrogen of the LSD ergoline forming 1-acetaldehyde LSD, containing one more hydrogen at adduct than ALD-52. 13 Pics given in link at bottom.

The main recipe is based on the 1992 indole adducts study which creates a new 1-acetaldehyde (similar to ALD-52 but contains one more hydrogen molecule) alkaloid from LSD. The peppermint extract in the recipe contains menthol as the main ingredient which shuts off the cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This has the potential effect in vivo of preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD.

The same conversion described in this thread also works with the LSH & penniclavine in morning glory seeds, converting them to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine. As described below with supporting references in Notes, the ancient Aztec and Mayans and Priest at Eleusis for 2,000 years straight used this same conversion on LSH from the seeds, and LSH from the ground up claviceps paspali (ancient Greece) growing on the paspalum distichum grass adjacent to Eleusis to serve to hundreds of people at once, it has a low "freak out factor" (like with mescaline), so I can see why hundreds could take this at once.

Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali ergot produces high amounts of LSH in culture "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall".


Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume.

Note (2): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops

1) Fill a shot glass up 1/2 way with dry sherry wine. Sherry wine is already at ph=4 which is what study calls for, and contains the acetaldehyde (5mg avg. per 15ml) we need like the study.

2) Drop 3 to 4 hits of 100ug acid into shot glass.

3) Put a foil cover on shot glass and let sit in fridge.

4) 1 hour later add 5 drops of Adam's peppermint extract.

5) Swirl the shot glass once per hour, the researchers used a stir mantel in the fridge, and achieved 100% new product creation in 1.5 hour, but since we are not using a stir mantle, swirl once per hour.

6) After 3 hours sitting in fridge, consume, sit back & enjoy the brand new experience of 1-acetaldehyde LSD, or what is similar to ALD-52 with one extra hydrogen at the bottom indole NH group.
LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52
In conclusion, my personal observations, as I have taken acid hundreds of times in the past not only by itself, but in combination with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea (I grow my own cactus under shade cloth) over 200 times in over 15 years, I keep a trip diary.

I also grow around 30 ipomoea tricolor heavenly blue morning glory plants, 15 to each 17" wide x 15" tall planter with 7 foot tall round welded wire fence (from garden store) in each, equivalent growing area of a 7 foot tall x 4 foot wide fence, grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, produces extremely potent LSH & penniclavine containing seeds, that I pick when seeds are dark and hard and immediately vacuum pack and store in freezer to keep their high potency indefinitely. Each planter produces 3,000 seeds (5 seeds per pod), 6000 seeds total divided by 400 seeds per trip = 15 high potency trips. Even just small amounts of these seeds also potentiate normal LSD in combination, producing outstanding visions and transcendence beyond just normal LSD.

1) You know how acid has that sudden drop off then you are back to sobriety? Instead, this lasts longer than acid and has a warm gentle transition back over a longer period.

2) 1-acetaldehyde LSD is way more colorful than acid, similar to mescaline.

3) 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not have the "visual choppiness" of acid, but is flowing in the visuals.

4) LSD produces tracers with multiples of shadows of the hand, this produces not only tracers, but colored fractals and mosaics inside the tracers.

5) LSD produces "colored specs that flow in front of everything", this produces instead "fine colored rainbow reflections" that surround everything.

6) Music sounds good on acid, but music sounds great on this, like a whole nother world, similar to mescaline.

7) With 1-acetaldehyde LSD, everything was indeed alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere, the shifting of textures is magical. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically spontaneous. Taking this 2 times already, made it feel like the first time I've ever tripped. My 2nd trip with 400ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD in combination with 400g fresh cactus tea was the most infinitely beautiful & powerful trip I have ever experienced in my life.

8] Sometimes LSD causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own drive to focus, but with 1-acetaldehyde LSD there is no wandering thoughts, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, this is deep mentally, a real gem, pure psychedelic bliss.

9) 400ug of 1-aceteldehyde LSD makes 400g of fresh boiled cactus pieces (no core, approximately 400mg mescaline) feel instead like 700mg of mescaline. I think this has to do with the possibility that 1-acetaldehyde LSD shifts the receptorome or radioligand binding of receptors "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B, and A2C spectrum instead which is the dominance or habitat of mescaline & dmt & psilocin (see color chart post #1).

10) You can take this more often as it does not have the "extreme tolerance" of normal LSD which mainly works thru the 5-ht2a receptor (see color chart post #1 of old long thread), just like with cactus which you can take more often.

11) It is not a sacrilege to convert LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD cause Albert Hofmann also discovered ALD-52 at Sandoz labs. This is different from ALD-52 cause it has one extra hydrogen on the acetaldehyde adduct at the bottom indole NH group nitrogen. The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. It also has "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD.

12) Before falling to sleep, I saw closed eye colored visions of architecture and gardens like those in Versailles, France.

13) LSD is more "analytical" and not as aesthetic, this feels more natural and is extremely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with mescaline.
Final notes when working with mg seeds instead of LSD:

Penniclavine is found in extremely high amounts in the mg seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them and binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors.

We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

LSD only binds to A2A in comparison (when in comes to adrenal receptors, note 11). When Yui & Takeo injected penniclavine & agroclavine into lab animals in 1958 they noticed the animals became stimulated like with LSD. Penniclavine is a metabolite of agroclavine. Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH. Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine (LSA). Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like. I totally agree.

As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one.

A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84 percent & ergometrine (10-17 percent & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."

Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."
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The Axe said:
I've seen teks on the web for mushrooms that don't seem plausible at all, like lemon tek, but on the other hand I've seen other simple teks with lye or food grade lime seem like they do strip off part of a chain. I'm just wondering, other than subjectively, how to confirm whether there's an acetyl attached to the LSD-25 or whether something else is going on with acetyl during metabolism.

Well said The Axe, let's not forget the possibility that acetaldehyde could be adducting onto the NH group nitrogen of the ergoline indole of LSD "in vivo" in the liver to convert this to 1-acetaldehyde LSD. After all, the Aztecs and Mayans added the morning glory extract to wine/liquor, and the 1992 adducts paper is entitled:

"Tryptophan analogues form adducts by cooperative reaction with aldehydes and alcohols or with aldehydes alone: possible role in ethanol toxicity."

Note (2) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37)."

Here's an example: If you soak coca leaf tea bags in wine, and the wine drunk, the cocaine is converted into coca-ethylene in the liver...cocaethyelene is orally potent, it has a "higher like" rating than even cocaine when human tests were done in 1994. This was the basis behind the famous commerical "Vin Mariani wine" back in the 1860's popular with both Popes, Thomas Edison, and scores of other famous people. I don't see any cleavage taking place with this molecule but rather addition/transformation. This "in-vivo" liver transformation of the molecule was not even discovered till 1994 !

Perhaps this same "in vivo" transformation of LSD to 1-acetaldehyde LSD takes place in the liver via an enzymatic reaction that has not yet been discovered. I know the effects of LSD and 1-acetaldehyde LSD very well, as I have taken acid hundreds of times, and the 2 times I tried 1-acetaldehyde first at 300ug and 2nd time at 400ug were completely different, in fact I prefer the 1-acetaldehyde LSD by a long shot, it's the only way I will take acid for the rest of my life, I don't mind the extra expense of using 3 or 4 tabs at once for the conversion, it's cheap and plentiful in dreams. You have nothing to loose, my grocery store carried just one brand of Sherry wine, seen in the 1st pic of linked thread with 13 pics, "Taylor brand sherry" and the peppermint extract was right down a few isles.

Like I mentioned earlier, I've taken acid in all different amounts with 400g of fresh cactus tea (I grow lots of cactus under shade cloth) for over 15 years, and it always feels just like "acid + cactus", but when I took the 400ug of 1-acetaldehyde LSD with 400g of fresh cactus, for the 1st time in my life it felt like 700mg of mescaline, it was THE most profoundly infinitely beautiful and powerful trip of my entire life, I can't stop thinking about even 1 week later, big time life changing. I had complete control of my faculties, no tenseness or anxiety like with acid, no wandering thoughts, it was deep mentally, real gem, I would wave my hand and see not only tracers, but fractals inside the tracers, the beauty of the 2 women on screen from the new hulu movie "to the stars" was overwhelming, I was in heaven, the colors were out of this world impossible and breath-taking for hours on end...I thanked Heaven for this remarkable experience, the most profound of my life. Just my 2 cents.

Normalperson said:
what's the worst that could happen? lose a couple of tabs and be stuck with a bottle of shitty wine? or maybe i would like the wine and become a wino? I'll try it out soon.

Still prepare the concoction the way I give instructions in post #1, cause we don't know yet whether it is being converted "in-vivo", so still make it the way the study outlines by letting soak for 3 hours with swirling once per hour in the fridge as explained. I really don't have anything more to post about this, as everything I had to say has been said already, simply read the 13 numbered comments I wrote about it in post #1 where I compare 1-acetaldehyde LSD to LSD. I am simply waiting for you all to try this now, my work is done. I know what I will be taking for the rest of my life, this new alkaloid 1-acetaldehyde LSD, it is incredible. Thanks for your comments everyone.

I will leave you with this...by the way I will be taking 1-acetaldehyde LSD again at 400ug this Friday for the 3rd time, once again in combination with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea, as it's been 2 weeks.

This conversion also works on morning glory and HBWR seed extracts as explained earlier in this thread, the Mayans and Aztecs added the fresh or dried morning glory seed extracts to a drink containing wine or liquor, see notes section of this thread.

As I've mentioned, my most successful plant-derived lysergamide experience - in dreams, of course - albeit with HBWR, coincided with intake of a fairly large quantity of brandy which, in all likelihood, produced a significant level of acetaldehyde within my body, exposing the plant lysergamides to the correct conditions (as reported in the Austin & Fraenkel-Conrat PNAS paper) within my stomach for the putative 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) or, rather, it seems, the 1-(1-ethoxyethyl) derivative to be formed. In this case, the effects were clearly stimulating, unlike the sedative effects usually reported for HBWR. I see that brandy weighs in fairly well on the acetaldehyde content scale as well.

The neon-electric zingyness of LSD was all but absent, although there was a fractal overlay with eyes open. The overall feel was more earthy and organic. A wise, stern-but-kind voice within gave me most useful advice for several hours. This also contrasted with the 8 hours solid 'LMAO' that LSD so often provides. The divinatory use of this type of material makes absolute sense. I count this among the more significant entheogenic experiences of my life.

Norman at mycotopia also mentioned his powerful and very enjoyable experience when he extracted HBWR with wine and consumed. He said it was better then any other kind of extraction method by far.

And don't forget the comments by 69ron and Kash further up in this thread (post #72 on page 4) who combined the seed extracts with peppermint extract which contains 2mg acetaldehyde per 5 drops, they said the experiences turned into stimulating instead of sedating experiences, and were profoundly visual compared to normal extracts.

Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
"Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.

LSD chemist Todd Skinner replied "Yes, except for he did a water infusion of the ergot, instead of alcohol." Todd had prepared 6 jugs of ergot wine and stored them for many years.

Krystle Cole's "ergot wine" experience (several pages long) in the book "Lysergic", reported that she saw constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head.

It was so powerful that it was the only time Krystle said Todd would say a Prayer before ingesting, he never said a Prayer with any other substance.

How is this for alchemy? The Greek Priest & ancient Aztec & Mayans were not the only ones to transform their brews. Dr. Shulgin in an issue of the "Entheogen Review" in the "Questions to Dr. Shulgin section" describes how harmaline gains 2 hydrogen atoms from Vitamin C doner (same way Santo Daime brew their Ayahuasca for long periods with added vitamin C) transforming all the sleepy dreamy harmaline in their brews into the stimulating, euphoric & colorfully visual anti-serotonin alkaloid tetrahydroharmine, via an Alchemy process, Note (27). All of their brews shown in table 1 had zero mg harmaline left.

In a similar way LSH & LSA & LSD in the thread's recipe brew are transforming to their stimulating doubly anti-serotonin, highly visual + audial, very euphoric + more colorful, zero anxiety, tenseness & wandering thoughts, more aesthetic beauty enhancing cousins 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde LSA & 1-acetaldehyde LSD via the donation of acetaldehyde under proper acidic conditions.

Remember ALD-52 was shown by Sandoz labs to have "double the anti-serotonin power of LSD" and the more serotonin blocking, the more stimulating. The liver-produced Coca-ethylene from cocaine in coca leaf tea bags (5mg per tea bag) soaked in wine (and the wine drunk) is another example of a powerful anti-serotonin alkaloid which is highly stimulating. Cocaethylene has a higher affinity for the dopamine transporter than does cocaine. Cocaethylene produces euphoria and has a longer duration of action than cocaine.

Note (27) Callaway, James C. (June 2005). "Various alkaloid profiles in decoctions of Banisteriopsis caapi." See wikipedia page on tetrahydroharmine in references at bottom, Page 154: "The average ratio of THH to harmine in the Santo Daime brews was consistently near 1:1, from all sources (Table 2), while the ratio was closer to 1:5 in a large survey of the source plant material (B. caapi)." Page 154 describes the process of conversion under acidic conditions with chemical diagrams.

Here are just a few of the other topics I have posted about:

1) How to convert the research chemical 4-aco-dmt (which I don't like) to 4-ho-dmt (actual psilocin)

2) I was the first to show how to complex the nbome's with the super cheap HPBCD (hydroxy propyl beta cyclodextrin) to create a bioavailable form of the drug that could be absorbed readily under tongue. HPBCD is the basis behind the highly popular "Febreze" to trap odors and dispose of them as well. Nearly all the suppliers of nbome's in the world took my idea and marketed them as such. I regret that decision as I hate the man-made drug 25i-nbome. I flushed all mine down the toilet.

3) How to create a 100% nausea free Ayahuasca brew to the stomach & intestines using cotton ball in a funnel filtering. The cotton ball and funnel are the best invention since the toothbrush. Yes, Coffee filters are useless as they allow nothing through.

What I'm trying to say is that I would not post about this 1-acetaldehyde LSD if it did not work. Why would I invest so much time and effort to convey this discovery if it had no merit?

Tregar you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity....the morning glory extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol without the water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.
Earlier on I thought perhaps Tregar was acting in good faith looking for answers, so worth giving the benefit of the doubt, but now I don't think that is the case at all.

It looks like Tregar is working backwards from a dubious conclusion and are just cherry picking quotes and failing to actually understand any of the science. Not to put a too finer point on it Tregar seems to be in their own little world where evidence and understanding what papers say or the science doesn't matter.

Tregar does not understand the paper they quote as evidence, constanty referring to an irrelevent section in the paper to bolster a very weak position, and the more Tregar, repeats the story it the more it looks like Tregar is just trying to convince themselves.

Tregar is spinning a tall story that is all. That of course can be phrased differently.

Whilst there is underlying real chemistry regarding acetaldehyde adducts, this chemistry does not run quickly to anywhere near completion in highly aqueous systems, there is ZERO supporting evidence for the hippy woo BS presented by Tregar and no reason to believe Tregar is acting in good faith. Which is why repeatedly Tregar gets thrown off forums. Saying the same incorrect and misleading shit over and over does not make it correct or true.

So for the benefit of ADD people this is the relevant quote from me, if you read the paper you will see the issue, the paper does not support Tregars assertion and actually throws serious doubt on them.

you are misreading what that paper says.

the 60% after 1 hr is for indole reacting to make Diindoleethane which is different chemstry. The diindoleethane precipitates and drives the reaction to completion. They refer to it as bisindole ethane. this is irrelevent to any lysergamide which is of course always 3 substituted.

the reaction you claim, acetalisation is done in 40% water 40% ethanol 20% acetaldehyde stirring at RT for 18 hrs and still was incomplete because they clearly used TLC to isolate the product and got only 60% yield. so 60% yield at 18 hrs.....
forget 100% yield for a 1.5 hr reaction time 4 fold less ethanol and 20 fold less acetaldehyde, that is verging on homeopathic chemistry.

BTW The authors are again referring to the reaction of indole to give bidindoleethane not acetal when they talk about increased rate of reaction on dilution, which I suspect is a typo in any case.

Some chemistry can happen and does happen with methanol acetaldehyde no water, the reaction gets slower the bigger the aldehyde and the bigger the alcohol,
The paper does not support it happening to any degree merely by shaking in sherry as a alcohol acetaldehyde substitute for 1.5 hrs, sorry.

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Wouldn't 1-hydroxyethyl-LSD be expected to be a prodrug anyway? The close homolog 1-acetyl-LSD is known to be a prodrug and has much weaker affinity for 5-HT2aR...

also I agree with vecktor in that the aldehyde-indole adduct would require large amounts of acetaldehyde to be present as well as the compound being likely very unstable in water (would degrade back to LSD)

bioassay effects are not enough to prove the presence or absence of a compound, there are strong expectation effects with all psychedelics (set and setting)
namaste said:
The Love is soaking, got a little zesty, overswirled and spilt a tiny bit. Have you considered sending to EC for a MC/GS? I think it's the only way to actually prove the molecular structure has been altered.

Yes, be careful, just swirl lightly, and put a saran wrap or foil on cover of shot glass to prevent spill over.

We have proof already that the conversion is happening with morning glory seed extract, see here:

Vecktor (advanced chemist):
Tregar you have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity....the morning glory extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol without the water showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.

So glad to hear Vecktor, thanks. It takes time for the new product to form when there is water involved--->the researchers achieved a 100% new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need ph=4 acidified water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution, with a 1.5 hour soak time with stirring. It just so happens that sherry wine is already at ph=4 just like the study calls for. Researchers said "the lower the PH, the faster the reaction."

Breeg89 said:
the finding that ALD-52, 1P-LSD, and 1B-LSD show 5-10-fold reduced 5-HT2A binding affinity compared to LSD in vitro.

the finding that giving rats ALD-52 or 1P-LSD produced high concentrations of LSD in the blood.

the finding that giving rats ALD-52, 1P-LSD, or 1B-LSD initiated the characteristic psychedelic head-twitch response (despite dramatically reduced 5-HT2A binding affinity in vitro).

1. Like I said, 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not work thru the 5-ht2a receptor, but rather shifts the receptorome or radio ligand binding "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B & A2C receptor binding which is the dominace or habitat of mescaline, dmt, and psilocin, see color chart on page 1. That's why 1-acetaldehyde LSD is more colorful, zero anxiety & tenseness, more visual, amazing mental headspace.

2. This is not an experiment done with rats, this is a human experiment. We are not giving a rat a shot of sherry wine with LSD dissolved with 5 drops of peppermint extract, did you forget to read my post earlier which shows that menthol is the highest ingredient in peppermint extract, which shuts down the cytochrome P450 enzyme in the liver which is involved in the metabolism of external chemicals? This has the potential effect of preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD.

3. This works, I have taken acid HUNDREDS of times in 15 years, there is no mistaking 1-acetaldehyde LSD with acid, completely different, see my 13 comments on how this is different from LSD further up.

Typewritermonkey said:
Tregar is it the same potency as LSD, or less potent? Because 300-400ug of LSD-25 to me is a very huge dosage.

See below...

Thanks for trying this in the future Typewritermonky! Here is another trip report with ALD-52 vs LSD (not from me) which will help others understand the differences, and why a higher dosage is necessary:


Yes, I realize it's not technically LSD but really, it might as well be. I took 300ug thinking it would be mild if anything. Granted it wasn't as intense mentally as LSD can sometimes be, but conceptually and aesthetically it is beautiful beyond anything I ever anticipated. I feel perfect. At one. Better than I've felt in so long. I thought I could never trip again on anything but this is honestly paradigm changing for me. ALD-52 should be considered just as powerful as LSD-25 although it's a lot more relaxed and somewhat forgiving. As it is probably apparent I'm still very deep into this experience and I hope this to be an open discussion to anyone who would like to be involved.

My god, I just went through multiple ego death experiences beyond anything I've ever experienced from LSD before. There are no words. I mean there are plenty of "words" but none of them mean a single thing compared to any of THAT. Dear GOD. I never expected anything like this, but I sure as hell needed it. Even if I'm the only one here to express it to, as that's realistically the truth of nature anyhow. However, anyone who felt compelled to actually read through all this insanity, I just want you to know you're beautiful and you are everything. All things are right and they always will be.

Anyway, as far as the ALD-52, I took 300ug as I said. It was amazing and stronger than I expected, however I don't think 100ug would be very eventful to be perfectly honest. If you're concerned about it being too strong 200 might be worth it but 300 was really a great amount if you ask me. Even if you haven't taken any lysergamides before ALD-52 is rather calm compared to LSD or even mushrooms for the most part. Visually though, at least for me, it was absolutely breathtaking. Colors and textures were shifting like crazy.

Everything was alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically automatic and I reached that point multiple times. The first time I ever experienced ego death on LSD it left me with this beautiful feeling, like a deep inner glow that lasted for months afterwards. It eventually faded and I hadn't felt anything quite like it in years, but ALD-52 brought it back, and I feel like I've awakened from a spiritual coma.

Another thing is LSD sometimes causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own initiative to focus, especially during the come up which can also sometimes fill me with restless confusion. Once I peak everything usually evens out, but ALD-52 put me in a state of perfect clarity from beginning to end. The come up was so smooth and comfortable.

I didn't notice the come down because I actually went to sleep when I felt like it was time to do so, which was an interesting surprise. Every time I've taken LSD I've had to let it run its entire course before even attempting to sleep. Often I would have to stay up for the entire day after which is obviously physically and mentally exhausting. But once I felt like the ALD-52 had made its point I went to sleep just like any other day, and woke up the next morning fully rested and mentally clear.

Overall, it felt very natural and I never had a single moment of uncomfortability or confusion. Just pure psychedelic bliss. I mean, I've had some amazing and extremely important experiences on LSD but honestly after the other night, think I prefer ALD-52. It felt like tripping for the first time again.

A few more comments from reddit, there are actual "fan clubs" devoted to ALD-52 over there, but keep in mind 1-acetaldehyde LSD has one more hydrogen atom on adduct than ALD-52, so it is even different from that:

It's practically extinct! ALD52 is my favorite thing over even LSD and the site I used to get it from shut down.
ALD-52 is probably most similar to LSD relative to the other analogues (of which I have only tried ALD-52). The headspace is markedly psychedelic, it lasts 12 hours and the visuals are prominent enough. They seemed to take on a more flowing characteristic than LSD, to where I'd see objects form within the patterns.

I find it has a more mellow vibe than LSD, I'm more content to sit back and relax whereas 1p is supposedly closer to the electricity of LSD.

For what it's worth, I found the come down of ALD-52 to be better than LSD... it just felt more refreshing, like a warm hug and it tapers off gently whereas LSD is more of a sudden drop off into sobriety, but the actual peak of LSD feels more... alive to me. like my consciousness is oscillating at a super high vibration.
I find it's also less prone to creating anxiety. Becuase of this, I feel like I can take much higher doses and go much deeper. I took 5 tabs and experienced absolutely no anxiety at all. I don't think I would have been able to to do the same with LSD-25.
Hmmm. I seem to get much more euphoria from ALD over LSD or 1p. But yes, the anxiety levels are consistently low with this chemical. ALD is an absolute gem.
Agree. I feel like it's a subtle power, not as forceful as 1p. But there's genuine depth to it.
I'll be the first to admit it may be placebo, but I also favor ALD-52 for this reason.
I dosed ALD52 like 100+ times throughout the last 4 or 5 years, in doses between 25ug and 350ug.

While ALD52 is very similar to LSD25, I think I can still see a slight difference. To me the visuals are different, especially the tracers. I can clearly see a difference there.

With 200ug+ of ALD52, when I move my hand it shows some very colorfull spirals and fractals in the tracer /smearing.

While with LSD25 it is just a mirroring effect that shows several of my hands. Not nearly as colorfull, just a non colored shadow (or several) of the real hand.

With ALD52 it's much more colorfull and intense, like painting the air with rainbow colors.

100ug or even 150ug don't really show a difference at all to LSD25, but with 300ug and above (my highest dose was 350ug) the differences are even more intense.

With 350ug I can hardly see reality anymore due to all those colorfull reflections of anything I look at.

I think the higher the dose the clearer the differences.

namaste said:
Might have a go this weekend, all depends on my fragile mental health. Been eating doses 25+ years. Lots of work drama, we shall see.

You will find that your mental health will thank you after trying this at 300ug, just yesterday (Friday night) again took 400ug of the 1-actealdehyde LSD with 400g of fresh boiled cactus tea, once again, was blown away by the power of this.

Namaste, thanks for trying this out...you will find this is easy on your mental health...There is Zero anxiety, zero tenseness, zero wandering thoughts, no "neural overload" feeling like with normal LSD...deep mental space, pure psychedelic bliss. Replacing the "electricity" of LSD with calm, profound beauty enhancement to the nth degree and visuals way beyond normal LSD.

The comeup is smooth and relaxing like with cactus, no sudden drop off like with acid as it lasts much longer than acid with a warm gentle transition back to reality over a long period of time. Like a long warm hug and embrace.

With closed eyes, high speed movies played in color in the visual plain, flowers, animals, beautiful people, vast meadows and gardens, grand architecture including palaces and interior decorations within them. I climbed the steps of one of these palaces surrounded by art carvings of animals to the left and right of all the steps leading up to the entrance. Mind blowing visions.

With open eyes, colors were once again out of this world and impossible for hours on end, the beauty was infinite as patterns formed everywhere and inside the tracers when I moved my hand I once again saw colored fractals inside them, extremely powerful visuals and transcendence. I never see fractals inside tracers on normal LSD, just shadows of the hand.

This is the only way I will take acid from now on till I die. Extremely beautiful experience with none of the side effects of normal acid.
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Just add Sherry wine and peppermint extract (any brand will do, even Mccormick's) to your wife's grocery list. Peppermint extract is found in the spices and extracts isle. Your wife will look at you like WTF? Just tell her you are doing an experiment like the ancient Aztecs and Mayans in South America and Greek Priest used to do at Eleusis in Greece for over 2,000 years. When she tells you "don't ever say that I don't do anything for you". Just tell her "thanks!".

Taylor brand sherry is virtually everywhere, it's the only brand of Sherry wine my grocery store carries. One bottle will last you a lifetime. It is at ph=4 like the 1992 adducts study calls for, and it contains average 5mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass like we use in the experiment, just like what the study requires (around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution).

There is a picture of the Sherry wine in pic #1 on post #1, right behind two of the home grown cactus I grew and cut from top of existing cactus. I have found out I like to take 300 to 400ug of the 1-acetaldehyde LSD with 400g fresh (no core) of the cactus (equivalent of 400mg mescaline) cause it makes it feel like 700mg of mescaline. Whereas LSD + cactus just feels like "acid + cactus" nothing too terribly special of a combination, but the 1-acetaldehyde LSD with cactus--->now that is something very special.

Below the pic of the Taylor brand sherry and cactus you will see "double morning glory planters". Each planter is 17" wide x 15" tall with 7 foot tall round welded fence, each contain 15 plants. When I first brought the planter and fence home, my wife looked at me like I was crazy, like the scene in "Close encounters of the 3rd kind" where Richard Dreyfus raids his neighbors's chicken coop for a piece of fence to build a replica of the "Wyoming Devil's Tower." This same experiment also works with cold water acidified extracts of morning glory seeds, transforming the LSH and penniclavine to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine. I did this same thing over 22 years ago with mg seeds.

The ancient Aztec and Mayan also normally added the fresh or dried morning glory extract to wine or liquor as well, notes Shultes on page 515 of "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" by Ratsch. The ancient Greek Priest would add fresh mint to the entheogenic brew consisting of fresh claviceps paspali which contains high levels of LSH when fresh as well, transforming the LSH to 1-aceteldehyde LSH, as mint contains 2mg acetaldehyde per 5 drops mint or peppermint extract.

The ancient Aztec & Mayan & Greek Priest were not the only ones to transform their brews...Dr. Shulgin shows how the beta-carboline harmaline transforms into tetrahydroharmine when a vitamin C doner is added to long standing boiling brew...as it donates 2 hydrogen atoms at the indole "N" position, transforming to "NH" as the sleepy dreamy harmaline transforms to the stimulating, euphoric and colorfully visual alkaloid tetrahydroharmine or thh in an issue of "Entheogen Review" questions and answers section with Dr. Shulgin. This is done by the Santo Daime vegetal group, as none of their brews contain any leftover harmaline (they brew for long periods with added vitamin C) see paper on this at bottom of references under wikipedia entry for tetrahydroharmine by Dr. Callaway 2005. See page 154 with chemical diagrams showing addition at indole N (nitrogen) position to "NH": https://catbull.com/alamut/Bibliothek/various alkaloid profiles in aya decoction.pdf

Notice the similarity of what is happening above at the nitrogen N position of the indole on the betacarboline harmaline --> transformation to tetrahydroharmine as what is theoretically happening at the nitrogen NH group position of the bottom indole of the ergoline LSD as well, via the donation of acetaldehyde under proper ph=4 acidic conditions over a several hour period with sitting/stirring once per hour.

From Sandoz Labs, where Albert Hofmann also discovered ALD-52:
Sandoz labs suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD-52 produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state.

It was also found to display "twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power" of normal LSD.

ALD-52 is listed as having a lower (approximately 1/5) intravenous toxicity (in rabbits), a lower (approximately one eighth pyretogenic effect, and double the "antiserotonin" effect as compared with LSD. Human experiments have not been well documented.
I have made 1-acetaldehyde LSD at the 300ug dosage, 400ug dosage, and again at the 400ug dosage, all spaced about 2 weeks apart...

There is Zero anxiety, zero tenseness, zero wandering thoughts, no "neural overload" feeling like with normal LSD...deep mental headspace, pure psychedelic bliss. Replacing the "electricity" of LSD with calm, profound beauty enhancement to the nth degree and visuals beyond normal LSD.

LSD feels "man-made" to me and is "analytical" and not very aesthetic, whereas 1-acetaldehyde LSD feels very natural, primitive and infinitely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with cactus.

The comeup is smooth and relaxing like with cactus, no sudden drop off like with acid as it lasts much longer than acid with a warm gentle transition back to reality over a long period of time. Like a long warm hug and embrace.

With closed eyes, high speed movies played in color in the visual plain, flowers, animals, beautiful people, vast meadows and gardens, grand architecture including palaces and interior decorations within them. I climbed the steps of one of these palaces surrounded by art carvings of animals to the left and right of all the steps leading up to the entrance. Mind blowing visions.

With open eyes, colors were once again out of this world and impossible for hours on end, the beauty was infinite as patterns formed everywhere and inside the tracers when I moved my hand I once again saw colored fractals inside them, extremely powerful visuals and transcendence. I never see fractals inside tracers on normal LSD, just shadows of the hand.

Appreciation of the beauty of the two on-screen actresses from "to the stars" (new movie on hulu) was euphorically over the top, similar to tripping on cactus. Like being in Heaven, beauty is perceived as being infinite and divine.

This is the only way I will take acid from now on till I die. Extremely beautiful experience with none of the side effects of normal acid.

I did not discover this study, I was directed to it via a vision from a spiritually prominent Shaman, see story further up in post #1. He wanted humanity to know about it.
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We now have confirmation from another person at shroomery (go to ODD, other drugs discussion section of forum):

Namaste said:
"I think you're on to something here. It was extremely chill. Soft around the edges. When I started coming down, it felt like 10 years of therapy.

I remembered good times, felt compassion. Listened to music I haven't listened to in years. Thought about friends, was at peace in a way that I haven't felt before.

The stars formed into animated constellations. My Bodhi statue began to juggle. I saw the Perseidies meteors not just out of the corner of my eyes but right over my face while lying in a hammock. Saw the entire movement from start to finish. They looked like giant arrows.

Stayed awake all day, went out to visit friends. It was very happy nostalgia. Sometimes larger doses make me totally black out. Not this time, I was awake and aware. No primal fear or paranoia.

Give this a go!

I used McCormick brand peppermint, not spearmint, and Holland House brand Sherry. It did feel 'altered', seems to extend the duration too. Felt like I was still peaking seven hours after dropping. Sometimes I get a cracked out, confused feeling, not this time.

Haven't seen neon colors like that since the one and only time I was puddled.

Sunday's are generally filled with dread and depression for the following week. Experienced none of that. Just a long lasting afterglow. Still in a great mood now. I did get a pretty severe headache but I also drink like it's my job, and I am on a SSRI.

Been thinking about Ephesus and Pergamon, not sure if thats subliminal or coincidence.

Going to wait 3-4 months and repeat."

Thank you Namaste!:)
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Namaste said:
I think you're on to something here. It was extremely chill. Soft around the edges. When I started coming down, it felt like 10 years of therapy.

I remembered good times, felt compassion. Listened to music I haven't listened to in years. Thought about friends, was at peace in a way that I haven't felt before.

The stars formed into animated constellations. My Bodhi statue began to juggle. I saw the Perseidies meteors not just out of the corner of my eyes but right over my face while lying in a hammock. Saw the entire movement from start to finish. They looked like giant arrows.

Stayed awake all day, went out to visit friends. It was very happy nostalgia. Sometimes larger doses make me totally black out. Not this time, I was awake and aware. No primal fear or paranoia.

I used McCormick brand peppermint, not spearmint, and Holland House brand Sherry. It did feel 'altered', seems to extend the duration too. Felt like I was still peaking seven hours after dropping. Sometimes I get a cracked out, confused feeling, not this time.

Haven't seen neon colors like that since the one and only time I was puddled.

Sunday's are generally filled with dread and depression for the following week. Experienced none of that. Just a long lasting afterglow. Still in a great mood now. I did get a pretty severe headache but I also drink like it's my job, and I am on a SSRI.

Been thinking about Ephesus and Pergamon, not sure if thats subliminal or coincidence. 🤷

Going to wait 3-4 months and repeat.

Give this a go!
Namaste thanks a million for your report, you are the 2nd person on the planet besides myself to give this a go.

So cool Namaste that you watched the meteor shower outside, as the Perseidies are active every year from July 14 to August 24, according to NASA. You also mention that you saw "neon colors like you have not seen in ages" and that "you did not experience the depression which sometimes follows days later".

That's another thing I love about this 1-acetaldehyde LSD, it is extremely colorful, way more colorful than acid, more similar to mescaline in that respect. For hours with open eyes I see impossible out of this world neon colors, reminds me of Ayahuasca or Mescaline with the colors. I have made this at 300ug, 400ug, and again at 400ug, all spaced around 2 weeks apart. I also do not experience the typical mood drop 2 days later, but still feel pretty darn good days later...I also like the fact that it last around double the time that acid does, I am also still peaking way past 4 hours later..I get "double the fun" out of this compared to acid. I never liked the way acid ended so abruptly, I prefer how this last way longer, just like cactus which lasts way longer than acid. I am taking this again for the 4rth time tonight, as I work all weekend, and today and tomorrow is my "weekend" as I work long shifts.

I have a strong suspicion that 1-acetaldehyde LSD does not work thru the 5-ht2a receptor, but rather shifts the receptorome or radio ligand binding "away from 5-ht2a" and towards the adrenal A2A, A2B & A2C receptor binding which is the dominace or habitat of mescaline, dmt, and psilocin, see color chart on page 1. That's why 1-acetaldehyde LSD is more colorful, zero anxiety & tenseness, more visual, amazing mental headspace.

LSD feels "man-made" to me and is "analytical" and not very aesthetic, whereas 1-acetaldehyde LSD feels very natural, primitive and infinitely aesthetic (beauty enhancing) like with cactus. LSD induces "intense concentration" and "anxiety" whereas this produces "over the top" appreciation for beauty and profound visuals similar to how mescaline takes these same qualities to the nth level.

TWM said:
Also tregar, please do not take my posts as "doubt". I have followed your posts immanently since 2012 when you discovered HPBCD coupling with 25i's for oral. And as an amazing discovery as that was, and revolutionzed the world - it was ended up being only a scientific discovery because those series were awful.

But regardless, here I am immanently following all your posts, and this one. And I hope that if this legitimate, you will let me help you realize that with empirical and concrete evidence. Empirical in the sense that I have a distinct gift for psychedelic sensitivity as well as many powers to concretely prove this if possible.

I am very excited to host this experiment as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing your results, glad you have 500ug soaking (you said you were going to take 1/2 of it), just use 5 drops of the McCormick's brand peppermint extract or whatever you can find at grocery store.

Note (1): Make sure your sherry wine is cold before you use it, it contains 5 mg acetaldehyde per 15ml or 1/2 shot glass. Acetaldehyde boils off at 68 degrees F, or slightly below room temp, so keep 1/2 shot glass of it in fridge at all times until you consume. It is also at ph=4 which is what 1992 adducts study calls for, researchers said "the lower the ph, the faster the reaction."

Note (2): Menthol is largest ingredient in peppermint extract and causes cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition in the liver, which is involved in the metabolism of exogenous chemicals. This may have a potential effect in preventing the breakdown of 1-acetaldehyde LSD. Peppermint extract also contains 2mg water soluble acetaldehyde per 5 drops.

See my comments above how Dr. Shulgin explains how the betacarboline harmaline converts to tetrahydroharmine via the donation of 2 hydrogen atoms from "vitamin C doner" via stirring and boiling for many hours, same way Santo Daime brew their Ayahuasca for long periods with added vitamin C, tables and charts & link to paper given above with chemical diagram explaining the chemical conversion process via the addition at the indole "N" position, changing to "NH".

See my story on Post #1 (page 1) about how a Shaman lead me to the 1992 adducts study in a 20 minute vision, He wanted all of humanity to know about this, as this is the way the Aztecs would prepare their morning glory seed extract, normally adding it to liquor for the conversion to happen either externally or "in vivo" in the liver.

Note (2) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37)."
But I thought, A lie told often enough becomes the truth
Good point but it only becomes A truth maybe but not the truth....usually it just gets boring or deadly or both, deadly and boring.

Die große Lüge is still a lie
Die kleine Lüge is also still a lie

so how about some truths? for example
Your butt actaully does look big in that, because your butt is actually big.
The cheque isn't in the post
Mixing acid with the internet and peppermint makes many long dull slightly minty posts.
Namaste said:

Thanks for sharing the recipe. I really do believe that there is a conversion into a new substance, that it's acting on different receptors. That was one of the best trips of my life and I dose several times/year.

Blessed be
Even if you were able to make the reaction work, I'm not sure if the amount of menthol you're talking would be able to produce enough enzyme inhibition to significantly prevent the metabolism of 1-hydroxyethyl-LSD, considering you would be taking way less than a miligram of the latter.
I saw this nine dollar wine preservation canister, will prevent oxidation of the wine, instead a bottle of sherry wine will last several months instead of just a few weeks. This way the natural precious high levels of acetaldehyde in the sherry wine will not oxidize to acetic acid over time.

Replaces the air that seeps into an open bottle with a balanced mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon to keep wine fresh: just look up "private preserve wine preservation system", less than ten dollars. Seen it at amazon.

I quote studies above from Dr. Shulgin, Dr. Callaway, and the 1992 indole adducts study, all support my theory, and the real world results speak for themselves. There is even the possibility of "in vivo" transformation in the liver just as cocaine from coca leaf tea bags (5mg cocaine per tea bag) + soaked in ethanol in wine = transforms to the orally potent cocaethylene when drunk. Last longer and even more euphoric than cocaine, IN VIVO REACTION was not discovered till 1994, even though "Vin Mariani coca leaf wine" was created in 1896. Drunk by both popes, Thomas Edison and scores of other famous people for decades until made illegal. After all, the 1992 indole adducts paper "Tryptophan analogues form adducts by cooperative reaction with aldehydes and alcohols or with aldehydes alone: possible role in ethanol toxicity" discusses this distinct possibility.

There is no mistaking 1-acetaldehyde LSD for LSD, completely different, like an upgraded version of LSD. Have a strong suspicion that it does not work thru the 5-ht2a receptor, but rather the A2A, A2B and A2C receptors, which are the dominance or habitat of mescaline, dmt in Ayahuasca, and psilocin. Give this a shot, will only cost you around six dollars for the bottle of Sherry wine which will last several months with a ten dollar wine preservation canister and two dollars for the peppermint extract, really works extremely well.

Like I said, if you don't want to try it over here, that's fine, we have 4 people testing this method at TheShroomery currently. 2 with documented outstanding results (myself and Namaste so far). TWM and other person will be testing this weekend.
If you don't want to believe me then listen to Namaste (he took acid hundreds of times in the past, just like myself, his full trip report is below with 300ug of 1-acetaldehyde LSD):

"Thanks for sharing the recipe. I really do believe that there is a conversion into a new substance, that it's acting on different receptors. That was one of the best trips of my life and I dose several times/year.

Blessed be

I think you're on to something here. It was extremely chill. Soft around the edges. When I started coming down, it felt like 10 years of therapy.

I remembered good times, felt compassion. Listened to music I haven't listened to in years. Thought about friends, was at peace in a way that I haven't felt before.

The stars formed into animated constellations. My Bodhi statue began to juggle. I saw the Perseidies meteors not just out of the corner of my eyes but right over my face while lying in a hammock. Saw the entire movement from start to finish. They looked like giant arrows.

Stayed awake all day, went out to visit friends. It was very happy nostalgia. Sometimes larger doses make me totally black out. Not this time, I was awake and aware. No primal fear or paranoia.

I used McCormick brand peppermint, not spearmint, and Holland House brand Sherry. It did feel 'altered', seems to extend the duration too. Felt like I was still peaking seven hours after dropping. Sometimes I get a cracked out, confused feeling, not this time.

Haven't seen neon colors like that since the one and only time I was puddled.

Sunday's are generally filled with dread and depression for the following week. Experienced none of that. Just a long lasting afterglow. Still in a great mood now. I did get a pretty severe headache but I also drink like it's my job, and I am on a SSRI.

Been thinking about Ephesus and Pergamon, not sure if thats subliminal or coincidence. 🤷

Going to wait 3-4 months and repeat.

Give this a go! "
I mean if it makes the experience more enjoyable for you I guess that's all that matters in the end.

Maybe you should consider sending a sample for analysis if you're convinced that there's a new substance in it, it would clear out many doubts. An anecdote is still an anecdote though and psychedelics are highly subjective substances, just because 3 people have agreed with you doesn't mean it's true (plus they have most definitely been influenced by your trip report).
You know, you could get an answer one way or another by sending a sample of your resulting product into a lab for analysis. Then either you could drop this obsessive quest of yours, or else post the lab results and say "I told you so" to everyone questioning your conclusions. So far you just have subjective reports and claims that are dubious on the science from some very highly educated people whose life's work has been understanding organic chemistry.