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Bupe The Subutex Train


Sep 22, 2010
I'm a male in my late 30's,I've been using drugs since my early teens,been addicted to Heroin at 19 and managed to kick the methadone habit.

My ol mum died in 2013 and it hit me hard,I relapsed after 19 years,my doc decided to put me on Subutex...This time it's time it's been harder to get off. I've been on it nearly two year now and I must say its a shit of a drug,it were easier for me to get off Methadone,so I decided to get a shit load of kratom,I like kratom and have used it many times in the past,this time I would use it to get off subutex. I managed to come down from 32mg of subs a day to .4mg then I jumped to kratom,at first I had to use at least 40 grams of plain leaf to get me through,this I did for about four weeks,but then I started to get cravings for something more,it wore off too quickly,so I had to redoes at least three times a day.

I managed to accumulate a good amount of subutex,because I was craving for a high I decided to try some after 6 weeks without,at first I worried if it would put me in precipitated withdrawal,but no it doesn't,I thought I would only need a small amount,I was wrong,first I railed .4mg,nothing,then I took 2mg sublingual,still nothing,so now I know that kratom is more powerful than thought,it must be binding to my receptors pretty well,so much so that the subutex cannot push it out,so after all that I'm not high...It's almost as if God is telling me that I will never get high again from opiates.

The one I lesson I have learnt is that Kratom feels much more healthy and natural and I would much rather be addicted to kratom than subutex,the only thing with kratom is that even in high doses it still is stimulating to the point of keeping me awake at night,not like subutex.

Long live Kratom!

This post is for educational purposes,to help those who have an enquiring mind and I hope this May answer some of your questions and help you on your way.
I would like to add that once the kratom wore off in my system the buprenorphine effects became more pronounced,so that by the 10 hour mark after consumption I was very much in a typical opiate intoxication. Kratom binds pretty hard to receptors and definitely builds up in your system over time,but by the time buprenorphine really kicks in then it's impossible for the kratom to kick it out,basically it a case of waiting for the bupe to make its way out before kratom gets a hold again,which is at least a week IMO. Even then once you can feel the kratom it's never like it was before I became addicted to bupe,the longer your on bupe the harder and longer it will be until you ever feel the effects of a true agonist again.

Also in my experimentation I have found that when on a low maintenance dose of bupe,say .4mg,it is possible to feel the effects of kratom and that it compliments it in a good way,in no way is it powerful,but pleasurable none the less.
Now I've done and heard a lot but lately I've been reading about kratom in threads....what's is it? Does it work?
Yes is definitely works my friend,the best method of ingestion is to stick a spoonful in your mouth and wash down,hold your breath while you do it though as if you breath in it will go down your lungs and give you a coughing fit. It's very bitter to taste and causes slight numbing of the mouth,but once it kicks in,dose depending,you will definitely feel it and get much relief from bupe withdrawal. It is addictive but much more friendly than opiates,it also has an effect on serotonin so makes your mood brighter too,which is what's needed when I'm withdrawal and it also effects the adrenals so gives you some get up and go so you can get through the debilitating fatigue.

I hope this helps Tommy

P.s check out wiki for more info.
So you got off opiates using kratom? How long have you been off opiates for? Was it very hard to detox off kratom?
Yes I have used kratom to get off buprenorphine but only by using large doses,like 50 grams a day and more. The transition was painless and that's coming off 4mcg of bupe. I have managed to go a day without kratom but it was murder,definitely bearable but my will is weak and addiction still a problem,but in the past I have successfully come off of kratom without hardly any discomfort and it only lasted a few days,my problem this time is that I have been on the bupe too long so have created a stable reliance to the effects of opiates,this is why I have swapped one addiction for another. Kratom is much better though and much kinder as long as you get your dosing and timing right.